Broly In Naruto

Leaving the Village!

As the Broly and gang were leaving the village and managed to get some distance away from Konoha, suddenly up ahead they noticed 5 shinobi wearing outfits similar to Anbu. They were hiding in the surroundings, but with Team 11's eyes they were easily seen.

"Could Tsunade really plan to get rid of us? I don't think she has that sort of guts." Jabie said.

"I wasn't expecting a leaving gift. But I'll leave this to you Esumi. Five Anbu should easily be enough for you." Broly said as he and Jabie suddenly stopped and allowed Esumi to walk into the ambushing point alone.

"Fineee. After seeing all the fighting the other genin did, I guess I'm in the mood for a little something." Esumi said as she appeared in the middle of the 5 possible enemies.


Something zipped towards Esumi. Esumi swayed her head as a sword and staff masked ninjas leapt towards her from above aiming to attack her. From behind her a purple skinned ninja ran towards her while the last two stayed back. One of the two that stayed back shot forward balls of light after performing some hand signs. The other one held his hands out in a strange hand seal towards her direction.

Esumi's figure blurred and suddenly she was gone. The ambushers were no amateurs though. The three main attacks regrouped before hearing two screams. They dashed towards their other two teammates only to find them having a white steel chain around their throats by Esumi. Esumi grinned.

"Aren't you 5 big strong men ashamed to try and jump a little girl like me? What did I ever do to you?" Esumi said in an innocent little girl voice while strangling the two she caught a bit harder.

This caused the enemy shinobi to become slightly frantic before they looked towards the purple masked ninja. The masked ninja put his hands together before forming a strange purple ball of gas before suddenly blowing it in a wide arc of purple smoke.

"How cruel. Sacrificing your teammates just to get me? Now they just lost their right to breathe!" Esumi shouted before giggling.

Esumi using chakra, caused the steel chained wrapped around the two masked shinobi's throat to suddenly tightened. The two masked ninja's desperately clawed around their throat and tried to free themselves before suddenly the chain loosened and unlatched from them.

"Wow! Your little poison isn't normal poison at all. It's a bunch of tiny poisonous bugs! So you are from Konoha. Only those bug clan guys can control bugs. Did that granny really send a hit after us? No way!" Esumi talked to herself.

The two enemy shinobi were coughing and rubbing their throats before one of them did the mystical palm jutsu and started to heal himself and the other. The poison cloud enveloped them before it was soon absorbed by the purple skinned masked ninja. The two who stood in the cloud were unharmed.

Esumi stood in front of the 5 enemy shinobi before disappearing once again. The chains that were wrapped around her wrist were now wrapped around her legs. She appeared under the healer before launching him in the air with a rising kick to the chin. The group immediately attacked together. Esumi however jumped in the air with the medical nin she kicked and did a multi-kick combo upon various parts of his body and wrapped him in her chains. She then grabbed onto his head before they suddenly started to spin and crash to the ground.


Esumi flew through the air gracefully as she landed in front of the now 4 masked shinobi.

"Magire!" One of the shinobi yelled as he stood over his partner's dead body.

"Look out Hinoe! She's coming!" One of the masked men yelled as Esumi appeared behind the distracted shinobi.

Esumi's chain found themselves wrapped around the man named Hinoe's throat before tightening and crushing it. Esumi kicked his body away as he tried to breathe through his broken and crushed windpipe. The remaining three huddled together with their bloodlust at full power staring at Esumi.

"Whoa guys. You were all ready to jump and beat on a defenseless girl like myself a couple minutes ago, but now you all want to act like I'm a monster? Hmph! How shameful!" Esumi said.

"After I show you this special move, don't even dream about leaving here in one piece." Esumi said before whipping her steel chain towards the three and creating a hand sign in the other.

The shadow of the steel chain suddenly stretched out and reached the shadow of the three huddled shinobi.

"Impossible! How could you know the Nara clan's hidden technique!? You.. You traitor!!" One of the remaining three shinobi shouted.

"Traitor my ass. What good was this technique doing in their hands when it could be doing so much better in mine? It just killed three enemy shinobi for me." Esumi said with a grin.

