BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 31: Book Collection Hall

Xiao Hua walked calmly toward the stadium where the Qualification Competition was set to take place. His steps were unhurried, as if the event held no significance to him. Along the way, an unexpected figure appeared, waving excitedly and calling out his name, causing a slight headache.

"Brother Xiao Hua! Finally, you're here! The Qualification Competition is about to start, yet you dare to stroll in like it’s a walk in the park!"

Xiao Hua nodded, a gentle smile on his lips. "Hu Jia, what brings you here? Shouldn’t you be by the Deputy Headmaster's side?"

The figure was none other than Hu Jia, granddaughter of the Outer Academy’s Deputy Headmaster. Her esteemed background commanded respect from most of the students, but Xiao Hua was different. He never cared for her status and refused to bend to her whims.

Hu Jia still vividly remembered the day she had irritated Xiao Hua during his alchemy session, causing his pill refinement to fail. The stern lesson she received that day left a deep impression on her, especially the place where Xiao Hua had struck her. Even now, the memory of it caused a blush to rise on her cheeks, and an odd heat to spread through her hips.

‘Hmph! Just because you’re handsome, doesn’t mean I’ll let it slide! I’ll keep annoying you!’ Hu Jia muttered inwardly, her cheeks puffing up like a stubborn hamster.

"Hm? Why is your face so red, Hu Jia?" Xiao Hua asked, noticing her sudden blush with a puzzled expression.

If he could read her thoughts, he would likely be bewildered, wondering what strange inclinations Hu Jia had developed—all because of him.

Hu Jia's frustration with Xiao Hua had reached a peak the last time they met at the Outer Academy's Medicinal Ingredients Warehouse. She had demanded ingredients from him, but when he coldly refused, she threw a tantrum. Xiao Hua, unfazed, ignored her outburst entirely and left, bypassing her as if she were invisible.

Undeterred, Hu Jia had followed him all the way to his quarters, only to find the door locked in her face. Refusing to give up, she pleaded with the dorm caretakers until they relented and unlocked the door for her. However, her intrusion disturbed Xiao Hua’s Spiritual Control, leading him to teach her a harsh lesson—one he didn’t realize would leave such a lasting impression on her. Oddly enough, after that incident, Hu Jia stopped trying to anger Xiao Hua. Instead, she began seeking him out more frequently.

"It's nothing!" Hu Jia flinched at his question, quickly crossing her arms and turning her head away. "It's nothing to worry about, Brother Xiao Hua!"

Desperate to change the subject, she continued, "Anyway, I hate Grandfather, so I refuse to stay beside him." Hu Jia puffed up her cheeks and grumbled softly, "That damn Grandfather! Ever since he took on that disciple, she's all he ever talks about!"

"Ah, the usual, then." Xiao Hua sighed, shaking his head helplessly. He knew Hu Jia had harbored resentment towards Xiao Xun Er ever since the Deputy Headmaster accepted her as his disciple. The Deputy Headmaster constantly boasted about Xiao Xun Er’s talent, much to the frustration of other instructors, and especially Hu Jia.

As a result, Hu Jia had distanced herself from Xiao Xun Er, going out of her way to avoid her at all costs. Despite the passage of time, the two had never once crossed paths.

‘Still, I’m surprised to find Hu Jia at the place where Xun Er and I often meet…’ Xiao Hua recalled a time when Hu Jia had mysteriously disappeared, causing the Deputy Headmaster great concern. When he went to their special spot, he had been shocked to find Hu Jia crying beneath the tree where he and Xiao Xun Er often met.

Upon noticing Xiao Hua’s presence, Hu Jia had glared at him fiercely, threatening him to keep quiet. Xiao Hua, seeing no reason to make a fuss, agreed. Once she calmed down, she had asked him how he knew about the place, to which he answered truthfully, earning him another cute glare from her.

"Hmph! So, are you not going?" Hu Jia pointed toward the side entrance, her smirk revealing her playful intent. "As I mentioned earlier, the competition is about to start, and I heard the format has been changed because of a 'certain' someone."

