Broly In Naruto

The Conclusion of Esumi vs Lee!

"These two aren't showing much in terms of becoming chunin." A random chunin said.

"Yeah. I agree. These two might be stuck as genin unless one of them does something later on in the tournament."

After Esumi kneed Lee with an electrifying force, he was sent plummenting back towards the ground.


A small crater was formed when Lee landed. Dust was forced to rise in agitation of being impacted by such momentum. The arena was currently hidden in dust and smoke. The audience was blind to anything happening in the arena. They watched in anticipation and excitement.

"Could he have lost already?!"

"There's no way! He hasn't even shown off any cool jutsus!"

"I'm surprised it took him this long to lose. Holding back against his opponent was setting himself up for failure since the start."

Esumi landed in the midst of the dust cloud and cleared it away, revealing an injured Rock Lee holding his shoulder where he was stabbed earlier. He looked at Esumi's proud and victory filled smile that reminded him of someone. Although they were different, their confidence in their strength and abilities seemed so similar..

'I can't give up… What did I spend training this last month for..? To be shown up by a different genius?'

"No way! I will prove that hard work and perseverance can defeat a genius! I will have to use that technique Guy-sensei! Please forgive me." Rock lee shouted before crossing his arms across his chest.

"Go on use your little Eight Gates! The best kunoichi of Konoha will shut it down as easily as I shut down your little Primary Lotus move from earlier!" Esumi laughed harshly.

Some of the jonin and chunin gasped as they realized that the green jumpsuit genin was trying to use one of the famous kinjutsu in Konoha.

"Can he even perform such a technique?!"

"Did Guy really teach his student that dangerous jutsu!? What was he thinking?!"

"Will the boy really decide to use that move here? He still has other matches to complete."

"He let her get to his head. He should've just surrendered rather than potentially crippling his body just to prove himself."

Esumi saw as Lee's face turned into one of shock before returning back to a determined look. She was slightly annoyed that he wasn't bothered enough to lose focus, but decided to go further.

"You don't really believe a person that could only use taijutsu could really become a ninja do you!? Even if your sensei is known for his taijutsu skills, he can still use ninjutsu! You on the other hand can't even perform the clone technique! In the preliminaries, you couldn't even dispel an academy level genjutsu technique!" Esumi harshly berated even more.

"What!?!?! He could only use taijutsu the entire time!?"

"That must be why he wasn't using any flashy ninja moves!"

"It seems that this match was over before it even began."

"Poor kid, trying to live a false dream.."

Lee's face turned even more upset as he listened to his opponent's remarks. His determination was slightly faltering.

"I… I will show you that I can become a true shinobi! I will prove it to everyone here!" Lee yelled before the area around him started to change.

The ground under him started to rise up around him. His hair started to rise as the surrounding ground started to shake. His veins were beginning to pop out and become more visible. Lee's skin began to turn red. A blue chakra coating formed over his body before Lee put down his arms and stared at Esumi.

"What jutsu is that?"

"Didn't the blue-haired girl just say he doesn't know any jutsus?"

"Is he proving her wrong right in her face?!?!"

"Your teammate is going a bit far don't you think?" The lavender jacket wearing Hyūga asked.

"Don't worry about us. Just focus on your upcoming match princess." Jabie responded harshly. Causing Hinata to fall back to where she was.

The other genin watched as Jabie's smile slightly attached itself to his two bear cubs on his shoulder. The three had an evil smile plastered on their faces.

"Esumi has always been smart. Injuring your opponent's pride so that they come at you with the intent to kill is a great idea. They fight more desperately and pull out every inch of power they could muster before you inevitably crush them into the dirt." Broly said aloud.

"Hey Esumi-chan! Shut up before I shut you up myself! Don't you dare look down on someone's dream!" Naruto shouted loud enough to catch the attention of the demon in focus.

To respond to this, Esumi just gave Naruto the middle finger and enraged the boy even more. While Esumi does think of Naruto as a friend, he isn't close enough to talk her out of what gives her her kicks. Esumi smiled as she successfully manipulated the genin boy into performing his hidden technique. Jabie definitely owes her a big favor for this. Esumi replaced her hammer with Basher. Previously, Basher just looked like a metal pipe, but now it has turned into a green metal pipe with the words "Die!" etched into it. It's form turned into a sleeker and smooth appearance, until Esumi wrapped it in spikes.

