Broly In Naruto

The Return To Konoha! The Journey Away From Konoha!

Broly, Jabie, and Esumi are currently on their way back home. But they are looking quite different from two weeks ago. Broly is leading in the front with a new outfit. He is wearing white shorts with a blue sash draped around his waist held together by a thick rope. He wore golden bracers around his wrists that matched the color of his golden shoulder guards. Although it seems he still refuses to wear a shirt as his muscular and masculine body was being shown to anyone in eyesight. Despite looking like a 6 or 7-year-old child in height, his presence definitely does not match a simple child nor genin, Especially with his eyepatch.

Jabie is on the right of Broly's while they are traveling and on the side of his shoulders are two insects. One killer bee and a cockroach? His hair was different from its previous brown color. Instead it was a shiny silvery color. Like a recently shined piece of metal.

Esumi had the strangest change of the three. Her light blue hair suddenly grew out and it was constantly vibrating. As if Esumi was constantly moving at high-speeds. Well just her hair was constantly vibrating. Her shadow was also vibrating along with her hair. It honestly looked freaky if anyone were to stop and think about how weird it was.

Eventually Broly caught sight of a slightly familiar figure. A green shirted boy resting on a tree. Broly changed directions suddenly and this prompted Jabie and Esumi to also activate their eyes. They appeared in front of the boy.

"It seems Chouji strained his chakra coil somehow and overused them, nearly burning them out and preventing him from using chakra ever again." Jabie said.

"I wonder who forced this loser to almost burn out his chakra coils." Esumi said.

"He fought this guy." Broly pointed to the dead guy behind them.

"Another fatty? Jabie looks like your weight isn't becoming your trademark symbol anymore." Esumi said with a giggle.

"Although my body is quite magnificent, I would rather not have it as my calling card." Jabie replied back.

"Make a clone and send him to the village. I don't think this was just a brawl between enemies." Broly told Jabie.

There was an arrow marked on the tree where Chouji laid. After Jabie made two water clone and sent one to Konoha and the other to collect the dead body of Orochimaru's follower, the trio followed after the direction the arrow pointed towards. Soon after they met up with another familiar leaf ninja. Neji Hyūga.

"He's got beat up worse than Chouji! What the hell is going on? Did we get invaded again but they sent out genin to defend for some reason?" Esumi asked as Jabie went over to heal Neji's severely injured body.

"It seems this guy was pretty tough if he managed to get past Neji's eyes and shoot two holes through his shoulder and gut." Jabie stated as he healed Neji's wounds.

"I doubt he would have lived if we made it here any slower. And we didn't even plan on coming!" Jabie said with a hearty laugh as he closed up the holes in Neji's body and slapping him awake.

"What!? Where!? Who?!" The Hyūga prodigy exclaimed before trying to hop away and gain some distance.

"Hey pretty face calm down. We aren't going to eat ya. We're your backup! Now tell us what's going on here." Esumi said in a thuggish manner.

Neji started to grope and touch his body all over before glancing at Esumi's strange figure and starting back at Jabie.

"Thank you Amai-kun for healing me. We were on an abrupt mission to rescue Sasuke from Orochimaru. He was captured by Orochimaru's men and me, Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, and Naruto were sent to retrieve him back." Neji explained.

"Why the hell did she send a bunch of genin to face Orochimaru's men?" Esumi asked as she kicked Neji's opponent's dead body.

"She said that they couldn't spare the resources. The village is currently swamped with mission requests and we can't not do them or the other hidden villages will would take that as a sign of weakness."

"It seems the sharingan isn't a very important asset to the village if they were willing to send mere genin after Sasuke.." Jabie stated.

"Return to the village or follow behind us. Just don't get in my way." Broly said before taking off with Jabie and Esumi.

Jabie created another clone that took Neji's opponent's body before also taking off in a different direction.

Neji slowly stood himself up and looked at his fallen opponent before traveling behind Team 11. They continued to speed through the trees until Broly and gang reached up with another member of the mission. Shikamaru and a sand shinobi?! Temari of the Hidden Sand Village.