"Ah... I can only hope the Deputy Headmaster shows some consideration for this 'certain' someone, especially given his age," Xiao Hua responded with a wry smile. He understood all too well why the competition format had been altered, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of helplessness.

"Fufufu. Don't worry, I doubt even Grandpa would be that harsh," Hu Jia giggled, amused by his slightly downcast expression. Then, with a reassuring tone, she added, "Besides, I made sure to ask Grandpa not to put that 'certain' someone at too much of a disadvantage."

"Is that so? Then, this 'certain' someone is truly grateful for your kindness and effort." Xiao Hua smiled warmly at her. He was well aware that many competitors had complained about his strength being too overwhelming for the competition, a sentiment the Deputy Headmaster and the Elders couldn’t ignore.

"Is that so? Then you’d better swiftly deal with the competition." Hu Jia turned her head away, but Xiao Hua noticed her ears turning red, betraying her emotions.

With a nod, Xiao Hua made his way to the side entrance. His thoughts were already on Xiao Xun Er, knowing she would be waiting for him near the entrance.

Watching Xiao Hua head toward the side entrance, Hu Jia quietly walked away, deciding not to stay for the competition. There was no need—she already knew the outcome. She had witnessed his astounding display of physical strength during the Preliminary Competition two days ago.

‘Thankfully, that senior managed to react in time and protect himself with his Dou Qi Armor. Otherwise, who knows how much he would have suffered from just that single, ordinary punch infused with Dou Qi. It's terrifying to think about how such a simple strike could hold so much power…’

Hu Jia couldn’t help but feel pity for the students who had registered for this year’s Inner Academy Qualifying Competition. They were up against monstrous opponents like Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er, and the bitterness they must have felt was palpable.

Those who had already registered could only resign themselves to their fate, while those who hadn’t yet signed up breathed a sigh of relief, grateful they wouldn’t have to face these two freaks of nature disguised as mere children.

Unbeknownst to Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er, the students had already bestowed upon them fitting titles. Xiao Hua had earned the fearsome title of Demon King, while Xiao Xun Er was revered as the Flame Fairy.


Xiao Hua stepped into the arena and made his way to the seats beside Xiao Xun Er. After sharing a light-hearted conversation with her, his gaze drifted to the viewing gallery, where three white-haired elders were seated. He recognized the first two, but the sight of the third elder in the center left him momentarily speechless.

To the left sat Elder Huo, the Head of the Alchemy Department and his master.

To the right sat Hu Gan, the Deputy Headmaster of the Outer Academy.

But it was the figure in the center that astonished Xiao Hua—the First Elder of Jia Nan Academy. This was a person of immense prestige, second only to the two mysterious Guardians, known only to a select few, and the Headmaster, whose existence was shrouded in enigma.

However, Xiao Hua quickly composed himself, masking his surprise. He turned his attention back to the arena, pondering the new format the academy had introduced for the final day of the Qualifying Competition.


Just as Xiao Hua was contemplating the new format, a clear gong sound echoed through the open ground, interrupting his thoughts. His gaze shifted towards the source of the sound, and he observed the vast, expansive stadium before him.

The audience, too, fell silent, their eyes following Xiao Hua's, all fixated on the same point.

As every gaze in the stadium converged on the center of the open ground, Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan slowly rose to his feet. His sharp eyes swept across the crowd, and his voice, powerful yet calm like soft thunder, reverberated through the air, "Yesterday, the Inner Academy Qualifying Competition selected the final fifty candidates. These individuals have earned the right to enter the Inner Academy for training. However, within the Inner Academy, there are clear distinctions among the various grades. If you seek better training conditions, you must strive to achieve the best possible results in this final competition. Every rank you climb will significantly enhance your prospects. Therefore, give it your all and secure an even more favorable training position!"

