Broly In Naruto

The Final Exam is Here!

It's the day of the final test of the Chunin Exams! Many important figures were being brought into Konoha with much fanfare and impressive attires. Some were walking while others were being carried into Konoha. Numerous amounts of spectators came to watch these important figures as they came into Konoha. Cheers were being thrown around as more and more popular figures came to Konoha's Chunin Exams.

The Trio of Demons are currently walking towards the location of the final exam.

Broly in his signature look, no shirt and red baggy pants. Gold colored shoulder pads and sandals. Black semi-spiky long hair that reached down to his mid back. A tattoo with the kanji of Hyena placed on his left chest. The tattoo was split in between two shades, one light green and one dark green.

Esumi wore her standard sharp looking glasses that tended to make her look serious-like. She had on a fitted mesh shirt that cut off at her midriff and a dark blue skirt. On her back was an Iron Hammer that seemed to have changed from when it was previously seen before. Instead of just being a normal gray iron hammer, it is now made of a strange black material with a lightning bolt painted all over the hammer. She also has a tattoo of two snakes on her right arm.

Jabie hasn't changed much this month except with the addition of two orange bear cubs hanging off his back right now. The two orange bear cubs looked around in wonder and curiosity. As if they were children going to a festival for the first time. The two cubs had the word Resistance on their foreheads. They were chortling, growling, and roaring to each other each time one of them pointed towards a new view or a new person. Due to their undeveloped bodies though they were only making high pitched sounds.

As Broly walked inside the huge arena for the main tournament with Esumi and Jabie by his side, he noticed the huge stand filled with civilians and ninjas alike. The monumental sized stadium walls that circled around him. He noticed the other genin have arrived soon after his team did. A brown-haired ninja that wore a bandanna and a senbon in his mouth like a toothpick appeared in front of Broly and the rest of the genin competing.

"Focus up. Look at the customers." He said.

"In this main tournament, you guys are the stars."

The hokage soon cleared his throat before deciding to speak.

"Thank you everyone for coming to the Hidden Leaf's Chunin Selection Exam!!"

"We will now start the main tournament matches between the 15 participants who made it through the preliminaries. So please stay and watch till the end!!!" The hokage finished before a roar of applause and cheers rang out.

The bandana wearing jonin walked up to Broly and the rest of the genin.

"Does anyone have any questions before we start?"

"Hey hey Sasuke isn't here yet. What is gonna happen??" Naruto asked.

"If he doesn't appear by the time of his match, he will be disqualified."

'Hmm Sasuke would rather come here bandaged up like a mummy than miss this.. I wonder what's going on with him.' Naruto thought to himself.

"Alright guys, this is the final test. The arena may be different but the rules are the same as they were in the prelims. You fight until one of you dies or acknowledges defeat. But if I determine that the fight is over, I'll step in and stop it. You got that?"

"Now the first fight, Shikamaru Nara vs Ino Yamanaka. Those two stay here while the rest of you go to the waiting room."

Broly left with the rest of the genin to the waiting place. They watched the match from above as it soon began. Broly thought this match was boring due to how friendly the two competitors were. Since they were on the same team, there was no way there would be any meaningful blood split or any dangerous attacks. And Broly was correct because by the end of the match the Nara boy won with only a few scratches and very dirty clothes. He captured the Yamanaka girl with his clan's jutsu and forced her to surrender.

"It would've been a cooler match if they didn't fight buddy buddy. The blondie could've won if she went all out. The shadow boy looks very tired compared to the her." Esumi stated.

"Yes, I agree his physical capabilities are quite underwhelming." Jabie agreed.

"Winner Shikamaru Nara!" The referee who was introduced as Genma Shiranui shouted.

The audience however didn't care in the slightest what the Trio of Demons thought and cheered as the Nara boy won through a brilliant and dangerous strategy that nearly involved him getting caught in the girl's dangerous family jutsu. After winning the battle, Shikamaru put his hands in his pockets and slowly and tiredly dragged himself to the waiting room while muttering something about troublesome exams, blondes, and troublesome training under his breath.

