Broly In Naruto

Preparation for Chunin Exams!

Team 11 is currently waiting on their sensei who told them to come to training ground 8. Two of the genin at training ground 11 had an irritated look on their face, while one had a less than noticeable face of irritation. Esumi was about to stomp her foot and shout in rage before seeing a swirl of leaves appeared in front of the trio.

"Good news Team 11! I have nominated you three for the chunin exams." Ko said with a peaceful smile on his face.

The reactions of his three genin weren't the ones he was expecting. He expected them to show normal genin reactions to having their sensei nominate them for the chunin exams and cheer and shout and thank him. All his did was stare at him.

"About time. Finally something fun to do." Esumi said.

"I agree. Being a chunin will give us access to higher level jutsus in the library as well. And we won't have to listen to anyone except the hokage mostly." Jabie agreed.

"There better be good fighters there. The other villages must have stronger fighters than we have here." Aomatsuna said.

"Well anyway here are your applications. You are to sign those papers and turn them in at room 301 by 4pm tomorrow." Ko said before body flickering away.

As soon as Ko left, Esumi shouted in excitement.

"Awesome!! My new swords are ready tomorrow as well! I can't wait to put them to good use!"

"I can finally test some experiments that would be much more easily attainable if I use them on enemy shinobi!" Jabie concurred.

The three excited children soon dispersed and headed off to do their own thing in preparation for the chunin exams tomorrow.


Esumi is walking towards the blacksmith who was creating her 3 swords to make sure they will be ready for tomorrow. On her way to the blacksmith she noticed an increase in shinobi. After she took a look at their headbands, she noticed that there were many different symbols on them. This only served to make her even more excited about tomorrow.

She reached the blacksmith's shop and noticed no one was at the counter. She heard banging in the back of the shop. She really wanted to go investigate, but her babies would possibly at risk if she interrupted the blacksmith and he made a mistake with her swords. She would never be able to forgive herself if she ruined her own stuff. So she decided to leave and ultimately accomplish nothing. Esumi didn't have anything in her kit that would be able to get information from a distance.

As she was walking out of the shop she ran into a girl with two buns on her head and pink blouse. Esumi recognized this girl as the one she whooped this morning. Esumi was surprised to see her looking so healthy despite how badly she got beat earlier. Tenten ignored Esumi and walked right into blacksmith shop and yelled,

"HEY DAD I'M BACK!" A loud crash was heard in the backroom causing both Esumi and the blacksmith to be startled.


Tenten looked at the strange small girl who somehow knew she came from the hospital and ignored her. She laughed before heading into the back of the blacksmith shop to see what her dad was up to. This pissed Esumi off and she decided to take a look back there also. Her babies could've been harmed!

Tenten tried to stop the little blue haired girl before being shoved out of the way easily by her. Her eyes opened in shock at the strength the little girl just showed. She knew she didn't weigh that much, but she definitely knows she isn't weak enough to have just any kid push her around. She tried to catch up to the punk hair styled little girl who was already inside their smithy, but she was too slow.

"Hey you drunk bum! You didn't hurt my babies did you!?" Esumi shouted. The only response that was given to her was a bellowing laughter.

"If you don't give me an answer consider this shop the property of the Blade Demoness from now on!" Esumi threatened.

"Yea yea ya loud mouth brat I got your order done. But before I do that." He says before taking a swig of alcohol.

"You got enough money to cover this order right?" He asked.

"Did you forget that I paid already?! Is all that alcohol destroying your brain cells faster?!" Esumi shouted.

"Oh. Oh yeah that's right. Well alright brat follow me. They're in the back." Tenten's dad says as he started to walk towards the back of the smithy.

The two walked towards a lit-up metal table only to noticed three blades of very different sizes laying upon it. One blade of the three blades on the table is actively denting in the metal desk, straining the metal table due to its enormous weight. The second blade seems to be shaped rather differently than normal swords, it resembled more of a metal pipe than that of a sword. The third blade was a standard rapier with a flowery hilt.