"We're not dead Y-----" The same man tried to shout before from the shadow of the three men suddenly stretched out and pierced the 3 men through the head.

"Annnnd Finish!" Esumi said before bowing towards Broly and Jabie.

"The flashy fighter as always…" Jabie said as he and Broly walked up to Esumi.

"Gotta style on em or they'll never know how awesome I am." Esumi replied.

"You know no one even knows us. Even with that bounty we have out for taking over and destroying some villages across the land, it's not that impressive. But I suppose that's a good thing or really strong ninjas would try and get us. We may be strong but I don't think we are strong enough to fight an S-class ninja by ourselves."

"If all three of us team up together there's no enemy we can't defeat! You gotta have more faith in our power Fatty."

"I guess so, but it's not like I could test exactly how strong we are compared to others you know. I know a rough idea but…" Jabie said before being interrupted

"If you want to test how strong you are Jabie. I have something for you." Broly said.

"You know Esumi you were right. Having more faith in my abilities was right. What was I thinking?" Jabie quickly said while nervously laughing.

"I mean that's probably how you defeated those two mercenary twins with that speed-enhancing kekkei genkai. I did transfer their bloodline of it to you after all." Jabie continued while rubbing his head.


Esumi just got done taking over a small village through "peaceful" negotiations. The village leader however didn't like how nice and gentle Esumi's "peaceful" negotiations were. So he hired two famous mercenaries to chat with Esumi. The Sonic Twins. So Esumi left after leaving behind 5 clones to manage the village for her before she sensed something and activated her Byakugan.


Esumi ducked as a super-fast kunai just went slashing past her. Another enemy attacked right after she dodged and forced her to roll away before being faced with her two assailants. It was a man and a woman who looked eerily similar. They both had yellow spiky hair and dark colored outfits. But they were both very good looking.

"Hey what's the big idea? I know I'm cute and adorable but you don't need to act on your impulses and lose control of yourselves!" Esumi shouted as she took out the giant iron fan she stole from the sand girl.

"You should be honored that you get to be taken out by the Sonic Twins. We fought with Zabuza of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist and got away scotfree." The man twin bragged.

"Who is that?" Esumi asked.

The twins nearly face planted at the ignorance of their target.

"Well no matter cutie. Just stand still while we take care of you." The female twin said in a seductive tone.

"Nice try lady, but you'll need more than speed to defeat me. I'm Yada Esumi! One of the greatest kunoichi alive!" Esumi bragged while puffing out her chest.

"Let's take this fool out Sis."

"Let's Brother."

After saying that they sped towards Esumi again with their kunai. Esumi opened up the modified giant iron fan that now was colored green and had lightning bolts instead of stars painted on them. She grinned before swinging the fan at the two speedsters. She watched in very high definition as the twin's faces became shocked that she could see them and react to their speed. From her fan shot forward a mass of snakes that appeared in multiple poofs of smoke from the fan and sped towards the two speedsters. The two speedsters barely managed to dodge by suddenly increasing their speed to 5x of what it was previously.

"Ooooh that's a bloodline ability you got there. I was wondering how you managed to become faster.. But what kind of kekkei genkai gives you chakra only meant for increasing speed..? No wait! You two are just idiots who don't know how to use it correctly!" Esumi shouted before suddenly getting a greedy look on her face.

"Now that it's come to this prepare to die Yada Esumi." The man said as he suddenly took on a racer's starting position along with his sister.

"Hey hey wait a second. Gimme a moment." Esumi said before putting away her fan and pulling out two steel chains painted white.

"Okay thanks now you can start."

The two, now even faster speedsters, took off in a direct path towards Esumi. Esumi however who had her Byakugan activated could clearly see them. She released her gravity seal to 0, so that she could react with her body as well as her eye and chained the two around their throats as they zipped passed her. They aimed directly at her, but Esumi slipped inbetween the two and watched as they sped past her with her chains wrapped around their necks.



The Sonic Twins snapped their own necks before Esumi yanked on her chain and brought the two bodies next to her. She created a clone to bring their bodies to Jabie so she could maybe steal their speed bloodline and use it for herself before smacking herself.