At his words, the competitors tensed up, their gazes locking onto Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er. Yet, the two remained calm, unaffected by the mounting tension. The charged atmosphere in the stadium made the audience silent and uneasy, anticipation and excitement brewing just beneath the surface.

Hu Gan’s gaze swept over the students, noting their quivering excitement. With a smile, he continued, “In previous years, we conducted the final competition through a series of rounds. This year, however, after extensive deliberation at the Academy Conference, we have decided on a slight change in the format for this final round.”

The students were not entirely surprised, having heard whispers of this change before. But now, they grew increasingly tense, eager to learn how this new method would impact the competition.

After all, the ones that all fifty top students were most wary of were Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er, the prodigious talents of this year's Qualifying Competition.

"Now, will the top fifty students please enter the arena," Hu Gan announced with a bright smile.

Xiao Xun Er was slightly taken aback by the announcement, while Xiao Hua let out a helpless sigh as the full extent of the new competition format dawned on him.

Although many in the audience didn’t fully grasp Hu Gan's words, figures began to flash from all corners of the viewing gallery. One by one, the top fifty students appeared in the arena.

"Let’s go," Xiao Hua sighed, his eyes scanning the figures scattered across the arena. Realizing there was no point in complaining, he stood up with a smile and spoke to Xiao Xun Er, who sat beside him.

"Yes," Xiao Xun Er nodded, returning his smile. The two of them leapt up, their toes pushing off the guardrail as they soared through the air in graceful arcs. Under the watchful eyes of countless onlookers, they landed softly in the arena.

With Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er’s entrance, the already intense atmosphere surged even higher.

"Today, we have decided on a competition where Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er will face off against the other forty-eight students," Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan announced, his smile widening as he observed the stunned expressions of the competitors who had entered the arena. "Within this arena, any method is permitted—except for killing. As long as you can protect yourself in this chaotic battle, you will secure victory."

'Ah... Isn’t this similar to the situation Xiao Yan and Xun'er faced in the manhua when he was late to arrive at Jia Nan Academy? I see, they’ve adapted an element from the manhua for this, but...' Xiao Hua thought to himself. He raised his head, glancing at the gallery where the elders were seated. From the guilty look his master, Elder Huo, gave him, Xiao Hua understood that this was likely a test for the other participants, rather than for him and Xiao Xun Er.

‘Basically, they’re using me to test the others' abilities,’ Xiao Hua sighed inwardly. His gaze shifted to the other students who stood on the opposite side of the arena. ‘And at the same time, they want to push me to get serious. Those crafty old foxes!’

"Should we charge together, Brother Xiao Hua?" Xiao Xun Er softly muttered, her small hand gently grasping his.

Xiao Hua smiled affectionately, bringing her hand to his lips for a tender kiss. He then faced the other students and said, "As much as I’d love to face this challenge together, no matter how big or monstrous the wave, I really want to make the elders regret their decision, even if just a little."

"Fufufu, I understand," Xiao Xun Er replied sweetly with a nod. She grasped the underlying purpose of this format and knew better than to stop Xiao Hua from letting off some steam. Silently, she prayed that the other students wouldn’t suffer any serious injuries.

“Do all of you understand the rules of the competition?” Hu Gan’s voice rang out as he scanned the arena. Seeing everyone nod in agreement, he continued, "Alright. Since you all understand, I now announce..." He slowly raised his hand, pausing for dramatic effect before bringing it down sharply, "...that the final round of the Inner Academy Qualifying Competition will now begin!"

As soon as Hu Gan declared the start, a thunderous roar echoed across the arena. A flash of golden lightning streaked through the air, followed by a massive cloud of dust that engulfed the entire arena in the shape of a dome. Through the swirling dust, occasional flashes of golden lightning could be seen, followed by regretful screams. Bodies were thrown out of the arena, tumbling through the air as they were struck out of the competition, some spitting blood with faces swollen from the impact.

The crowd in the stands, along with the elders, watched in shock as all the competitors were sent flying, some coughing up blood, their faces swollen from the impact. At the center of the arena, Xiao Hua stood tall, strange golden patterns shimmering across his body, with Xiao Xun Er beside him, both exuding a regal and silent presence.

