BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 40: Heavenly Lightning Bloodline’s Thunder Mark

"This is... a Secret Technique that raises his strength? But to elevate it all the way to the peak of Dou Spirit... The backlash from this must be unimaginable..." The older students, knowledgeable about such techniques, were left in disbelief. They knew that while Secret Techniques could temporarily boost one's power, the extent of Xiao Hua's increase was unprecedented. And with such a significant boost, the harmful side effects would likely be severe, possibly causing lasting damage that would be difficult to overcome.

Xiao Hua's steady voice cut through the shocked silence. "Senior Hu Wei, I have to apologize in advance. I don’t know what the First Elder promised you in exchange for participating in this special competition, but I do know that losing here will cost you your spot in the 'Strong Ranking' and tarnish your reputation greatly. Despite that, I cannot afford to let you win, no matter what. I have to ensure that my sworn brothers and sisters make it through!"

Though Xiao Hua knew that Hu Wei, consumed by bloodlust, could not hear him, he still felt compelled to express his regret. He understood the harsh consequences that awaited Hu Wei should he lose, especially in the unforgiving environment of the Inner Academy, where pride and reputation were everything.

“That’s why… Let’s end this!” Xiao Hua declared, his resolve unshakable.

With the blood-red runes glowing on his body and his golden-cyan eyes locked onto Hu Wei, Xiao Hua prepared for the final, decisive clash. The air was thick with tension, and everyone watching knew that this was the moment that would determine the outcome of the battle.

As those words echoed through the crevice, the atmosphere grew even more intense. The calm surface of the lake beneath Xiao Hua's feet began to ripple violently. The once tranquil water, which had served as a battleground, started to react to the overwhelming energy radiating from Xiao Hua. Within moments, the temperature spiked dramatically, turning the lake into a boiling cauldron.

White bubbles erupted from the depths, rolling and thrashing on the surface, creating a chaotic display as they spread across the lake. The intensity of the heat caused the water to rapidly vaporize, releasing dense, scorching steam that filled the crevice. The thick, hot gas rose quickly, creating a suffocating atmosphere that forced the spectators on the rocky platform to surged their Dou Qi and shield themselves from the intense heat.

A moment later, a vivid red light burst forth on the surface of the lake, directly beneath Xiao Hua's feet. The red glow intensified, radiating a fierce heat that immediately raised the temperature within the crevice. The already sweltering atmosphere grew even hotter, and the scorching waves of heat extended outward, reaching the spectators on the rocky platform.

The onlookers flinched as the searing heat hit them, causing many to step back instinctively. Even from their elevated position, they could feel the oppressive warmth, as if the very air around them was igniting.

Elder Qing, observing the phenomenon, furrowed his brows deeply. "What an incredibly hot natural energy," he muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Even if he used a Secret Technique to raise his strength to the peak of Dou Spirit, how did this boy manage to cause such a massive phenomenon?"

However, Elder Su shook his head, his expression a mix of wryness and respect. "He's no longer at Dou Spirit."

Elder Qing's confusion deepened as he scrutinized Xiao Hua, who stood motionless in the crevice with his eyes closed. There was something distinctly different about him, something that made even the seasoned elder feel a sense of awe. Then, as the changes became more apparent, Elder Qing’s eyes widened in shock.

The radiant golden hue that had enveloped Xiao Hua's body began to fade, dimming until it completely scattered. The blood-red runes etched across his skin flickered furiously before shattering into countless fragments. Yet, these shattered runes and the dispersed golden light didn’t vanish—they gathered at his brow, coalescing into nine azure-colored auras. These auras, delicate and ethereal, danced with a grace that belied their immense power. As they swirled, they gradually transformed into small, intricate symbols, each brimming with an ancient and profound energy.

These symbols merged rapidly, forming a single, mysterious stroke on Xiao Hua's brows. With the completion of each stroke, a tangible surge of Dou Qi pulsed through his body, raising his strength by another level. This process continued, each stroke adding to his power, until nine azure-colored strokes adorned his brows. The strokes formed into a singular, azure-colored tattoo, shaped like a beast—a majestic and fearsome creature whose presence was almost palpable.

As the tattoo fully formed, Xiao Hua's Dou Qi erupted, his strength reaching an unprecedented height. The atmosphere in the crevice grew even more oppressive, as if the very air was trembling in reverence to the overwhelming power now emanating from Xiao Hua.

Elder Qing, his voice barely more than a whisper, exclaimed in shock, "This… this is…!"

"Indeed," Elder Su responded, his tone a mix of admiration and surprise. "The boy's strength has been raised yet again, even more so after the red patterns and golden hue vanished from his body." He stroked his beard thoughtfully, his eyes fixed on Xiao Hua's transformed appearance. "It seems his Secret Technique has levels, and with each level, the increase in his strength is nothing short of extraordinary."

The two elders exchanged glances, understanding the significance of what they were witnessing. Xiao Hua was no ordinary cultivator—he was a prodigy whose potential seemed boundless, and this display of power only solidified that fact.

Among the spectators, Xiao Xun Er was the most shaken by Xiao Hua's sudden transformation. She was aware of this technique, as Xiao Hua had confided in her about it before, but seeing it in action was a completely different experience. Despite not having witnessed the Xiao Clan's ancient Clan Tattoo in person—since it had vanished long before her time—she could sense a profound connection between the tattoo now glowing on Xiao Hua's brow and the Gu Clan's own Clan Tattoo. The resemblance was uncanny, stirring something deep within her.

As Xiao Hua slowly opened his eyes, the change in his heterochromic gaze was striking. His left eye, once a deep crimson, now shone with a radiant golden light, with a miniature lightning beast dancing within it. His right eye, which had been a tranquil cyan, now burned with an elegant azure flame. The intensity of his gaze alone was enough to command the attention of everyone present.