"I forgot to ask who hired them!! Now I don't know who wanted me dead!" Esumi shouted as she went to find Jabie or find more villages to take over like Aomatsuna told her to do.


"Yep. I am amazing after all. But I'm sure you taking over that village full of hard men was good too fatty." Esumi said.

"Could you please not say it like that..? They had a steel bloodline. I called them the steel users." Jabie said.

"Is it as strong as steel or just a name for it?" Broly suddenly asked.

"I haven't really found a limit for how tough it is. I just know the village leader's was strong enough to shrug off most of my ninjutsu." Jabie answered.


Jabie was currently exploring and looking for places to either take over or destroy based on Broly's "rite of passage" or so he says. Jabie eventually stumbled upon a village across a lake and noticed the inhabitants barring him from entry. They stood on a metallic tower above the gates to the village.

"Hey. You guys mind if I enter your little town? I got money if that's what your worried about." Jabie said to the guards.

"No entry to outsiders. Please leave." The guard warned while wielding a metal spear.

"Why can't I come in? The village is big enough for me to fit in. Don't worry about my size." Jabie said while smacking his stomach.

"Leave or face retaliation." The guard warned once more.

"I didn't want it to come to this so soon, but oh well." Jabie said as he turned around from the guard's sight and started to go through handsigns. He then turned back around and fired a high-speed beam of water that sliced the gate in half, the metallic tower the guard was on, and the guard himself.

"People can be such barbarians nowadays. All I wanted was to come in your village and peacefully discuss things about your village." Jabie said as he walked through the cut gate and entered the village.

Buff muscular men and women soon appeared in front of Jabie in a hostile manner. Jabie sighed.

"Who are you intruder!?"

"Are you planning on invading our village by yourself!?"

"Hold on now. I just want to talk to the leader of your village." Jabie responded.

"You think you're worthy of holding a meeting with our leader?! Not on your life invader!" One of the healthy-looking young girl said before her body turned silver and she leapt towards Jabie.

Jabie dodged her attack and palmed her stomach and a dark blue burst of chakra erupted from her back. As he attacked her with his palm, he grabbed her stomach before she could fly away and held her by her head.

"Hey if you guys don't want something to happen to this very rude young lady, please get your chief for me." Jabie said while increasing the pressure of his grip.

Unfortunately it took a lot of his strength to increase the grip so he stopped trying to do that. Her silver body is very strong and almost completely like metal. But it's really chakra in the form of steel. Jabie noticed this due to his Byakugan.

"Damn it…"

"Go get the chief! He has the prince-" The speaker's mouth was covered before he could finish his sentence, but Jabie already heard enough.

"Daughter of the village chief huh.. What a great bargaining tool." Jabie said.

"He'll be much more willing to talk now that his daughter's life is in my hands. So hurry on and go get him. Although if he takes longer than 10 minutes, his daughter might not be in one piece anymore." Jabie threatened.

Two people ran off while the rest stayed and stared hatred and worry in Jabie's direction. One young boy in particular stared harder than the rest with a glare filled with nothing but hate and killing intent at Jabie. Jabie smiled after noticing the boy.

"Duel with me! In a man to man fight! If I win, my sister goes free and you leave to never come back to my village ever again!" The young boy shouted.

"What do I get if I win?" Jabie said not taking the boy seriously.

"You can take me instead! I'm the rare heir to our infamous bloodl----" The boy was interrupted as a 8 ft man built of nothing but muscle appeared behind him and covered his mouth.

"What do you want in exchange for my daughter?" His deep masculine voice bellowed towards Jabie.

"I want this village." Jabie said politely.

"Then let's settle this. You and me will duel. If I win, my daughter goes free and you die. If you win, I will relinquish my rights as village leader to you." He said.

"I don't like to be threatened while in the superior position." Jabie said before creating a hand out of water and crushing the village princess's arm.

She screamed and yelled before starting to softly weep and cry for her father. The giant made of muscle was shaking in agitation. Jabie soon threw the girl away before being greeted with a black fist. Jabie blocked and was shot away by the amount of strength the man held. After being punched out of the village and landing on the lake surrounding it, Jabie noticed his broken arms.