'This should be very exciting.' Esumi thought before Lee yelled, "Third Gate! Gate of Life Open!"

The few pebble-sized rocks that were being levitated around Lee's form were now different. Instead of being small rocks they turned into rocks twice the size of one's head! Lee then suddenly hunched over as if charging up even more power somehow.

"He can't be!"

"Oh yes he can! Lee can open up to five of the Eight Gates! He's only just getting started." Might Guy shouted.

"You're insane! How could you teach him something so dangerous!?"

Might Guy looked at the person who questioned him with a rarely seen serious look on his face.

"I gave him the tool to realize his dreams. How he uses it to accomplish that is his choice. Even if he decides to regret it later, it doesn't matter as long as he keeps believing in his ninja way."

"Fourth Gate! Gate of Pain open!!!" Lee shouted as even more veins appeared over his body. His nose slightly started to bleed, but he ignored it as he took a stance.

Esumi lowered her gravity seal to level four, so she could enjoy this fight. She knows exactly how dangerous the technique Rock Lee is using and could even lose if she wasn't careful enough. It's been a while since she's released her gravity seal so far down. She nearly moaned in excitement from the amount of control and power her body has right now. To the audience it just appears as if she was hugging and holding herself in a perverted manner. Broly continued to watch with no change in his expression, used to Esumi's strange mannerisms by now. Jabie slightly held his head down in embarrassment.

With a loud *WHOOOSH* Rock Lee disappeared and in his wake the ground erupted upwards. Dust and large rocks filled the area where he was. The chunin strained to try and find the boy. The jonin watched with more focus. Some of the competitors at the waiting room tried to locate the green genin. Two users of the Hyūga family activated their clan's special eyes. Shikamaru just dozed off as he realized by this point continuing further in this tournament would be a pointless action.

Esumi saw the boy's speed perfectly. She watched as he appeared right under her, trying to launch her into the air with one of his kicks again. She decided to show him how to use his legs correctly, since he likes to kick so much. Esumi swayed her head back before kicking Lee's midsection. Lee quickly fixed himself as he dodged the kick that nearly landed on him even when he's activated the fourth gate!

The audience only heard the swoosh and a loud boom before finally seeing the two fighters again! The two were constantly disappearing over and over again with loud shockwaves constantly being emitted out. Whether or not they were landing their hits or not, the audience could not find out but they sure got excited over whatever the hell was happening right now. They cheered loudly and shouted the name of the competitor they wanted to win.

"Yada! Yada! Yada!"

"Lee! Lee! Lee!"

The watching jonin and chunin were shocked that this match was causing so much excitement. These two were very unknown shinobi before this match even began and somehow won the crowd to their side. Even if a large portion of the viewers were civilians, it wouldn't have caused this much commotion. This is turning out to be quite the exciting final exam and we only just got started.

Esumi dodged another one of Lee's kick that was aiming for her neck and kicked the boy in his chest away. He shouted in pain while holding his chest, but the determination and fight in his eyes were still alive as they honed in on Esumi.

"I bet you're wondering how I can keep up with you without using some special technique as well right? Well too bad! It's just because you're so weak! If you were as strong as me and used that technique then maybe you could give the Hokage a run for his money, who knows. Some people are just better than others learn to accept the reality of your situation and give up!"

These words struck deep within Lee's core. After Guy-sensei took him in he wanted to believe that even if he wasn't a genius. Even if he couldn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu. He could still become a splendid ninja in his own way.

'But.. Can I even pull this off.. She's not even from a famed or prestigious clan, but she's still so strong.. Is your strength really determined at birth, and no matter how much hard work and training you put into it? Is it all meaningless anyway….?' Lee's body started to shake before he heard a voice.

"Lee! Do not ever question your ninja way from an opponent! If you don't even believe in your ninja way, then what is even the point of becoming a ninja?! What were all those tears, blood, and sweat you trained with to prove your ninja way for!?" Guy shouted.

"I… I…" Lee stuttered before looking at the smug Esumi with a dusty and dirty outfit staring his way with a cocky and teasing look in her eyes.

