Broly In Naruto

The Start of A New Empire!

Dan and Broly clashed fists. From Dan's fist, a pressurized wave of air shaped in a claw blasted towards Broly.

"Doragon no suiryoku!! Dragon's thrust!" Dan shouted.

From Broly's fist, very tiny sparks of explosions were being combusted but only those with enhanced eyes could see them. The tiny sparks of explosions merged and created a large explosive punch. Dan brought back his other fist slowly before slight cracking noises emerged from his figure as if his bones were slowly cracking apart. He disappeared and reappeared behind Broly with another punch of deadly pressurized air. Broly backfisted with another explosion from his fist. Dan continued to appear and reappear 2 more times, each with Broly managing to block the attacks effectively. Until the final attack.

Dan punched towards Broly's chin. Broly was about to clash with the dangerous fool once more until he saw Dan deflecting his punch by pushing his wrist to the side and with a sharp uppercut, knocked Broly far in the sky. Broly's jaw was demolished by the attack and Dan lost most of the skin on his hand from grabbing Broly's wrist during his explosive attack. Broly's jaw started healing as soon as it was injured as he soared in the sky. Broly saw with his Byakugan as the heart's chakra point in Dan's body tense up. The fool intends to end this fight with a suicidal attack. Dan appeared in a strange stance with all of his limbs touching the ground as he stared at Broly in the sky. Like a modified runner's pose.

"Gather." Dan said.

After saying that a huge mass of red steam and chakra started to manifest into an orange burning dragon around his body. The dragon roared at Broly in the sky with strange markings down its eyes, as if it was crying. Dan's arms and legs started to vibrate as his bones started to crack and break even more. His shirt burst apart from the amount of heat he was producing and revealed a toned muscular body that had orange markings upon it. The same color as the dragon.

Broly recovered and held out his hand before shooting a small lime-green ball of chakra with a dot of white inside it. The white dot suddenly bulged and the previous baseball sized chakra sphere turned into a gigantic energy sphere. It slowly fell towards Dan. It was at this moment Dan moved.




Dan took off in an unimaginable speed. One second he was on the ground, the next he suddenly appeared in front of Broly.

"What?! Impossible!!!" Broly shouted once he realized that Dan elbowed through his Omega Blaster.

"Doragon fukushū! Dragon's Vengence!" Dan shouted as he elbowed Broly in the chest, shattering his own elbow in the process.

The two sped off even more in the sky until eventually reaching a point where the momentum of Dan's attack stopped and they were nearing the edge of the planet. Slowly floating in the air Broly stared at the incredible opponent. Broly had a gaping hole through his chest. Dan's body floated lifelessly while looking like a burnt corpse with the previous orange markings still on him. Broly's muscles, organs, skin, and bones slowly started to regenerate.

"You won't escape my grasp so easily…" Broly muttered as he coated his hand in a white chakra and thrusted his finger 361 times all over Dan's body all in few seconds.

He then created a tiny cell sized orb of green chakra and pushed it in the chakra network system of Dan.

What Broly is doing is considered impossible on all levels. Dan should be crumbling into ash currently due to cooking his body from the inside out. The eight gates are considered chakra limiters and are used to physically contain the amount of chakra a person is able to handle. With the Eight Gates technique, the user is breaking past the natural limits their bodies have given them. This gives the user an incredible amount of power, but at the cost of their body's health. And the final gate, the eight, is supposed to kill the user.

But Broly is using yang chakra, the gentle fist, and his Byakugan to essentially recreate Dan's chakra network system and keep his body together. It appears Jabie has taught Broly some medical knowledge! The yang chakra Broly is using is known to breathe life into form. It is based on the physical energy that governs vitality and is created by altering the ratio of spiritual and physical in favor of the latter. So, Broly is using the yang chakra to keep Dan's life forces from escaping and his body from crumbling into dust.

After inserting the green chakra orb inside Dan, Broly watched as it zipped and zoomed around Dan's chakra pathway systems before creating a cloak of wind around his body and flying towards the village. He put Dan's body inside a green chakra bubble before seeing Jabie and Esumi with two knocked out enemies. The two allies of Dan were captured in Esumi's white chain. Broly grinned as he placed the currently convulsing Dan next to Juri and Hoki. Esumi recovered her chains and Jabie created water chains that chained the trio together and drained them of their chakra and strange orange energy source.

