Broly In Naruto

Esumi’s Awesome Mission is Almost Over!

Esumi was riding with Anko on her clone that transformed into a snake that was slithering across the water. They reached some rocks that Anko said they had to go up. But while she said this she held her neck again. Esumi glanced at Anko with concern. She was starting to think this was where she got marked by Orochimaru and it was bringing up traumatic memories for her. She didn't ask her about it now, but after this mission she will talk with her about it.

Following Anko's instructions led them up some rocks and outside a cave entrance. Esumi glanced at Anko who gave a strained nod in return. Esumi had her clone sneak in first to gather information. The clone used the transformation jutsu once more before transforming into a small ordinary fly and flew inside the cave. The clone flew down a path of stairs inside the strangely lit cave. After reaching the final step, the cave started to form more into an actual cave.

There were torches lit up every few feet and stalactites on the ceiling and some on the side of the pathway of the cave. As the clone silently flew through the cave, it noticed a slightly ajar door at the end of the hallway of the cave. The door had a strange green light that was coming from inside the room. Esumi's clone flew inside the room and found many glowing test tubes with strange creatures inside.

The creatures resembled fish-like people. Some had webbed hands. Others had webbed feet. Most of them had a different color of skin such as blue, green, or grey. The clone was pissed off at witnessing this disgusting sight. Innocent people being treated as cattle and products of experimentation. The clone quickly controlled it's emotions before it's transformation became messed up and looked up and noticed a strange woman above. She was partly wrapped in bandages and looked pretty young.

The clone flew behind this young girl as a fly and landed on top of her purple hair. The young girl didn't even notice as she continued to hold the rope as if waiting for someone to come inside the room. The clone zapped the girl and she soon fell unconscious. As if noticing the girl going unconscious, the room started to shake and quake and open a large door.

Esumi's clone heard roaring before three monstrous tiger creatures came from the door. They looked around for any signs of prey. They stared towards the young girl's body before looking elsewhere in search of a target. The clone thought that this girl must be someone who works for the associate of Orochimaru since the creatures didn't try to eat her. The clone put together its two fly hands before creating another fly clone and dispelling. Sending back its memories to Esumi and the other fly clone.


After receiving the memories from the clone, Esumi told Anko what happened and how it was set up.

"This is so cool! I feel like an actual ninja doing this sneaky stuff! Gathering information, being sneaky, destroying hideouts, learning things about the enemy without fighting, it's awesome!" Esumi said in an excited hushed manner.

"Okay gaki. (Brat) Follow behind me. Let's finally finish this mission." Anko replied in a slightly tired voice.

Anko walked inside the cave with Esumi behind her. It seemed as if Anko knew her way around because once we got into the cave and down the stairs she seemed like she had a certain destination she was headed. Esumi kept silent about it because she already decided to talk with her later and they're being sneaky hot and sexy kunoichi right now! They arrived in front of a wooden door with strange markings on it. Anko signaled to Esumi that this was it and to prepare herself. Esumi unsheathed her flowery hilt rapier.

Esumi colored her rapier's blade pink with tiny flowers etched around the entire sword body. Anko slightly wedged the door open and took a peek inside. Esumi simply prepared herself to either charge in and stab whatever is in sight or walk into an empty room. But luckily for her, there was someone inside!

Anko walked inside the room with a kunai in her hand. Esumi followed right behind her until she noticed a black figure sitting on a throne-like chair. She was silently cursing at Anko for not taking the figure out immediately. She then heard Anko ask the figure who are they. Esumi groaned deeply on the inside. This is base destruction mission not an interrogation one! What are you doing Big Sis?!

The dark figure revealed themselves and it turned out to be a green haired man in a white lab coat.

"Welcome, or should I say haven't seen you in a while?" He says with a sharp tone.

"It's you, Amachi!" Anko shouted in realization.

"I'm surprised little Anko-chan. I can't believe you came back here after something like that has happened to you."

"What.. What do you mean.." Anko said while clutching her neck slightly.

"So you don't remember.. I see."

"Well it doesn't matter! My business here isn't with you. Where is Orochimaru?!"


"Don't act stupid! He has to be here!" Anko yells while her curse mark started to act up once again. Causing her to grab her neck even more tightly and look strained.

"Oho.. so the curse mark responds even when the creator isn't even around. Truly interesting.. But yeah Orochimaru was here. Half a month ago.."

"Impossible… So the reason why the curse mark was responding was due to his presence here for half a month? But wait.."

"QUIT TALKING!! Just kill him already! It doesn't matter if Orochimaru is here or was here, this base is going to be destroyed!" Esumi yelled, alerting Amachi of her prescence which seemed to go unnoticed by the man previously.

"So you brought a little genin along with you. I'm curious where you were hiding earlier, but I guess you were the one to set off my little pretties."

