Broly In Naruto

Prelude to the Final Exam

Esumi dispelled her transformation jutsu and returned back to having just two arms. She waved her arms around.

'Having four arms is so weird. It's kind of hard to get back to the mindset of having two arms when you just got done fighting with four.' Esumi thought as she returned back to the ship where Anko was still sleeping.

As she saw the special jonin napping peacefully amongst the destroyed ship, she smiled and shook her head.

Esumi stood over Anko and kicked her into the ocean.

"WAKE UP YOU DUMB IDIOT!" Esumi yelled as Anko woke up upon splashing into the water.

Esumi watched as Anko freaked out and started to splash water everywhere. Eventually she caught on that this wasn't some weird dream or enemy attack and stared daggers at the young apprentice. She hopped out of the water after Esumi. Esumi made a fake girlish scream as she started to run away from the angry Anko.

"Get back here you rude little punk!" The drenched Anko shouted.

"Maybe you shouldn't have decided to go to sleep on my first real mission!"

"You know I didn't try to!"

"And maybe you shouldn't have tried to interrogate a person not vital to the mission!"

"He was vital to the mission! He could have known where Orochimaru was you stinking brat!"

"Orochimaru wasn't the mission!"

Anko stopped chasing after Esumi. She looked like she was having some sort of internal battle within herself before she just audibly sighed.

"Fine. I may have lost control of myself and lost sight of the mission." Anko admits.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened on these islands sis?" Esumi asks.

"I don't but.. I'll tell you on the way back towards the village." Anko said as she summoned a snake for them to ride on.

"Take this Anko. I feel that it would be better if you have it.. than not."

Esumi slapped the gravity seal on Anko's back and watched as it sunk into her skin and slowly the words Resistance appeared where it vanished. Anko tried to bonk Esumi for slapping her back before noticing her body feels off.

"Hey what did you do to me brat?! Why can't I move my body how I want to?"

"This is for your own good. Frankly your fight with the Amachi was sad. He wasn't even a good fighter and he brought you down with one trick. Imagine if I didn't come in time and he decided to kill you after he knocked you out."

"I get what you mean! But explain what you just put on me!" Anko said slightly embarrassed at her failure against Amachi being brought up.

"Nope. Its funnier if I don't." Esumi giggled as she easily dodged Anko's slow punches on the snake that was riding across the ocean.

"Once I get my hands on you you're gonna wish you never left the village!"

This continued on for a bit until Anko eventually tired herself out and couldn't try to grab or hit Esumi anymore. Esumi was laughing at each attempt to harm her.


"That mission wasn't very long.. I still have so many days left until the chunin exams." Esumi complained while dangling her legs over the purple snake that was slithering across the dirt road they were on.

"Why don't you practice your summoning jutsu brat and learn how to do this and meet most of the talking snakes." Anko said before having numerous snakes come from out her jacket's sleeve.

"How the hell did you summon snakes without even using the summoning jutsu?!"

"Once you start to get a feel for the snakes from the summoning jutsu, you can summon them from different parts of your body without needing to use blood or the standard summoning jutsu hand sign."

"Can other people do that with their summons?! Like if some ninja had a spider summon would they be able to make spiders from their sleeves!?"

"Maybe. I don't know any ninjas that use spider summonings. But I do know that you can as a snake summoner. So you could practice how to do that till its time for the final exam."

"I guess so.. It sucks I have to wait till Suna and Jabie come back from their journeys."

"What do you mean?" Anko asked.

Esumi realized she might have let something slip that shouldn't have slipped.

"Our sensei took them on a mission after we left. He said it might take two to three weeks until they come back to Konoha." Esumi quickly lied.

"How do you know this if we left the village when they were still in it?"

"Hmph! Don't underestimate our friendship! We have many ways of doing many things! A ninja never releases their secrets!"

"I won't investigate this time brat, but next time I hear anything about any of you three leaving the village without a jonin in tow expect hell from me and the hokage." Anko warned.

Soon after Esumi and Anko reached the village hidden in the leaves after a couple of days on the road. They were greeted by Esumi's clone standing next to the fish girl from the island who looked differently. She had bandages covering her body and a slight smile on her face.

"So this is the sea monster that was attacking the ships?" Anko asked in disbelief.

"Where is Amachi-san? Is he not with you..?" She asked.

"I beat him into a pulp! Now he's fish food." Esumi said while smiling.

"What?! Then how will I turn myself back to normal?! I'm gonna be a monster forever and its all your fault!" The girl shouted before bursting into tears and running away.

Esumi had an annoyed expression of her face. While she did feel bad for the girl for having to be treated as nothing more than a test subject, it didn't mean she cared about her feelings. Esumi appeared in front of experimented girl and bonked her on the head. Knocking her unconscious. She was about to put her over her shoulder but she was too tall! So Esumi just grabbed her by the leg and dragged her towards the mission desk with Anko behind her.

"I guess this saves time. But you really are ruthless aren't ya? Can't even spare a girl her feelings." Anko said.

"I don't want to deal with that. I have some things to do. I'm going to leave it to the hokage. It will easier for me."

So Esumi and Anko reported to the mission desk about what happened on their mission. They were paid a B-rank mission reward for their previous C-rank mission. After leaving the sleeping girl with surprised mission desk receivers, Esumi body flickered away back home before deciding on her next move. Upon reaching her apartment grounds, she was greeted with the sights of beautiful greenery.

Flowers of a multitude of colors and sweet aromas poured out from the apartment grounds. Esumi guessed one of Jabie's clones must be working with this stuff.

'While it definitely looks good, it needs something else.. I'll have to make something, but I'm too tired to do anything else right now. I'll save it for tomorrow.' Esumi thought as she fell asleep right on top of her bed at 3pm.