It took a moment before the students and instructors snapped out of their daze, erupting into a chorus of astonished shouts.

“Hey! What just happened?!”

“A deafening roar, a flash of golden lightning, and then... everyone was sent flying by him..."

“All I saw was that blinding golden lightning, and before I knew it, they were all down!”

“What kind of Dou Technique was that? Those golden patterns on him... each one radiated such powerful force..."

“Is that what happens when he goes all out...?”

As the students and instructors buzzed with excitement and disbelief, the elders watched with a mix of amazement and concern, especially the First Elder, Hu Gan, and Elder Huo. They had anticipated Xiao Hua winning the qualifying competition, intending to use this as an opportunity to gauge his true abilities. But they had never imagined he would display such overwhelming power.

"A monster, huh? There's no better word for him," murmured the First Elder, his voice tinged with awe.

"True. I was hoping to see Xun'er demonstrate her abilities to the others..." Hu Gan added, still stunned.

"It seems he's upset with you two for using him like that..." Elder Huo remarked, his gaze fixed on Xiao Hua before shifting to the two elders beside him.

The First Elder and Hu Gan could only offer wry smiles in response. While they had always known Xiao Hua was a prodigy, they hadn’t anticipated this level of anger—or power.

"Either way, it seems we have our results," the First Elder murmured, rubbing his beard as his gaze settled on seven figures still standing on the stage.

"Indeed. Normally, we select the top five, but given that they had to face Xiao Hua, we can make an exception and choose the top seven to enter the Book Collection Hall," Hu Gan agreed, his eyes lingering on the five others who, though struggling, had managed to stay on their feet. He couldn't help but be impressed; he hadn’t expected anyone to withstand Xiao Hua’s onslaught.

Hu Gan stood up from the judges' seats and walked to the front of the gallery, his voice booming as he addressed the entire stadium. "I hereby announce that the Inner Academy Qualifying Competition has concluded. After careful deliberation, we have decided to take the top seven instead of the top five. They are: Xiao Hua, Xiao Xun Er, Li Mei, Ming Cheng, Mei Ling, Xin Yu, and Wei Jie!"

As his words echoed through the stadium, a wave of overwhelming cheers erupted from the crowd. The entire arena seemed to tremble under the force of the applause, and the rustling sound of excitement filled the air. Countless spectators in the viewing gallery rose to their feet, their eyes fixed on the two figures—Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er—standing alone amidst the rubble.

The crowd’s eyes were filled with envy and respect. Xiao Hua had made it clear to everyone who the strongest among Jia Nan Academy’s students was. And for those who had witnessed the battles over the past three days, it was evident that Xiao Xun Er was no mere delicate flower sheltered in a greenhouse. She, too, had proven herself to be a formidable force in her own right.


A week had passed since the conclusion of the Inner Academy Qualification Competition, yet the event continued to stir excitement among the students and instructors alike. The sheer power Xiao Hua had displayed remained the topic of awe and discussion across the academy.

Meanwhile, in a certain brightly lit room filled with a scholarly atmosphere, five individuals stood in silence. The room was lined with staggeringly arranged bookshelves, each filled with ancient tomes that added to the room's academic ambiance. At the front of the room, behind a sturdy table, sat a white-haired old man, gently flipping through the documents in his hands.

These five individuals were none other than the top seven students announced by Hu Gan—Ming Cheng, Wei Jie, Li Mei, Mei Ling, and Xin Yu.

Ming Cheng, a young man with smooth black hair flowing down his back, stood with a calm demeanor. His deep blue eyes, though serene, hinted at a hidden well of power. While not conventionally handsome, his quiet charm and composed presence commanded attention.

Beside him stood Wei Jie, a striking figure with short, brown hair and intense brick-red eyes. His rugged charm and strong, confident presence made him stand out, drawing others to him naturally.

