BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 39: Fierce Fight

"They're finally here. Even now, I find it hard to believe that Xiao Hua could wield such a powerful Dou Technique. I wonder where he managed to acquire it," Elder Su remarked, his brows furrowing in surprise as he watched the seven figures, his gaze eventually settling on one of the smaller ones. "I doubt even Elder Huo would have a Di-Class Dou Technique just lying around in his Storage Ring, left unattended."

Elder Qing nodded thoughtfully, his eyes fixed on the group below. "Indeed. The undulations from that technique suggest it's of High-Level Di-Class. I hope this will reassure the First Elder about Xiao Hua's strength."

Elder Su gave a solemn nod. "Considering what's sealed beneath the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, it's no wonder the First Elder wants to test Xiao Hua." His gaze lingered on Xiao Hua's heterochromatic eyes—crimson on the left, cyan on the right—before he continued, "After all, no one can predict how that entity might react when it senses another Heavenly Flame nearby."

Elder Qing's face darkened with concern. Xiao Hua was a rare talent, and the thought of his potential being cut short due to the unpredictable flame beneath the tower weighed heavily on his mind.

Unaware of the elders' conversation, Xiao Hua and his companions stepped forward, crossing the wooden bridge and entering the rocky region. They came to a halt in front of Hu Wei and the other six, their expressions resolute as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Noticing that Hu Wei’s gaze remained fixed on Xiao Hua, the latter decided to take the initiative. With a courteous smile, he cupped his hands and said, “You seniors must be the final group in this special ‘Fire Energy Hunting Competition,’ the ‘White Demon Group,’ correct?”

“White Demon Group’s Leader, Hu Wei.”

Hu Wei’s gaze swept over the seven figures, momentarily pausing on Ming Cheng, Li Mei and Xun Er before settling intently on Xiao Hua. The aura of Ming Cheng and Li Mei suggested that defeating them would require significant effort from his team.

"Xiao Hua. Although it might be bold of me to call myself a leader, I am merely their little brother," Xiao Hua replied with a gentle smile.

Hu Wei nodded, his demeanor growing more serious. The cold air around him intensified, and a powerful force emanated from his body, enveloping the rocky region in an oppressive chill.

Xiao Hua’s expression grew more serious as he felt the icy pressure. As the seniors had warned, this individual was indeed a formidable Dou Spirit, ranking among the top ten in the ‘Strong Ranking.’ The pressure he exuded surpassed that of most seniors at the eight-star to nine-star Dou Grandmaster level, even exceeding Zhou Tao’s formidable presence.

Reflecting on this, Xiao Hua exchanged a glance with Xun Er and the other five. After a brief nod of agreement, the group stepped forward simultaneously. Instantly, seven powerful Dou Qis surged forth from their bodies. The combined forces of their Dou Qis intertwined in midair, shattering the oppressive ice-cold aura surrounding them. The unified energy surged toward Hu Wei, countering his domineering force and easing the pressure in the arena.

This scene left the older students on the rocky platform and the elders in stunned silence. They could clearly sense that the most powerful force among the seven came from Xiao Hua. Despite not being directly involved in the clash, the older students felt the overwhelming and commanding presence radiating from him.

Seeing their leader struggling, the other six members of the ‘White Demon Group’ quickly unleashed their own icy Dou Qis to counter the powerful surge from Xiao Hua’s group, though their resistance was somewhat ineffective.

In their initial exchange, Xiao Hua's group had astonishingly managed to suppress the ‘White Demon Group,’ despite the disparity in strength.

Neither side was willing to yield, and both groups released their Dou Qis in a fierce clash. The Elders and other students remained silent, fully understanding the stakes.

The juniors sought to enter Jia Nan Academy, while the seniors aimed to prevent them. This confrontation would mark the culmination of this year’s ‘Fire Energy Hunting Competition.’ Regardless of the outcome, it was clear that a fierce battle was about to commence.


Xiao Hua's hands suddenly emitted a low cry, and with a flash of silver light, a pair of silver gauntlets materialized on his arms. Golden-green Dou Qi surged out from within his body. At this point, there was no room for retreat; the situation had escalated to the point where they could not afford to back down due to any unforeseen circumstances. The only option left was to fight!

Following Xiao Hua’s lead, Dou Qi swiftly burst forth from Xun Er and the five others standing beside him. Waves of powerful energy rippled through the air, with six forces locking onto the members of the White Demon Group, while Xiao Hua’s focus remained solely on Hu Wei.

Observing this, everyone on the rocky platform immediately understood that the juniors had already strategized—Xiao Hua would take on the leader while the others dealt with the rest of the White Demon Group.

