Broly In Naruto

Second Stage of Chunin Exams!

After a couple of minutes of no one else raising their hands Ibiki spoke.

"I'll ask you again, your future shinobi career is riding on this decision. This is your final chance to leave."

No one raised their hands and were all ready to take this final question. Ibiki smiled to himself.

'81 genin left. That's more than I expected..' He looked around at the faces of the genin before telling them the shocking news.

"Congratulations! You have all passed the first test!" He shouted, causing most of the genin in the room to be shocked.

"What do you mean we already passed? What about the 10th question?" A genin asked in disbelief.

"There was never a tenth question. This entire test was to see how well you could gather information and how well you could do it covertly." Ibiki explained.

"Information is more important than life sometimes and on missions and the battlefield people risk their lives to get their hands on such information." Ibiki said in a grave tone before removing his do-rag and showing all the genin his horrible scars on his head.

There were horrible burns, screw holes in his head, and scars. They all reacted in different emotions towards the horrible sight. Many were scared, some were grossed out, and some were even excited.

Ibiki was about to continue until black ball rolled through the window, shattering glass everywhere and shocking everyone inside the room. The black ball uncurled and revealed to be a person inside a flag!

"I am the examiner for the second test! Mitarashi Anko! Now let's head out! Follow me!" Anko said before realizing that Ibiki wasn't completely finished with the first test.

"Why the hell are there so many brats left Ibiki!? You went to easy on them!" Anko shouted.

"There are a lot of outstanding genin this time around." Ibiki defended himself.

"Fine. Whatever I'll cut the amount in half no problem for the second test. I'll explain everything when we changed places! Come on!" Anko said before going through the second window and breaking it.


"Welcome to the stage for the second test, Training ground 44, also known as The Forest Of Death!" Anko introduced.

"Before we start the second test, there's something I have to pass out first. You must sign these agreement forms. Some people will die for sure in this part of the exam and if you don't sign these your deaths will be my responsibility."

"I'm going to explain the second test first before I pass these agreement forms out so you can see if you can handle the second test or not. Afterwards please check in at the booth behind me with those nice-looking men." Anko said after blowing a kiss towards the two chunin at the booth, causing them both to fluster slightly and look away.

"You all will attempt the ultimate survival. During the survival in the forest you will be asked to complete a certain task. You all will compete in a no rules scroll battle! These two scrolls named Heaven and Earth will be passed out and each team will either get 1 heaven scroll or 1 earth scroll. Half of you will get heaven scrolls and the other half earth scrolls. To pass this test, your team must make it to the tower with both scrolls."

"So half of the genin teams here are going to be eliminated during this section, or even more." One genin said.

"We better protect our scroll!" Another genin said to his team.

"There is a time limit for this test. This exam will last 5 days exactly." Anko said

"What about food!?" A genin said in hysteria.

"There are plenty of food in the forest. Just watch out for man-eating beasts, poisonous insects, and poisonous plants." Anko answered.

"Now for the rules of this exam! Those who don't make it to the tower with both scrolls within 5 days are disqualified! Those who lose a teammate or those who have a teammate killed are disqualified! For the final rule, you must not look inside the scroll until you make it to the tower!"

"What happens if you look inside the scrolls?" A blue outfitted genin asked.

"That's a surprise for the ballsy genin team." Anko said playfully.

"Now either sign the forms or get!" Anko said.

Esumi walked over to Anko after Team 11 signed their agreement forms and got their gate number. She had a grin on her face.

"Big sister Anko! I'm here!" Esumi shouted in childlike glee.

Anko turned around with a smile of her own after recognizing that voice.

"So you decided to enter these exams too huh Esumi-chan? Be careful out there, these exams definitely aren't easy." Anko warned.

"Pssssh these chunin exams will be a piece of cake. Nothing but a bunch of weaklings and easy tests." Esumi bragged.

"Well since you're so confident ya little blue haired brat I guess I have nothing to worry about. Especially since ya got those two with ya." Anko said with a smile before rubbing Esumi's hair.

"Yep we're gonna win this no problem." Esumi said before hearing Anko clear her throat to say something


Esumi skipped over to her team.

"Are we going to search and destroy teams for this part of the exam?" Esumi asked.

"I believe in both of your abilities. We will split up, have our fun for 4 days and meet up near the tower. Since we have a heaven scroll, one of you only take an earth scroll. I will hold our scroll." Broly said.

"I bet this is exactly what you were looking forward to Aomatsuna." Esumi said with a giggle.

"You're right." Broly responded.

"This is what we were all looking forward to." Jabie corrected.

"The second part of the chunin exams begin NOW!" Anko shouted before all the gates opened up that were leading into the Forest of Death.

