Broly In Naruto

Preliminaries (Part 2)

"You're nothing but a little pup Kiba!" Naruto bellowed while wiping his tears away from his laughter.

"I'll show you a little puppy, last place! Come on Akamaru!" Kiba shouted while flicking a soldier pill into his mouth and also his own's.

Akamaru's fur started to turn red. His behavior changed into one that would fit more of a wild beast than a tiny dog that his appearance shows. He started to slob and drool while his fangs grew sharper. Akamaru jumped on top of Kiba's back and Kiba formed a hand sign while shouting, "Man Beast Clone!" A cloud of smoke formed around the man and dog duo. Naruto waited patiently for his opponent to finish.

As the smoke cleared up, it revealed two Kiba's! One taking the place of Akamaru's spot on top of Kiba's back and the other one crouching. The two clones separated and ran towards Naruto on opposite sides. They both leaped towards Naruto with their claws/hands stretched out. Naruto back flipped out of the way as they landed and cracked the ground slightly with their attack. The two clones recovered and quickly went back on the offensive. Naruto instead of retaliating decided to humiliate Kiba by acting like a clown instead of fighting him seriously!

He started to make funny faces at the two clones of Kiba. Every time they missed an attack he would laugh at them and gloat and taunt. Eventually this enraged the two Kiba's so badly they decided to step it up a notch. They started to claw the air while spinning around until they formed two spinning grey drills! Naruto's face suddenly turned serious. He realized he wouldn't be able to play around with Kiba as he had been so far.

"Man-Beast Ultimate Taijutsu: Fang Over Fang!" The Kiba's yelled as they drilled towards Naruto.

Naruto pushed off the ground and hopped over the two drills while yelling.


The two Kiba's quickly recovered and attempted the technique again. Naruto this time was already prepared, while he was in the air he created 3 shadow clones.

Those shadow clones started to copy Kiba's movements! They started to claw into the air before transforming into three orange drills! But instead of aiming right for Kiba and his clone, they all spun off into different directions and crashed into the arena's walls! The audience gasped at the blonde's ingenuity!

"How is he able to copy Kiba's move?! He doesn't have eyes like yours!" Sakura asked Sasuke.

"Seems like he isn't as much as a loser as I thought he was." Sasuke replied.

"Kiba-kun is not going to be happy about this…" Hinata said quietly.

"From his current state, you can certainly see he's not happy about this development." Shino said.

"Hey Aomatsuna! He did the same thing you did! Kind of." Esumi pointed out.

"It seems as so." Broly said.

"HEY YOU COPIED MY MOVE!!" One of the Kiba's shouted.

"I didn't see your name on it." Naruto said shamelessly.

"IT'S THE SAME TECHNIQUE THAT I USE YOU COPY CAT!" Kiba shouted even louder.

"No way. No way. It's just a coincidence." Naruto said while rubbing his hair and looking into the sky.

The two Kiba's growled and threw purple smoke bombs that robbed most of the upper level watcher's view. While also taking away Naruto's view as well. Naruto was suddenly kicked in the back and knocked forward. He almost fell but caught himself before nearly being kicked in the chin by another incoming pair of feet!

Naruto put his fingers together in the classic shadow clone hand seal, before creating 4 shadow clones and locking hands with them. They started to spin rapidly in a tornado-like manner. Clearing away the smoke and revealing the two Kiba's once again. But after they cleared the arena of smoke they didn't stop spinning. They shot up into the air together and formed Kiba's Fang over Fang technique once again, merging into a larger orange drill that dove straight towards Kiba.

One of the Kiba's hopped on the others back before also forming the same technique and shot forward to clash head on with Naruto's copy of his technique! The audience looked in suspense at the incoming duel between similar techniques. Hayate got ready to call the match soon.

"Naruto definitely has dog boy beat. I mean 5 beats 2." Esumi said.

"He should have chosen a different choice of action for sure." Jabie said.

"What a fool." Broly stated.

The winds surrounding the two? Seven fighters? Started to get pulled into the two drills as the tunneled towards each other. The orange drill coming to crash down and the grey drill drilling towards the heavens.


A fierce gust of wind blew from the impact of the two techniques. Blowing back many of the watcher's hair and clothing's. Hayate was slightly blown back from the impact and slid while continuing to watch the outcome of the intense attacks.

*CRASH* A blur was seen blasting from the clash into the arena's wall. A painful groan and yelp was heard before a *THUD* was heard.

"HAHA YEAH! I DID IT!" Naruto shouted still midair, but with a banged-up appearance, zero clones, and some cuts on his outfit.

He landed before looking at Hayate with an expression that said "Come on. Tell everyone who's the winner of this round. Say his name."

Suddenly the movement of rubble was heard and a torn, bruised, and bloodied duo of man and dog emerged. Kiba's legs were shaking as he held a similar looking Akamaru in his arm. He was staring at Naruto as if he was not willing to lose and was ready to give everything to win this match. Naruto would have taunted Kiba, but he saw the seriousness in his eyes and decided otherwise. Kiba soon fainted afterwards.

"The winner of this match is Naruto Uzumaki." Hayate said before the medical nin came and took Kiba and his dog to the infirmary.

Naruto cheered once again before returning to his team's location.

