Broly In Naruto

Jabie’s Short Adventure!

A large plump figure was riding across a large mass of water with some sort of strange red board. The person and their numerous items were flying in the wind along with the person's clothes. The figure had a smile on their face as they readjusted their backpack. The figure was wearing a standard shinobi outfit but with blue shorts on. He had a strange black marking on his neck that said "Resistance", a small gourd with a seal tag on the bottom of it on the side of his shorts, a small drum on the other side of his shorts, and two unusual blue crystal-orbs as earrings on each ear.

The figure was riding along the water at a leisurely speed, until a humongous wave suddenly appeared a couple miles ahead. The person stopped their board. They took a step on the water and placed their unusual board in this backpack. The backpack sucked the board up and didn't even look like it had anything inside of it! The round shinobi put their hand on their chin as if contemplating something.

He looked up at the shining sun. Revealing a grin and a familiar face! It was Jabie who appeared to have come from some sort of trip or adventure! And from his hair revealed a small grey mouse that stood on its 2 legs and also looked up with a mouse grin. The grey mouse also had the word "Resistance" on its furry back.

"Who knew the land of snow had such marvelous technologies and were just hogging it all for themselves!? The power of knowledge is amazing, but useless if it isn't applied correctly."

"Isn't that right Un?" Jabie said. Prompting the grey mouse to squeak and nod.

"The many devices I rightfully acquired after seeing the wasteful use they had in the village hidden in snow, will be of great use to Suna and Esumi and maybe Konoha. I'm not sure about how Suna feels about the village we were raised in. I'm sure he doesn't hate it, but I know he isn't enjoying it. It is probably because he isn't a person who settles down. Kind of like a wanderer!" Jabie said to the grey mouse as he suddenly felt strange movements underneath the water.

He dunked his head under the water to notice an immense number of water creatures swimming past him. He swiftly lifted his head back up, to avoid the panicked water creatures bulldozing past his direction. He had a strange feeling from this as he looked back at the colossal water wave that was heading in his direction. He formed a hand sign and sent a water clone to investigate the wave.

The clone took out the board the original Jabie put away and blasted off towards the wave. Jabie decided to have a little drink as he waited. He grabbed his gourd and took a sip of his heavenly tasting alcohol he decided to modify, on his way to his investigation about the strange technologies he heard about in the land of snow. He decided to change the alcohol, because he didn't really like how it tasted at first. And if you don't like something, why not change it?!

After taking a drink, he let out a burp in satisfaction before feeling his clone dispel and having it's memories come to him. It seems that some red eyed water creatures are the reasons for the wave and are attacking any creatures nearby.

While Jabie could easily avoid the wave in numerous ways, his experimental instincts were screaming at him to investigate the reasons why these creatures are acting this way. So, Jabie looked up at the wave that was now only a couple feet away from him. Due to how clear the wave was, Jabie could see right inside the wave and notice numerous red eyes staring at him. Then suddenly the creatures inside the wave shot out from inside the wave right towards Jabie.

Jabie was visibly surprised at both the fact that there were creatures inside the wave and they launched right at him! He was deciding on the best plan of action before noticing a massive creature right under him swallow him whole! Jabie nearly killed the creature from the inside out in his panic from being swallowed but soon controlled himself. He noticed a strange dark bead glowing red inserted into the roof of the creature's mouth. Jabie formed a few hand seals before spitting out some gooey-like liquid from his mouth onto his feet.

This strange liquid was very sticky! This allowed Jabie to get a foothold inside the mouth of the creature and walk where ever he wanted. He soon walked over to the bead before trying to pluck it out without any hesitation. The bead came out with a *POP* and suddenly lost its glow. Jabie put the bead in his storage seal before suddenly hearing a deafening, bellow right inside his head!

"Human! Please save my clan mates and I will reward you greatly for your services!" A loud desparate voice pleaded.

"What's the reward?" Jabie asked with a grin of a master conman.

"Please! There is no time to discuss, the longer the beads remain inside my clan mates the less time they have to come to their senses!" The voice begged.

"Kukukuku. You foolish animal. What makes you think you are in the position to bargain with me? As I see it, Your entire clan's fate rests in my hands. And the reward I want from you is your summoning contract." Jabie said with an evil tone.