All the genin teams rushed inside the training ground as if a pack of herding bulls. Our trio of demons stuck to the plan they made beforehand.

Broly held the heaven scroll on his back in plain view for all to see, as if baiting them to come and take his scroll. Since Team 11 has basically grew up in this forest, they know exactly how to get to the tower regardless of where they are in the forest. Jabie and Esumi split off to the left and right respectively to look for other genin teams. Jabie was chosen to get the earth scroll they'll need to pass this part of the exam.

Each member of the trio of demons had a terrifying bloodthirsty grin on their face as they hunted for the genin teams. A slight hint of a blue aura radiated from Jabie and a barely visible yellow aura radiated from Esumi while they were in this focused excited mood. None of the Team 11 noticed this weird aura though, and they continued to look for genins in the forest.


Esumi has Basher, her metal pipe like sword, out and wrapped some spikes around the sword. After a few minutes of searching she finally found someone to test her cute Basher-kun on. It was some sand genin. She was deciding on whether or not to attack sneakily or straight out, but she already knew exactly what she was going to do. She yelled loudly and held Basher over her head and smashed towards the middle of the 3 sand shinobi. The ground cracked when Esumi's weapon landed, startling the sand shinobi and making them jump away. One sand genin was about to throw some shurikens but Esumi quickly followed up after her starter attack and appeared in front of him and punted him in the chin with her weapon from below, launching him at high-speeds into a tree.

The poor sand genin crashed into the tree and caused a small crater to form on it. He quickly fell over face-first and was unconscious. The two other sand genin quickly got on their knees to beg for mercy. Esumi tsk'd in disdain before bashing the other two upside the head and leaving unsatisfied. She quickly started to search for more genin to play with before finding two genin teams fighting against each other. She smiled as she charged in and interrupted the waterfall genin team and the rain genin who were battle.

"Surrender or face a painful beating!" Esumi said in her natural high-pitched innocent little girl voice.

For some reason the two enemy genin teams started laughing. Esumi didn't like this one bit. She threw her weapon at one of the waterfall genin and it cracked him in the face. She pulled on the string that she attached to her weapon to get it back before swinging at another genin.

By this time, the two genin teams and Esumi had a battle royale. The two opposite genin teams were fighting each other and Esumi while Esumi was fighting everyone. Esumi was focused by rain genin and was swarmed with kunai that they threw. She twirled with Basher as she jumped in the air and knocked all the kunai away. After landing, Esumi appeared behind one of the two that threw kunai at her and swung her weapon at his back. He noticed Esumi was missing before hearing something behind him. He turned around and blocked. A heavy impact crashed into his arms and knocked him off his feet and away. It appears he also suffered severe deep cuts from some type of metal slashing his arms after the attack.

"Ahahaha You shouldn't have blocked that! Idiot!" Esumi taunted before being targeted by the 4 genin together.

It seems they decided she was the biggest threat and worked together to defeat her for now. They surrounded her on all sides before charging at her. Esumi laughed as they closed in on her and eventually all landed an attack. They each smiled before realizing that the small crazy kunoichi they attacked turned into lightning! Each of the genin were electrocuted due to attacking Esumi's lightning clone. Esumi appeared from behind some trees and looked at the burnt and smoking genin with a smirk.

"It was sweet of you all to become friends all due to sweet ole cute me, sadly it caused a shocking revelation for you all. HAHAHAAH!" Esumi giggles as she started to look for more prey.


Jabie is looking for genin teams to test his new prowess after acquiring all of his clone's memories and experiences from over the past couple days. He is going to test his genjutsu, medical ninjutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu against his fellow genin. And it seems he found his first participants. A genin team from Konoha that aren't part of his generation of graduates from the academy. Well it wouldn't matter if they were or weren't anyway. They're all competitors in this exam. Jabie slowly revealed himself to the three leaf genin. They looked at him in confusion.

"How did this fat kid get past our traps?" One older gentlemen asked in annoyance.

"I told you your traps suck Toto!" a boyish girl said.

"Lets just take him out. I doubt he has a scroll since he's by himself." A glasses wearing lanky boy stated.

"Before we begin fellow leaf nin, can you tell me if you have an earth or heaven scroll? It would make this process a lot smoother if I don't have to search your bodies after I'm done." Jabie said in a polite manner.

It seems this only served to anger the tomboy and the man.

"Why don't you come find out tubby!?" The tomboy taunted.

"Very well." Jabie responded as he started to weave through hand seals before having a burst of water surged from his feet. The three leaf genin jumped away to not be blasted by the water. The tomboy threw some shurikens while the boy with glasses pulled out a tanto (Small katana) and charged at Jabie.

