Broly In Naruto

More Fights!

Jabie was the only one who looked at the upcoming battle with interest within Team 11. But he was also the only one really able to gain anything from this battle. Not counting the person who wins the battle.

"Please begin." Hayate said before watching Miyahara whip out a scroll on her back and summon a large wrecking ball attached to a chain.

The wrecking ball was two times the size of the owner! Miyahara started to spin around with the steel ball and steel chain. Slowly increasing the length every complete spin. Juria activated her Byakugan and started to rush towards Miyahara.

Juria easily saw the wrecking ball's trajectory and slipped past the spinning ball of death and then proceeded to jump in the air and dive towards Miyahara with her palm. Miyahara couldn't stop her spinning momentum in time and was palmed in the back. She slid away with a palm print on her back and slightly stunned from the effects of the attack. Juria quickly took advantage of her opponent's circumstance and palmed both of Miyahara's arms, before Miyahara booted Juria in the stomach. Juria flew away ungracefully and rolled quite painfully before she slowed to a stop.

"Owieeeee. You got a hard foot.." Juria said in a cute voice.

"That's not the only hard thing I got you!" Miyahara said before she appeared in front of Juria's face with both of her feet diving towards her face.

Juria's white featureless eyes widen in surprise. She quickly rolled out the way and let the muscularly-built girl crash into the wall. She got up and went back into her clan's taijutsu stance.

After the crash, dust rose in agitation from it. Slowly Miyahara walked out of the dust field and locked eyes with Juria. She started to make some hand signed before shouting "Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Jutsu!" and blowing high speed fireballs at Juria. Juria quickly started to dash away while getting closer to Miyahara. Miyahara smirked before throwing a mass amount of shuriken in no discernible direction.

Juria with her Byakugan saw through this seemingly random move. Attached to each shuriken was a sharp nearly invisible ninja wire! She was blocked off from Miyahara momentarily. She didn't have any ninjutsu to get rid of these ninja wires with so she decided to hope for the best and jump over them. She gathered chakra in her feet and blasted off in the air.

Unfortunately for Juria, this was exactly what Miyahara was hoping for. Miyahara was already spinning her wrecking ball that was collecting all the shuriken and ninja wire that she threw earlier and set it on fire! She flung her flaming spiky wrecking ball at the mid-air female kunoichi. Juria screamed before the devastating attack landed.

But luckily for her Miyahara pulled back her attack at the last moment, freeing the girl from a painful and particularly horrifying end. She landed on her feet with the fear of death in the shape of a steel ball still in her eyes.

"Surrender princess. This isn't the only thing I have up my sleeve." Miyahara said in a boastful tone.

"I…. surrender…" Juria said.

"I'm stopping the fight here. And thus.. The winner of the first match, Miyahara Otsune, has passed the prelims!" Hayate said.

Miyahara's teammates and sensei cheered for her, prompting her to raise her arm in victory and start flexing. Causing some of the genin and jonin to laugh. The Trio of Demons however had a different look. Jabie was absolutely upset. The hyuuga girl he marked did absolutely nothing! She only got a few hits in before losing immediately! He was hoping those few hits she landed was enough to research some things about the Hyuuga clan's taijutsu. Esumi was interesting in taking that metal ball off of her hands if she happened to fight her. Broly didn't really find anything interesting about this match.

The electric board starting to speed through the contestant's names once again.

[Yada Esumi VS Uchibayashi Masazumi]

"YES! I'm next! I'm definitely gonna enjoy this battle!" Esumi cheered.

"Hmph. This is gonna be a piece of cake." Uchibayashi said.

The two walked into the preliminary arena before stopping a couple feet in front of each other.

"Now we will begin the second match. Please begin." Hayate said before Uchibayashi immediately dashed towards Esumi.

Uchibayashi slung his arm back and sent a punch towards Esumi's face.

"Great a brainless one. This should be fun enough to last me until this is over. I hope." Esumi said before dodging in an effortless manner and swiftly kicking Uchibayashi in the gut.

Uchibayashi was sent flying towards the other side of the arena! Everyone, including Esumi widened their eyes in shock. How could such a small girl generate such force in her body?! Esumi herself was thinking how could this guy be so weak and make it this far!?! She might have to hold back a bit if she wants to have her fun. Uchibayashi, who was currently flying, was confused why he was moving so far away from his opponent and why did his stomach hurt so badly before crashing into the wall.

Esumi tch'd in annoyance and raised her gravity seal to level 8, the same as Jabie's, before walking over to see if this idiot lost before she could satisfy herself. She concentrated her chakra in her hand before waving all the dust away, only to see a dizzy boy walking around unsteadily while going through some hand signs. She only heard the words "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" before a stream of fire came from the boy's mouth.

Sadly due to his dazed state, his aim was very off and made it very easy for Esumi to dodge the beam of fire. Esumi grabbed her metal pipe like sword off of her back and appeared behind Uchibayashi. She smashed her weapon against the back of his leg, *CRACK* causing a rather uncharacteristic shriek to come from the dark and broody looking boy. His teammates looked in worry and slight anger. His sensei's face grew grim at the brutality this fellow leaf-nin shown.

