Broly In Naruto

Finishing the Fight! Punishment!?!

Broly jumped towards Anko at a blinding speed, but Anko appeared to be ready with a grin and kicked towards the incoming boy. Broly grabbed her foot and attempted to throw her outside the restaurant, but Anko somehow got her foot free and jumped outside the dango store on her own. Broly rushed towards her again but this time threw a punch towards her face. Anko smiled once again before dodging the boy's punch and then grabbing his wrist and attempting to knock him to the ground, but Broly grabbed her wrist and flipped her in the air.

Anko momentarily surprised but still not too caught off guard due to watching the boys and his friends facing against the creatures in the Forest of Death through the three years they have decided to train there. She moved with the throw and landed on her feet only to see a fist coming to her face. She dodged once again and elbowed the boy backwards. Causing him to roar in pain and hold his nose. He quickly rushed towards Anko once again and kicked towards her leg. Anko moved to the side of Broly and elbowed him in the side, causing him temporary pain and followed up with a backflip kick to the jaw knocking Broly away and sliding away on his sandals.

Broly enraged, shouted, alerting and scaring the surrounding people. The civilians quickly moved out the way and started to hide and watch the battle. Jabie and Esumi still stood at the side watching their friend, ready to jump in at any moment. Broly slowly went through some hand seals, causing Anko to look excited in anticipation of what an academy student could possibly pull off that could defeat her. Broly finished the hand seals and 30 clones of Broly appeared on the street. Some on top of roofs, some on shops, and a majority around him. They all rushed towards Anko and Anko started weaving through some hand signs of her own. She yells "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" and a wave of fire start heading towards the clones of Broly.

Broly jumps in the air only to see the bottom of a foot crashing down towards his face. His eyes widen in surprise before taking the foot head on and start to crash towards the ground. He grabs Anko's foot before they separated too far apart and smashed her into the ground first and landed on her back with both of his feet, cracking the ground as they landed. But suddenly Anko that Broly crushed burst into a bunch of purple snakes that quickly dispersed and exploded into a cloud of smoke.

Broly quickly turned around to find his opponent until he was bit in six different places and kicked and restrained on the ground. Two snakes bit his shoulders, locking them in place. Two bit his arms and the last two bit his legs. Jabie and Esumi were about to charge in and help their friend until a green aura started to flow out of Broly. Causing Anko to raise her eyebrows in suspicion and surprise about what this boy could be hiding or what could be causing that green aura to flow out of his body. Suddenly her snakes that were restraining the boy poofed away and her foot that was pushing down on the boy's back was rising. She tried to put more force into her leg, but the boy turned around and back fisted her chest.

Broly slowly rose up with yellow bio-electricity sparking and flashing around his entire body with his black hair standing up spiky-like as if he was hit by a thunderbolt. The boy roared once again but this time his shout caused the surroundings to *WHOOSH* as if moved by a large gust of wind. Some of the food stands started to lift up and were about to be blown away. Broly looked towards Anko and smiled a grin that said "I'm going to enjoy crushing and smashing you into the dirt."

Anko's face suddenly turned grim as she noticed all the damage they were causing. She just wanted to tease the boy a little bit and get him a little riled up before telling him and his friends some chakra control techniques. She sighed as she realized she's gonna get in so much trouble for this by the Hokage. She noticed the boys strange new look and power he was radiating and decided to take this seriously, so she could prevent as much damage as possible.

Anko started to weave through some hand signs as Broly rushed towards her in an incredibly speedy manner unlike that a couple of minutes ago. She quickly finished the hand signs, causing 12 snakes to burst from both of her arms and Broly was bit by 12 different snakes each brimming with different non-lethal poisons. Jabie and Esumi noticed the pinch Broly was in and quickly rushed towards him. Broly's eyes were dimming as he reached his arm towards Anko's throat and suddenly dropped. His hair went back to its natural state along with the electricity that was circling around his body disappeared.

"What did you do to Aomatsuna-kun!?" Esumi asks with her blade drawn staring at Broly with worry and Anko with hesitation and killing intent. Anko started to get a little more upset than she already was at her failed attempt of playing with the three brats.

"Calm down shorty. I just put him to sleep. You two can carry him or I can carry him with my snakes, but we're heading to the Hokage." Anko says. Jabie puts the unconscious saiyan on his shoulder and continued to stare at Anko with a face that said, "If you try anything, know I will be ready for it." Causing Anko to feel even more guilty.

As the four were about to reach the tower Anko suddenly clears her throat.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it this far."

Esumi's glare lessened slightly but she still didn't say anything.

"I just wanted to tease the boy a bit, I didn't know he would react like that. I'm sorry." Anko apologizes again.

"It's not my place to accept your apology or not, but just know that you owe us. All three of us." Esumi states.

Jabie looks towards her before also nodding. Anko is a visibly a bit more relieved about the two not being as upset as they were with her earlier. She has watched the three of them train in her training ground since they were 5 and kind of gotten attached to the three little orphaned brats. She herself grew up as an orphan and the whole situation with Orochimaru, her previous sensei and now traitor s-rank missing ninja caused her to not have many people she is close to.

