Broly In Naruto

Broly vs Dan! It’s Heating Up!

Broly has just got done taking over a small little village. The chief of the village didn't really have any fighters inside, so he gave it to Broly in fear of his life. The chief was some harmless old man in Broly's eyes, but he didn't expect the chief to hire a certain international group to put a bounty on his head. Because after he left the village with a clone in charge, a few days later, a group called the Explosion Corps surrounded Broly while he was in a forest. The village looked a bit too poor to afford any kind of hits out on people, but it seems the legendary saiyan was wrong in his judgement this time.

"This is the target. Execute him and let's go home." A spiky light-brown haired shinobi said.

The group of 5 shinobi moved in towards Broly.

"You worms are greedy for your own death huh? Well come on! I'll give you a death worth dying for!" Broly said as he charged towards the first shinobi in front of him.

The Explosion corp member wasn't expecting the target to actually charge towards him of all people. He held out his palms and blasted an explosion towards Broly. Broly took the attack head on as he appeared in front of the surprised ninja and kneed him in the gut with terrifying force. A burst of green chakra exited from the ninja's back, due to Broly using the Hyūga's gentle fist technique with his attack. He inserted a certain amount of chakra inside the enemy's organ which will soon start to become damaged and also damage the surrounding chakra networks connected to that organ and others.

The enemy shinobi dropped to his knees before vomiting and fainting. Broly was soon attacked by two other shinobi after attacking the first one. He was blasted from the back with their explosion jutsus. The two Explosion Corps members smirked victoriously before noticing the kid was still standing there unharmed! They were about to unleash an even stronger attack, but Broly grabbed their wrist and twisted it. The two started to groan and shout until they used their other arm and blasted Broly in the face, knocking him away momentarily. The spiky light-brown haired shinobi and another appeared under the blinded saiyan and blasted upward. Broly stomped down on the second shinobi and caused the ground to crack and sink from the impact. A green burst of chakra appeared from this stomp and the ninja cried out in pain before fizzing at the mouth and fainting.

"Tch! Avoid his attacks! Group up! He's no simple kid!" The spiky apparent leader shouted as the remaining three ninjas stood side by side.

"Don't run away now you little rats. I was just toying around with you." Broly said in a scary manner that seemed to unnerve the remaining members of the Explosion Corps.

Broly's fist started to glow green before charging towards the scared little rats that decided to attack him. The three started to form hand signs before all shouting "Explosive Shield!" A barrier was formed around them the same time Broly punched towards their group and


Broly was met with a humongous explosion that would even severely harm him! He started to absorb the explosive chakra and he saw as the explosive chakra was meeting with his normal chakra before suddenly settling inside him and mixing with it. The three shinobi were shocked beyond belief that the kid was still alive but took advantage of the child's strange moment of pause. They went through more hand seals and shouted "Explosion Style: Beaming Arrow!"

A red beam shot out from the palms of the three ninjas before combining into one large red beam that struck Broly in the chest and blasted him away. As Broly was taken farther and farther away from the Explosion Corp members, the combination ninjutsu they fired at him exploded into a huge spherical shaped explosion. The three ninjas fell to the ground completely exhausted and drained of chakra. But at least they completed their mission..

"You little rats aren't finished yet are you? That was just a clone you three managed to defeat.." Broly said after reemerging from the ground looking completely unharmed. He stood over the three sprawled out shinobi before trapping them inside a green energy sphere that slowly absorbed their chakra.

Apparently this jutsu of Broly's was particularly painful because the three shinobi were screaming in agony and pain while inside. Broly caused the bubble to float behind him as he started to walk off while suddenly causing explosions to burst from his palm and down his arm while laughing. Broly created another clone to go teach that old man a lesson about sneaking behind his back and went off to find more villages to conquer during his time of freedom.


Broly grabbed Dan's leg with his other arm when he was being attacked by Dan's multi-kick attack and released explosive chakra and caused a small explosion to form on his leg. Dan groaned in pain before kicking Broly in the face and freeing himself.

"You aren't giving this your all… You're still holding back on me.. Huahahahaha!!" Broly laughed before creating a green energy sphere and throwing it towards Dan.