Esumi on the other hand smiled widely at the sound of the hit. She looked at the boy kneeling on one knee. She heard the words "I…. sur-"

Esumi's face turned into one of a raging She-demon as she kicked the boy's jaw shut, nearly breaking it and his teeth!

"If you even think about saying those words, this will be the last time you ever say anything again!" Esumi warned with killing intent that shouldn't be seen on a girl her age. This caused many of the jonin to look seriously at the cruel, small blue-haired genin.

"How can she have such a high bloodlust at her age? What is her teacher teaching her?!"

"How could she treat a fellow member of her village in such a brutal way? Doesn't she have any comradery?!"

"Very unyouthful display."

Esumi walked over to the boy who was shivering in terror and started to wail on him more and more until eventually he looked at Hayate in the eyes. Pleading and begging to save him with just his eyes. Esumi stood over the boy with a terrifying smile on her face and swung downward with Basher.

Uchibayashi disappeared and a huge crack in the arena's ground formed from Esumi's attack. She was confused on how her punching bag disappeared before she saw him with the referee!

"Hey you sick prick! He didn't say he surrendered! Why did you jump in!?" Esumi shouted without restraint.

"Like I said earlier, I am the one who decides when the winner is clearly established. Anyway the winner for the second round, Yada Esumi, has passed the prelims." Hayate said with a light cough.

Esumi clearly displeased at the lack of a great finish returned back to Aomatsuna and Jabie with a pout on her face. The surrounding genin and jonin looked towards her.

"She's pretty scary for a leaf shinobi." Temari said to her brother.

"At least not all of them are as weak as they look." Kankuro agreed.

"Violent women are so troublesome.." Shikamaru said.

"I'm not so hungry after seeing that match…" Chouji said while putting away his chips.

"She doesn't look so tough!" Ino said slightly unconvinced in her self.

Jabie was snickering off to the side at Esumi. Esumi blew up and started to swing at Jabie in anger. Jabie dodged the attacks while still laughing.

"No fighting in the stands or you both will be disqualified." Hayate interrupted, causing Esumi to place Basher back on her back and look towards Hayate with a glare.

He ignored this and coughed as the electric board started to flash through the genin's names once again.

[Rock Lee vs Uehara Ruka]

"Here I go Gai-sensei!" Lee said before flipping off the balcony and landing inside the arena with a "stylish" entrance. His opponent however just walked normally.

The green jumpsuit genin met eyes with his female opponent. She wore thick glasses, a lavender jacket, and a black long skirt. Hayate signaled for them to begin and she started to go through hand seals. Lee however appeared in front of her instantly and punched towards her chest. This surprised the young kunoichi and she quickly stopped her jutsu and blocked. She was sent sliding backwards from the force of Lee's punch and her arms felt slightly numb.

She tried again to make the jutsu but was once again stopped by Lee. Lee after knocking her backwards followed up with a jump kick soaring towards her. Uehara dropped to the floor and rolled over to recover. As Lee recovered from his attack and dashed at Uehara once again but, Uehara finally made the hand signs for the jutsu she was attempting and shouted "Ninja Art: Needle Trick Jutsu!" in a very squeaky voice.

Lee stopped in his tracks. Suddenly hundreds and thousands of needles started to phase through the ground and ceiling of the arena. They all pointed towards him and suddenly started to bombard him! Lee tried to dodge as many as he could, but there was little place to hide in this wide opened area arena. He was pierced on all sides, throughout his entire body. He looked towards his meek looking opponent..

He reached out his bandaged hand towards her before suddenly forming it into a fist and having a gust of wind surround his body. His skin started to turn red as if he was heating himself up. His chakra started to flow visible around his body, surrounding him in a blue aura. He shouted "Gate of Opening! Release!" And suddenly all the needles that were pierced inside him disappeared and only left the same weak looking Uehara standing there with panic on her face.

"So you trapped me inside a genjutsu.. How sad I had to use this technique just to break free from a genjutsu." Lee said before suddenly appearing in front of Uehara. She was about to hop away but Lee punched her in the chest and smashed her in the ground. He returned to his normal form as he awaited Hayate's decision.

"The winner for the third round is Rock Lee." Hayate said while coughing into his fist.

The medical nin came in to collect Uehara and swiftly left with her on the stretcher. Miyahara looked at Lee with vengeance in her eyes.

"I'll make him pay for what he did to my cute teammate!" Miyahara shouted.

"I did it Gai-sensei! I made it!" Lee cheered before returning to his team.

"I wonder what was that technique he used… I need to find out.." Jabie murmured to himself.

"I don't think looking like a tomato would be a good look for you. You already look like a number of foods already!" Esumi laughed.

Broly had slight hint of a smile on his lips as well.

"Yeah yeah whatever Esumi! You're just jealous of my beautiful handsome body." Jabie stated with clear convictions.

This just caused Esumi to burst out laughing even harder and Broly to turn away.

The electronic board started to flash through names of the remaining genin.