“It seems I've already become their target. Not that I can blame them,” Hu Wei muttered, his voice cold as faint, white-colored air seeped from his body. His gaze flickered towards Xiao Hua before he turned to the two members on his right. “Lei Feng, Kai Shen, take on the one with the spear and the girl with the sword. Don’t underestimate them. The fact that they managed to fight the other senior groups alone speaks volumes about their strength.”

“Yes, senior!” The two members replied with deep voices, their expressions serious.

Satisfied with their response, Hu Wei turned to the only girl in the White Demon Group. “Ying Yue, that little girl is the most mysterious among them. Even her master, Deputy Headmaster Hu, doesn’t fully know her true capabilities. Tread carefully. If you find her too difficult to handle alone, focus on buying time and preventing her from assisting the others.”

“Understood, senior!” Ying Yue nodded, her eyes filled with determination.

Hu Wei closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as his Dou Qi surged more fiercely, the cold air emanating from him growing even stronger. “Lastly, don’t let these juniors cross the line and succeed in the ‘Fire Energy Hunting Competition!’”

“Yes!” The seven members of the White Demon Group responded in unison, their Dou Qi surging as threads of cold air seeped from their bodies. It was clear that all the members of this group practiced ice-affinity Dou Qi.

“Hu Wei isn’t someone to be underestimated. Reaching the top ten of the ‘Strong Ranking’ means he’s not an easy opponent to defeat quickly,” Xiao Hua said softly to Xun Er and the others, his Dou Qi coursing through his Qi Paths like a turbulent flood. A feeling of immense strength filled his body, ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice. “Don’t hold back. Defeat your opponents as swiftly as possible. Any delay could lead to unforeseen consequences.”

“Understood.” Xun Er and the others nodded, their expressions resolute.

With the instructions given, Xiao Hua turned his gaze to Hu Wei, who had just opened his eyes. Their gazes locked, a silent exchange of fighting intent that intensified the already tense atmosphere. As if on cue, a gentle breeze blew past, dislodging a rock fragment from the mountain. The fragment rolled down and crashed heavily against another rock, shattering into pieces—a prelude to the fierce battle that was about to unfold.

Immediately, Xiao Hua tightened his grip and violently stomped the ground. The golden-green energy beneath his feet exploded, propelling his body like a black shadow straight toward Hu Wei.

As Xiao Hua moved, Xun Er and the other five followed suit, charging at their respective opponents with fierce determination.

The members of the White Demon Group, except for Hu Wei, responded swiftly. Their hands shook as they moved to intercept Xun Er and the others, drawing them away from Hu Wei to prevent any coordinated attack. Once they led their opponents aside, their metal rods whirled like rotating winds, clashing against Xun Er and the rest in a furious battle.

Meanwhile, Xiao Hua and Hu Wei locked eyes, both refusing to turn their attention away. They threw their fists at each other, sending out powerful ripples of energy that forced them several steps back. Yet neither paused. Xiao Hua surged his Dou Qi, channeling it into his hands, and unleashed a sharp, golden-green Dou Qi burst from his gauntlets.

Hu Wei’s expression remained indifferent as he observed the incoming attack. With a tight grip, a white light flashed in his hand, revealing a five-foot-long white spear emitting a faint, cold air. He grasped the spear firmly, and with a swift motion, thrust the tip toward the golden-green Dou Qi projectile. A faint white glow flickered at the spear's tip, leaving trails of white light in its wake as it pierced through the air toward Xiao Hua's attack.


The clash of energies was inevitable. The golden-green Dou Qi projectile collided with the tip of Hu Wei’s spear, creating a dazzling explosion of light and force. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing the ground beneath them to tremble.

As the white spear pierced into the golden-green glow, the sound of the explosion echoed across the battlefield. The powerful forces within the golden-green glow were forcibly scattered by Hu Wei’s spear, an impressive display of strength that left the spectators in awe. Without missing a beat, Hu Wei spun around, swinging his spear with tremendous power.


The sound of metal clashing against metal reverberated through the air, sending sparks flying as the spear collided with something behind him. The older students on the rocky platform were momentarily baffled by Hu Wei’s sudden action, but their confusion quickly turned to shock. Xiao Hua had appeared behind Hu Wei without anyone noticing, his presence completely concealed until the last moment. It was clear that Xiao Hua had predicted Hu Wei’s counterattack and had used the opportunity to execute a perfectly timed sneak attack.

“What a crafty junior you are!” Hu Wei’s nervous grin betrayed his growing apprehension as he observed Xiao Hua. Cold sweat trickled down his back as he marveled at the speed and combat experience of this young challenger. Despite his own strength as a Dou Spirit, he was taken aback by Xiao Hua’s extraordinary physical prowess, which had managed to halt his attack.