A bit further from these two was Li Mei, a white-haired beauty whose appearance evoked the image of freshly fallen snow. Her piercing crystal-blue eyes, combined with her icy aura, created an unapproachable air. Her beauty was like a distant landscape—enchanting yet seemingly untouchable, leaving those who admired her in awe from afar.

To Li Mei’s left stood Mei Ling, a vibrant beauty with a unique blend of red and green in her hair, reminiscent of autumn leaves ablaze with color. Her emerald eyes and graceful demeanor reflected the harmonious balance between fire and nature, making her presence both captivating and serene.

On Li Mei’s right was Xin Yu, a blue-haired lady whose tresses resembled the clearest ocean waves. Her mysterious sapphire eyes conveyed the depth and mystery of the seas. Her beauty was both calming and mesmerizing, as if she embodied the serene majesty of the deep blue waters.

These five stood quietly, awaiting the old man's words, each of them carrying the marks of their recent trials, yet with an unmistakable air of confidence that came from their hard-earned victory.

"Before Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er arrive, I want to hear something from each of you personally," Hu Gan said, stops flipping the book and fixing his gaze on the five students before him.

"We don't mind, Deputy Headmaster," Ming Cheng replied, his voice steady. The others nodded in agreement, their attention fully on what Hu Gan had to say.

Seeing he had their attention, Hu Gan spoke calmly, "I hope none of you are holding grudges or harboring thoughts of enmity over what happened."

"If that's what you're worried about, we're fine, Deputy Headmaster," Wei Jie responded, waving his hand dismissively. "How could we bear grudges against Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er?"

"What Wei Jie said is true, Deputy Headmaster," a soft, melodic voice added. Hu Gan, Ming Cheng, and Wei Jie turned their attention to the silver-haired beauty, Li Mei. She exchanged glances with Mei Ling and Xin Yu, who both nodded in agreement. "The three of us would never hold a grudge against them, especially not against Xun'er."

"What she says is indeed true, Deputy Headmaster," Xin Yu spoke up with a gentle smile. "The three of us have always seen Xun'er as a little sister, and under no circumstances would we ever consider becoming enemies with our precious little sister."

"Fufufu, if anything, I’d like to complain that the little boy isn’t tender towards women," Mei Ling added with a soft smile, shaking her head in mild concern. "I’m worried for Xun’er since he doesn’t seem as gentle as he appears..."

Hu Gan couldn't help but chuckle at Mei Ling's words. "Since he had to face all forty-eight of you, he didn’t have the luxury of showing tenderness towards anyone. The fact that the five of you managed to withstand his attack is a testament to your strength, and that's the reason you've all passed."

"Deputy Headmaster, women can hold grudges, so he better not give me an opportunity, or Xiao Hua might have to prepare himself," Mei Ling teased, curling her lips into a mischievous smile.

"Better not let Xun’er hear what you’ve said, or you might find yourself on the receiving end of her ire," Li Mei warned with a soft smile. "After all, that boy is her little lover."


The quiet sound of the door opening broke the silence of the room, followed by a voice that announced, “Deputy Headmaster, Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er have arrived.”

As they entered, Hu Gan’s gaze methodically swept across the room until it settled on Xiao Hua. He stared intently at those clear crimson and beautiful cyan pupils, sensing a destructive and restless energy, akin to a flame, simmering beneath the surface. Alongside this, he detected the violent and domineering presence of lightning, both forces flowing and rumbling beneath the calm exterior.

‘The Dou Qi within him circulates gently, yet there’s a palpable sense of restlessness and violence, like a volcano on the verge of eruption or a storm about to break,’ Hu Gan mused, his sharp eyes narrowing as he continued to assess Xiao Hua. ‘This must be the influence of the Heavenly Flame, but what is this overwhelming lightning I sense? It's unlike anything I've encountered before, not even the Wind-Lightning Pavilion's techniques carry such a potent, destructive presence.'

