Broly In Naruto

Passing the Second Exam! & Preliminaries!?!?


Broly has finally found Jabie in this enormous forest. He had lost a majority his physical strength somehow after conquering the cursed seal mark, but luckily for him his chakra reserves weren't affected. Even though Broly was physically weakened during those 3 days spent looking for Jabie, his lust for battle never died down. Every enemy team he encountered found this out the hard way.

Jabie was surprised that Aomatsuna somehow got himself injured in the first place! He asked him what happened and was shocked. Aomatsuna fought with one of the legendary Sannin and lived to tell the tale!

'I guess Aomatsuna was lucky he wasn't out for blood or it could've really been over for him.'

Even with his friend's unfair kekkei genkai, it wouldn't be enough to defeat a Sannin in battle. Jabie thought this due to the many legends surrounding the Three Sannin in the village scrolls.

Jabie activated his water mystical palm jutsu and healed Aomatsuna slowly. Broly felt his strength rushing back into his body at an accelerated pace. He grinned at the return of his power that felt slightly stronger than before. As Jabie was finishing up, Esumi came from above and landed on the branch they were on with slight cuts and bruises on her.

"Hey Jabieee I need some tender lovin and care. Please come and touch me to make me feel better." Esumi said in a seductive teasing voice.

Jabie's cheeks took on a red hue before he walked over and also healed his other friend. As he was healing her, she decided it would be funny to moan as he was healing her! His face flushed into a red tomato as he tried to ignore her and continue healing. She got louder and louder before eventually Broly hit her on the head.

"Enough. Its time to get to the tower. We had enough fun for this part of the event. Jabie have you gotten an earth scroll yet?" Broly asked.

Jabie nodded and stood himself up. Esumi looked as if she was the victim and also got up completely healed.

"Let's go." Broly said as Team 11 started to dash towards the tower and win the second part of the chunin exams.


Team 11 was about to reach the tower until they were ambushed by a enemy team. Two girls and a boy from their village. The girls were twins and each held a katana in their hand. The boy had glasses and held a kunai in his hand.

"Give us your scrolls and we'll let you live." The glasses boy said in a thuggish manner.

"Yeah give us your scrolls!" The twins said simultaneously.

Broly eager to test his returned power, appeared in front of the twins and kicked his foot in one of the twin's chest launching her into the Forest of Death. He flexed his fingers before forming it into a fist. The other twin was enraged and sliced towards Broly in anger. Broly coated his hand in chakra and grabbed the blade. The angered twin put more force into trying to get her blade back until her teammate threw a kunai at Broly, stealing his attention enough to get her blade back. She hopped back and quickly ran towards her twin in worry. The boy with glasses also ran with her.

"You can try to run but know that nothing but pain awaits you at the end." Broly said before appearing in front of the twin once again.

The twin and the glasses boy looked at each other before both dashing towards Broly with their weapons.

"It seems you aren't completely worthless."

The saiyan grabbed the boy's wrist and swayed his head to the side and grabbed the other twin's head. He raised them up before slamming them both into the ground. He was grinning as he looked at the damage.

Only to notice that they both turned into shattered logs. He looked towards the direction of where he sent the first twin and saw the boy with his kunai out staring at Broly while the second twin was helping the first one. Broly started to walk away and return towards the tower with Jabie and Esumi. Or so the three leaf genin thought!

Jabie appeared behind them and disabled them with his chakra scalpel technique in an instant. He cut their muscle tissues and tendons, making them unable to even lift a finger. He then proceeded to knock them all out and plant the water mini-clones of Jabie inside their bodies before healing them and dashing off to return to his team.

Team 11 has arrived at the tower with both earth and heaven scrolls in their possession and went inside the tower. They were greeted by a picture frame that had words on it. The words on the frame formed a riddle for Team 11 to solve. Esumi wanted to cut the picture frame into pieces, but was stopped by Jabie who suggested she do that after they solve it. The riddle asked something about heaven but was missing words in the sentence. Jabie looked at the riddle in disdain at the simplicity of it.

"The stupid scrolls we have are called the heaven and earth scrolls! We had to find these dumb scrolls for the entire second part. Of course we have to open the dumb scrolls together to solve the puzzle." Esumi said in irritation.

Jabie nodded his head at her sarcastic answer that was completely correct, as he opened both the scrolls at the same time.

They saw smoke coming from the scrolls and recognized it as a summoning jutsu! Due to hanging out with Anko during their academy days, they recognized how summoning jutsu look. Jabie quickly threw the scroll in the air high above before he got into a defensive position. It turned out to be that dude Esumi met on the first day of the exams who was blocking the door! Jabie was about to attack until the guy put his hands in a peace sign.

"Whoa whoa you three. Calm down. I was the chunin sent to meet up with the exam takers who managed to pass the second part of the exam." He explained.

He looked at the three genin who he expected to either look happy about passing or relieved that it is finally over. But all he got to see was three genin with a bored expression on their face.

"To explain the meaning of this riddle here. It was –" He was about to explain until he was interrupted by a high-pitched voice laced with irritation.

"I don't care about some stupid riddle! Let's get to the next part of the exam already!" Esumi yelled.

"I'm sorry but it was hokage's order to explain this riddle to all examinees regardless if they passed or failed. The meaning of the words heaven and earth are in relation to mind and body. If you lack heaven seek wisdom, and if you lack earth, run in the fields and seek advantages." He explained to the uninterested three genin who most likely blocked his voice out as soon as he started explaining.

He soon led them to their next location along with the other genin who passed the second part of the chunin exams also. There were about 9 teams that passed. Team 11 noticed that a large amount of jonin and some chunin were standing around the hokage. Even their sensei was standing there up there with his classic annoying smile. Team 11 started to notice some killing intent being thrown their way. They ignored it and continued to watch towards the hokage.

