Broly In Naruto

Traveling to the Land of Earth! A Village Full of Experts!?

"Let's go now. We'll figure out who called the attack when we return." Broly told them.

"Apparently Jiraiya said that the Akatsuki will regain activity in three years. We can try and acquire the ones that my clones find information on. But what are we suppose to do exactly once we find them? Capture them and hold them for three years till the Akatsuki comes to look for them? Try and befriend them as allies to use them as bait for the Akatsuki?" Jabie questioned.

"Sounds annoying. Before we start the conquering of this planet, we need somewhere to stand. A place that is completely opposite from Konoha. In both views and location." Broly said.

"We should head to the Land of Earth with the Hidden Stone Village. Their Tsuchikage has never gotten along with any other kage." Jabie said.

"Land of Earth huh.. Sounds kind of boring. And how are we going to make a place anyway Suna? We need people to make something that can cause a war." Esumi stated as the three began to walk towards the Land of Earth.

"We will take over a village and increase it's strength and influence. Jabie will figure out the rest." Broly said brushing off the issue to Jabie.

"What if the Tsuchikage catches on to our rapid growth and interferes? I definitely don't think we're strong enough to fight a kage or a whole army." Jabie said.

"Nah fat ass we got it. Just make sure you take care of the village well enough so that the civilians don't complain about stuff." Esumi said.

"And what exactly will you be doing Esumi?" Jabie asked with slight annoyance.

"I'm going to be going on missions for the village! Another way of getting that moolah for our village. Don't forget to send an army of your clones transformed into different people and occupations to get news and information while we are out there in a different nation."

"I'm already doing that now with Konoha.. I'm going to have to enhance my brain soon or I'm going to have an aneurysm.."

"You'll be fine tubby. Imagine how easy it's going to be to find new strange abilities and items when you have information about nearly everything!" Esumi cheered while patting him on the back.

Jabie sighed before agreeing. The trio then continued to trek towards the Land of Earth for two weeks until they finally reached it. By this time though they have hidden their leaf village headbands and appeared to be nothing but strange looking children with ninja tools. After arriving in the Land of Earth they immediately noticed the change in scenery. The border of the country had a giant rocky mountain range as if it was blocking all forms of communication from other countries. After floating up the mountain with Broly's cloud jutsu, they were instantly met with small rocks flying towards them.

"If I didn't know any better I would say this nation definitely does not want visitors." Jabie said as he formed a water shield that reacted to any rocks flying towards him and blocked it.

Broly simply formed a green chakra barrier as he continued to journey forth. Esumi seemingly blurred through them to the untrained eye, while in reality she was just dodging at high speeds. The group eventually passed over the rocky mountain and Broly saw with his Byakugan the Hidden Stone Village and beyond that a decent sized village with many strong looking fighters. He was interested as he saw them using some sort of strange orange energy that seemed to greatly enhance their strength. One inhabitant managed to blast a large chunk of earth just by punching the ground with his fist.

"Our new village has been found. Follow me." Broly said with a grin as he suddenly sped up.

Esumi and Jabie activated their Byakugan and looked in the direction Suna was headed in and saw what he saw.

"Are you sure its worth getting excited for Suna? They might just have different chakra colors like me and fatty over here. Wait.. That's not chakra…" Esumi corrected after taking a closer look.

"It's not chakra." Broly said while speeding up even more.

"I wonder if we can absorb it like chakra…" Jabie murmured to himself.

"Only one way to find out!" Esumi said as her lust for battle started to rise along with Broly's.

Apparently in their haste, a group of ninjas from the stone village started to follow behind them. Broly watched as Jabie sent out a water clone to test their reactions. The clone quickly met up with the shinobi and started to talk with them. Broly and gang finally reached the village full of interesting fighters. Broly leaped in the air with Jabie and Esumi behind him. Broly's fist was coated green, Esumi took out her hammer, and Jabie just adjusted his sunglasses as they smashed into the village. The homes and surrounding buildings were demolished by the impact of the gang.