Esumi's face beamed in elation. She dived on the table and shoved two of the swords in her storage sheathe. She couldn't pick up the heavy blade so she slid her storage sheathe over it and sucked it inside. The blacksmith just looked at the tiny child in amazement. He wondered just how something so small could hold something so heavy. But he quickly got over it and took another sip of his booze and chalked it up to ninja stuff.

Esumi ran out of the smithy and headed towards the Forest of Death to immediately start training with the blades.


Jabie is standing over an incapacitated bear whose tendons and muscle tissues were cut, rendering its arms and legs useless currently. The bear roared at Jabie despite being immobilized. Jabie noticed a strange desperation in the bear's roar that wasn't like that of a normal animal struggling. He looked around in his surroundings and noticed two bear cubs growling in his direction. His eyebrows perked in interest and surprise. He didn't even sense the two despite the small bloodlust being directed at him by them.

He ignored the two cubs for now before continuing to experiment and practice with his chakra scalpel. The two bear cubs growled and roared with all their might at the bad human whose hurting their mother. Jabie eventually finished his practicing before turning towards the two bear cubs. He thought they were pretty cute despite the tiny killing intent they are producing towards him. He started to go through some hand signs before putting a small genjutsu on the two cubs.

He planted a thought inside their dumb animal brains to obey him and due to Jabie's skill and the lack of intelligence of the cubs, they immediately dropped all hostilities with him and walked towards him.

'I guess animals are really easily to manipulate with genjutsu because of how dumb they are.'

"I guess you two and my pet mouse will be a source of future experiments. Increasing your intelligence somehow will be a fun project" Jabie thought as he walked back towards his apartment grounds with two bear cubs behind him.

On his way outside the Forest of Death, Jabie ran into a fairly malnourished leopard that decided to attack him and his new bear cubs. Jabie was about to just punch it away before deciding to also add this animal to his list of experiments. He wove through some hand seals and placed a "seed" inside the leopard's head to obey him. He noticed a slight struggle in getting the idea to plant from the leopard before increasing the chakra density and forcing it to stick.

He then healed the unhealthy looking leopard with his Water Style: Mystical Palm jutsu, making it look healthier than any other leopard and a bit more energetic. He also decided to heal the cubs just to see what kind of effect it could have in the future. The cubs' fur turned lighter from the jutsu, but that was about it from what he could see. Now he had a mouse, two grizzly bear cubs, and a leopard to take care of. Jabie was a bit confused on how to get the leopard inside the village without causing a fuss before remembering the perfect jutsu for such a situation.

He told the three animals to come towards him. He grabbed each of them before spreading his chakra between the three of the animals and doing the transformation jutsu. But instead of turning himself into a different person, he turned the three animals into three little kittens that could easily fit in his arms. The cubs tried to play with each other in their new appearances while the leopard didn't do anything. Jabie then carried the three "kittens" all the way towards his apartment, avoiding any altercations that could have occurred due to bringing two bear cubs and a leopard into the village.

Jabie arrived in his apartment grounds and noticed his water clones working hard as usual. His clones have increased the number of water clones doing projects and effectively created around 50 Jabie's in long white lab coats. He walked over to the recently made 10 Clones, who had 100% of Jabie's physical capabilities and chakra, to check what kind of progress they made.

"Status report." Jabie said.

"We've made the water clone jutsu about as perfect as the shadow clone jutsu and a little bit better, but that's about it. Nothing too insanely different except its able to be used by people with lower chakra costs. With the new hand seal for Water Clone jutsu, it now only takes a quarter of chakra instead of half like the shadow clone jutsu to create a clone with 75% of our chakra. This is because of the gravity seal and how it affects our chakra. If we had normal chakra then it would give the clone 50% of our chakra and if we created two it would have gave each one a third of our chakra. Each clone can now duplicate exactly what the user is wearing, including physical items like senbon and poison smoke bombs. So overall we made it about equal to the shadow clone jutsu but without the crazy chakra costs it takes to accomplish that technique." 10 Clone says.

Jabie put down his new test subjects and let them roam around in their kitten forms before laughing madly at his accomplishment.