Dan braced himself before suddenly watching the strange orb take a sharp turn and head towards his village. He instantly disappeared and tried to stop it, but the orb sped up and exploded inside the village. Dan dropped to his knees as he saw the horrific aftermath. The only thing he could hear was Broly's laughter and the sound of his people screaming, crying, and trying to escape. They trusted him to protect them.. Their homes… Their families… What kind of clan leader was he….?

"This is what happens when you hold back against your enemies." Broly said as he walked up behind Dan.

Broly formed a green circular ring with chakra that found itself around Dan's neck. He was about to go look after Jabie and Esumi's battle but he felt the chakra ring he created snap suddenly and he heard Dan say something quietly.

"Sixth Gate, Gate of Joy… Open."

A large amount of chakra, steam, and rocks erupted from behind Broly. He turned around and was met face to face with a crying Dan with nothing but hatred and regret in his eyes. Dan kneed Broly in the stomach with frightening force. Broly was slightly lifted off the ground before Dan followed up with multiple rapid punches. His punches were so fast they were set on fire by the sheer speed they were launched at. Broly was sent flying after a final punch and Dan appeared behind him with a spinning kick that set his leg ablaze and kicked Broly in the middle of his back.

Broly smiled despite all the pain he was feeling currently. A real battle… Finally!

'My saiyan genes will get their utmost fill after a battle like this.'

Broly crashed into the ground with an explosive crash. Dan slowly fell to one knee while watching Broly's crash site with fierce attentiveness. Broly started to laugh maniacally as a green aura started to leak from him. The ground beneath him started to shake and lightning raced over his body. Soon after a green explosion burst from his figure and a new figure emerged. Broly has transformed into his true form. His increased muscle mass and height shocked Dan, but his kept his nerves intact for round two. Broly's chakra was blasting outwardly, before he controlled and reigned it back inside himself.

"Come! Avenge your helpless people that died because of how weak you are!" Broly said as he flicked his tail and caused a burst of wind to fly behind him.

"I will end you monster!!" Dan yelled before he dashed and instantly appeared in front of Broly with an attack.

Broly blocked Dan's kick and punched him in the gut, lifting him in the air. Dan was forced to spit out blood at the force of Broly's attack before blocking Broly incoming kick towards his face. Dan was sent flying away even when he blocked. He grunted in pain before going through hand signs and creating a mass of shadow clones each in the Eight Gates form. They charged as a mass of blurs that appeared around Broly.

"Weak!" Broly shouted before going through and easily crushing the clones.

Dan appeared a few feet in front of Broly before cupping his hands on the right side of his body. The steam suddenly started to condense into his hand and form into a green spherical construct.

"Impossible…. That's… that's.. Kakarot's technique! Kakarot....Kakarot... KAKAROT!!!!!!!" Broly suddenly erupted in anger.

Broly created a gigantic orb of green chakra before condensing it and shrinking it to fit the size of his palm. Dan shouted out

"Dragon Wave Fist!!!!" He shouted before thrusting his hands forward and launching the sphere with a loud boom sounding off as it left his fingers.

"Eraser Cannon!!!" Broly shouted as well

Broly tossed his orb towards the incoming sphere before suddenly laughing.

"That isn't his technique! It's incomplete! Huahahahahaa! How foolish was I to be worried!?" Broly yelled to himself.

The two techniques collided and suddenly merged before creating a strange mix of green and dark green color. It soon exploded with a furious rage and blasted an even larger hole inside the crater Dan and Broly were inside. Broly and Dan were whipped, sliced, and impacted by the winds produced by the attacks. Broly ignored this while Dan was feeling the effects of the Eight Gates technique and slightly groaned out even more whenever he was hit.

"I can't…. let this demon go free… I can't let them down….. Even if I must fight to my dying breath… I won't let you do as you please…" Dan said to himself while his fingers twitched and muscles spazzed in pain.

"Seventh Gate… Gate of Shock… Open!!!!!" Dan yelled before suddenly a blue aura erupted around him and looked as if he had a blue chakra coating around him.

Dan disappeared once more and punched towards Broly's jaw. Broly met with him punch for punch. They collided fists multiple times with loud earth-shattering booms behind each collision. Eventually Dan disappeared while Broly was punching and appeared behind him with his hands in a strange hand seal.

