Broly In Naruto

Learning New Jutsus!

A couple hours after meeting their sensei and learning that they haven't truly become shinobi yet, the Trio of Demons went to a weapons shop that are willing to sell to them.

Jabie bought some senbon (Metal needles with points both ends), smoke bombs, empty pellets to store his poisons in. Esumi bought kunai, shuriken, ninja wires, and more resistant open-toed sandals for defense. Broly only bought stronger shoulder pads and heavier sandals.

The trio of demons then went to library. Although they haven't really become genin, with the headbands they have on them it can be said they were at the genin rank for anyone lazy enough to not look deeper. Since they are genin in name, the three can finally look up higher ranked jutsus and different subjects unavailable for academy students.

Jabie was seen carrying a book that said "Genjutsu Basics" and some books on medical ninjutsu. Esumi was with Broly copying the scrolls he brought to her. As time passed by, it was starting to get dark outside by the time they were finished. The trio walked out with their scrolls and books and each had a different type of gleam in their eyes.

Jabie had an ecstatic look in his eyes about being able to train in medical ninjutsu and Genjutsus. He decided to ask someone if he could work part time in the hospital to train for his iyro ninjutsu. (Medical Ninjutsu) Maybe his new sensei, hopefully he has contacts in the village that could be useful for him.

Esumi had a tired but excited look in her eyes. She's been dreaming of the day she could use those cool jutsus she's seen the older shinobi pull off around the village. She started to day dream a little about pulling off cool flashy jutsus while flying around with her sword slicing her enemies into pieces.

Broly had a maniacal gleam in his eyes. He'll be able to become much stronger now that he's able to use that large quantity of energy in his body called chakra in this world. It won't be long now until this entire planet is his for crushing. Once he has a mastery over this chakra energy just as much as he had over his ki in his past life destroying the ants on this planet will easy.


Ko is heavily stressed about what he is going to test his new stress-inducing genin about. He and basically anyone who has seen or heard about the three demons know without a doubt in their mind about their teamwork. The only reason why they wouldn't use teamwork is if Aomatsuna says not to from what he has heard. If teamwork isn't an issue with them, why don't we have them test for other shinobi qualities. Like their ability to listen to superiors. Ko has heard about Aomatsuna's tendency to disregard or misinterpret his superiors' commands or suggestions.

'I guess I know what I should test them on after all!' Ko smiled before turning off his night lamp and going to bed in preparation for tomorrow.


The Trio of Demons arrived 3 hours before their sensei to get a head start on practicing their new techniques. The jutsus Esumi copied took her over 5-6 hours that included many jutsus from D-rank to C-rank. B-rank jutsus weren't allowed to be seen by Genins. She copied the few Genjutsus for Jabie. It turns out that Konoha isn't very big on genjutsus or no one likes them because there is only one meant to be used for combat while the others are meant for supplementary purposes such as trapping, delaying, and confusing. There were no medical ninjutsu available at the library, only chunin and higher would be able to access that due to the amount of knowledge and chakra control you would need to accumulate to use medical ninjutsu.

There were 5 ninjutsus that Esumi and Broly could learn from the library. They would have to make do with this number until their sensei could teach them some jutsus, but they highly doubted a Hyūga would know many ninjutsus. The Hyūga clan is a taijutsu focused clan that are led by a clan head and elders who take traditions very seriously and has never decided to branch out from their ways and stay as a taijutsu orientated clan with their Dōjutsu, the Byakugan.

When the trio read up information about this clan they thought they were a wasteful idiots. Esumi thought that since they could do so much crap with their eyes why not take advantage of it?! If she was born in that clan she would beat all the elders and the clan head up until their heads finally get out of their asses and change the clan for the better. Jabie also agreed about the Hyūga clansmen wasting their potential by only focusing on taijutsu. Broly didn't care much either way, worms with special eyes will see their deaths much better.

Slowly time got closer and closer towards the meeting time their sensei set as they learned the new jutsus. Jabie has successfully learned two genjutsus. One is called Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique and the other is called Demonic Illusion: Death Mirage Jutsu. Only the latter was applicable in battle. The first genjutsu is for confusing or throwing off an enemy by tricking an enemy into thinking that the place they're in is different from the one that they are actually in. The second one is a genjutsu that shows you're enemy their biggest fear.

He wanted to test it out before battle but Esumi explicitly said no due to already knowing what her biggest fear is. Broly smiled at Jabie as if giving him direct orders to try it out on him. Due to never facing a genjutsu user that actually managed to put him in a genjutsu left Broly feeling somewhat displeased. Jabie just nodded and did the very simple two hand seals for the jutsu while having Broly stare him directly in the eyes back.

He attempted to use the technique but found out that it was washed away as if it was a leaf blocking the path of a river. He frowned along with Broly's smile dimming slightly. He tried the genjutsu once again but this time altering the technique by increasing the density of his chakra before using the technique. Normally this wouldn't be something any shinobi could do, not even a majority of shinobi even know how to strengthen their chakra without just increasing the size of how much they can hold.

This is due to the gravity seals the trio got from the shopkeeper a couple of years ago. The gravity seals increase the resistance a person faces both outside their body and on the inside. Affecting their chakra pathway system as well. The chakra the body produces after being strengthened due to the interference of the gravity seal gives the users more flexibility with their chakra, resilience, and strength in general. Although the size of how much chakra they hold will remain the same. The gravity seal does not increase the size of someone's chakra reserves, but it can let someone with relatively small chakra reserves continue to increase their reserves until they can no longer move further up a level with the gravity seal.

This time it stuck to Broly and Broly watched as leaves started to spin around him rapidly and close in on his figure. He stood his ground and simply watched as the leaves covered him entirely and then shown him the fear hidden deep in his heart. Jabie and Esumi just watched their master and friend not change in the slightest. He was still trapped in the genjutsu, but it appears whatever he's facing is either not scary at all or he has no fear. Esumi looked at Jabie seriously and told him to cut it off. Jabie was about to respond, but he felt Broly release the genjutsu by himself and look towards both Esumi and Jabie. Suddenly a terrifying smile appeared on his face for anyone that would've been in sight would've cowered and screamed in fear from the sheer horror of what that smile entailed.

"Hahaha… I fear nothing! As if I would let something like fear hide inside of me. I'm a Devil! A True Demon! HAHAHAHAAHAH!"

That green aura that always seemed to radiate off Broly when he's feeling like letting loose completely came out and surrounded him. His laugh only increased in pitch, causing both Jabie and Esumi to look towards each other, nod, and take out their equipment. Broly looked at the both of them, causing them both to tense up until the green aura disappeared from Broly and the look in his eyes went back to normal.

"Are you okay Aomatsuna-sama?" Jabie asks still ready for combat at the second.

"I'm fine. I handled it." Broly responds.

Esumi and Jabie put away their equipment and stand with Broly just in time for their sensei to show up.

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