“What keen instincts you have, Senior!” Xiao Hua acknowledged, genuinely impressed by Hu Wei’s sharp reflexes. As he continued to unleash long-range Dou Qi attacks, he realized that with Hu Wei’s strength, it would be no easy feat to overcome him. Nonetheless, both combatants pressed on, their figures merging into shadows as they clashed fiercely. Each collision sent powerful ripples of energy that reached the spectators on the rocky platform.

The older students watched in awe as the white glow of Hu Wei’s energy and the golden-green glow of Xiao Hua’s Dou Qi collided repeatedly, generating immense force. They swallowed nervously and exchanged glances, the intensity of the battle leaving them in a state of disbelief.

“Senior Zhou Tao, do you think Xiao Hua and the others can defeat Senior Hu Wei and his team?” Sun Yu asked, turning to Zhou Tao, who sat cross-legged with his eyes closed in meditation.

“Depending on what trump cards our juniors are hiding, I don’t think Hu Wei can win,” Zhou Tao replied without opening his eyes. Despite his focus on recuperating from his injuries, he addressed Sun Yu’s curiosity. After a brief pause, he opened his eyes slightly before closing them again, offering a faint smile. “After all, our juniors this time are exceptionally monstrous, and Hu Wei must have realized that as well after their clash.”

Unlike the other older students, Zhou Tao understood that both fighters were merely probing each other's abilities, testing their strengths and techniques. The fact that neither had used any Dou Techniques despite their intense clashes confirmed that they were assessing each other. Zhou Tao was eager to see how far Hu Wei could push their junior and to gauge the full extent of Xiao Hua’s capabilities.

Elder Su and Elder Qing, with their solemn expressions, shared this sentiment. Even the middle-aged men behind them were aware that the real battle was just beginning.

Sun Yu gulped nervously at Zhou Tao’s words. He never imagined that a junior would break the mold of the 'Fire Energy Hunting Competition,' even with the unique nature of this event. The presence of older students from advanced years, all of whom were now speechless with astonishment, highlighted the extraordinary capabilities of Xiao Hua and his companions.


After hundred of exchanges, Hu Wei and Xiao Hua found themselves descending into the deep crevice that separated the dense forest from the rocky region. With the aid of Elder Su and Elder Qing, everyone was able to observe the intense battle unfolding within the crevice. Below, a tranquil body of water lay still, undisturbed by the fierce battle above. Both Xiao Hua and Hu Wei stood on the surface of the water, their Dou Qi circulating at their feet, keeping them aloft without sinking.

The two fighters locked eyes, neither speaking a word. The fight was far from over.

Hu Wei took a deep breath, exhaling cold air as he tightly gripped his spear. The white-colored Dou Qi that enveloped the weapon suddenly surged with greater intensity, growing denser and more formidable. As he drew the spear back, the Dou Qi coalesced, taking the shape of an energy wolf, its form entirely constructed from the cold, white energy.

"Frigid Demonic Crunch!"

Hu Wei’s cry echoed through the crevice as he thrust his spear forward with tremendous force. The white wolf shot across the water’s surface with explosive speed, leaving a frozen trail in its wake as it hurtled toward Xiao Hua. The wolf’s gaping maw, lined with sharp, ice-like teeth, emitted a chilling glow that radiated pure, deadly cold. It was a fearsome sight, leaving no doubt that a bite from those fangs would not only pierce flesh but freeze the very blood within, delivering a fatal blow to anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in its path.

Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed sharply as he channeled his Dou Qi to its absolute limit. Golden-green flames surged through his Qi Paths, enveloping his silver gauntlet with a blazing intensity. Tightening his grip, Xiao Hua pulled back his fist, bracing himself for the impending clash. The air around him distorted from the heat as the flames grew fiercer, melting the icy trail left by the Dou Qi wolf.

With a deafening cry, Xiao Hua thrust his fist forward, the gauntlet encased in golden-green flames hurtling toward the oncoming Dou Qi wolf with the force to shatter mountains.


The impact was explosive. The moment the silver gauntlet, blazing with golden-green flames, collided with the icy Dou Qi wolf, a muffled explosion resounded through the crevice. Ice fragments shot out in all directions, immediately vaporizing into a thick fog as they met the intense heat. A powerful shockwave rippled outward from the point of contact, distorting the air and causing the water beneath them to boil and bubble violently.