Esumi must have noticed how distraught the scantily-dressed woman looked and decided to take it easy on her. She and Jabie didn't even know it would turn out like that! But it wouldn't do good if they forgave her so easily. What would Aomatsuna-kun think? He might even decide to increase their training regimen! She bets that he is already gonna put himself through hell tonight or tomorrow due to losing.

Jabie pushed the thing with Aomatsuna-sama out of his head because he already knew how insane his natural recovery system is, so he wouldn't be out for long or face any permanent damage. He was more worried about meeting the Hokage face to face. The man known as "The Professor"," The God of Shinobi" our hokage! Do you know how many people actually get to meet face-to-face with one of their idols?! Jabie doesn't know why Uzumaki-san and Aomatsuna-sama can meet him easily, but that's a question for another time.

The four reached the Hokage's office and stood at attention, with the exception of Aomatsuna being carried by Jabie.

"What is wrong with Aomatsuna-kun? Have we been attacked by foreign shinobi?!" Hiruzen asks worriedly and alert.

Anko slightly starts to sweat before calming herself and begin to talk.

"No Hokage-sama, the brat.. I mean boy and I had a slight disagreement, and this is sort of how it turned out.." Anko said slightly timid. The hokage stared at her, making the said woman want to squirm even more than she already wants to.

"Alright, tell me what happened and we can decide on your punishment for knocking out an academy student as a special jonin over a disagreement." The hokage said as he sighed but smiled that nothing too seriously happened.


"So the boy decided to do what I told him, that's good. Although I wish he wouldn't be so eager to battle people stronger than he is, I know he can't help it." Hiruzen says.

"Why can't he help fighting people stronger than he is Hokage-sama?" Esumi decides to ask.

"I don't know if he would want me to share this information with you, but since you two have been such great friends with Aomatsuna-kun for so long I'll let you know." Hiruzen says with a smile that caused the two academy students to become slightly excited at knowing more about their friend.

"I don't know if you two have noticed but Aomatsuna-kun has a tail doesn't he?" They look at the hokage like he is going senile.

"Hahah I know what you're thinking but I haven't gone that far off the deep end yet! His tail is actually an important part of what I'm about to tell you. Aomatsuna-kun has a kekkei genkai. His kekkei genkai causes him to have a multitude of different abilities that we have been slowly accumulating and finding out as he grows up since we never seen someone with his bloodline limit." Hiruzen explains

"Is that why his hair turned spiky and lightning started to spark off his body?" Jabie asks. Hiruzen just looked at the boy before looking back at Anko with a serious look.

Anko grinned sheepishly before starting to talk.

"The brat seemed to have changed sometime in the middle of our disagreement. One moment his hair was like how it is now and when I was kicking his butt for a while, he got really angry and he got stronger. His chakra was strong enough to nearly uplift some of the food stands on the street and strong enough to over power me and 6 of my snakes at the same time."

"It must be a part of his bloodline limit. Some users of the sharingan also become stronger under pressure and a need for more power." Hiruzen says.

"Mr Hokage-sama can I ask a question?" Jabie says a little bit timidly

"Go ahead boy" Hiruzen says

"Since the whole reason this started is because we wanted to learn chakra control exercises, can you make Anko-san just teach us some then?" Jabie asks. Esumi slightly cheers for Jabie's quick thinking.

"Hmm. I suppose so, but what do you think should be Aomatsuna-kun's punishment for clearly attacking a superior without valid reason?" Hiruzen asks the round tubby boy before smiling. This caused Jabie to be caught off guard and slightly panic.

"Uhm.. he should try and control his temper more…?" Jabie says with uncertainty as he knows his friend's personality more so than almost anyone.

"You and I both know Aomatsuna-kun won't do that. I'll give you a second try before deciding myself."

"Uhm. Uhm. He should…." Jabie was about to panic and say whatever came to his mind before Esumi spoke up.

"He should help out his fellow academy students who are struggling and if he doesn't then you will prevent him from training!" Esumi yelled. Hiruzen actually laughed at her answer.

"I know how much the boy loves training, you are one devious friend to actually put that as one of the options on the table. Okay, that is the boy's punishment. Anko you are the teach the three chakra control exercises once you have verified that he has actually helped his fellow academy students who AREN'T these two." Hiruzen smiles as he finishes his sentence.

Esumi is slightly frightened at what Aomatsuna-kun might say to her if he knew she put his training time at risk. She looked towards Jabie to notice he had a devious smile, one quite similar to their master aimed right at her. She widened her mouth in surprise at his courage to possible blackmail her over this. He just nodded and everyone left the hokage's office.

"Okay you brats. Meet me at the training ground at 5pm sharp. If your late I'm gonna make your training extremely terrible." Anko says before disappearing.

Esumi and Jabie start to walk towards their home with Broly over Jabie's shoulder. Jabie is just smiling while Esumi is pouting at letting Jabie of all people gain something over her mentally.

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