"Welcome back youthful competitor!" Lee greeted the shadow user. The Nara heir groaned in response while looking at the bench with a certain longing. He looked over the ledge as he forced his bruised body to continue watching his possible next opponent.

"And now the next match! Yada Esumi vs Rock Lee! Come Down!" Genma shouted.

"Yosh! It's time for my youth to burn brightly and to show it to all these people!" Lee said as he hopped off the waiting area and flipped stylishly as he landed in a pose.

"From what my clone spied on him, he should be able to take quite a beating. Wish me luck guys!" Esumi said as she body flickered into the arena.

"DON'T FORGET TO INJECT IT!" Jabie yelled with the accompany of two cubs roaring along with him.

"My fight had to be the last one.." Broly complained.

"It's not entirely bad Suna. We get to see any potentially abilities that I could find out for us and maybe use."

"Do you really think any of these bugs learned something worth having this past month Jabie?"

"It's a possibility. And if there's a chance why not?"


"Begin." Genma said as the audience looked in curiosity at these two unknown genin.

Rock Lee ran towards Esumi. Esumi grinned before deciding whether to take out her Slammy, her hammer, or use taijutsu. But she realized that she has collected so many weapons, why not show them off here! The guy a month ago did tell them to show their best or to do chunin things to show off to the judges that they are chunin material. Jabie told her that it meant showing leadership skills or tactical prowess. So Esumi decided to try and play smart instead of just beating this poor idiot to near death.

Lee did a jump kick towards Esumi's head. Esumi ducked as she took her hammer from her back and wielded it one-handedly. Lee followed up after his kick and threw a few more that Esumi also dodged. After missing quite a few times, he flipped while in midair and did a falling kick towards Esumi's small figure. Esumi blocked effortlessly with her hammer and pushed the taijutsu user away.

'Maybe I should act a little bit. If I treat this too easily, the judges might not advance me..' Esumi thought before increasing her gravity seal to level 9. Causing her to take a second to re-adjust herself. She slowly went through motions to check how much she has been restricted before smiling.

"Come on bowl cut! That isn't all you got is it?" Esumi shouted. Making the crowd look at this braggart of a shinobi.

"You've asked for it!" Lee responded before dashing back at Esumi.

Esumi watched as Lee threw two kunai at her. Esumi knocked the two kunai out of the air with her hammer and saw Lee perform a jump kick and yell. "Dynamic Entry!" Esumi had to breathe out an air of disappointment as she could easily end the fight here and now, but that wouldn't promote her would it? And she had to put Jabie's mini clone inside Lee's body somehow before she could end it.

Esumi was so lost in her thoughts she nearly was kicked by Lee's Dynamic Entry attack! She barely managed to block with her hammer and was forced to slide back from the impact of the attack. She just realized she didn't have to hold back at all! There were more matches to come surely. She could just act like a chunin then!

Esumi's face turned into a terrifying grin as she leapt towards Lee without any reserves. Lee must have noticed the look on her face as his turned serious. Esumi smashed her hammer at Lee, who decided to dodge the hammer that was basically the twice the size of his torso. Esumi saw Lee try and take advantage of her after her miss with a kick aimed at her side.

Esumi moved with the momentum from her hammer and flipped away with it, but not before throwing a shuriken at Lee as she made distance from him. Lee ducked under the sharp item and ran towards Esumi again. Esumi dashed at Lee with a noticeably lower speed than him. As they neared each other, Esumi swung at Lee with a horizontal swing. Lee jumped over the attack and did a diving kick towards the Esumi he thought was now open to attack.

Unfortunately for the green jumpsuit wearing boy, Esumi blocked with her wrist and grabbed hold of Lee's leg. She was about to slam him into the ground until his second foot came towards her wrist. He landed his kick and forced Esumi to let go of his leg. Esumi smiled as he took the bait she set and activated her trap. As Lee was getting some distance from his opponent he noticed a strange spark of yellow electricity and his female opponent was suddenly in front of him!

"What the?!" Lee said before he was pierced through the shoulder with a blade. He shouted out a pained noise and kneed towards Esumi.

