Broly In Naruto

Esumi’s Awesome Mission!

"Are you sure about this brat? The snakes are not the friendliest of summons ya know." Anko said to the young girl.

"Yeah yeah whatever! I wanna summon snakes already! Come on show me how!" Esumi said.

"The snakes are not as easy you think they are Esumi. They will definitely try to eat you if they think you are weaker than them." Anko warned once again.

"If a bunch of fanged noodles think they can eat me, I'll skin them alive! Now come on already!" Esumi insisted.

"Fine ya stubborn little brat." Anko said as she summoned the scroll for snake summons and told Esumi how to become the contractor for them.

Once Esumi was finished, she and Anko paused their journey so she could perform her first summon. They were currently on a mission! Anko could have done this mission alone, but she said she wanted to spend time with her favorite genin brat and took her along. Esumi was happy to finally leave the village and spend some time with Anko as well. She sort of looked up to her as an older sister figure. If only she didn't have that weird obsession with dangos, she could be the perfect sister.

Esumi bit her finger and caused blood to leak from it slightly. She then placed her palm on the ground and channeled chakra through her hand.


A cloud of smoke appeared that was at least 30 ft. (9.144 meters) tall arose, before a loud voice came from it. A Yellow snake with an eyepatch on appeared in front of the two female kunoichi.

"Who dares summon me?!!?" The yellow snake bellowed.

"Shut up ya blind worm!" Esumi roared in a voice that was as loud as the snake summon, but with a higher pitch.

The yellow snake was baffled and outraged that a puny human could actually summon someone of his stature and at the same time insult him. He reared his head back before striking towards the small human.

Esumi was pissed off that her first summon was some annoying loud mouth bastard. And the idiot actually thought he could eat her! She's definitely going to have to teach this dumb snake who is in charge here. Esumi looked at Anko who was just watching nearby, before taking out her metal pipe weapon and with a surge of her chakra reared her pipe back as if taking a home run stance.

Her body crackled with yellow electricity and her pupils had a slight yellow glow in them as she swung at the incoming humongous snake. The snake opened its huge mouth to swallow Esumi whole as it neared her. Esumi grinned savagely before suddenly speeding towards the snake that was only a few feet in front of her and appearing atop its head and smashing downward.



The snake screeched in pain as it was slightly smashed down into the ground, creating a crater around its body, and electrocuted harshly. Esumi raised her pipe once more with a vicious look in her eyes until she remembered that this is her summon! And Jabie isn't around to heal him if she beat it within an inch of it's life. The yellow electricity surrounding her diffused and she returned to her normal appearance, although her hair became even spikier than it usually was. She was slightly panicking and wondering if she could summon a different snake that isn't as hurt as this one.

"You really let him have it didn't ya brat. Well at least you will remember to hold back next time." Anko said before the summon poofed away.

"Where did it go?! Did I kill my first summon?!" Esumi shouted.

"It's fine. He isn't dead. When summons are tired out or enough time passes they return back to wherever they were before they were summoned." Anko explained.

"Oh, so I'm good?"

"Yep, now let's complete this mission already."

Esumi walked along with Anko to the Land of the Sea while talking about random things. Such as training, sharp items, snakes, and dangos. Esumi still couldn't understand the appeal of dangos, but she wouldn't let it bother her. As they arrived in the Land of the Sea, Esumi and Anko arrived at the ship they were suppose to take to reach the island where the supposedly sea monster lives. And then put it out of its misery.

"What kind of crappy ship is this!? This is a kind of ship that people use to leave their terrible countries in!" Esumi complained.

"Not it!" Anko shouted as she noticed a paddle to row the boat.

"Augh!! It even has a stupid oar! No way am I riding that ugly thing." Esumi said before moving her hands to create a jutsu.

A clone of Esumi appeared before it hopped on the water and went through hand signs of it's own. With a white cloud of smoke, the clone transformed into something! Anko stared at the headstrong genin with a look of confusion at what she was trying to do.

As the smoke cloud disappeared, an improved version of the boat appeared! Esumi laughed as she hopped on the better boat while looking very smug. Anko was surprised at the ingenious use of the transformation jutsu, but decided to let down her little brilliant genin easy.

"What if your clone happens to run out of chakra Esumi-chan?"

"Don't worry about that, the transformation jutsu on this level barely uses any chakra for me. I could even create a boat probably 3 or 4 times bigger and it wouldn't be a problem."

"I wouldn't be able to do something like that brat. So how could you be able to pull that off?"

"My chakra is just better than yours Anko-nee-chan! Don't be so jealous."

Anko just grumbled something about stinking genius brats before also hopping on to the new boat. Once Esumi and Anko were settled in, the boat soon took off. Anko had to hold on to the side of the boat, so she wouldn't fall over. Esumi was standing on the tip of the boat from the front laughing at the fast speed and nice wind blasting over her.