"Guh! A wicked human had to be the only one near by to save my clan from the fate of being mindless monsters.. But I guess I have no choice, if I want my clan to live on. Fine wicked one, sign your name in blood on the scroll in-between my teeth." The voice laments.

Jabie walked over to the yellow jagged teeth and saw a neat long scroll sticking out. Jabie wasn't stupid enough to willingly walk into the jaws of a creature he's blackmailing. He created a water clone and sent it to grab the scroll. And as he suspected, the creature he was inside shut its jaws close harshly and started to laugh victoriously. The water clone threw the scroll towards Jabie, before smacking his palm on his drum once before soon dissolving into water. The teeth crushed the water clone into a puddle of water.

While Jabie was signing his name on the scroll in blood, the creature he was inside started to spasm and shout in pain. Jabie had a smile on his face, as he watched the dumb animal suffer from trying to trick him.

"What… What did you do to me!!!??" The voice wailed.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Heh heh heh.." Jabie snickered as he exited the creature and throwing the scroll back inside the throat of the animal. He jumped and landed on the water's surface.

Jabie slowly started to build chakra while moving through some hand signs. He stared at the mindless water creatures with a slight grin on his face. Un also had a wicked mouse grin. The water slowly started to turn. The water creatures ignored this anomaly as they continued to cause havoc amongst the other sea creatures.

The water then started to spiral and pull, until it turned into a huge whirlpool! The fierce force from the whirlpool started to suck up all the controlled beasts towards the middle of the spiral. Even if all the water creatures struggled together, they still wouldn't be able to escape the might of this whirlpool.

As Jabie extended the range of his jutsu, more and more creatures were being pulled in. He started to laugh at how easy this was until he heard Un start squeaking about something. He stopped laughing and took a look at what was causing her to be stressed.

He suddenly saw an arrow spiraling right towards him! He was occupied with the whirlpool, so he shared his chakra with Un and she suddenly turned into a clone of Jabie that was standing on his shoulder! Un then started to make some hand signs before using the surrounding waters mixed with her chakra to shoot an equally fast attack.

"Water bullet jutsu!"

The two attacks neared each other. The arrow was parting the water underneath it in two. The water bullet forced the water to split apart from its direction towards the side of it. The two attacks finally clashed seconds after Un fired off her jutsu.

The water bullet jutsu suddenly contorted on impact with the arrow and engulfed the arrow, negating its previous momentum. Un grinned with the appearance of Jabie before squeaking in victory as Jabie finished up collecting all the beasts he now believed were being manipulated.

He looked for the person who targeted him, but unfortunately for him he didn't have any magic eyes to increase his vision or anything. Yet anyways. So he had Un look out for anymore sudden attacks as he pulled his whirlpool down into the water, increasing the pressure of the jutsu while sweating lightly.

'I have to be careful not to damage my new pets too roughly.' He thought before imploding his sinking whirlpool and launching the numerous water summons high in the air. The surrounding water exploded upward with a loud boom. Jabie started to go through more hand signs and his backpack shot out some water in the shape of a very tight net that easily captured the falling creatures.

Jabie then created a mass of mini water clones that soon rushed onto the net and went to acquire each dark red glowing bead. Jabie looked at the creature he imagined was the boss summon.

"If you tell anyone about our little arrangement, the surprise I hidden will surely cause you to think otherwise." Jabie threatened.

"What did.. you put inside me…?" The creature asked.

"I just told you. It is a surprise." He answered before looking back at his clones.

After about 30 minutes, the clones dropped each bead into Jabie's book bag and the water creatures came back to their senses, somewhat. They were each confused about what was going on, while some of them couldn't speak. Jabie signaled the black and white water creature with a fin on its back to talk.

"Cetaceans! Calm yourselves and listen to me!"

"We were attacked and controlled by an unknown enemy! They turned us into blood-thirsty creatures with nothing but the thought of creating chaos and violence!" The fellow cetaceans roared in indignation at this.

While the boss summon was continuing his speech, Jabie on the other hand started to grin at his new test subjects. He might be able to figure out why summoned animals can talk while others can't. A large diverse of test subjects to experiment on while adding or removing a few things. Like what he has done with his current pets. Putting a resistance seal on his pets, made them smarter and much more powerful than normal. The amount of resistance put upon the animal could kill them if their body isn't strong enough.