"Nope. That was a fly not me. Now get ready to be beat down."

"Hold on Esumi! Amachi is a medical ninja that was under Orochimaru and was running various experiments here along with him. But since Orochimaru isn't here that must mean he was doing all this on his own.." Anko said.

"So he's responsible for the fish people in that other room.. Well nerdy guy it seems you just earned yourself a couple of kisses from Stabby-chan." Esumi says while holding out her rapier towards the scientist.

"While I would love to stay and socialize, my little friend here has something to address with you." Amachi says before turning around and walking away.

Esumi was about to rush towards him before the room started to rattle and vibrate. Rocks began to fall from the ceiling. Esumi coated her blade in lightning chakra before stabbing each rock that fell near her and breaking them apart into smaller harmless pieces. She lost sight of Anko but considering she's a special jonin, she has nothing to worry about hopefully..

A figure appeared behind a destroyed wall along with three other beast-like figures. Esumi saw the coward from earlier than managed to escape from her with a new look and 3 tigers nearly the size of an elephant next to him. Dosu appeared with a second device on his other arm that was identical to his other one and a strange monocle on. The monocle had a spiral design on it making it look as if he was trying to hypnotize someone. The three tigers next to him each stared at Esumi with hunger in their eyes.

Seeing the coward made Esumi glare at him with unrestrained killing intent. She noticed him flinch, but not give up on his plan to attack. The three tigers dashed towards Esumi as if they couldn't wait any longer to rip into her flesh. Esumi kept her eye on the changed Dosu with a look of anger in his eyes, as if trying to match hers. As the tigers neared closer and closer to Esumi, it was as if her entire character changed. The atmosphere also seemed to follow along with this change.

The first tiger creature slashed downward at Esumi with it's huge claws. Esumi stood in a graceful looking stance and deflected the creature's massive paw with her tiny twig-sized rapier. The creature's attack landed on the ground and created a small crater in the shape of its paw. The creature pulled back its paw and attempted to attack again until it felt a strange feeling in its throat. An electrical ball flew out from Esumi's rapier before shaping into a flower that floated behind her.

The big tiger soon fell down, without knowing why it couldn't control its body and tear this tiny human apart. Within two seconds, the first creature fell and the second creature was immediately upon Esumi with a leaping pounce with its terrifying claws forward. A second electrical flower formed from Esumi's sword and floated behind her as she daintily hopped above the towering tiger and pierced right through it's skull. The third creature halted in its dash and stared at the small human warily before taking a look back at Dosu.

This proved to be a life-costing mistake though, as Esumi had a third flower floating behind her as she appeared under the distracted beast with a dazzling entrance of lightning flowers at her feet. The beast instinctively hopped away. Unfortunately for the beast, it turns out that Esumi's rapier had increased in length due to her adding lightning chakra in the form of her sword at the end of her blade tip. Effectively creating some sort of lightning rapier! The lightning rapier pierced through the heart of the oversized tiger and ended its life.

It was at this moment that Dosu decided to move. He appeared in front of Esumi who was still in the midst of killing the last beast and punched with both of his fists towards her midsection. Esumi couldn't react in time due to not coating her body in lightning. She only coated her sword to get through the hard ass bones of the tiger creatures. She stretched her midsection back, using the soft physique modification jutsu that allowed her to elongate her body.

"I will avenge my teammates! I won't let them die a pointless death!" Dosu yelled as the monocle on his eye started to spin.

But it wasn't enough to simple stretch her body away as she was suddenly blasted away by the sound devices on Dosu's arm. She was blasted away to the other side of the room. Esumi quickly tried to align herself as she was flying through the air. She rolled through the air before landing on the opposite wall with her feet. She immediately launched herself back towards Dosu while spinning in a drill-like fashion with her rapier leading. The drill had electrical flowers spinning alongside Esumi and a trail of yellow lightning behind her.

Dosu surprisingly smiled at this turn of events, which Esumi couldn't see due to spinning rapidly. Dosu allowed himself to get pierced through the chest before grabbing Esumi's shoulders and activating both of his sound devices. As he coughed and spewed blood, he surged all of his chakra into his Resonating Echo Speakers. Esumi's ears started to leak blood as she screamed in pain. The sound devices were currently wreaking havoc inside her head. Destroying and damaging her internally, before eventually she smiled at Dosu who had a victorious smile on his face.

Dosu was confused until he noticed those electric flowers were still floating behind his opponent. He didn't know what they did until they suddenly started to glow brighter and


Explode. After the rumbling, electricity, and screaming stopped a certain person appeared from the hole where Dosu came from.

"I hope those sound things on his arm are more durable than he was.." Esumi said as she walked through all the rubble and rocks littered everywhere. She searched for the sound devices before eventually finding some parts of Dosu and the items.