"Do you know what we've just accomplished here…?" He asks after his laughter.

"Of course i do." 10 Clone says.

"We just improved a jutsu that is comparable to the Second Hokage's jutsu! My genius is ground-breaking!! I have to go teach this to Esumi and Aomatsuna immediately!" Jabie shouted, before heading towards their rooms.

He stopped on the stairs and quickly returned back to the 10 Clone.

"Ah please continue with your complete status report. I may have gotten ahead of myself." Jabie says as he clears his throat with a red face. The 10 Clone rolled his eyes before continuing his report.

"The rest of the water clones have been practicing our jutsus and after dispelling transferring their memories to me and the other 10 Clones, we have gotten more proficient in our medical ninjutsu and genjutsu. Since the clone's memories and experience also transfers to us it is as if we are training 10 to 20 times as fast as others. Eventually we will be able to perform jutsus with only 1 hand sign or none at all if we continue improving our chakra control and learning how to mold chakra to achieve the effects we want it to do. If we continue this rapid pace of training we will easily become jonin levels of power in weeks. Kage-level in a year or two if nothing interrupts us." 10 Clone reports.

"Receiving all those memories is gonna nearly kill me. I'm going to create two more 10 Clones to heal my freaking brain when I pass out from the mental fatigue I'm gonna receive. But for now I will go share my findings with my friends." Jabie says before walking towards Esumi's door.

He noticed her lights were out, so she must be out. He then walked over to Aomatsuna's door and knocked.

Broly opened his door to see one of his… family members in an excited appearance.

"What is it Jabie?"

"I managed to finally improve my water clone jutsu! I came here to show you how to create clones as good as the Shadow Clone jutsu Naruto does!"

"Very well. Show me the hand sign for it."

"Before you do this though. Remember to switch to your chakra nature to fuel the jutsu. If you use normal chakra it won't work and you might injure yourself somehow." Jabie warned

Broly nodded and Jabie showed him the hand seal for the technique. Broly changed his chakra into earth and did the jutsu. Creating an exact copy of himself that didn't look or feel any different.

"Good work Jabie. It seems as earth clone I can revert to solid earth or liquid earth whenever I want and perform jutsus." The earth clone of Broly then punched straight through its chest.

This caused Jabie to look shocked at the decisiveness of Aomatsuna's clone, but quickly calming himself down and understanding that that is just how Aomatsuna is. The clone's missing hole in it's chest quickly started to regenerate with earth chakra. It then quickly reverted back to Aomatsuna's original form.

"Hahahaha Good!" Broly shouts.

"This will be a great tool for increasing my strength!" Broly's green aura started to leak before he quickly reigned it back in."

"I will be heading out to the Forest tonight. Make sure you're ready for the exams tomorrow or be prepared to pay the price." Broly says

"Can you teach this to Esumi as well if she's there as well? She's not home at the moment Aomatsuna-sama" Jabie says before Broly left.

Broly nodded and disappeared without a trace.

"I suppose its time for me to go into a coma for tonight. I am not looking forward to receiving all those memories, but at the same time the increase in strength is undeniably something to yearn for." Jabie says before creating 20 water clones out of thin air and then easily combining them into two 10 Clones.

He went outside to tell the 10 Clones that were received the memories to dispel in 10 minutes.  Jabie went inside and made a quick snack to eat before getting into his sleep wear and laying down in bed awaiting the massive pain-inducing headache he will be receiving soon. The two 10 Clones laid on the side his bed with the Water Style: Mystical Palm jutsu at the ready. Soon the 10 minutes were up and the 10 Clones outside dispelled, transferring all the memories and experiences the water clones have done for the past 2 days. The mental pain Jabie felt for a mere second caused him to scream. Due to Aomatsuna's training with him and Esumi, he sort of unfortunately gained a very high pain resistance. It seems this worked quite against him as he screamed and shouted in pain for longer than he should have before fainting. The 10 Clones on the side of him quickly got to work and started to heal and soothe Jabie's brain.

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