Amidst the swirling fog, Hu Wei's expression turned grim. He could feel the overwhelming heat of Xiao Hua's golden-green flames. The icy wolf, formed from his Dou Qi, didn't just fail to freeze the flames—it was rapidly melting, turning into vapor the instant it touched the fire. The strength and purity of Xiao Hua’s flame were far beyond anything Hu Wei had anticipated.

As the fog thickened, Hu Wei gritted his teeth, realizing that Xiao Hua's flames weren’t just strong—they were a perfect counter to his icy Dou Qi. The balance of power was shifting, and Hu Wei knew he had to act quickly if he wanted to turn the tide of this battle.


Before Hu Wei could react, the shattering sound of the white Dou Qi wolf echoed through the crevice. The powerful constructed white wolf, formed from his Dou Qi, disintegrated into fragments, and a small, shadowy figure emerged right in front of him. Hu Wei instinctively raised his arms to guard his chest, but Xiao Hua had anticipated this move.

Xiao Hua took a deep breath, drawing in the air around him. The atmosphere in the crevice shifted abruptly as the natural energy between Heaven and Earth began to swirl wildly, becoming chaotic and violent. The onlookers could feel the sudden change, the energy rippling through the crevice like an untamed beast.

In response to this upheaval, a thread of substance-like, invisible energy seeped out from the empty space around them. It was as if the very essence of the world was being drawn toward Xiao Hua. This invisible energy, though unseen, was palpably powerful, carrying the weight of the surrounding natural forces.

A deep rumble began to build in Xiao Hua's throat, growing louder and more ferocious. His mouth bulged slightly, and with a sudden burst, he opened it wide.


The roar that Xiao Hua unleashed was nothing short of devastating. A thunderous, beastly cry, combined with the raw power of natural energy, surged through the crevice with such force that it seemed to shake the very space around them. The soundwave reverberated, creating shockwaves that rippled outward, shaking the rocky platform high above.

On the platform, students and elders alike were caught off guard by the intensity of the roar. Many of the older students, though experienced, felt their minds reel from the force of the sound, some dropping to one knee to steady themselves. Weaker students fainted outright, blood trickling from their ears as they collapsed to the ground. Even the elders, hardened by years of cultivation, found themselves shaken by the overwhelming power of the roar, forced to assist those around them to prevent further chaos.

The roar Xiao Hua unleashed was no ordinary sound—it was the Di-Class Middle-Level Dou Technique: Roar of Heaven, created by him and Lady Azure, inspired by the fearsome roar of the Lightning Beasts. The technique was so potent that even those far from the battlefield were heavily affected, their souls trembling under its might.

Hu Wei, as the direct target, suffered the full brunt of the attack. His mind was overwhelmed, and his consciousness was momentarily severed from reality. But just as quickly as his awareness faded, a mysterious force within his body revived him, pulling him back from the brink of defeat. The pill he had taken, prepared in anticipation of such a technique, worked swiftly to restore his shaken mind and soul.


Before Hu Wei could stabilize himself, Xiao Hua struck, his fist connecting with Hu Wei's chest with tremendous force. Hu Wei flew through the air like a broken kite, his body spinning wildly before crashing down dozens of meters away.

"Huu..." Xiao Hua exhaled deeply, his eyes fixed on Hu Wei’s body. He knew the fight was far from over. The sudden rejuvenation in Hu Wei's body made it clear that the older student had come prepared, likely researching Xiao Hua’s techniques and readying countermeasures.

Xiao Hua realized that Hu Wei’s preparation wasn't just for a typical battle—this competition was a special test for the academy’s top seven talents, particularly focusing on him and Xiao Xun Er. It made sense that Hu Wei had sought out a pill capable of restoring his shaken mind and soul, possibly given by the First Elder as a condition for participating in this specially organized competition.

Even with Hu Wei momentarily down, Xiao Hua knew that the real challenge had only just begun. The battlefield was still fraught with danger, and his opponent had not yet revealed all of his tricks. Just as he anticipated, Hu Wei began to rise, though it was clear he was struggling.

Using his spear as support, Hu Wei stood up with great difficulty, clutching his chest in pain as he heaved. As he rose, he coughed up blood—a stark reminder of the damage he had sustained. His gaze locked onto Xiao Hua, eyes filled with a mix of shock, admiration, and a hint of fear. His thoughts swirled chaotically as he considered the boy standing before him.

‘Fortunately, I investigated him during those two days he took off after being summoned by the Deputy Headmaster,’ Hu Wei thought. He was reminded of the report he received from the people he sent to investigate Xiao Hua. ‘Thankfully, the reports mentioned about the terrifying roar from his location and made me realize that he had received a Sound Dou Technique as a reward. I had to negotiate with the First Elder for a pill as a countermeasure, just in case.’