As a seasoned Deputy Headmaster, Hu Gan’s ability to perceive the intricate nature of Xiao Hua's Dou Qi was a testament to his expertise. However, despite his vast knowledge, the nature of this lightning remained a mystery, even to him.

Hu Gan's relaxed demeanor shifted as his gaze sharpened, turning serious. “When you all enter the Inner Academy, you will likely face countless battles and struggles together. Therefore, do not let a simple loss sour your relationships. The fates of those new students who fail to form alliances are far from pleasant. Additionally, strength is paramount within the Inner Academy. Regardless of any background or connections you have outside, only those with the hardest fists will be able to secure the best training conditions and resources.”

His words carried weight, and after listening to his advice, the group nodded in understanding and expressed their gratitude. Satisfied, Hu Gan moved to the wall behind him, tapping it a few times. A soft, rumbling noise followed, and a dark tunnel slowly revealed itself, surprising some of the students.

Hu Gan gestured for them to follow as he led the way into the tunnel, his stride confident and unhesitating. The others quickly fell in line behind him, moving deeper into the passageway.

After walking for nearly half an hour, a bright light finally appeared at the end of the tunnel. The sight of it quickened their pace, and soon, they emerged into the open air.

The sudden brightness caused Xiao Hua and the others to squint, their eyes momentarily blinded by the intense light. As their eyes adjusted, they took in the scene before them and were met with a stunning sight.

They found themselves standing in a secluded valley, encircled by towering cliffs that stretched endlessly upwards. The sheer walls of the mountains were imposing, enclosing a vast, empty space below. At the center of this open area stood a massive, ancient pavilion, its size and grandeur leaving the group speechless.

Their eyes were drawn to the ancient structure, and they noticed a horizontal signboard hanging above the pavilion’s entrance. The three words inscribed on it were faint and worn by time, but they still held a mysterious and commanding presence.

Book Collection Hall!

The ancient words on the signboard, though worn by time, exuded an artistic power that stunned Xiao Hua and the others. The rustic yet profound aura contained within those characters was a testament to the mysterious and revered nature of the Jia Nan Academy's Book Collection Hall. Even though time had eroded the signboard, it still commanded respect, revealing the hall's importance and history.

As Xiao Hua marveled at the signboard, a thought crossed his mind. ‘Now I understand why Xiao Yan was so amazed by this place. The signboard indeed holds a strange, mysterious presence, almost as if it’s alive with history. How did they manage to preserve such a feeling?’

Hu Gan led the group toward the Book Collection Hall. When they were about twenty meters from the entrance, he suddenly stopped. With a respectful gesture, he cupped his hands and announced their arrival, his voice amplified by Dou Qi, making it echo throughout the secluded valley.

“The top students who have passed this year’s Qualifying Competition have been selected. Due to certain circumstances, we are making an exception by bringing seven students instead of the usual five. According to the rules, I have brought them here. Elders, please open the door!”

His words, which contained and carried by Dou Qi, reverberated through the valley, lingering in the air long after they were spoken. The students, unfamiliar with the procedures, exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to expect. Xiao Hua, however, was scanning the area, his eyes searching for the two figures he knew guarded this sacred place. These two were the mysterious protectors of the Jia Nan Academy, whose existence was a closely guarded secret, even among the academy’s elders.

As Xiao Hua’s gaze swept the area, his eyes suddenly locked onto two grey-robed figures who had appeared out of nowhere, seated cross-legged on the ground. The other students were equally shocked, as they were certain that no one had been there when they first arrived. The appearance of these two figures was so sudden and surreal that it sent chills down their spines.

Who were these two mysterious figures? And why did Hu Gan, the Deputy Headmaster, treat them with such respect? The students couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of awe and curiosity. The solemnity with which the Book Collection Hall was treated hinted at the extraordinary treasures it held, heightening their anticipation.

Xiao Hua, however, felt a mix of curiosity and excitement. He had heard of these guardians but never imagined he would see them so soon. The presence of these two figures confirmed the hall's significance, and he couldn’t help but wonder what lay within its walls.

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