Broly stood over the partly destroyed village and its remaining inhabitants who stared at Broly and gang with fury and hatred in their eyes, but no will to fight seen inside.

"Jabie, make sure to get started on that device. Let's get to building the start of our new kingdom." Broly said before facing the remaining villagers of the Ryuu village.

"Your village and its people are mine now. Every single one of you are owned by me and these two. Refusing to listen to orders will be your greatest mistake and my pleasure."

The inhabitants still stared at Broly and gang with hatred and courage in their eyes. As if they haven't given up on surrendering this fight. That they are willing to play the long con and see to it that they will come back from this and get vengeance for their fallen loved ones and ancestors who built this place from the ground up so many years ago after defecting away from Konoha long ago. The Ryuu clan previously was built up in Konoha, but they soon left after a few years due to not agreeing with Konoha's views at the time.

Along their way to migrating away from the leaf village, certain members of their clan were kidnapped or killed by certain shinobi in faceless masks. Although they never found out who exactly the shinobi in faceless masks were, they had a strange suspicious it was members of the leaf village. The clan head at the time was absolutely furious at such betrayal and wicked means against his people. He intended to storm into Konoha and demolish the village by himself till it was torn to the ground but he was stopped by his very own people. They pleaded with him to not sacrifice himself for their sake and to continue to journey away from Konoha.

The clan leader was heavily reluctant at first until he stared into the eyes of his clansman. He couldn't go against their wishes when they are asking him in such a way. But he wouldn't let such a thing go so easily. So the clan leader decided to relocate his clan in the land of Konoha's worst enemy at the time. The Land of Earth.

Broly watched as Jabie created a mass of clones who started to rebuild the village. He also marked each villager with his killer bee insect that stored a poison that could cause intense suffering in the victims marked by the stinger. The worst part of the poison was that each time it was activated by Jabie a different type of terrible effect would happen. One moment a victim could be violently puking their guts out and the next person could be covered in hideous rashes and claw their skin off trying to relieve themselves of the rashes.

Although this frightened the villagers, it didn't burn out the will to resist in their hearts. The children however were a different story. They were terrified of Broly and gang. They would try to do their utmost to please them and avoid them to not be punished like some of the adults that tried to fight back. The adults tried to whisper into them seeds of revenge and vengeance, but once they seen even a sliver of Broly's, Jabie's, or Esumi's power it quickly died and in it's place rose servitude.

So eventually over the course of a few weeks and months, Broly had Jabie improve the village's infrastructure and even create some new ones. Broly had Esumi out looking for clients to take missions from. It turns out this village made most of their money by mining the nearby caves and selling their minerals to the traders that sometimes visited the village. Jabie didn't get rid of their main source of income though, he just added even more ways to bring money into the village. Through the use of clones, Jabie managed to entice numerous people into visiting the village from time to time and selling them some of the village's new products. Broly has seen how Jabie has built many different new structures in the village. He built restaurants, a smithery, a hospital, and even a zoo filled with creatures like Wild-haired Black Bears, Rocky Wolves, Long-clawed Eagles, and Horned Deer.

So while Esumi was doing missions for the village to bring in more money for it, Jabie was improving the village and handling most matters dealing with it. Broly has found information on one of the Jinchūriki. She's called Fu and is a ninja from the Village Hidden by a Waterfall. He received this tip from Jabie and soon took off to acquire her. Fu would be his invitation towards fighting those strong fighters in the Akatsuki.. Broly left Jabie in charge of the village, but not before he completed his device that forced the unwilling slaves to listen to their every demand. It was in the shape of a crown and accidentally became a big hit with the people after Broly left.

