BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 32: Search for Dou Flying Technique

The two pairs of serene, aged eyes, as deep and unfathomable as ancient wells, lifted slightly, sweeping indifferently across Hu Gan and the others before suddenly pausing on Xiao Hua. Their gray robes trembled ever so slightly, and a soft, hoarse voice murmured, "These auras... How astonishing that a mere youth could possess such unique flames and lightning."

The sound echoed through the still mountain valley, clearly reaching the ears of Xiao Hua and his companions.

"Indeed," the gray-robed elder on the left side responded, his gaze scrutinizing Xiao Hua. He could sense the lotus-like volcanic flame and the golden, ferocious lightning swirling within him. "The flame carries a greenish hue, resembling a lotus, yet exuding the ferocity of a volcano. If this old man is not mistaken, the 'Heavenly Flame' under your control should be the one ranked nineteenth on the Heavenly Flame Ranking, the 'Green Lotus Core Flame.' Or at least, it should have been. Your flame's overwhelming power far surpasses what I have encountered before, which left me momentarily puzzled."

The old voice whispered beside Xiao Hua's ear, yet he remained unfazed. He had already known that these two gray-robed elders possessed a terrifying ability to observe and analyze, seeing through the intricacies of his flame before he had even revealed it.

'However, it seems even they are unaware of the Primordial Heavenly Flame. It would be truly alarming if they knew...' Xiao Hua thought inwardly, maintaining a calm and composed expression.

"Moreover, the golden lightning within you is unlike anything I have ever encountered, even in the ancient texts. It exudes a destructive force and wild nature, akin to a ferocious beast, making the wind-lightning of the Wind Lightning Pavilion seem tame by comparison."

Xiao Hua cast a glance towards Xiao Xun Er and the others beside him. They appeared unfazed, as though the elders’ words had not reached them. Relief washed over him as he realized that the two gray-robed old men had employed the same covert method they had used when discussing Xiao Yan’s flame, just as in the novel.

"May I ask for the name of this young friend?" One of the gray-robed elders asked, his gaze still fixed on Xiao Hua. His voice, though hoarse, carried the weight of countless years.

The murmured conversation between the elders drew the attention of everyone present, their eyes now resting on Xiao Hua with a mix of curiosity and awe. The respectful demeanor of Hu Gan, the Deputy Headmaster of the Outer Academy, towards these two enigmatic figures, revealed their extraordinary status. Yet, here they were, showing interest in Xiao Hua, a display that only underscored his exceptional nature. Envy flickered in the eyes of those around him.

Facing their gazes and being asked a question, Xiao Hua wasn’t startled and cupped his hand together as he spoke respectfully. “This little one, Xiao Hua, greets both Elders.”

"To wield such strange yet formidable flame and lightning at such a young age... truly remarkable," the gray-robed elder on the left sighed, a hint of admiration in his voice. He then turned his gaze to Hu Gan and said hoarsely, "No wonder you chose to have a top seven instead of the usual top five. Facing this boy alone would be considered unfortunate."

Everyone smiled wryly at the elder's words. None could deny that it was indeed unfortunate for them to face both the Demon King and the Flame Fairy in this year’s Qualification Competition. Only Xiao Xun Er seemed to genuinely enjoy the compliments Xiao Hua received from the two gray-robed elders.

'I'm glad Xun'er is pleased, but how did she manage to conceal the fact that she also possesses a Heavenly Flame from these two elders?' Xiao Hua's brows furrowed as he gazed deeply at Xiao Xun Er. Then, a flash of realization struck him. 'Could it be that they are communicating with her through some unique method? If so, she must have asked them to keep her secret and not focus on her.'

Hu Gan smiled and cupped his hands in a respectful gesture. “Indeed, I do feel pity for them. To make up for it, may I request the Elders to open the Space Lock?”

“Space Lock?” The unfamiliar term caused the other students to look around in confusion.

Xiao Hua pointed to the space in front of Hu Gan. “If you look carefully, you'll notice something about half a meter in front of the Deputy Headmaster.”