Esumi whistled.

"Fancy new fan ya got there Sandy." Esumi said to Temari.

Temari slightly jumped from the sound of that voice before turning around.

"It seems we weren't the only back-up the leaf requested for.." Temari stated while slightly shaking with a slight glare hiding behind her eyes at Esumi.

"It's you guys huh… This might become more troublesome than it previously was.." Shikamaru said.

"Hehehe. We're your allies. You should be excited for more help." Esumi said.

After Esumi said that, only three people managed to notice a certain female enemy's body being taken away stealthily.

"I'm guessing doll boy and milk boy are here also?" Esumi asked.

"Yes… My brothers, Kankuro and Gaara are here as well. Gaara went on ahead. Kankuro went down near the valley in the forest." Temari said with some passive aggressiveness.

"It seems you're a little high-strung about something. Maybe they should have called for some stronger support if you can't even chat a little after a battle." Esumi said as her shadow and hair vibrated constantly.

"I'm fine! I'm just gonna take Mr. Injured over here and return to Konoha." Temari said before taking an unwilling Nara chunin off his feet and carrying him like a princess off into the forest.


"Hey.. you do know we're allies right? You don't need to be so scared of her." Shikamaru said after noticing her strange behavior near Esumi.

"She's not like the rest of you leaf ninja.. You know that she cut off my brother's foot during the invasion? Even when she knew he couldn't defeat her. She's a cruel demon beneath her looks and positive personality. Although my brother replaced his foot with parts from his puppets, I know he still looks back on that day… He immersed himself in training with his puppets even more after we returned to our village. He's skipping sleep to improve his puppets and skill. He just hasn't been the same since we returned to Sunagakure.." Temari said.

"Although I don't agree with her actions, these are things all shinobi must face eventually.. Maybe part of your brother never wants to see himself in such a hopeless situation again. If he doesn't regulate himself, its your job as his family to force him to take care of himself or realize how he's driving himself to ruin and not improvement." Shikamaru said seriously while still being carried bridal-style.

"I guess… I'll have to try… But one day.. I'll show Yada Esumi the beatdown of her life…" Temari swore.


"It seems you scarred her. Nice work. Show no mercy to your enemies, unless its to cause them to suffer more or get stronger." Broly told to Esumi as they were traveling towards their next allies.

"No way Suna. I didn't scar her! You think someone as cute and nice as me could ever scar someone?" Esumi stated while making an innocently cute pose.

Broly and Jabie just laughed at her. Esumi pouted angrily before their attention was taken by a sea of bones and two shinobi.

Gaara and Rock Lee were sitting beneath a tree looking tired. Jabie saw a strange figure protruding from the sea of bones and his eye's shined with a greedy look.

"If you will excuse me." Jabie politely said before creating a mass amount of clones that started to hack the field of bones apart and collect them. Also collecting a certain enemy shinobi's body in the mix.

Neji, Gaara, and Lee stared in confusion before their attention was taken by Broly.

"So even you two failed to get the Uchiha boy. You killed the enemies but failed the mission." Broly said.

"Sasuke. He ran away after being freed. Naruto went to chase after him.." Lee said.

Esumi suddenly appeared behind Lee and Gaara before grabbing their shoulders.

"My cute little milk boy and taijutsu specialist. How have you two been? It's been a while since we met." Esumi said.

Gaara's sand instinctively reacted to Esumi's grip and tried to grab her but it seemed as if Esumi's hand phased right through the sand and reached Gaara's shoulder. It continued to try and grab Esumi until she fired off a spark of lightning near her hand that got rid of any sand trying to get her hand.

"I know the whole sand thing is automatic and you don't have control over it, but its kinda annoying." Esumi said.

"Hello Yada Esumi. I have been well.." Gaara replied slightly flustered at the close contact with the beautiful leaf girl.

"What about you Lee? I know I may have said a few mean things before, but hey what's in the past is in the past amiright?" Esumi said while patting his shoulder.