Hu Wei’s thoughts drifted to Zhou Tao’s warning about Xiao Hua’s mysterious flame. Now, he fully understood the gravity of those words. Xiao Hua’s flame wasn’t just unusual—it was extraordinary, something far beyond Hu Wei’s expectations.

‘It’s a Heavenly Flame…’ he thought, his mind racing. ‘Although I don’t know exactly which one, I can tell it’s a Heavenly Flame. The destructive, domineering energy of that golden-green fire can’t be matched by any Beast Flame. To think that a boy so young managed to refine a Heavenly Flame—this junior of mine is simply unbelievable!’

Assessing his internal condition, Hu Wei realized the severity of his injuries. He glanced over at his team members and saw the situation was worse than he had feared. Despite the precautions they had taken, including the pills he had given them, Xiao Hua’s roar had left them heavily affected. In contrast, the new students appeared much more stable, a clear sign that Xiao Hua had prepared them for this moment and had devised countermeasures for his Sound Dou Technique.

Recognizing the dire situation, Hu Wei made a quick decision. He pulled out three green pills from his storage ring and swallowed them, feeling the immediate effects as his wounds began to heal and his Dou Qi started to replenish. He inhaled deeply, steeling himself for what was to come.

‘It seems I have no choice but to take a risk,’ he thought, his determination hardening. ‘I just hope my injuries don’t worsen from this…’

As soon as Xiao Hua noticed Hu Wei closing his eyes, he tightened his fist and moved without hesitation. He had no idea what Hu Wei was planning, but he wasn’t the type to stand around and wait to find out. However, just as his fist was about to connect with Hu Wei, the latter's eyes snapped open, and a wild surge of Dou Qi erupted from him, pushing Xiao Hua back several steps.

“Demonic Frost Devil!” Hu Wei’s low cry echoed through the crevice.

Hu Wei’s already pale complexion turned ghostly white as a layer of frost slowly spread across his body. The temperature around him dropped drastically, freezing the ground beneath his feet and transforming the area into a frozen wasteland. His body emitted a terrifying bloodlust as the frost solidified into an icy armor, making him look like a demon from the depths of hell.

“What?! Demonic Frost Devil?!” Zhou Tao and the others were visibly shocked as they watched Hu Wei activate a Secret Technique that drastically boosted his strength for a short period of time. However, this technique came with severe drawbacks, filling the user with an extreme, pure icy bloodlust, pushing them into a berserk state where they couldn’t distinguish between allies and enemies. Once the technique's effects wore off, Hu Wei would suffer severe repercussions.

Zhou Tao, in particular, found Hu Wei’s actions unbelievable. Despite his pride, Zhou Tao still viewed this special event as a simple competition, not a fight to the death. Yet Hu Wei had crossed the line by using the "Demonic Frost Devil," a technique that could easily turn a controlled match into a deadly encounter.

“I understand that he doesn't want to lose, but has he forgotten that this is just a competition? There's no need to be that desperate!” Zhou Tao shouted, his voice filled with disbelief.

Hearing Zhou Tao’s cry, Xiao Xun Er and the rest of the participants, along with the members of the White Demon Group, stopped their fights to watch the escalating battle between Hu Wei and Xiao Hua. The atmosphere was tense as they realized the gravity of the situation.

Hu Wei, now resembling a ferocious demon, let out a roar that shook the very air within the crevice. His body flashed, turning into a black shadow as he suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Hua. With his long spear wrapped in dense, cold air, he swung it down with tremendous force, aiming directly at the crown of Xiao Hua’s head.

In that critical moment, as time seemed to slow down, a flash of golden lightning streaked across Xiao Hua's crimson-cyan eyes. The Dou Qi within him deepened dramatically, filling his entire being with an overwhelming surge of power. A moment later, a deafening and soul-shaking roar erupted from within Xiao Hua, resonating through the crevice and shaking the very Heaven and Earth. The powerful ripples of natural energy that accompanied the roar trembled the surrounding space, sending Hu Wei flying backward as a brilliant golden light enveloped the entire crevice.

The intensity of the golden light was blinding, forcing everyone on the rocky platform to shield their eyes. As the light gradually faded, they cautiously opened their eyes, only to be met with a shocking sight.

Xiao Hua’s transformation left everyone in stunned silence. His entire body had taken on a radiant golden hue, with golden sparks occasionally flickering off his form, like embers from a divine forge. The strange blood-red runes that now covered his skin were intricately etched, each line pulsating with a potent energy that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the world. The combination of the golden glow and the crimson runes created a stark contrast that made him appear otherworldly, a being of pure, concentrated power.

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