"How is this moving so fast!?" Anko yelled.

"Lightning makes a lot of things move faster!" Esumi answered back as Anko took a look over the back of the boat and noticed a yellow streak behind them.

"Do you even know where the island is brat?!" Anko yelled causing both Esumi and the boat to stop abruptly.

Luckily for Anko, this time she was prepared and held on tightly. She then noticed how Esumi didn't even move from stopping so quickly. She was using chakra to stick to the boat! How could this brat think of that before her!? Anko decided to let her anger out and walked over to Esumi.

Esumi noticed Anko walking over to her with an angry look on her face. She hoped she finally realized how stupid her obsession with dangos are and is now pissed at herself. Esumi was bonked on the head by Anko.

"Hey what the hell was that for!?"

"Don't worry about it. Now head in this direction." Anko says as she points in the direction directly left of where they were headed.

Esumi muttered under her breathe about getting Anko back before the boat took off once more in the direction Anko pointed. The two sat in silence while enjoying the view of the sea. The calm sea rolling past. The nice breeze flowing in the wind. A nice peaceful view, before suddenly the boat stopped harshly.

This prompted both Anko and Esumi to become alert and suspicious, before Esumi told Anko to jump. Anko listened as she saw the ship flare with lightning all over it. Esumi just stood in the lightning without being electrocuted somehow, but Anko noticed some bubbles form atop of the water's surface. A body soon followed behind and was floating with his face in the water, unconscious.

"Hmph Hmph. Trying to stop me from completing my first real mission are you? Well I hope you're tough enough for me to try out my baby, Slashy!" Esumi yelled before noticing four more shinobi running across the water's surface towards the ship.

She noticed they looked familiar. Esumi looked towards Anko, who has landed next to her, and asked

"Aren't these those stupid sound genin? What are they doing all the way out here? And attacking me of all people!?"

"It seems they defected from Orochimaru and decided to work for someone else. That someone else might be the cause of our sea monster or want to stop us from completing our mission."

One of the shinobi sunk into the water as the other three hopped towards the boat. But it was at this moment that Anko grabbed her neck and screamed in pain before fainting. Esumi noticed her cursed mark was flaring an orange-red. Esumi was slightly upset at the cursed mark acting out at this moment but grabbed her and hopped towards the back of the ship. She then dropped her gently while the ship was swaying in the sea.

"Leave this place for your own good." Kin said.

"You three losers think you can talk tough since Anko is sleeping huh!? I'll give you a taste of my Slashy-chan!" Esumi yelled before unsheathing a massive blade.

Slashy, a massive, thick, heavy blade that shadowed over Esumi herself! The blade appeared to be painted yellow with the words DIE painted across the face of the sword. The blade had a straight angle leading up and down the body of the sword and a sharp tip that threatened to pierce through anything coming close to it. Esumi held the sword with two hands in front of her without even looking strained to carry it.

"Impossible! She can't carry that! It must be a trick!" Zaku yelled before blasting a wave of sound and air pressure towards Esumi with his arms back in perfect condition.

"Come and find out ya damn crippled bastard!" Esumi shouted back before swinging her sword in a upward manner. Esumi swung her behemoth of a blade upward and sliced the sound genin's attack in half. The resulting attack split the ocean and caused all three sound genin to look grim.

"Work together. We can't underestimate her." Dosu said before dashing towards Esumi.

Kin threw multiple senbons. Some had bells attached while some didn't. Zaku waited for Dosu to make a move. Esumi's face turned into one of disappointment.

"You three haven't changed at all from the chunin exams." Esumi said before dodging the senbons and hopping away from Dosu.

She hopped towards the currently inactive Zaku with a leaping smash. Zaku's eyes widened as he saw the colossal blade coming right towards him and swiftly jumped away. Esumi's attack was barely stopped before she almost smashed into the ship, and it was at this moment Dosu arrived. He threw a punch towards Esumi who hasn't completely recovered yet.

"Fool!" Dosu yelled before punching Esumi's sword, due to her barely managing to stop her giant sword's momentum in time to block the mummy-faced genin.

Dosu grunted in pain from punching the sword with his bare fist before activating his special technique! The Resonating Echo Drill! This technique allows Dosu to amplify the sound waves from arm movements to attack his opponent. These sound waves can cause inner damage to the opponent and depending on if Dosu pleases, it could also destroy solid objects.

Dosu looked at the still completely fine Esumi in confusion before Zaku and Kin behind her attacked! Kin threw more senbons at the Esumi she believed was incapacitated. Zaku shouted "Slicing Sound Wave!"

Dosu dodged out the way while still focusing his single eye on Esumi.

"I've already seen all of your moves! What makes you think I wouldn't prepare some sort of counter for them?! I'm not some sort of idiot ya know. A real shinobi prepares for everything they can."