"Please apologize for mocking my dream and I will consider accepting your friendship." Lee said.

"Oooh and what was your dream exactly?" Esumi asked cluelessly.

"That with enough hard work and perseverance anyone could become a splendid shinobi."

"Oooh hard work and perseverance huh? Well sure why not buddy?" Esumi said as she rubbed his shoulder and started to stand over the two.

"Well it's been fun chatting and all but we have an Uchiha to catch I think. Right Suna?" Esumi asked.

"It doesn't matter. All the fighting is over." Broly said uninterested at this point.

"Yep. So see ya around allies!" Esumi waved towards them as she left with Jabie and Aomatsuna.

Lee, Gaara, and Neji journeyed back to the leaf village. Team 11 activated their Byakugans and located the aftermath of Naruto's and Sasuke's battle. It started to rain as they reached Naruto's unconscious bruised and battered body.

"Didn't he beat Sasuke before? I wonder how the hell he managed to beat him this time." Esumi said.

"Interesting. Well grab the boy. Let's return home." Broly said as Jabie created a clone that held Naruto's body.

Suddenly a ninja broke through the forest and appeared in front of Broly's group. The famous copy ninja Kakashi Hatake.

"I was too late it seems…"

"Yeah good job loser. Naruto here could've lost his little pure ole life here at the hands of his best friend. How the hell did it even deteriorate to this point? You don't just suddenly want to kill your teammate out of the blue ya know." Esumi berated.

"I wasn't as great as a teacher as I tried to be.. I'll take him back. You three report to the hokage.." Kakashi said sullenly.

Broly watched as Kakashi left with Naruto and his dog summon before seeing something in the far distance with his Byakugan. It seems Esumi and Jabie also saw this figure after looking at each other and nodding. They moved out towards the suspicious shinobi in a black cloak with red clouds. It seems the shinobi noticed their approach before quickly submerging himself into the ground and speeding off. Broly stopped his pursuit before deciding to return back to the village.

"Why did we stop chasing him?" Esumi asked.

"I'd rather go home than chase after some weasel." Broly stated before turning around and heading towards Konoha.

"I see. Well aright then Suna. Homeward we come!" Esumi shouted.

"I hope he wasn't important…" Jabie muttered.

After a kind of long journey back home from the site of Sasuke's and Naruto's battle, they appeared in the hokage office. Tsunade and her aide Shizune were inside. But a pink haired shinobi was also inside. She just asked the current hokage if she could apprentice under her. Esumi started to bust out laughing while Jabie held in a chuckle.

"Fine I'll take you, but this is not going to be easy, you understand?" Tsunade replied

"Yes Ma'am!" Sakura shouted.

"Whoa whoa. You can just ask to apprentice under a hokage? Could I have asked to apprentice under the third hokage?!" Jabie said confused.

"Maybe kid. If he wanted to do it." Tsunade replied.

"Why did no one tell me I could apprentice under the God of Shinobi!?" Jabie yelled.

"Give it a rest fatass. Save your regrets for when you get drunk." Esumi said while tapping his gourd of alcohol on his waist.

"Anyway. Since you three are back in the village I need you to go on high level missions immediately. You three were also promoted to chunin." Tsunade said.

"Tsunade. We're leaving the village. This village is holding me back. Don't worry though. I won't abandon Konoha in it's time of need nor my status as a leaf ninja. Speak into this whenever Konoha needs something urgently while we're away." Broly said before handing Tsunade a strange spiral device made out of metal.

"What do you mean your leaving the village!? The village needs man power right now more than ever! And the strength you three shown me that day is enough to tell me that you three are a valuable asset that we can't afford to lose right now." Tsunade shouted.

"It wasn't a question. I'm telling you we're leaving. Konoha doesn't hold what I crave. But I won't just up and leave you without anything. This village did raise me and give me a family or a place to call home. My pride would not let me just up and leave. So Jabie here will assist you in training the genin and academy students in the village with his clones. What he says is assistance is up to him."