Initially, the students were skeptical of Xiao Hua’s words, but their doubt soon faded, replaced by grave expressions as they observed the subtle folds in the air. These barely perceptible distortions were difficult to detect but, upon closer inspection, they realized that these folds formed an invisible wall, concealing and protecting the ‘Book Collection Hall’.

Hu Gan, who stood at the front, smiled and addressed the students who were still confused. “These folds you see are part of a Space Lock—an incredibly powerful spatial barrier that only a strong Dou Venerate could create. This particular Space Lock was left behind by a predecessor of the academy several hundred years ago. Without the special method used by the two Elders to open it, even a powerful Dou Ancestor would be unable to break through.”

The students, now understanding, nodded in sudden realization, though their hearts were still filled with awe. A barrier that even a Dou Ancestor couldn't penetrate—this only further highlighted the deep and formidable heritage of Jia Nan Academy.

The two gray-robed figures before them slowly extended their withered hands from within their sleeves. With deliberate movements, they began forming intricate hand seals. As the seals took shape, Xiao Hua could clearly sense two incredibly strong, invisible ripples emanating from their palms, spreading out like waves.

These formless ripples gradually converged and interacted with the spatial folds, making the air shimmer like a mirror. Moments later, the ripples ceased, and the folds began to shift, revealing what appeared to be a slowly opening door.

“It’s open. Let’s go, children,” Hu Gan said with a wave of his hand as he stepped forward onto the newly revealed path. Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er followed without hesitation, while the others hesitated briefly before carefully stepping through the invisible doorway.

“Thank you. We have troubled the Elders,” Hu Gan said with a respectful smile, expressing his gratitude.

“It’s nothing, as it is our duty,” one of the gray-robed figures replied in a hoarse, faint voice, their bodies remaining motionless. The mystery surrounding them only deepened, adding to the students’ growing sense of respect and reverence.

“All of you may now enter the ‘Book Collection Hall’,” Hu Gan announced, his tone serious. “But remember, no matter what you find, do not forcefully try to obtain it. Every item here is protected by an energy layer. If your hand can pass through the energy layer without resistance, then you may take what’s inside. However, you are allowed to take only one item with you out of the ‘Book Collection Hall.’ Greed will gain you nothing here.”

“One should learn to step back and let go. If you cannot pass through the protection, move on and seek something else. From what I can tell, Xiao Hua may be the only one who can take something by sheer physical strength. The rest of you may need to exert more effort. Leave it to fate—many students have come here only to leave empty-handed,” Hu Gan explained, pointing toward the Book Collection Hall as he laid out the situation and rules to Xiao Hua and the others.

Xiao Hua and the rest nodded in understanding. After exchanging glances, they slowly lifted their feet and walked toward the Book Collection Hall, ready to claim their rewards.

In the stillness of the mountain valley, only the sound of their footsteps could be heard. Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er walked at the back of the group. The group passed through the grassy area in front of the pavilion and eventually stepped onto the timeworn green rock steps, now pitted and worn by the ages.

A greenish layer covered the stone steps, making them somewhat slippery to walk on. Fortunately, it didn’t pose much of a challenge for Xiao Hua and the others. They followed the green stone stairs for a while before arriving in front of the ‘Book Collection Hall.’ As they lifted their heads to gaze at the ancient horizontal signboard, a desolate, overwhelming feeling emanated from it, seeping into their hearts and lingering there.

Xiao Hua, however, managed to snap out of it quickly, tearing his gaze away from the signboard. He glanced at Xiao Xun Er and the others and noticed they were all in a trance, still staring blankly at the signboard.


A hoarse cough suddenly broke the silence, jolting Xiao Xun Er and the others from their daze. The six of them blinked in confusion before hastily averting their eyes from the signboard, finally breaking free from its unsettling grip.

'Just as the novel described, that horizontal signboard truly possesses a demonic strength to draw people in... I was just testing my luck, but even I got caught by it, if only for a moment. Did the novel ever mention why the 'Book Collection Hall' is filled with this mysterious aura and these strange items?' Xiao Hua lowered his head and sighed, pondering silently.

“Enter now. The door will remain open for only one hour. After that, you must exit, regardless of whether you’ve obtained anything or not.”