"Completed. You're welcome you fat bastard!" Esumi yelled.

Jabie smiled at this shoutout while the rest of the watchers were confused about what she was talking about.

"I can't underestimate you any longer." Lee said.

"You shouldn't have been in the first place ya retard! Don't you know who I am?! I'm Yada Esumi, one of the best shinobi in the village! The best female shinobi in this village as well!" Esumi shouted

This caused the audience to take on chatter.

"Is she really the best kunoichi in Konoha?"

"I never heard of her before. Impossible."

"She's definitely the best female braggart in Konoha."

"It is true that most of the kunoichi that graduated this year aren't as impressive as her." Ko said to the other genin.

"Impressive how? Have you seen her mission record? Its basically empty except for that 1 B-rank mission."

"Not just anyone genin would be able to surprise Lee like that and get a hit on him. I've been training him for a month and only a handful of these genin would be able to defeat him." Guy said.

"Please give me a moment!" Lee shouted as he sat down and crossed his legs before grabbing his orange leg warmers.

Esumi stared in disbelief at the idiot.

'Who asks their opponent who could be trying to kill them in the middle of a battle to wait…' Esumi was slightly stumped on whether to take advantage or to let him do it. Before saying screw it and letting him finish.

Lee took off his leg warmers and revealed to be wearing leg weights underneath them. He removed them and softly laid them on the ground. He put back on his leg warmers before standing back up and saying Let's go! He appeared suddenly in front of Esumi and kicked Esumi in the stomach.

Esumi was able to see his movements easily but with the gravity seal increased she couldn't move exactly how she wanted. So either she dropped the seal back down a level or she needed to use her Lightning Burst technique.. And since she needed to show off to the judges, she knew exactly what to do.

As Esumi slid back from the impact of Lee's kick she put away her sword and took back out her hammer. She held it in one hand before having her entire figure spark. Her body started to flare off yellow electricity at random intervals as her hair became as spiky as a hedgehog. Lee appeared in front of the transformed Esumi and punched at her face.

Esumi however could now react due to the lightning chakra increasing her physical abilities. Although she could go much much faster if she released her gravity seal. It is enough right now to deal with Lee. Esumi slammed her hammer against Lee's fist and watched as the idiot continued to go forward as if this hammer was nothing more than just a piece of paper and paid the price for it accordingly.

Lee was smashed and sent flying away. Normally he should have impacted into the wall, but since the gravity seal was also restricting the amount of force Esumi could put into her attacks he wasn't injured as much as he should have been. There was also the fact that lightning and blunt weapons don't mix as well as she thought they would at least the way she just used it.

Lee recovered and quickly went on the offense once again. Esumi decided to play with the boy who was about the same speed as her now. She swung her large hammer at Lee rapidly. Lee dodged each attack and expertly ducked under Esumi's hammer and attempted to trip Esumi with a spinning low kick from below.

The audience was surprised at the high-level battle going on. They were wondering how that small feisty girl was about to swing and move that hammer about so easily. The strange green genin in the jumpsuit was also an impressive shinobi. He has shown nothing but taijutsu this entire time!

"Can you imagine when he finally decides to use ninjutsu or genjutsu!? That pipsqueak is finished."

"The girl just started to use ninjutsu! Who knows how long it will take her to finish this if he keeps holding back like before!"

"This will be over in 10 seconds."

Esumi hopped over the low kick, only to find a blue sandal heading straight towards her chin. She was launched into the air slightly.

"Not good enough!" Lee shouted before doing a handstand and using both of his legs to kick Esumi further into the air. Esumi blocked each kick with her wrist but was still being uplifted by his attacks. She was wondering why her lightning chakra wasn't shocking him but put it in the back of her mind. She noticed Lee unwrapping his bandages that were wrapped around his arm and wrapping them around her.

"Good luck pal! Like I'll let you pull off this technique of yours. Come here!" Esumi shouted before dropping her hammer and grabbing Lee's bandages.

She pulled Lee's bandages and stopped his technique while they were still in the air. Lee was brought towards Esumi who kneed him in the gut with lightning chakra surrounding her knee.

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