"That's quite some strength.." Jabie murmured as he healed his arms back to normal.

The chief appeared above Jabie and was closing in on his location with his fist pulled back. Jabie went through some hand signs before mouthing 'Water Style: Orca Bullet' and shooting a whale shaped water jutsu at the mid-air target.


The jutsu hit the chief dead on and Jabie watched clearly as the water jutsu was not enough to stop the sheer strength of the chief. But Jabie also got a much clearer look at his opponent. The chief was now completely incased in some sort of black steel-like chakra construct that was covering his entire body and made him completely black.

'How interesting… I suppose taking this village will have it's benefits.' Jabie thought to himself with an evil smile.

Jabie flipped out of the way of the Chief's attack and watched as a large wave was created from his landing. Jabie started to go through hand signs before he was interrupted by the Chief rushing through the wave and appearing in front of Jabie with his arm pulled back. Jabie realized he wouldn't be able to finish the jutsu in time so instead, he braced himself for the attack. The Chief punched Jabie.

The chief was waiting for some sort of impact, but what he hit in place of Jabie was a wall of dark blue chakra. Then suddenly his fist started to get sucked into a spinning dome of chakra. His fist started to creak as it was breaking down. The chief used his other arm and smashed the water below, knocking away Jabie and breaking the jutsu. Jabie showed a malicious grin as he flew away. Jabie then stood face to face with the chief.

"I regret to inform you that I've appeared to have found a couple of weaknesses in your technique. This little "duel" of ours will end soon if you don't have anything more to show me." Jabie said politely.

"Weaknesses huh.. I'll show you weakness! You will pay for your actions against my family and home!" The chief yelled as he once again charged in headfirst.

"Idiot…" Jabie said while shaking his head.

Jabie poked the Chief's forehead while he was dodging the incoming attack. Jabie then heard the chief suddenly attacking all around him with no discernable focus. He smiled evilly before forming some hand signs and using the surrounding water in the lake to capture the genjutsu'd chief in a massive diamond prison that was sucking all of his chakra. After watching him return back to his normal appearance without the black steel covering his body, he returned to the village with the chief captured in his water jutsu behind him.

"Congratulations you all are now under my rule. You can refer to me as Chief Amai or King Amai." Jabie said to the shocked inhabitants.

"My father was the strongest man in the world! How did you defeat him!? That's impossible!" The son of the chief yelled with tears in his eyes as he watched his father the strongest person he knew captured and unconscious at this random weak looking stranger's jutsu.

"Sure I'll tell you. Your father was a fool. That's all." Jabie said simply before creating a mass of water clones.

"You all can continue on with your lives while I rebuild this village into something less poor looking. Except for you two. Bring the chief's son and daughter to me or face punishment." Jabie ordered.

The villagers looked at each other before looking at the captured and defeated old chief. It seems their will wouldn't be broken that easily just by defeating their leader.

"Well. You all asked for this." Jabie said before two clones created giant water arms out of their backs and captured 4 villagers.

The villager's skin turned sliver as they tried to fight and free themselves, but the clones slowly crushed them alive. Their screams echoed in the remaining villager's ears as they were suddenly brought back to reality. They panicked and tried to flee, but Jabie's clones herded everyone in the village towards where he was at.

"I'm not going to repeat myself a second time. Give me the son and daughter of the chief." Jabie said sternly.

The villagers this time picked up both the boy and the now one-armed daughter. Jabie smiled as they were brought to his feet.

"That's some nice killing intent behind your eyes despite not killing anyone." Jabie said to the boy.

The girl started to shiver and shake as she met eye to eye with Jabie. Her mangled arm must have lost all feeling in it. Jabie captured them with his water jutsu as well and held all three members of the "royalty" in this village at his grasp. He sucked them dry of all their chakra, rendering them as helpless as a normal person.

"Now continue on with your day. My clones will watch over you all. Make sure to listen to them." Jabie said as he started to leave the village with all his clones inside.

Jabie walked on top of the lake before creating a ridable wave for himself and riding away with his three new test subjects.


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