Broly In Naruto

Chunin Exams Test 1!

Broly, Jabie, and Esumi are on their way to the chunin exams and have just arrived to see a long line of genin waiting in a line. The Trio of Demons just walked past the line and entered the building with sounds of complaints behind them. Although no one decided to do anything about it. As the three were going towards room 301 they noticed Team 7 and Team 9 being held up by two guys in front of the door. Jabie and Esumi looked at each other in confusion.

"Yes, the fools around us don't realize this is the second floor and that is a genjutsu on the door." Broly said.

"Hahaha what are their senseis even teaching them if they can't see through a simple trick like this?" Esumi says loudly while laughing, alerting everyone to the fact that they are being tricked by the two guys at the door and that Esumi laughed at their teachers.

"So you three saw through it huh?" One of the guys at the door says before walking up to the trio of demons.

"Not bad… but all you did was see through it!" He said before throwing a low kick towards Esumi.

What the man failed to see was Esumi's bloodthirsty grin at the fact that this random guy decided to attack her first and give her a reason to test one of her new babies. She currently had her metal pipe like sword which she named Basher. Esumi instantly grabbed Basher off her back and smashed towards the guy's leg. His partner who was standing at the door decided to intervene and also attack with his friend. The two guys' attacks landed together upon Basher and a struggle ensued between the power of Esumi and the power of the two guys. The two shinobi were slightly freaking out at the insane power of this girl because they were not gaining any ground in the class, if anything she was starting to overwhelm them!

But alas, they had a saving grace in the form of a tailed boy.

"Esumi save it for the actual exam. I don't want to get caught up with some weaklings before the real fun begins." Broly says.

"You two wimps got lucky. If I see you in the future, make sure to run. I love a good chase." Esumi says before walking away with Broly and Jabie.

Ten-ten looked at the girl in shock after recognizing her from yesterday. She doesn't even think she could do that against those two ninjas. And she dismissed and looked down on her simply because of her height and voice.

'I hope she doesn't remember me from yesterday.'

The Trio of Demons were heading upstairs. They noticed that two members of Team 7 and Team 9 are about to fight, but quickly ignored them and continued their way upstairs.

"Two weaklings fighting each other brings no joy to me." Broly says.

"I'm going to stay for a bit to watch Aomatsuna-sama. I want to see if they have anything interesting to show." Jabie says as Aomatsuna and Esumi continued walking upstairs.

After watching an amusing battle between Naruto and Lee, Jabie returned to his team only to be greeted with his sensei at the end of the hall with Aomatsuna and Esumi.

"It seems you guys aren't disqualified from the chunin exams. Each genin team must be present with all three of their members or they would be instantly disqualified and prevented from entering." Ko said with an irritated looking Broly and Esumi.

"Whatever! Can we go in now?!" Esumi shouted.

"Good luck Team 11! Make me proud!" Ko said before body flicker away.

"Make my proud my ass. The guy barely taught us anything." Esumi murmured.

Team 11 walked through the door 301 and was greeted with a room filled with genin staring at them. Broly and Esumi showed an excited smile at all the opponents. Jabie on the other hand was also smiling with them but for a different reason.

'So many test subjects! I'm sure the examiners won't mind if a few of them have some problems with them. Right?!'

Team 7 appeared behind them and were shocked at the amount of ninjas inside the room. Naruto showed an excited grin at Team 11 and walked over to them while leaving Sasuke and Sakura behind.

"Hey guys!! You're here too huh?!" Naruto said in his usual loud manner.

"Yes Naruto. I'm shocked your sensei let you guys take the exam. I thought he was a teamwork loser sensei and not a training type." Esumi said.

"Well he is, but I won't let that hold me back! I'm gonna be hokage ya know!" Naruto states in a matter-of-fact way.

"Well I hope your team is as ready as you seem Uzumaki-san." Jabie says as he notices Sasuke being glomped by Ino.

Naruto looked back at his team and noticed what was going on and waved goodbye to Team 11 and ran back over to his team and started to interact with the rest of the genin from the academy. Due to the ruckus they were making, a grey haired ninja with a ponytail and glasses walked over to them and scolded them for the noise they were making. He introduced himself as Kabuto before pointing out the fact that everyone else is nervous about the exam and they aren't helping by being loud.

He then took out some cards he called nin-info cards. They were explained as cards that have information burned into them with chakra. As he was explaining he was interrupted by Sasuke. Sasuke asked if he had information about certain people. Kabuto chuckled before answering Sasuke's question with a yes. Sasuke then asked if he had information about two people. Aomatsuna Hakuseki of the hidden leaf and Garra from the hidden sand.

"Great you even know their names that should make this easy then." Kabuto said as he started flipping through his cards.

He pulled out two cards and started to read their information listed.