The inhabitants didn't react like the gang thought they would. Instead of cowering away fleeing in terror, they instead charged towards the invaders with fury in their eyes. Broly grabbed the first attacker's wrist and slung them towards the group that was approaching them before diving in the middle of the villagers. Esumi took after Broly's approach and leapt in the sky with her hammer towards the largest group of villagers and slammed down with a crushing attack that should have knocked the villagers on their feet, but instead the villagers hopped out the way and avoided the attack.

"Hey hey hey! You're supposed to fall down after that attack!" Esumi whined.

The villagers attacked Jabie together. Jabie got into a defensive position before deflecting all the attacks and poking each villager with a counterattack. The villagers fell over on their knees before each having a variety of different reactions to Jabie's poke. One man's skin turned red and he started to yell in pain. One attacker tried to get back on his feet but immediately fell to the ground after taking a single step. Another started to vomit violently.

"What did you do to them!?" One villager demanded.

"I call it the Gentle Fist: Bee's Rage." Jabie said while flashing his sunglasses.

After diving in the middle of the attackers, Broly's attacks seemed to get explosive. His green glowing hands started to produce explosions and detonations after landing and sometimes delayed explosions! Broly grabbed another fighter of the village before kicking him into the ground and detonating the surroundings.

"Suna! Try not to destroy the village before we take it over please!' Jabie yelled after incapacitating another villager with a headbutt.

Broly met up with Jabie and Esumi who managed to take out most of the villagers.

"Why can these guys who can't even use chakra fight so well?" Esumi asked.

"Well you don't need chakra to know how to fight Esumi. It just helps." Jabie said.

"The perfect slaves…." Broly said with a grin before suddenly three people crashed in front of them.

A girl with the same height as Broly stood a few feet away from him. She had quite the althetic body with a few scars on her body. The air around her had an excited disposition, as if she finally found something that excites her. She wore a blue hoodie and a short skirt with some closed toed shoes.

"Hey! You can't just bully and hurt my clan's people! Since you want to fight so badly, I'll give you a fight!" The simple looking short girl exclaimed while balling her fists.

"Hold on. These three aren't so simple Juri. They are much stronger than their strange looks tell you." A toned brown-haired boy said.

"Hmph. I don't see why we should. They are clearly invaders after our secret technique! Just like the others." A boy that looked similar to the previous boy but with a much more ruthless or unforgiving nature.

"Silence Hoki! As the clan head, I make the decisions regarding it." The strangely young clan head stated.

"Can you three tell me exactly why you are harming my people? And depending on your answer you may leave with only a few broken bones and internal injuries." The clan head asked with much killing intent behind him.

Broly grinned tauntingly.

'Strong. Very strong these three...' Broly thought to himself.

"What is the name of this village and the clan that inhabit it?" Broly asked.

"This village is called Ryuu. Our clan is called Ryūken. Now please answer my question.." The young boy asked with increasing killing intent.

"This village is now mine. Either be crushed and turned into my slaves or surrender and willingly become my slaves." Broly said in a tone that was inviting the three newcomers to resist against his decree.

"The time for talk is over. Juri, Hoki, Take these three down along with me. Don't hold back." The clan head said before the three newcomers enveloped their bodies in an orange aura.

"You got it Dan!" The simple looking girl shouted before dashing at Esumi.

"You will regret attacking my home!" Dan yelled as he jumped at Broly.

"This will be a piece of cake." Hoki said before he ran towards Jabie.


Broly watched a Dan's figure suddenly multiplied. As if he was using a clone jutsu. But with Broly's Byakugan he saw Dan clearly just moving rapidly from place to place before suddenly striking towards Broly. Broly's evil looking grin never left his face as he blocked Dan's attack with his palm and gripped it before slowly crushing it. Dan used his other arm and tried to elbow Broly in the gut, but Broly used his other arm to try and grab Dan's elbow. Dan however wasn't going to let that happen. His elbow suddenly glowed a darker orange as it headed towards Broly's stomach. As it made contact with Broly's hand, it easily pushed forward and managed to land a hit on Broly.

Broly was sent sliding away with a bruised mark on his stomach. Dan was left standing there with a reddened fist that was caught by Broly.

"Good! I wasn't wrong in choosing this village! That actually hurt!" Broly shouted with unrestrained joy.