Jabie has no problem with increasing the strength of his pets due to his water mystical palm jutsu. All he has to do is slice the muscles of his pets and then help them regrow them with his healing jutsu. Although he can't just repeatedly do this multiple times a day, he can do it once each day. And over time that builds up more and more powerful muscles that could handle the strain the gravity seal puts on the animal.

He also noticed that the increase in intelligence was due to their chakra becoming much more flexible and denser. He didn't know if the gravity seal increased his intelligence or not. He would have to perform some more tests to find out all the capabilities of the gravity seal on both humans and other creatures.

As Jabie was lost in his thoughts the boss summon, also known as King Arco, was finishing up his speech and finally introduced Jabie as the savior of his people, in a somewhat disguised voice of disgust and hatred, and their new summoner. The crowd of cetaceans cheered at their savior and new summoner before Jabie coughed lightly and somehow every creature heard it as if It was right next to their ear.

"Hello my new companions. I am your new summoner, Amai Jabie, and I will be looking forward to working with all of you." He said politely before taking a bow.

"I must go now, due to certain circumstances, but will be seeing you all in the very near future."

"Wait savior Amai! We must hold a celebration for you!"

"I'm sorry but we must hold that for another time!" Jabie yells before hopping in the air and surfing away on his snow board he "borrowed" from the village hidden in the snow.

Un stood atop his brown shaggy hair waving at the cetaceans with mousey grin that did nothing to hide her mocking face.

As soon as they left the scene, King Arco moved over to his trusted aide.

"If one of the stronger members of the clan, get summoned order them to immediately kill Amai Jabie. This is a secret I want no one to know except the strongest of our members to know. Amai Jabie may be our savior but he is no saint. He's a wicked human who cares only for his benefits and may try and take over the entire clan through evil means." King Arco said to his trusted advisor.

"Yes my lord. May I know how this had happened?"

King Arco sighed.

"We were unlucky. One villain for a possible lesser villain. The first one took over our minds, while the second one wants the entire clan. For what reason, I don't know Cracius."

"Understood my lord, I will inform our warriors." Cracius said as he took off with haste.


"So you were the one who shot that arrow at me." Jabie said with killing intent.

"Haahah hey guy… what are you talking about? I'm just some innocent dame in the forest." The beautiful young woman said while rubbing the back of her head and silently reaching for something behind her back.

"Tell me your reasons why you attempted to kill me, or be accepted as a new test subject of mine."

"Alright listen kid, what you just did back there just ruined my entire contract. You should be glad I'm not pursuing this far enough to take your life."

"So someone paid you to make sure those summons stayed in that state.. Very well you can leave."

"Smart choice kid." The woman said before returning her kunai back in her back pocket and walking away.

As she was walking away whistling, a sudden bong…. Echoed throughout the forest. The young mercenary woman grabbed her head before stumbling over and falling unconscious. A bone-chilling laugh echoed throughout the forest as Jabie picked up the woman who just faced his improved version of sound ninjutsu. He could have put her under a sound genjutsu and just taken her out, but he needed to test this to see if it worked!

This normally wouldn't work on an opponent who knows about it, but not many people even know sound jutsu exist. So he should be pretty set for a while. He planned on having this woman test the experimental ideas he has been thinking about lately. Making hybrid humans! Fusing certain animal traits to human bodies, to modify them into even better humans!

Jabie didn't feel bad about what he was planning to do since this woman did try to kill him. So she shouldn't be upset when he decided to maybe spare her life and use her as the first step towards human manipulated evolution. Jabie then started to think about what else he needs before the final exam starts, before remembering the green jumpsuit boy! Whose skin turned red during the preliminaries. He needs to see if he can "study" that technique from him somehow without him knowing.

He can do this in two ways. The first way is to inject a mini clone inside him after incapacitating him and waiting till he uses the technique eventually. The second way is to go up and ask him or his sensei how to use it.

He might need to "borrow" the special eyes of the Hyūga clan sooner than he thought.. It would just make his life so much more easier if he was able to see through the human body. He sighed at the unfairness of not being born with a special advantage before continuing on his way back home. Un sighed along with him despite not knowing the reason why he was sighing. This caused Jabie to smile a bit.

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