"Aomatsuna Hakuseki is in the same year as you all. They have completed 10 D-rank missions and that's it. His sensei is Ko Hyuga. He is great at taijutsu, but that is all that is known about his abilities. He is said to have a mysterious kekkei genkai that is linked to his tail he keeps hidden when he's not in battle."

"Garra of the desert has completed 8 c-ranks and 1 b-rank mission as a genin. It was stated that he returned from all his missions without even a scratch."

A few moments later 3 ninjas from the village hidden in sound walked towards Kabuto's location. 1 of the ninjas threw two kunai towards Kabuto, causing Kabuto to dodge. The second sound ninja snuck up on Kabuto and threw a punch at his face. Kabuto dodged in surprise but suddenly his glasses cracked and he started to vomit on the floor. The genin from Konoha went over to support Kabuto before hearing a loud shout.

"QUIET DOWN YOU USELESS BASTARDS!" A man with a scar across his left face shouted as he appeared with multiple chunin behind him. This quieted down all the genin in the room due to his scary appearance and loud authoritative voice.

"I am Morino Ibiki, the examiner for the chunin selection exams's first test. If I see any genin attempt to attack each other again consider your team disqualified!" He warned.

"To start off the first test, pick one of these tags and sit in the seat assigned to you. After that we will hand out the exams."

"WHAT A PAPER TEST!?!?" yelled Kiba.

Everyone has been assorted into different seats, effectively splitting up each team. Team 11 are all split up and are surrounded by foreign shinobi.

Ibiki looked over the genin before saying "Do not turn over your tests yet. Listen to my next instructions. There are many rules to this first test. I'll write it on the board while I explain, but questions will not be allowed so listen carefully."

He started to explain the rules of the test before starting the test and saying that it will last for an hour. Aomatsuna looked at his test in annoyance. He wanted to fight. Not waste his time answering pointless questions. Even though he can answer all the questions very easily due to the reading he has done when he was younger to find information about this new world he came to, it doesn't mean he like it. He answered the questions about cryptograms, math, algebra, and history before seeing the final question.

'This question will be revealed 45 minutes after the test begins. Listen to examiner closely before answering.' It read.

Aomatsuna looked over to see that Jabie and Esumi were done as well. Esumi may not act as smart as Jabie or Aomatsuna, but don't let her personality fool you. She's just as smart as they are, but prefers to act the way she does so she doesn't seem nerdy like Jabie. She likes to keep her intelligence hidden, even though Aomatsuna and Jabie already know how smart she is.

Jabie was waiting for the final question and was suddenly targeted by an enemy shinobi. He felt a member of the Aburame clan insect land on his shoulder to look at his paper. He engulfed the insect with a tiny water bubble from his shoulder and put it in his bookbag storage by sucking the insect through the seal on his bookbag. He smiled at the nice donation from a fellow leaf nin.

It seems Jabie wasn't the only member of Team 11 targeted by an enemy shinobi for looking finished. Esumi was targeted by a member of the Yamanaka clan and had her consciousness stolen. Although it seems she somehow prepared for having her consciousness stolen after her battle with Team 10 last week. She had lightning chakra constantly surging throughout her body, although is normally extremely dangerous due to the fact that it could electrocute the user from the inside out and cook them alive if sufficient control isn't kept over their lightning chakra Esumi does not have this problem. But it seems the Yamanaka user who took over her body landed himself in quite the shocking situation because as soon as he possessed Esumi her body and the Yamanaka who took over her body was electrocuted. Scaring and shocking most of the genin taking the test.

She smiled before waving her hand "Sorry about that examiner-san. Someone must have left electrical wire somewhere in here." She said while smoking slightly.

Jabie did his water mystical palm jutsu from across the room while dampening its color and making it near invisible and started to heal Esumi's burnt body. She started healing quickly and soon returned to a nice silky white appearance that was healthier looking than earlier.

"Ok! We will now start the final question." Ibiki said.

"But before I get to the question, I would like to inform you all about the added rules for this question."

"For this question you are given the option of deciding whether or not you want to take it."

"What happens if we choose not to take it!?" A random genin asked in worry

"If you choose not to, your points will be reduced to zero and you fail along with your teammates!"

"Why wouldn't we take it then!?" Another genin shouted

"If you choose to take it and answer incorrectly that person will lose the right to take the chunin exams ever again."

"What kind of dumb rule is that?! There are people who have taken this exams multiple times before!!" Kiba yelled.

"You genin were unlucky that I am this year's examiner. But I did give you guys a way out. Those that aren't confident can not take the question and simple try again next year."

"Now let's begin. Those who don't want to take the question raise your hands. Once your number is confirmed leave."

Multiple hands started to raise up. Resulting in multiple teams being failed, but also given a chance for next year's chunin exams. Our Trio of Demons simply waited for the question while looking irritated that this is taking so long.

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