Broly ran towards Dan while his hand started to suddenly spark into a series of explosions that ran along his arm. As Broly neared the young clan leader, he thrusted out his hand. Dan covered his hand in that dark orange color as he grabbed Broly's wrist and swiftly uppercutted him far in the sky while sustaining damages from Broly's explosion that he let out from his wrist after being grabbed. He soon jumped after Broly who was launched in the sky. Broly saw the talented clan leader jump after him while he was flying away. He started to go through hand signs before he created a large explosion to blast from one of his chakra points on his back and launch him directly towards Dan.

Dan obviously wasn't expecting such a thing and nearly couldn't react. But as the clan leader of the greatest taijutsu clan in all of the nations, he wasn't going to be overwhelmed by such a trick. Although he was very surprised by it, Dan used one of his clan's secret techniques!

"Revolving Shockwave!" Dan shouted as he started to spin and an orange dome of energy surrounded his body and repelled Broly away.

"Huh? That's." Broly only managed to say before he crashed into the ground.

Dan appeared above Broly and dove towards him with a diving kick.


The kick landed and the crater that Broly created when he fell became even larger after Dan's attack. From the crater a green energy shield expanded and suddenly Dan was blasted away from the crater with slight burns on his skin. From the crater, Broly walked out in his transformed state. A super saiyan.

"Very good. You will make a fine slave for my kingdom." Broly stated.

"You will pay for what you've done to my people. You won't escape unpunished!" Dan shouted back before disappearing and reappearing in front of the transformed Broly.

He kicked Broly in the chest and watched as his attack did nothing. He ignored this before unleashing a devasting combo attack upon Broly. Broly continued to let Dan attack as his attacks did nothing before Dan suddenly wrapped that dark orange aura back around his fist again. He struck towards Broly's heart. Broly blocked with his palm and stopped the attack easily. He grasped Dan's fist and started to crush and force him into the ground. Dan grunted as he stared at the evil invader that is trying to take over his home, his family, and his friends…

"Enough! Gate of Closing! Open!!" Dan shouted as his skin turned red before uppercutting Broly in the solar plexus. Broly was knocked sliding away slightly having trouble breathing. Dan however didn't let up after his counterattack. He appeared next to the stunned Broly and almost kicked him in the same spot. But a strange terrifying pair of jaws formed from on Broly's chest and upper abdominal area where Dan planned to attack. A blue hyena's head appeared where Dan attacked and chomped on his foot. Dan shouted in agony before turning into a puff of smoke.

Broly had enough time to recover and noticed himself being surrounded on all sides by 5 clones of Dan each in the Eight Gates.

"That's that green insect's technique.. Konoha hasn't invented all these techniques after all.. Exploring this planet was the right choice!" Broly said before laughing manically.

The 5 Dans attacked Broly at the same time. Broly dodged the first two before grabbing the arms of the next two and smashing them against each other before clashing his forehead against the fist of the last one. From the impact of Broly's forehead and the fist of Dan, a green wall of chakra formed before it suddenly started to spin and form a chakra dome shape that expanded in range and created a large crater that looked as if a small meteorite smashed into the planet. Broly quickly located Dan and noticed him unharmed from his attack. The two stood far apart inside the crater.

"That's my clan's technique! How did you steal it!?" Dan yelled angrily.

"Your clan's technique? Huhahhahahaha! Any fool could figure something as simple as this!" Broly yelled.

Dan kicked off the ground and appeared in front of Broly once more. He attacked with a simple straight forward punch. Broly punched towards Dan's fist. Broly watched as Dan suddenly pulled his fist back and swayed to the side, avoiding Broly's punch, and uppercutting Broly in the jaw. Broly grunted in pain before blocking Dan's follow up attack. Dan tried to kick Broly in the side of the face, but only impacted against Broly's arm. He spun around mid-air and started to kick multiple times with his leg's engulfed in that strange dark orange energy. Broly's arm started to hurt more and more until he used his recently acquired kekkei genkai. Explosion Release. The kekkei genkai that allowed him to create explosive chakra. He got it from a group called the Explosion Corps that he ran into during his two-week family vacation.


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