'You're right Guy-sensei… I can't waste everything I put in so far just to quit now! I will definitely beat her!' Rock Lee thought before shouting

"The Fifth Gate! Gate of Closing open!!"

Rock Lee's figure blasted off again in an explosive manner. He punched at Esumi's face. Esumi swayed her head before feeling a slight burning on her face. It turns out that he was able to graze her. But she wasn't worried. She still had a lot more tricks she could pull off and win. Lee threw more and more punches there were able to slightly touch Esumi and she felt like she was getting swiped by an fiery cat every second. Eventually this pissed her off enough to make her to use her Lightning Burst technique.

Esumi's figure sparked and flared into a frenzy with yellow electricity. She vanished and was about to knee Lee right in the stomach before watching him strain to form a punch. His muscles were tearing as he finally formed a fist and clashed with Esumi's knee.


The arena exploded with large rocks, shockwaves, and dust.


A figure was seen being blasted away from the initial clash site with a loud painful shout. A giggle was heard throughout the smoke-filled area.

"Hahaahahahah! It seems your little ninja way wasn't good enough to defeat my awesomeness! Yada Esumi is the strongest kunoichi of Konoha! Don't you ever forget it weakling!" Esumi gloated before watching Genma go check on Lee.

"Winner Yada Esumi!" He shouted before half of the arena erupted in cheers and the other half in boos.

Esumi gave a middle finger and blew a kiss towards the audience before watching the medical-nin come to take Lee away. Esumi saw how Lee raised his basically destroyed arm in her direction before trying to form a fist once more. He attempted to raise himself, but his body refused to listen to his determination, his will. Tears slowly fell from his face. Esumi wanted to make fun of the boy, but she did basically just destroy his entire meaning and goal in life just so her best friend could get information on his secret technique.

She decided to let it go and return to the waiting area. But not before turning her gravity seal back to level 9. She grunted in discomfort from the amount of resistances she had to face but resumed her walk towards the waiting area.

"Strongest kunoichi of Konoha huh? Big talk from a small shrimp don't cha think?" Miyahara said standing above Esumi.

"Get out of the way ya freak of nature or you will end up like the greenie down there." Esumi said a bit tired.

"Why don't you make me shorty?"

Esumi vanished from Miyahara's sight before standing next to Broly and Jabie.

"You owe me two favors. Not just one. I think that kid might give up being a shinobi after what I did to him." Esumi said.

"That's fine, but after this exam one of those will be fulfilled very easily. My water clones are on a cusp of a breakthrough with all the bodies we got from the clans in Konoha except with the exception of the Hyūga and Uchiha. I should be able to borrow a body from the Hyūga clan after I integrate the specialties of the clans I managed to get now and soon you two may also get your own byakugan! Once I figure out how it works and how their born with it, maybe I could possibly recreate it. Make my own special eyes!" Jabie whispered to Broly and Esumi.

"Interesting thought. I'll aid you in taking the bodies from the Hyūga clan. Having their abilities would increase my power greatly." Broly said.

"Hey! Get back here!" Miyahara yelled.

"Wait till you meet me in the tournament ya retard. You're not stupid enough to try and fight before we are even scheduled to fight are you?" Esumi asked with a lack of interest.

Miyahara was pissed but she knew Esumi was right. She would definitely get disqualified if she tried to fight Esumi here and now.

"You better watch yourself chibi!" Miyahara said while punching her fist into her palm.

"And now the next match! Amai Jabie vs Neji Hyūga! Come down!" Genma shouted.

"Hey did you hear that the Yada girl from before whole team has made it to the finals?" An audience member whispered.

"What!? No way how could they all make it together? Did they cheat?!"

"I have no idea, I just know that the fat boy and the shirtless kid are her teammates."

"They are really some monstrous genin those three.." Asuma said to Kurenai.

"Well I haven't seen the strength of the tubby boy. Only the girl and the tailed boy. So maybe he is there weak link and he got lucky during his prelims. I mean that girl he was fighting wasn't that great." Kurenai replied.

"His mission records only shown D-rank missions, so nothing there to tell how strong he is."

"Well I guess we'll see if he's as monstrous as his teammates. No ordinary genin could defeat a member of the Hyūga family. Especially a prodigy like Neji." Kurenai said.

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