The breeze fluttered the sleeves of the gray-robed figure to their left, and with a soft creak, the tightly shut main door slowly began to open, revealing a dark tunnel within.

As the door opened, an ancient and desolate aura rushed out to greet them, causing Xiao Hua and the others to instinctively strengthen their mental defenses, not daring to let their minds wander even for a moment.

Ming Cheng, who was leading the group, took a deep breath and boldly stepped into the ‘Book Collection Hall.’ Wei Jie followed closely behind, and after a brief hesitation, Li Mei and the other two girls hurried after the boys.

“Let’s go, Big Brother Xiao Hua,” Xiao Xun Er said with a smile, pulling Xiao Hua's hand as she glanced at Li Mei and the others, who had already disappeared into the dark tunnel.

“Yes. Be careful,” Xiao Hua nodded, his gaze briefly flickering toward the two mysterious gray-robed figures standing silently nearby. He then took Xiao Xun Er’s hand and led her into the ‘Book Collection Hall,’ their soft footsteps echoing faintly as they vanished into the darkness.

Once all seven had entered, the main door began to creak again, slowly closing until it was tightly shut.

Hu Gan sighed softly as he watched the door seal shut. “I hope you all find what you seek. It is a rare opportunity to enter the ‘Book Collection Hall’ of Jia Nan Academy. None of you should waste this chance.”


The sound of the main door shutting tightly behind them echoed through the tunnel, prompting some of the students to turn around in response. However, Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er, unconcerned by the noise, continued walking forward, hand in hand.

After about five minutes, a pale, yellowish light became visible in the distance. Their pace quickened instinctively, and soon they emerged from the dark tunnel, squinting as brilliant light flooded their vision.

They found themselves in an enormous, spacious room. The walls were lined with nearly ten energy barriers, each slowly emitting and retracting a soft glow that illuminated the entire chamber as brightly as daylight.

Xiao Hua and the others were momentarily stunned, their gazes sweeping across the vast room. They quickly realized that this large chamber was the final destination of the ‘Book Collection Hall.’ Yet, to their surprise, there was nothing within the room except for the glowing energy barriers.

“Do they expect us to enter those strange barriers, Sister Li Mei?” one of the girls whispered quietly to Li Mei. But in the silence of the room, her words were audible to everyone.

Xiao Hua turned to see the three girls standing together. Xiao Xun Er’s eyes lit up, and she eagerly ran toward them, pulling Xiao Hua along. “Sister Li Mei, Sister Mei Ling, Sister Xin Yi! What are you talking about?”

The three young women turned to see Xiao Xun Er approaching, her hand still holding Xiao Hua’s. They exchanged knowing glances, smiling at how the little girl seemed to focus entirely on Xiao Hua whenever he was around, seemingly forgetting everyone else.

“Did you only remember us because we caught your little boyfriend’s attention, you little rascal?” Mei Ling teased, gently patting Xiao Xun Er on the head with an affectionate smile. Xiao Xun Er and the other girls giggled, filling the room with a lighthearted and harmonious atmosphere.

Xiao Hua, meanwhile, glanced at Li Mei. She stood out most vividly in his memory, not for her beauty, but because of their encounter during the Qualifying Competition. While the others had reacted to his attacks, she was the only one who had successfully blocked him and even attempted to counterattack, although she ultimately failed.

Li Mei noticed his attention, her lips curving into a soft smile as she nodded in acknowledgment. Xiao Hua nodded back in return. The girls then introduced themselves to him, insisting he drop the honorifics, playfully reminding him that he was already considered Xiao Xun Er's "little lover."

Suddenly, a faint sound of rushing wind filled the room. Although the sound was mild, it unmistakably resembled the muffled rumble of thunder, a noise all too familiar to them from when Xiao Hua had unleashed his Dou Technique during the Qualifying Competition.

Drawn by the sound, the group hurried to the source, stopping in front of one of the energy barriers to their left. Curiosity piqued, they moved closer, just as Xiao Hua noticed a cluster of light-blue energy suddenly surging within the barrier. It condensed into a sharp ray of light, which then shot toward them with explosive speed.