"Congrats on passing the second exam! Lord Hokage will now explain the third test. Listen carefully." Anko said.

"Before I explain the third test, I must tell you something I believe you all should know. It concerns the true reason for this exam."

"Why do we have all the alliance countries taking the exams together?"

"To promote friendship among the countries."

"To raise the level of shinobi."

"No. I don't want you to be confused about the true meaning.. This exam is." He takes a dramatic pause and smokes his pipe before continuing.

"A replacement for war among allied countries." This caused confusion to stir among some of the genin. Team 11 were listening with 1 ear in and 1 ear out basically at this point.

"If you go back in time, the current allies were enemies who fought each other over who would rule."

"In order to prevent wasteful fighting, the stage that those countries chose for battle… That is the origin of this chunin selection exam." The hokage explained.

"I thought the chunin exams were just to select genin to become chunin." A genin said.

"While it is a fact that this exam decides which shinobis have what it takes to become a chunin it also has another side. Each country's shinobis risk their own life to protect their land's prestige."

"You all will display your country's strength as clear as you possibly can."

"Yeah I get that by why do we have to risk our lives just for some street cred!?!" Another genin asked in disbelief.

"The strength of a country is the strength of the village. The strength of a village is the strength of the shinobi. And a shinobi's true strength is only born through life-risking battle." The hokage said gravely.

'It seems this old man hasn't let peace weaken his mind too far.' Broly thought as he somewhat agreed with the hokage's words.

'I still think there are plenty of better ways to increase a village strength rather than just through shinobi.. and risking their lives.' Jabie thought.

'When are we going to fight already!!! I'm tired of listening to some stupid speech. I swear the next person to ask a question is getting a kunai to the head.' Esumi thought to herself in annoyance.

"Now let's get to the third exam. From here on out the exams will have a referee." The hokage said before a man appeared in a puff of smoke.

"I am Gekkou Hayate. Before we get to the third test everyone, I would like that you understand that this is a preliminary for the third test and not actually the third test. This preliminary will decided who gets to participate in the main event." Hayate said before hearing cries of outrage.

"Why the hell is there a preliminary!? Why aren't we going straight to the third exam!?" A pissed off genin yelled.

"Yea what she said!" another genin agreed.

"It's because the first and second exam were a bit too easy this year and there are too many genin left remaining." Hayate answered.

"Also, according to the chunin exam rules we must have a preliminary to reduce the number of participants for the third test."

"There will be many guests at the third test and if too many genin are left it will take a long time to get through the fights. And time is something we are lacking during the third test." Hayate explained.

"So anyway, those who are not feeling well or those who fell like quitting after these explanations please come forward now. We will be starting the preliminaries immediately."

"What!? We are starting right now?!" Kiba yelled.

Silence filled the room until a soft-spoken voice said, "I'm going to quit." while raising his hand.

Some of the genin were shocked that someone actually gave up despite making it this far.

"You are Yakushi Kabuto from the leaf right? You may leave." He said while coughing into his hand lightly.

"Does anyone else want to retire? I must warn you that the upcoming battles will be individual battling. You may raise your hand based on your own judgement."

No one raised their hands and Kabuto left silently. Hayate coughed into his hand before talking again.

"Now let's begin the preliminaries. This preliminary will consist of one on one fighting. You will basically fight as if in a real-life confrontation. Since we have exactly 29 entrants we will conduct 15 matches and the winners will advance to the third test."

"There are basically no rules. The fight continues until one of you dies or is knocked out or admits your defeat. If you don't want to die then quickly surrender."

"I am the one who decides when the winner is clearly established and since we don't want too many unnecessary corpses, I'll jump in and stop things." Hayate said.

"This electronic scoreboard behind me will show the match-ups for each battle. Now this is a bit sudden but let's announce the names of the first two fighters for the starting match of the preliminaries."

All the genins looked up at the score board in anticipation, fear, or excitement. The score board started running while flashing through names. Team 11 looked on in excitement for the board to pick them. Esumi and Broly were basically overflowing in battle spirit.

[Hyūga Juria vs Miyahara Otsune]

A brown-haired kunoichi wearing a purple top with mesh shirt underneath and purple shorts met in the arena with green-haired girl who wore her hair in a ponytail, along with a black jumpsuit that showed off how built she looked. She was quite muscular in comparison to the female Hyūga.

"The two participants in the first fight are you two. Are you ready?" Hayate asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" Juria said in a cheerful voice.

"Ready to pummel this little sunshine." Miyahara said in a tomboyish voice.

"Alright everyone else please move to the upper level." Hayate said, causing all the genin, jonin, and chunin to move to the upper levels.

"Hey Jabie, did you mark these girls too ya pervert?" Esumi asked in a teasing voice.

"Of course I did. You think I would let a member of one of the most prominent families in Konoha not get marked by me?" Jabie said as if he was offended Esumi even suggested such a thing.

"I bet you're real interested in her body huh?" Esumi said in a louder voice catching some of the genin and jonin's attention.

"Yes. Her body is of utmost interest to me. Especially in the way she uses it." Jabie said, causing some of the people around him to whisper while looking at him in disgust.

Mostly the women, while some of the men were shocked at the boldness of this fat boy.

This slipped over Jabie's head as Esumi was laughing her ass off at her friend. He was annoyed at her laughter but didn't think anything of it as he was too excited for the upcoming match. He will be able to learn the Hyūga clan's famous gentle fist. Maybe he will even be able to tailor it in a way for him to use it without the Byakugan! His excitement showed fiercely with his blue aura faintly glowing around his body.

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