"Clones are so awesome." Esumi said before laughing.

'Jabie is definitely gonna have to owe me for finding him this.' Esumi thinks before stashing away the items and the strange monocle Dosu was wearing.

'Shame he couldn't even use this little item. But it'll be used just nicely once I find out what it does.' Esumi says before eventually searching for Anko.

She looked all over the cave before leaving and noticing that it was morning time all ready. A second look prompted the appearance of a single small boat leaving the island. Esumi saw a single figure on the boat before a bunch of other bigger ships came by. It seems the small boat was heading towards the group of ships for some reason. Esumi was about to head out to see until she noticed a large snake slithering across the water towards the small boat.

The fly clone from earlier transformed back into Esumi and arrived outside the cave with the unconscious purple-haired girl and a bunch of also sleeping fish people.

"Take her back to the village. Once she's safely secured, this mission is basically finished. For these fish guys just throw them in the ocean or leave them on one of these islands. I gotta go chase a boat and crush a base!"

After telling her clone what to do, she summoned two large snake creatures to help her accomplish her current goals. The yellow one eyed snake appeared again with a blue snake with a bandana on his head.

"Take us out to sea and follow that small boat Ramen! Bluby I want you to rampage across this island until you have to poof back home! " Esumi ordered.

"A new summoner are you? Not much meat on you, but I'll---" Bluby was saying before he was interrupted by Ramen.

"Not this one. She is capable. Just do as she says."

"I see. But my name is Nandi, summoner." Bluby says

"My name is Harou." Ramen says.

"Normally I would beat the mess out of you two for refusing my cute names for you, but I don't have time! Let's go!" Esumi said as she hopped on Harou.

Harou slithered away from the cave and started to snake across the ocean towards Anko. Nandi did as he was told and started to destroy the island after the clone successfully retreated with the experimented people. He crashed, whipped, and spat venom all over the island. Tearing, uplifting, and melting most of the land.

Esumi left Nandi to his devices while she rode Harou towards Anko. Eventually she saw Anko reach the lone boat who somehow knocked out all the other people from the other ships. The person on the lone boat was Amachi! That scumbag scientist that works with Orochimaru! Esumi watched as Anko and Amachi fought against one another. One with three surgical knives vs one kunai. He welded the knives in his knuckle in some sort of claw style.

Esumi was almost upon the two fighters until she saw Amachi throw a jar filled with some strange grey stuff at Anko. Anko sliced the jar apart before being surrounded by white smoke! The grey stuff inside the jar turned into smoke after Anko cut it apart. Anko tried to cover her nose, but wasn't quick enough and accidentally inhaled some of the smoke. She immediately fainted on top of the ship she was fighting on.

'Ha…. When is she ever going to learn… ' Esumi thought to herself as she hopped off Harou and dove towards Amachi with her foot heading straight towards his head.

Amachi must have sensed her coming, or saw her giant yellow unique snake that was always slithering towards the boat in this very blue ocean. He hopped away as Esumi crashed into the ship with a smashing impact. Many floor boards of the ship were destroyed as Esumi accidentally went to the bottom floor of the ship.

"Damn it! I put too much power in that kick!" Esumi swore as she hopped back to the floor board of the ship.

She stood across from Amachi who stared back at her.

"I guess I'll deal with you as well. It seems Dosu was unable to complete his task even with the upgrades and help I've given him."

"Yeah the guy sucked. He was real dumb. And easy too."

"Real shame.." Amachi said before his body started to convulse and shake.

The clothing around his sleeves and legs ripped apart as they revealed green fish scales! He had fins on his arm that went up to his elbow. His shoes tore apart to reveal green feet that were eerily similar to human feet but with a lack of toe nails and much more flexible than a human's feet.

Amachi's face morphed into a fish-faced one. His eyes turned completely red. His eyebrows turned into a type of fish fin. Atop his head was a larger fin that stretched to the base of his skull. His chest hid two gills on each side of his torso. Directly under his chest.

"I will now show you the true power of science!" Amachi said as he blasted a stream of water at Esumi.

"Although my friend hasn't created his own race of people, I'm sure it won't be long before he does! And he's a lot more impressive than some lackey of Orochimaru." Esumi spat before moving her head to the side and performing the transformation jutsu.

As the smoke cleared from her figure, it revealed Esumi with 4 arms! And in each arm held a different weapon from her storage sheathe. The extra arms were located on each side of her abs. The four weapons she took out were the metal pipe she called Basher, the iron hammer she knabbed from the genin in the chunin exams, one of her older swords that was lengthy and thin she called Uchinin, and a long slender blade she called Niki.

"What an ingenious use of the transformation jutsu… But nevertheless it won't be enough to defeat someone who has evolved from the evolutionary path of humanity!" Amachi bragged before shooting sharp fish scales at Esumi.