"Not an unexpected outcome." Broly said

"The dumb idiot should've kicked him and his dog back down when they got up." Esumi said.

"I believe if he dodged when Naruto was above him, he could've stayed a bit longer to show off his prowess." Jabie spoke.

[Ino Yamanaka VS Kankuro]

The two fighters met in the middle. One with a determined look on her face. The other with a smirk as if there was no way he could lose. Hayate signaled to start and Ino immediately threw some kunai at Kankuro. Kankuro dodged them and Ino immediately followed up with a straight punch to the face. Kankuro dodged once more but soon found a kick heading straight for his midsection. He couldn't dodge this so he smiled. *THUD*

"OWWWWWWWW! What the heck is your body made of freaking wood?!" Ino shouted while holding her leg.

Suddenly Kankuro leaped and punched right towards the slightly injured Ino. Ino quickly put down her hurt leg and nearly dodged. Kankuro's fist slightly touched her shoulder and the force behind it was definitely too much to be normal.

Ino looked at the wrapped figure on the ground that Kankuro had brought into the arena and then at Kankuro himself. She noticed something similar about the two of them..

'The hair is the same! But what does that mean?! And why is his body so hard?!' Ino thought to herself.

Ino was constantly dodging Kankuro's attacks before kicking off his body and throwing a kunai with an explosive tag attached to it at the wrapped figure. This caused Kankuro to quickly return back to the wrapped figure he left on the ground and take the attack for it. *BOOM*

The audience are shocked and confused about why he would take an explosive kunai for some dumb ninja tool he has until pieces of wood started to fall to the ground. From the explosion, came a six-armed, 3-eyed puppet! The puppet flew towards the surprised Ino. From it's wrist a sharp blade shot out.

Ino didn't lose her nerve. Ever since the battle with the Blue Man, she and her team decided to take their training a bit more seriously in case something like that were to ever happen again. If their sensei wasn't there they could have easily been targeted and kidnapped. Ino dodged the blade and threw another explosive kunai at the puppet. This time however it decided to dodge the flying explosion and shoot out a flurry of senbon from its mouth. Ino quickly substituted herself with the explosion kunai and appeared over the wrapped figure once more with a kunai in her hand.
The wrapped figure started to move before quickly hopping out of the wraps and Ino's attack. It was Kankuro inside that was wrapped up and not some ninja tool after all!

"I knew you were hiding something important in there!" Ino shouted before quickly attacking the real Kankuro. Kankuro was sweating a little bit due to the close call he had there and the fact that taijutsu is not his forte. He substituted himself with his puppet to gain some distance away from the blonde-haired girl. Ino was slashed at by the puppet who had some wrist knives out. Her clothes were getting slashed and sliced, but no skin contact has been officially made.

She saw some type of purple liquid on the wrist knives and promptly decided to avoid getting hit by them. She was all out of explosive kunai, so she decided on the next best thing. Her body! Ino ducked under the puppet and swiftly kneed it in the chin, knocking it up and away for a couple of seconds. She then stood straight up before making a strange circular hand sign. She aimed at the puppet that recovered and was diving straight for her.

"Mind Transfer Jutsu!" After Ino shouted this, her body went limp along with Kankuro's puppet who fell straight down from the air. Kankuro and most of the audience was confused on what happened. He flexed his fingers to try and move his puppet.

'I didn't know the mind transfer jutsu worked on puppets.' Shikamaru thought.

"I guess that last minute training I gave you three worked pretty well. I'm proud of Ino." Asuma stated to his students.

"There's that annoying unseeable jutsu. Well it doesn't work against me anymore though!" Esumi stated.

"I'm sure the Yamanaka clan works in the spiritual side of chakra more than a mix or the physical side of it." Jabie informed.

Broly flexed his neck as he started to get used to the cursed seal mark on his neck and feeling its strange chakra.

"So this is the clan that takes over the mind and body of the enemy. I could use that." Aomatsuna said.

After Kankuro flexed his fingers to try and control his puppet, it slowly raised as if it was a ghost from a cemetery. His puppet turned around and suddenly took off towards him! Kankuro was shocked and still confused! His puppet was careening towards him and he felt unsafe and uneasy about it. He tried to dodge but the puppet grabbed his leg and slammed him on the ground.

"Idiot." Gaara commented about his brother.

"He really should get something besides his puppet to attack with…" Temari said with a face palm.

After slamming him into the ground, the puppet then wrapped around him and started to crush Kankuro. Kankuro's bones creaked and he shouted in pain.

"Surrender or I'll break all your bones" The puppet said in Ino's voice but more mechanized.

"You! You.. You took over my puppet's body with that weird jutsu of yours!" Kankuro squeezed out.

"Yep! Now give up or I'll squeeze a lot harder makeup boy!" Ino threatened.

Kankuro gave his surrender and Ino returned back to her body. Hayate declared Ino the winner and Kankuro walked back to his siblings in defeat, while Ino returned to her team in celebration.

"I should kill you for losing so pathetically." Gaara said with a glare in his eyes. This response caused Kankuro to shiver and sweat. Gaara simply turned away and didn't bother with him anymore.

"Nice job Ino! You were awesome!" Chouji said.

"You know it! I did great!" Ino said while fist pumping into the air.

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