Broly In Naruto

Graduation!! Secret Test!?!?


Iruka smiles as he walks into his classroom full of graduated students. Each one wearing a proud look on their faces except for a few and shining headbands somewhere on their body with a majority of them choosing to put it over their forehead. Our Trio of Demons haven't changed much in appearance except in height and physique. Broly is still the same height he was when he was a fresh academy student. Apparently his saiyan genes haven't kicked in for puberty quite yet and gave him a growth spurt.

Jabie is taller than Broly now and still as round if not bigger than he was three years ago. His body hasn't taken on any type of muscle at all, just keeping his previous smooth and round appearance with a kind natural smile radiating off of him. One the previous him, three years ago probably wouldn't be able to show around people that aren't Esumi and Aomatsuna. It seems he has gotten rid of some of his shyness around people. But when Esumi noticed a civilian girl named Morimoto China staring at him from time to time in their last year of class she decided to let him know that someone has a crush on him. Prompting an easily noticeable red face from our pudgy boy, and laughter erupting from Esumi.

This laughter prompting a big head jutsu from Iruka to silence her and the surrounding students also wanting to laugh, but they learned in the four years of being with the Tiny Demon that you shouldn't laugh at her with her around and never insult her about her height.

Esumi started tapping her foot against the desk in slight anticipation of finally leaving the boring ass academy. Esumi like Broly also hasn't changed much except she started to fill out in more places than before due to the training from Broly and spars with Anko. She has a short blue punk styled-hair and an outfit somewhat similar to Anko, but much more subdued due to Jabie's constant whining. She also increased in height being somewhat shorter than Jabie but still taller than Aomatsuna. She has started to carry around two blades ever since she was given the idea by Jabie. Why limit herself to only one sword when she can do more with even more?

She is currently training with a third blade that no one knows about except for the two boys, but she isn't proficient with three blades in battle enough to use it. Her first blade is called Kodama, the katana. This one was given by Jabie from their bet 3 years ago, the second one's name is Niki, a nodachi type sword from a local blacksmith she made a deal with. The third blade that she's secretly training with is called Uchinin. It's a uchigatana that is normally seen used by Samurai. She plans to increase her Kenjutsu with even more swords in the future like how the Jinchūriki of the eight tails uses seven blades in his fighting style but going even further than him!

The three demons have also increased their seals with the passing time of three years. Jabie is nearing Broly's seal level due to have a stronger and more robust body than her and is currently at level 7. Esumi is at level 6 while Broly is at level 9. Their physical capabilities at this point are vastly stronger than most of the chunin's in the village. 

Iruka finishes explaining what is expected of the new graduating class as the jonins start to come in to collect their new genin. Iruka starts to read off the list of who's in what team and which jonin is in charge of them.

"Team 7 will be consisted of Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki. Your sensei will be Kakashi Hatake."

After announcing this the three genin in question produced a variety of emotions. Naruto being both happy and upset, Sakura being overjoyed and slightly annoyed that Naruto is on her team also, and Sasuke just being annoyed twice as much. Iruka continued to call the names of each team until he reached Team 11. He looked at the Three Demons in the back of his classroom where they decided to stay for all 4 years with a slight twitch in his eyes.

"Aomatsuna Hakuseki, Yada Esumi, and Amai Jabie will be on Team 11 and your jonin sensei will be Ko Hyuga."

The team's reaction changed little from how it was with the exception of Esumi. Esumi smirked with a thuggish smile that doesn't seem to fit an 11-year-old girl. Jabie was slightly confused due to how his team's strength lies and he believed they would get a long ranged user to sort of balance the team out more. But apparently not.

Their new sensei told them to meet him on the roof with a gentle smile. The trio walked slowly towards the roof of the academy and met him there. Ko just motioned for them to sit down, but none of them took it. He kept his previous smile on his face, but inwardly was quite nervous with being tasked with being the jonin sensei of the Trio of Demons. He was given a large amount of information regarding these three and none of it was good for a first time jonin sensei like himself. He still doesn't know why they didn't get a more experienced jonin sensei for these three monstrous children. I hope the Hokage knows what he's doing.

"To start off with lets talk about names, our hobbies, likes, dislikes, and dreams for the future. I'll begin." I enjoy drinking tea, protecting my friends and family, and peaceful scenery. For my likes well lets just say it's the same as my hobbies. I dislike the current system of my clan that forces the seal upon branch members, I dislike people who abandon their friends for power, and my dream for the future is to protect the clan heiress Hinata Hyuga and watch as she becomes a respectable clan head."

The three demons showed no emotion except for Broly who showed a slight disdain towards the man who he considered a peace loving parasite. Esumi and Jabie looked at each other before Jabie decided to go first.

"My name is Amai Jabie, for my hobbies I enjoy training, eating, reading, studying, and learning about new things. I like Esumi and Aomatsuna-sama, I like having strength to protect myself and being able to stand up to those against me and my friends, I dislike people who show no intent to better themselves and people who bully others with numbers. My dream is to become stronger and better than the current female Sannin of Konoha." Ko just nods his head while looking towards Esumi, hoping her list is less intense than the chubby boy.

"My name is Yada Esumi, I enjoy training with my friends, practicing my kenjutsu, standing above others, and playing with sharp objects. I dislike weaklings with no drive, I hate being talked down to due to my height, and I dislike bitter foods. My dream, no my mission for the future is to kill Orochimaru, One of the three Sannin of Konoha."

Ko inwardly started to sweat a bit more, while still plastering that gentle smile on his face like none of this has affected him. He mentally swears at the Hokage for putting him in this situation. He looks towards the last boy, the quietest of the three and the most volatile of them too from the report he received based on the three.

"Call me Aomatsuna. I enjoy crushing insects. I enjoy fighting. I hate worms who believe themselves to be bigger than what they will ever be. My future will be me crushing every bug under my foot and fighting till the day I die." Ko begins swearing up a storm at the Hokage in his mind while he wipes some sweat off his brow.

"Alright. I have to let you three know something. You haven't actually become genin quite yet. There is a secret test provided by jonin to their students to make sure they are actually genin quality. If they aren't we send them back to the Academy, but if they are they become genin's official and Konoha's Shinobi."

"What how is that fair?! What if some shitbag decides to fail me just because he doesn't like how I do things?!" Esumi yells.

Ko is taken aback by the outburst and quickly composes himself.

"That's not how the test works. I can't give you any hints, but its very rare for the sensei themselves to fail a team due to the sensei's whims." Ko explains and hopes they take it well.

"So teams have failed due to a sensei's desire?" Jabie questions and focuses on the important part.

"The sensei could make a test harder or easier for a team depending on their personality." Ko says.

Esumi and Jabie just stared at their sensei as if daring him to pull something over them. Broly was looking off into the distance as if this didn't concern him whatsoever.

"Well alrighty then team, see ya tomorrow at training ground #8 at 8:00 AM. Try to eat breakfast if you can. Goodbye." Ko says in a fast manner and quickly body flickers away.

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