"You three are already finished." Jabie says mysteriously as the trio suddenly fell unconscious.

Jabie just shook his head at his fellow leaf genin for not even being able to recognize when you've been put under a genjutsu. You should regularly surge your chakra throughout your body to prevent falling under a genjutsu. Especially in a battlefield. Jabie searched the three before finding another heaven scroll. He grumbled before returning it back to the leaf nin and jumping off to find more genin.

"These three were rather inadequate to base my current skills in genjutsu. All I had to do was hit their neck while they were under my genjutsu and it was over. I guess I'll test my taijutsu for next time." Jabie muttered to himself.

Jabie eventually ran into another genin team. But this time it was a grass genin team. He revealed himself the same way he did with the leaf team.

"Can you three tell me what scrolls you have?" Jabie said in a polite non-threatening manner.

"Screw off ya tree hugger!" One unfriendly female grass genin shouted.

"You should really watch yourself more carefully kid." One of the grass shinobi said when he appeared behind Jabie with a kunai to his throat.

"Oh don't worry I watch myself very well. But can you please answer my question?" Jabie asked.

"Kill this idiot already. He's getting on my nerves." The last grass shinobi said with an annoyed expression.

The grass shinobi behind Jabie attempted to slice Jabie's throat but for some reason the large boy he was holding suddenly vanished! He looked around in complete confusion before being palmed in the face and sent flying towards his teammates. His teammates were shocked and went to catch him. They were sliding backwards as they stopped the fast momentum he was sent with. They looked down and noticed that he was knocked out from one hit! They quickly looked for the unnaturally fast chubby boy before hearing a noise behind them.

The two attempted to jump away but not before having their ankles caught by Jabie. As they were surprised by his speed once again, Jabie quickly took advantage of it and swung the two grass shinobi towards the ground. They both poofed into a log when the impact happened. Jabie searched the boy he knocked out earlier and found another heaven scroll! He cursed inwardly before focusing his attention on the two grass nin watching his every move.

"Well since you two are rather afraid of me, I will give myself a handicap. I won't move from this spot as you attack me." Jabie stated.

"Like we'll trust a filthy tree hugger like you!" The girl genin yelled.

"Well whatever choice do you have? I could kill your teammate you left behind and easily disqualify you. Or you could take me up on my offer." Jabie explained.

This caused the two remaining grass nin to look at Jabie in disgust before reluctantly dashing towards him. Jabie smirked a calculative grin before getting himself into a defensive stance. His hands took on a dark blue aura as they came closer and closer. The girl charged with a kunai and stabbed towards Jabie's throat. Jabie swayed his head and grabbed her wrist before it could land. Her teammate quickly followed up with a punch to save her. Jabie with one hand caught his fist easily. He soon started to form water over their entire body before it took on a shape of a ball.

"This is my Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu. You won't be able to escape without outside interference." Jabie says as he appeared from behind a tree.

His water clone held the two grass shinobi in dense water balls.

"You two will be a great testing subject for me to test my next project on."

He had the water clone pierce the two grass shinobi in the abdomen, causing them to spurt blood out of their stomachs and mouths. They soon fainted afterwards. Jabie created two water clones and had them transform into tiny versions of himself and insert themselves inside the two grass genin before healing them and closing the open wound. Jabie smiled and hoped the two made it in the later rounds of the exam. He soon jumped away and searched for a team with an earth scroll. His luck so far wasn't very good. He hoped that would change soon.


Broly is currently watching Sasuke battle a far superior opponent who was disguised as a member of the grass genin. He was terrified of the female nin and was about to surrender his scroll to her before Naruto came and grabbed the scroll from him. He berated Sasuke for being so cowardly and charged towards the enemy. The female grass nin suddenly summoned a large purple snake that batted away Naruto and knocked him. The snake followed up to try and swallow the falling Naruto, but Naruto with his eyes red and turned into slits punched the snake that was 20x his size and knocked it away. The female ninja on top of the snake blew some wind that launched Naruto away once again. After that she and her colossal snake charged towards Sasuke. Sasuke froze up before the enemy and just watched as they came rushing towards him.

But suddenly when it looked like all hope was lost for Sasuke, Naruto appeared once again in a heroic fashion. He appeared in front of the rushing massive snake and held it back from reaching Sasuke. Broly looked on in interest and increasing battle spirit at the female ninja who seemed very strong. He is currently waiting till she is done with Naruto and his team before getting her all to himself.


Two chunin were reporting to Anko about the mysterious ways these three grass nin died. Anko went over to check for herself before slightly panicking once she saw the bodies.

"Send some Anbu Captains to the Forest of Death after reporting this to the hokage! I'm going after the infiltrator!" Anko shouted before dashing off into the forest.

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