A well-rested messy looking yawning Esumi was currently in her kitchen looking for something to snack on. 'I can't even sleep for as long as I want now! Even though I feel fantastic I wanted to sleep until tomorrow! Jabie's stupid "enhancements" are getting in the way of my beauty sleep' Esumi thought while snacking on some food.

'I guess I'll just gather information about the other ninjas until Jabie or Suna comes back. Maybe If I'm lucky I'll catch one of them using some super secret jutsu.' Esumi thought to herself while putting on her shinobi outfit and glasses.

Esumi hopped out her window before suddenly stopping herself.

'How the hell do I even find some of these bastards? Oh wait! I can just use clones to do the looking for me! And when they find all the other genin, then I can go.'

Esumi quickly hopped back inside her house and laid down before sending a mini clone army transformed into numerous animals and insects out to gather information for her. She smiled before immediately taking herself back to dreamland.

A couple more hours later and suddenly Esumi's sleeping body twitched and convulsed before she fell off her bed. She screamed in annoyance and pain before slicing half of her wall in half with a blade.

"You stupid clone bastards! Don't freaking dispel at the same time!" Esumi groaned in agony from all the memories her clones just sent her.

Esumi heard a knock at her door which just pissed her off even more. She was about to slice her door and whoever behind it in half before she heard a voice say.

"Are you in need of assistance Esumi?"

"Get in here you fat bastard and make this head ache go away."

Esumi watched as the clone came in through the door and started to soothe her mental torment. She sighed in relief from the clone's mystical palm jutsu.

"Got any new goodies for me?" Esumi asked.

"Well we got a few things we are working on, but nothing really completed so far."


"We were planning to borrow a few test subjects from the graves here in Konoha, but we haven't figured out a way to escape the sight of the Hyūga clan to visit their graves. The previous Uchiha clan's graves are all missing for some reason.. The other clans though have made great donations to my cause though. Very soon you, Jabie, and Aomatsuna will have a monumental increase in strength! Once we learn how to ---" The water clone was about to continue until Esumi pinched his lips closed.

"Okay fatty. I get it, you got some new project that will make us stronger. That's all you had to say. But remember never to kidnap innocent people or force anyone innocent into your experiments or I'll stop you myself." Esumi said as she let go of his lips and started to head out the door to practice until the chunin exams.


"Hey pervy sage is this how I do it?" A spiky-haired blond asked before suddenly having his chakra flare red. His pupils turned red, his finger nails grew sharper, and his whiskers grew more defined.

"How the heck did you manage to tap into your other chakra?!" A tall spiky-haired older man with white long hair shouted.

"Well I just asked foxy if I could use it from time to time. Although he was real stubborn at first, he eventually broke down thanks to my awesome ninja skills." Naruto explained while jumping around and punching and kicking.

"You can talk… to the fox…?" Pervy Sage said in disbelief.

"Yep yep, whenever I go to sleep we chat in my dreamscalp. That's what Foxy called it." Naruto confirmed.

"Dreamscape.. Is what you mean.."

"Yeah yeah that! So what technique are you gonna teach me!? Are you gonna teach me a cool jutsu like this?!" Naruto exclaimed before going through some hand signs, puffing up his cheeks, and shouting, "Ultimate Uzumaki Blast Jutsu!" Naruto then exhaled a speeding mass of red wind that soon flew in the air.

Saying the Pervy Sage was shocked, was an understatement if you saw his current jaw dropping appearance. The information he got about the boy said he only knew the shadow clone jutsu and nothing about elemental ninjutsu! Putting away the fact that the boy has been talking to the Nine-Tails for who knows how long and can willingly tap into its chakra without any side effects! The Pervy Sage grabbed his jaw and put it back in its original place before taking on a serious appearance.

"I'm going to teach you the Summoning Jutsu boy!" The Pervy Sage said.


"I made it to the finals Guy-sensei! I actually did it! Me a shinobi who can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu!" Lee cheered to his similar looking sensei.

"Right you did Lee. With your own strength and youthful display, you could become a chunin!" Guy said while flashing his very bright teeth and giving Lee a thumbs up.

"Yes! I will train hard Guy-sensei!"

"This month I will be teaching you how to dispel genjutsu and how to withstand the effects of the eight gates more effectively."

"Yes Guy-sensei!"


"I would say I'm shocked at how quickly your attitude has changed, if I was an idiot." Jabie replied to his new prisoner.

"I don't know what you mean master…." The female mercenary replied in a seductive tone while doing sexually suggestive poses.

"I think I'll make it a few days before the chunin exams begin. Esumi has made it back from her mission safely. With all those bodies my clones collected from the numerous clans in Konoha and replaced in their graves with transformed water clones that looked like the deceased, the power of all those clans will be easily collected for my own use!" Jabie talked aloud to himself.

The pet grey mouse, Un, squeaked a response towards the monologuing boy, alerting him to the fact that his prisoner has equipped herself with a rather sharp stick and is leaping towards Jabie.

Jabie sighed before swaying away from the attack and smacking her stomach with his palm. The mercenary's eyes were nearly lodged from her head as she was launched flying towards a large tree. The female mercenary was no more than a blur as she flew through the air. What was suppose to be a loud crack sound, turned into a *BLORP* as the flying mercenary crashed into a diamond-shaped mass of water.

She held her throat and desperately tried to swim out of the water. The diamond shape soon shrunk until it formed into some sort of water fastening around her entire body until she was resembled a chained water cocoon. Jabie appeared over the drenched restrained over womanly figure with a dangerous grin.

"This should hold you till we get back to my village. Try not to use any chakra, or you might find out the surprise I've hidden for ya." Jabie says mysteriously before walking away and dragging the woman while laughing with his pet mouse.

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