"Doragonbāsuto! Dragon's Burst!" Dan shouted before a whitish orange figure exploded from his fingers at point-blank range with Broly.


A large cloud of smoke and earth erupted from the technique. The battleground where Broly and Dan fought at was sunken even further down into the earth. The crater was previously looked like it was hit by forest crushing rock, but now it was the size of an island crushing rock! From the devastating attack, two figures were seen exiting from it. One was sent sliding back until he crashed into a wall. The other was sent flying out until they landed on their back. A green orb shot out towards the fallen figure. As it flew towards the figure, it exploded once it was near enough and blasted the figure away, skidding across the hard rocky ground.

Dan yelled in pain before pushing himself up and standing.

"Good attack… But not good enough." Broly said as he wiped some blood off his mouth.

"This fight is over!" Broly said before charging up a bright green energy sphere.

He noticed Dan mumbling something but simply ignored it as a fool's last words. But suddenly a blue aura erupted from Dan's body again. It wasn't the Eight Gates forbidden jutsu this time. It's that strange energy source he has besides chakra. Broly wondered why it was blue this time but chose to ignore this as well.

"You wouldn't have to go through all this suffering if you'd just rolled over and died already!" Broly said while crushing the energy sphere he created and throwing it towards Dan once more.

Unlike the last time where Broly threw his attack at Dan and landed, Dan backfisted Broly's jutsu and suddenly appeared in front of him. He uppercutted towards Broly's face. Broly swayed back before suddenly being impacted by an invisible force! He focused his Byakugan before seeing the blue aura extending and covering 10 feet around him and Dan.

"You are within my range… This is it for you demon…" Dan said before suddenly unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks that landed all over Broly's body.

Broly grunted in annoyance from the assault and tried to leave the sphere, but the blue dome was forming from Dan. So, wherever Dan went the blue aura went and Dan followed right after Broly and continued to attack.

"Enough! You think these pathetic attacks are enough to prolong your fate!?" Broly shouted before seeing Dan appear in front of him with a diving kick and his leg wrapped around in a dark orange bluish aura.

Dan landed his kick upon Broly's midsection and kicked him away. Broly was sent sliding back before watching Dan struggle to continue to move his body. Dan nearly fell over and fainted as the blue aura surrounding him dispersed into the wind.

"Not… Yet… I know he's not finished…." Dan whispered to himself..

And what do you know? He was right. Broly appeared from a bunch of rubble and watched as his previously destroyed intestines repaired themselves with Jabie's medical ninjutsu.

Jabie, using the gentle fist technique, surgically inserted healing chakra inside their bodies. So whenever they were internally injured, they just had to release the healing chakra from their chakra points or organs and they would recover right away. This usage of medical ninjutsu is only possible due to Jabie having the Byakugan, knowledge of the gentle fist technique, and exceptional chakra control.

"Impossible…. You truly are a monster…. How can you… still stand with destroyed organs…?" Dan asked flabbergasted at the sight of Broly basically unharmed.

"Bwhahahahaahaha! Wrong! I am no monster… I am a Devil!" Broly shouted.

"I didn't want to use this technique… But it seems I have no choice…. I guess I will join you guys soon… Juri…. Hoki… I'm sorry… I won't be able to spend fun times training and hanging out with you two together anymore… This is the end for me… But don't worry…. I'll take this freak out with me… That's a promise…" Dan mumbled to himself before he jabbed himself in the heart with his thumb and created a tiny hole.

Dan's body started to release a red and green aura.

"Eight Gate…. Gate of Death… Open! Eight Inner Gates Formation!" Dan suddenly yelled before the red aura took over and became a flaming red aura. His previous hair turned red along with his eyebrows. Tears tried to fall from his eyes, but they were instantly evaporated by the intense heat radiating off his body.

Broly's saiyan instincts were screaming at him to prepare himself or he could die. He yelled out in indignation, but still followed them. A layer of wind chakra, earth chakra, lightning chakra, and explosion chakra covered over Broly's entire body. The earth chakra covered his skin and turned it into a jet-black color. The wind chakra and lightning chakra surged and flowed all over his body. The explosive chakra took on a slightly orange aura as it covered his body.

"Now show me! Show me your final act as a fighter!" Broly yelled as he and Dan blasted off towards each other.

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