"What makes you think a genin is able to increase the strength of my shinobi?!" Tsunade asked still shocked and outraged at Aomatsuna's statement.

"You'll find out. Farewell Tsunade." Broly said before Esumi's body started to vibrate and blur and suddenly all three of them disappeared.

"Those damn brats!" Tsunade shouted as she smashed her desk in half.

"Weren't those the three that the villagers used to called the Trio of Demons?" Sakura asked.

"I have no idea Sakura." Shizune responded as she tried to calm Tsunade down.


Broly, Jabie, and Esumi appeared outside the orphanage where they grew up for a majority of their life. Broly knocked on the door before it opened and revealed a beautiful adult woman with brown long hair that went down to her back. Broly showed a rare gentle smile before hugging her gently. He even wrapped his tail around her ankle.

"I'm going to be gone for a couple of years Mom. I came here to see you before we went off." Broly said to Akira.

"Look at you three! Growing up so fast! The next time you three see me, I'll probably be growing gray hairs hahaha!" Akira joked.

"Now why the heck do you three look so strange? I know you all became ninjas, but that doesn't mean you should turn into circus troop." Akira said.

"Well you know us Auntie! Troublemakers for life! Even in looks." Esumi said before posing.

"While I'd rather not be identified as a troublemaker, this isn't anything out of the ordinary for us Aunt Akira." Jabie said.

"Come here you two and give me hug before you go on your little ninja trip too." Akira said as she hugged the Trio of Demons and kissing them on their foreheads.

"Come on Auntie! We're basically adults you can't be kissing us like that! We even got our own bounty now. Can you imagine if they put in our bounties that we liked to be kissed on our foreheads!?" Esumi complained.

"They would probably call you three "The Extremely Cute and Kissable Ninjas of Death!"" Akira said.

Esumi just sighed while Broly laughed.

"See Suna-kun likes it."

"Alright you three. Make sure you be safe. You three mean the world to me.." Akira said before hugging them again.

"We will Mother. There are few insects that could beat us together." Broly responded.

"Okay you three. Do you know when you might be returning?"

"In three to four years." Jabie responded.

"What are you guys even going to do for that long?!"

"Ninja stuff Auntie! Super-secret ninja stuff." Esumi responded.

"We weren't allowed to give that information by the Hokage." Jabie told her.

"Tch." Akira sounded as she chewed her thumb.

"You guys would probably turn into completely different people by then. I mean the year's almost over and you guys look completely different than when you first left to your apartment!"

"I guess that's true Aunt Akira. Being a ninja really introduces you to a bunch of new things." Jabie stated.

"We'll probably be growing tails like Suna and turning into giant animals." Esumi said as Broly's tail smacked her on the head.

"What about my tail?" Broly asked as Esumi shouted ouch and held her head.

"It's so weird! And you can control it like an arm or leg!" Esumi shouted.

"Yeah it's pretty unnatural Suna." Jabie agreed.

"In this world filled with all these strange abilities and creatures, but being able to control my tail is weird to you two?" Broly asked confused.

"Yeah I mean like no one grows tails naturally except animals. You're the only person in the 5 nations with a tail growing from his body." Jabie stated.

"I'm going to ignore this. You two are being fools. We'll be leaving now Mom." Broly said as he started to leave with Jabie and Esumi waving goodbye at Akira.

Broly, Jabie, and Esumi arrived in front of the village entrance. They looked back at their old village before taking off down the road.

"So, what's our first stop Suna?" Jabie asked.

"Our first stop is exploring the 5 elemental nations. Then we'll target the Akatsuki. The Jinchūriki. Orochimaru and his bases. And strong fighters." Broly said.

"Quite the list… You even have us going against a group of known S-class ninjas.. More time away from my experiments and more training…" Jabie said with a sigh.

"As long as I get strong enough to kill Orochimaru, I don't mind. Training is pretty fun if you have a goal." Esumi said.

"We'll take over this entire planet before I'm satisfied!" Broly shouted with a excited look on his face.

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