Esumi deflected the numerous tiny scales before rushing towards the transformed scientist.

Amachi snorted before saying, "Water Style: Cannon ball jutsu!" and spitting out a large ball of water.

Esumi ducked and dodged the water jutsu before kicking towards Amachi. Amachi slapped towards Esumi's foot with his weird fin-human hand.

Despite being transformed into the ultimate man-hybird, when Amachi clashed with the small genin he was immediately overpowered and was launched off the ship into the water. He yelled in anger and confusion as he soared over the ocean. He fell into the ocean and saw the unnaturally strong genin chase after him with her four arms that were welding different weapons.

'Fool. The water is my forte!' Amachi thought as he swam towards Esumi under the water.

Esumi smirked after kicking away the scientist.  Esumi laughed lovingly after looking at her gravity seal and chased after the scientist she just kicked into the ocean. Despite how clear the ocean's water was, she couldn't find the fish bastard. Esumi searched all over until she felt nasty slimy fish hands grab her ankles and drag her under water! She held her breathe as she was brought deeper and deeper into the ocean. Esumi thought she would be struggling to move due to the gravity seal and the numerous weapons she was carrying, but hardly felt any different in the ocean than when she did on land!

Eventually the fish bastard let go of her ankles and swam away before abruptly turning around and swimming straight towards her. Esumi was thinking whether to play with him or not, but decided not to. This mission has been quite tiring so far, despite how much she likes to play with her opponents. Amachi balled his hand and punched at the genin who he imagined should be having a hard time breathing and moving properly.

Amachi landed his punch on Esumi's face and expected her to be knocked away, but instead Esumi's face was sharply turned away from the force of the punch and had slight blood running down her nose. Esumi stabbed the fish scientist in the ribs with both of her blades in retaliation and kicked him in the chest, dislodging her two blades and blasting the fishman back to the surface. Esumi swam back towards the surface.

Amachi stood on a floating rock holding his punctured chest looking at Esumi with fury in his eyes. He swiped some blood from his wounds on his finger and smacked his palm on the ground.

"Aid me Sea Monster!" Amachi yelled painfully before coughing out blood.

From his palm came a light blue sea slime creature that sat upon the surface of the water. Esumi stood atop the water's surface across from Amachi and his summoning creature.

"Kill her!"

"Do you really think this blob of water is capable of killing anything? Look at how slow it is!" Esumi yelled as she hopped around the slow summoning creature.

"Watch this."

Esumi appeared above the water creature and surged lightning chakra through her entire body and weapons. She yelled before smashing through the water summon and tearing it into droplets of water. As she landed back on the ocean's surface, a large spurt of water blasted from the impact of Esumi's attacked. Esumi laughed victoriously before hearing another laugh.

"You fool! My sea monster is capable of reforming whenever there is a large water supply nearby. And on this ocean, I am a god!!" Amachi howled.

And to prove his point the water creature started to come together once more but it enlarged itself about five times as much as it was previously. Esumi tsk'd.

"How annoying. But you know that lightning is really really hot right? I'm sure you know what heat does to water.. So how would your little summoning creature do once it's entirely evaporated?" Esumi said before aiming each of her lightning-charged weapons in the sky.


The four weapons shot out a beam of yellow lightning that all headed towards one point in the sky. When the four beams met a large explosion was about to form until Esumi crossed her four blades into the shape of X. The explosion stopped and started to compress and form into the shape of a sphere. Amachi was starting to get a bit frightened, so he quickly told his sea monster to attack Esumi now.

The summoned creature grabbed towards Esumi who was still forming her jutsu with its water hand.


The hand was shocked and the creature pulled back its hand. It was at this time the jutsu Esumi was forming was complete. The previous sharply-colored yellow ball in the sky has now formed into a large lightning bolt. Amachi yelled at his summoning to attack before swiftly hopping into the ocean.

Esumi motioned her blades downward and with a deafening sound of electricity screamed into the air surrounding the ocean. The bolt in the sky disappeared. Esumi sheathed her swords into her storage sheathe as the ocean erupted into chaos. The bolt pierced through the water summoning creature and instantly evaporated it while continuing to strike down into the ocean, aiming for a certain fish.

Amachi has successfully swam deep into the ocean ever since he noticed the powerful jutsu that no genin should ever be able to produce. Amachi would love to see how exactly she got so powerful without being modified in some way but escaping with his life intact is much more important than finding out. He would have to restart his research elsewhere, preferably somewhere not near Konoha.

As he was swimming deeper and farther away from the battlefield, he was gloating on the inside on a successful escape. Until he felt a sharp sting and suddenly everything went black as he was split in half from the large lightning bolt that continued to travel deeper into the ocean's depths.

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