“Dodge!” Ming Cheng shouted, reacting quickly and leaping to the side to avoid the incoming light-blue ray.

The others followed suit, swiftly jumping away from the trajectory of the light. But Xiao Hua remained still, raising his hand with calm precision. In a fluid motion, he caught the light-blue ray, allowing it to dissipate in his grasp. As the light faded, it revealed a light-blue scroll, enveloped in a faint layer of protective energy, resting in his hand.

Xiao Hua examined the scroll more closely, while Xiao Xun Er, who had remained standing behind him, leaned in to read the words inscribed on its surface.

“Moonlit Silver Ice, Di Class High Level Dou Technique?" Xiao Xun Er softly read aloud, drawing the attention of the others. The realization dawned on them: the rays of light emitted from the energy barriers were not mere distractions—they contained the treasures they sought.

Before they could fully process this, a cacophony of rushing wind filled the room once more. In quick succession, clusters of energy, each a different shape and color, burst from the surrounding energy barriers, shooting out in all directions.

Understanding the nature of the challenge, the group tensed, readying themselves to catch these energy rays, each one potentially holding the rewards they were seeking. The atmosphere grew tense with anticipation as they prepared to seize whatever treasures the mysterious Book Collection Hall might offer.

As the energy clusters, each carrying a unique momentum, surged through the room, the others couldn't contain their excitement. With joy on their faces, they sprang from the ground, launching themselves into the air like cannonballs. Their hands reached out to grasp the elusive energy clusters, and when they landed, they eagerly inspected the treasures hidden within.

Xiao Hua, however, was disinterested in the Dou Qi Technique he had just obtained. He was about to return it to the energy barrier when Li Mei, who stood beside him, spoke softly, “Please wait a moment, Xiao Hua. Since you don’t need it, could you give it to me?”

“You want this, Sister Li Mei? Here you go,” Xiao Hua replied, handing the scroll to her without hesitation. He recalled that Li Mei’s Dou Qi had both Lightning and Ice attributes, making this technique a perfect match for her.

“Fufufu. Thank you,” Li Mei giggled gracefully as she accepted the scroll, her usual cold and unapproachable aura momentarily softening. Her unexpected warmth stunned Xiao Hua, who realized that being a child and Xiao Xun Er’s lover had allowed him to bridge the gap between them. Still, he couldn’t help but worry that this newfound connection might bring trouble. In cultivation novels, beauties often attracted trouble, and he was wary of the consequences.

Xiao Hua nodded and then shifted his focus back to the other energy clusters. He spread his Spiritual Perception, honing in on the ones with the strongest energy fluctuations, hoping to find something that truly piqued his interest.

“Should I help you, Xiao Hua?” Li Mei asked, feeling grateful for the technique he had given her.

Xiao Hua paused, considering her offer before nodding. “If it’s possible, I’m looking for a Flying Dou Technique.”

“Flying Technique? I didn’t know you were aiming for that…” Li Mei responded, surprised by his request. While not everyone understood the significance of a Flying Dou Technique, Li Mei did. She recognized the ambition behind Xiao Hua’s choice and was impressed by his forward-thinking approach.

Li Mei blinked in surprise. "Flying Technique? I didn’t know you were aiming for that..." She understood the ambition behind his request. Flying Dou Techniques were rare and coveted, allowing a practitioner below the Dou King realm to fly by forming wings. It was a rare privilege, and many sought such techniques fervently.

“Well, I’ll at least try to find such a rare Dou Technique,” Li Mei responded with a wry smile before leaping towards the stronger energy clusters in search of his desired technique.

Xiao Hua nodded, though inwardly he remained calm. He knew that even if he couldn’t find a Flying Dou Technique here, another opportunity awaited him in the future.

From the story, he remembered that a technique called Eagle Wing: Xuan Class High-Level Dou Flying Technique was hidden in a cave he would eventually explore. However, obtaining it required meeting another key character, Xiao Yi Xian, and unraveling the secrets of the hidden cave together.

The thought of encountering her intrigued him. Though it wasn’t an immediate priority, Xiao Hua planned to obtain the technique and store it safely in the storage ring he had prepared for Xiao Yan, just as he had planned from the start.

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