[Sakura Haruno VS Shino Aburame]


"Come on Sakura-chan you have to at least try!" Naruto said trying to convince her.

"NO WAY!!!!!" Sakura shouted louder.

Hayate dug in his ears with his finger before coughing lightly and saying "Shino Aburame is the winner for the fourth round."

[Neji Hyuga vs Dosu Kinuta]

The two fighters jumped in to the arena. Jabie looked in interest at the branch family Hyūga and the strange sound ninja with the device on his arm. Esumi looked at Neji with a gloating smirk on her face. Broly has had enough of the Hyūga family and is bored with them. Although this world has many interesting abilities, he hasn't seen much of it.

Jabie looked at the device on Dosu's arm. He was interested in it's effects. Did it shoot out a weapon? Does it need chakra to use? Is it connected to his chakra network? So many questions. Jabie just hoped that he wasn't so weak that the Hyūga boy will beat him instantly.

"It is your fate to lose this battle." Neji said calmly.

"I'll show you fate." Dosu said.

"Please begin." Hayate said.

Dosu stared at Neji.

"Since you won't come to me, I'll come to you!" Neji shouted.

Neji ran towards Dosu and pierced towards his chest with his fingers. Dosu blocked with his device and activated his secret technique! Neji's vision got blurry and he started to lose his balance. Dosu took advantage of Neji's moment of weakness and smacked him away with his metal gauntlet on his wrist. This appeared to clear him up.

"Your tricks won't help you overcome destiny!" Neji shouted before throwing some kunai at Dosu.

Dosu blocked the kunai with his metal gauntlet and rushed at Neji. Neji lowered his stance slightly further as Dosu came closer. Dosu swung at Neji's unprotected face and was expecting him to dodge completely. But Neji spun forward and tapped Dosu's arm in multiple places. He targeted the arm that held his Resonating Echo Speaker, rendering his weapon ineffective, but then he continued his assault upon the weaponless shinobi. He poked his thighs to make sure he couldn't jump away and continued to poke the sound genin multiple times and in multiple places.

By the time he was finished, he ended the onslaught with a double palm circular strike and blasted Dosu away. Dosu soared towards the opposite wall of the arena and fell with an audible *THUD* Neji looked at the referee to call the match already. Hayate went to check on Dosu before calling the match and declaring Neji the winner of this round. The medical team came out with a stretcher and quickly removed the lost fighter.

"Hm… So you can also use sound as a medium for chakra based attacks huh… There is not much chakra can't do if you think about it.." Jabie said.

'I should get me a small instrument and try and use it with chakra..'

"Yeah I guess. Maybe you can even use syrup as a medium for water chakra ya nerd. Or freaking booze or something. It'd be real neat." Esumi said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

This caused Jabie to shout in excitement from his friends brilliance.

"YOU'RE RIGHT! HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND TO THE POSSIBILITIES?!" Jabie grabbed his female friend in a bear hug and raised her while spinning and hugging her.

Ignoring her protests and attacks while her face reddened at suddenly being hugged by him.

"GET OFF ME YOU FAT IDIOT!" Esumi yelled before punching him away with her face completely red.

Jabie finally sobered up at his bloody nose and apologized to his friend. Broly was humored at their interactions and once again turned around so they didn't see him smile at that.

[Kiba Inuzuka VS Naruto Uzumaki]

"Yes! Its my time to shine!" Naruto said while jumping down into the arena.

"Come on Akamaru! Let's get this show on the road! Yahoo!" Kiba shouted with his dog barking behind him as they dove off the upper level to the arena.

Hayate signaled for them to begin.

"I'll make this easy on you Naruto! I'll down you in one blow!" Kiba said boastfully before getting on all fours and having his body give off chakra on certain parts of his body.

His appearance started changing slightly. His canine teeth grew longer, his finger and toenails grew sharper, and his eyes became more wild with his pupils turning into slits.

He sped off and elbowed towards Naruto. Naruto started to remember his training in the Forest of Death with Esumi and them. He was forced to fight against the terrifying and huge creatures there without any techniques except the basic academy ninjutsu and taijutsu! He looked at his opponent and tried to compare him to the creatures of the Forest of Death and just couldn't take him seriously.

Naruto started to laugh while holding his gut at his incoming opponent. This enraged the dog-like boy and he elbowed Naruto in the stomach. Naruto slid back slightly while still laughing as hard as before. His annoying laughter started to cause murmur in the upper levels.

"Has Naruto gone crazy..?" Sakura asks to Sasuke.

"Who knows?" Sasuke replied.

"He really hasn't changed much from the academy.." Shikamaru says with a sigh.

"That's Naruto for you!" Chouji agreed.

'I hope Naruto-kun is alright…' Hinata thought worriedly.

"I'd probably laugh if i had to fight a dog boy too." Esumi said nonchalantly.

"Naruto isn't ready to become a ninja capable of fighting Kiba if this is how he is." Kurenai said to Kakashi.

"I'm sure he just thought of a funny joke. Nothing to be worried about." Kakashi responded half heartedly.

Kakashi knew exactly how strong Naruto was from his team's bell test.

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