Some of the children inside the village saw how certain people had some cool shiny thing on their head and begged their parents for one too. Jabie contemplated over if he should place the innocent villagers who let go of their hatred towards them under the device before thinking of Esumi's slight weakness towards innocent and defenseless people. So, he just made a copy of the crown that was just an accessory to sell to the masses. He placed the real device on Dan, Hoki, and Juri and gave them many different commands that they were forced to do. He also forbade them from talking about the crown and it's uses. The appearances of the three were vastly different from when Jabie met them weeks ago. Dan still had those orange markings on him, but had a dead look in his eyes. As if he's lost everything he strove to protect and care for and was just a husk. Juri was mostly seen with a sad or hopeless look in her eyes while Hoki never lost any fire in his soul. Juri looked at Hoki with pity but ultimately never said anything about it. Hoki yelled and shouted as the device was put on him in the new lab Jabie was creating. Once the device was put on his head he was suddenly silenced and unable to talk anymore. The hate in his soul never left the windows of his eyes though as he stared holes into Jabie's round and jolly figure.

"Good. Much better now." Jabie said to himself.

Broly journeyed towards the village called Takigakure alone. It was right next to the Land of Earth and would only take him a couple of days or weeks when flying with his new wind jutsu. As Broly was flying over the country the village was located in, he noticed the village hidden past the underwater cave system with his Byakugan. Instead of wasting his time, he decided to tear right through the rocks and appear above the village. He noticed a situation happening inside the village. Four shinobi stood across from a young boy with a strange liquid that looked like water held inside a gourd. Broly noticed with his Byakugan, the strange properties of water held inside that gourd and decided to take it for himself later. He searched for the Jinchūriki that was supposedly held inside this village and finally found his target. A young teenaged girl in the wilderness next to the village. He flew down towards her and appeared behind her, slightly startling her.

"Whoa! Who are you?! I don't remember ever seeing you inside the village little boy. You shouldn't be out here… but if you want to.. would you like to become friends with me?" Fū asked with an embarrassed smile.

Broly didn't respond and continued to look at her before a dark hoop formed above his finger and slowly floated towards Fu.

"Oh is this some sort of game? Sure I'll play with you little boy!" Fu said before catching the hoop.

She screamed as the hoop attached around her neck and started to drain her chakra. Broly formed a green energy bubble that engulfed Fu. She screamed and yelled at Broly while trying to break out of his bubble prison, but it was lost on Broly's ears as sound didn't make it out the bubble. A gust of wind surrounded Broly's figure before he took off in the sky with his new "friend". Broly appeared where the previous stand off was and saw the boy nearly being impaled by the shinobi who took the civilians hostage. But the sword didn't manage to stab past the gourd the boy hidden underneath his outfit.

The shinobi was about to grab the gourd of strange water but a clone of Broly managed to snatch it first. The clone repaired the gourd by sealing the hole with some earth chakra and managed to save most of the strange water. The shinobi who tried to grab the gourd was furious and tried to stab the clone with a sword formed of entirely of water chakra. The clone backfisted the sword and caused an explosion to burst from his fist and blast the enemy shinobi away with grevious wounds. He bit his tongue to keep himself from screaming as his sword arm was entirely mangled and disfigured. His lackeys appeared around him and stared at the clone of Broly while getting themselves ready for a fight.

The clone threw the gourd at the flying Broly and captured Fu who's attempting to gather her chakra. Broly caught the bottle and was about to leave the village and return to Ryuu, his base in the Land of Earth, with his new "buddy".

All of a sudden a dark red, nearly black layer of chakra bubbled off of Fu. The hoop around her neck greedily light up into a bright green color as it ate more and more of the Jinchūriki's chakra. Broly created 4 more black hoops that tightened around her wrists and ankles. They also started to absorb her massive Jinchūriki chakra until the strange chakra about to transform her started to recede back inside Fu and cause her to lose consciousness. Three and a half of the chakra absorbing rings were full off of the amount of chakra Fu was able to release.

Broly left through the hole he created when he entered the village and started to fly home with a sleeping young teenaged girl in tow. The clone was left behind with the enemy shinobi before charging at them and tearing right through their defenses. The three attempted to capture the clone with the Water Style: Water Whip jutsu. They wrapped their whips around the clone's wrists and neck. The three shinobi started to mock and laugh at Broly before suddenly they froze up and fell over. The water jutsu broke as Broly's clone started to laugh.

"Hyūga clan huh… your little gentle fist is much more useful than I thought. I can even defeat fighters with just the injection of chakra. Such fools.." The clone said before suddenly turning into a bunch of rocks.

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