Esumi shook her head before having her eyes take on an electric glint and appearing behind Zaku and Kin. Silence filled the ship as Esumi's eyes sparkled with electricity as she and Dosu stared into each other's eyes. Dosu eyes were filled with shock and disbelief at the disappearance and reappearance of the freaky leaf genin.

Zaku and Kin turned their heads to find their opponent right behind them! They tried to move but suddenly a sharp sound cut through the silence. The sound of flesh tearing and bodies dropping to the ground rung out as Zaku and Kin's midsections were all of a sudden not attached anymore! Their eyes continued to show surprise as they fell to the ground in two pieces each.

"Don't crap yourself in amazement from my awesome skill. You're next mummy face." Esumi said with a innocent smile that doesn't fit the face of someone who just bisected two people.

Dosu's heart started to rapidly beat. The air coming into his lungs rapidly came in and went. His skin was as pale as a ghost. His entire body shook in fear from the terror he felt from this demon. He enhanced his legs with chakra and blasted off the ship into the water. The terrifying feeling in his gut didn't disappear even after he was miles below the ocean's surface. He noticed the last person who joined them on their expedition and his eyes brightened in joy. He swam towards them and tackled them upwards towards the surface.

As they arrived on the surface, Dosu held his sound device towards the green fish lady? Esumi looked on in confusion.

"What the hell is this? You think betraying your side is going to work again? Too bad for you, I don't work with traitors." Esumi said as she was about to dash towards Dosu and the hostage.

"Wait! This girl right here is a product of Orochimaru's lead scientist testing! If you kill me you will never know where his lab is and more innocent people like this girl will continue to be experimented on and tested on! They will be taken away from their families and be treated as nothing more than numbers in a tube!" Dosu shouted in hysteria.

This caused Esumi to pause. Her eyes flared with lightning as she stared bolts into Dosu's head. Her hands started to shake as she thought of her late brother and mother who were also used as test subjects for Orochimaru and wasn't strong enough to last through the changing. The only reason she survived and was sent to the orphanage, was because the leaf's Anbu raiding Orochimaru's secret base right before it was her turn to get tested on.

Dosu took this as his chance to escape and swiftly dashed away with the hostage in his hand just in case the demoness behind him tried anything funny. The experimented woman looked at Esumi with sadness and slight guilt in her eyes as she was taken away. Esumi raised her blade with yellow electricity sparking off her body and her sword's dangerously in the air and slashed down with ferocious force after the two left her sight. A humongous split occurred due to the attack and the ocean looked as if it was parted by the heavens along with the sound of thunder booming throughout the area.

'I will kill you Orochimaru…. If I don't kill and destroy everything you are proud of, I'll never get rid of this pain in my heart..' Esumi thought to herself as she slowly walked back towards the ship soaked entirely.

She stood over Anko's side as she appeared to be sleep with slight pains every now and then. Esumi told her ship to continue in the direction Anko pointed earlier before kicking the dead bodies off her ship and into the ocean.


Esumi's face was grim as they neared closer and closer to the island. She was about to feel Anko's forehead again, until Anko's eyes shot open and she grabbed her wrist violently. Esumi jumped on the inside while on the outside just smiled and said

"Good morning Anko-nee-chan." Anko slowly lifted herself up and started to stretch.

"What happened while I was out brat? Where did those sound ninja go?"

"I beat them up and sent the last one running home to his mommy!" Esumi said while clutching her fist in a victory pose.

"Why did they attack us?"

"Don't know, but I do know Orochimaru has an associate here that has been performing sick experiments on the villagers in the village on the island. I'm going to find him and stop him."

"Esumi. Orochimaru used to also perform experiments on these chains of islands. He kidnapped the people on the islands and blamed it on a legend. The legend stated that spirits were taking the people."

"How do you know that..?"

"I know where the lab is. That's all you need to know for now."

"Okay Anko-nee-chan. But I think I found our little sea monster problem. It was a girl that Orochimaru's associate tested on. She looked like some sort of mix between human and fish. So once we get rid of this base all we have to do is take her back to Konoha or return her home."

"We'll have to see. I think I remember something about a fish person… But I'm not sure.." Anko says while holding her head.

"Are you okay?"

"Slight migraine.. Remembering about this place is giving me a terrible headache.."

After saying this they finally arrived at the island where the Orochimaru's previous base used to be. Esumi's ship returned back to Esumi's form and Esumi had it transform into large snake that both Esumi and Anko hopped on to.

"You know you could have just summoned a snake." Anko said.

"I didn't know if it was gonna try and eat me again! And we don't have time for that right now, we gotta smash up a base! Now lead the way!" Esumi said while standing and pointing forward.

"Whatever ya energetic squirt. Go to this way."

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