Hu Wei, who had succumbed to the bloodlust of his Secret Technique, trembled uncontrollably as Xiao Hua raised his head and looked directly at him. The overwhelming power emanating from Xiao Hua caused even the berserk Hu Wei to falter. Without a word, Xiao Hua lifted his hand toward the sky, causing the atmosphere to shift drastically. The sky above darkened, swirling ominously as a massive storm began to form. The air crackled with energy, and the deep rumbling of thunder echoed through the crevice, shaking the very ground.

Xiao Hua waved his hand, and the golden-green flame surged forward, hovering steadily before him. With a surge of Spiritual Strength radiating from between his brows, the flame split into two distinct forces—golden lightning and green-coloured flame. A simple flick of his hand sent a tremor through both energies, making them quiver as if in awe of his command.

In the next instant, the golden lightning swiftly enveloped his right hand, crackling with an overwhelming dominance, while the green-coloured flame gently embraced his left hand, its warmth radiating destructive power. With his hands now cloaked in these opposing forces, Xiao Hua positioned his right palm just above his left, leaving a small gap between them.

In an instant, a radiant spiritual array emerged within that gap, shimmering with profound energy. As if answering his call, the storm above roared to life. Golden lightning surged from the sky, while emerald flames erupted from the ground beneath his feet. The two powerful energies—one descending from the heavens, the other rising from the earth—converged in the space between his palms. The ferocity of the golden lightning and the fiery blaze of the green flame created a chaotic, yet awe-inspiring display of power.

As the lightning and flames collided, the energy within the crevice reached a fever pitch. The air itself seemed to tear and distort under the immense pressure, as if reality could barely contain the forces Xiao Hua was wielding. The once serene battlefield was now a maelstrom of destructive power, with wild fluctuations of natural energy violently shaking the surroundings.

The sheer magnitude of Xiao Hua's power was terrifying. The convergence of the golden lightning and green flame between his palms created a vortex of energy that seemed to draw in the very essence of Heaven and Earth. This swirling vortex of energy was a powerful amalgamation of the natural forces around him, pulling in the wind, the light, and even the very air itself.

The energies of Heaven and Earth spun together in a chaotic, yet mesmerizing dance, intertwining in a way that seemed both beautiful and terrifying. The space around them rippled and distorted with each violent clash, as if reality itself was being bent and torn apart by the sheer intensity of the forces at play. It was a sight both awe-inspiring and horrifying.

The expressions of Elder Su and Elder Qing on the stone platform turned grim as they watched the intense clash of energies between Xiao Hua’s palms. The golden lightning and green flame were not just ordinary forces; they were primordial elements, each capable of annihilation on their own. The destructive power emanating from their violent collision was enough to cause the very fabric of space around them to tremble and distort, sending ripples of fear through even the most seasoned cultivators.

Elder Su, recognizing the impending danger, snapped out of his shock and swiftly addressed the Inner Academy students still present on the rocky platform. His voice, filled with urgency and authority, rang out clearly, “All students, return to the Inner Academy, now! The ‘Fire Energy Hunting Competition’ is over!”

The older students, jolted out of their stunned silence by Elder Su’s command, wasted no time. Panic surged through them as they realized the magnitude of the threat before them. Moments earlier, they had thought Hu Wei’s use of a Secret Technique was crazy.

Now, they understood that their junior are far more crazier than him. In their minds, Xiao Hua have been labeled as a madman, one that wields frightening strength that should not exist within a mere student and especially within a child.

Without further hesitation, they bolted towards the safety of the Inner Academy. The urgency in their movements spoke volumes of the fear Xiao Hua’s display had instilled in them. However, not everyone followed the retreat.

Seven figures remained, taking only a few steps back but refusing to abandon the scene entirely. Xiao Xun Er, Li Mei, Ming Cheng, Xin Yu, Mei Ling, Wei Jie, and surprisingly, Zhou Tao—all stood firm, their eyes fixed on the unfolding battle. Despite the overwhelming power being unleashed before them, their resolve to witness the outcome kept them rooted in place.

Elder Su's eyes lingered on the seven remaining students, a mix of concern and resignation etched across his face. He understood their determination, the fire of youth that demanded they see this battle to its conclusion, no matter the risk. With a weary shake of his head, he murmured to himself, “These students… They won’t leave until it’s over. I just hope it doesn’t reach all of you…”

Turning his attention back to the situation at hand, Elder Su’s expression grew serious. The volatile energies between Xiao Hua’s palms were unlike anything he had ever seen—a cataclysmic force that, if unleashed improperly, could devastate the entire area. He had no choice but to seek higher assistance.

“Report this to First Elder. We need help, now!” Elder Su commanded with urgency, his voice cutting through the growing tension.

Elder Qing, still partially in shock, snapped back to reality. Without a moment’s hesitation, his Dou Qi Wings flared to life, shimmering with a bright glow as he took to the sky. He knew well enough that interfering with Xiao Hua at this point would only make things worse.

As Elder Qing sped off towards the Inner Academy, his thoughts raced. “Please, First Elder, arrive quickly. We cannot afford a disaster of this magnitude…”

Back on the rocky platform, Elder Su watched Elder Qing’s retreating figure, his worry deepening. He turned his gaze back to Xiao Hua, who now hovered in the air, his entire being radiating an overwhelming, almost domineering power. The golden lightning and green flame continued to pulse and clash between his palms, their energies growing more unstable by the second.

“If the First Elder doesn’t arrive soon,” Elder Su whispered, his voice filled with dread, “this won’t just end with a crater in our backyard. The entire Inner Academy could be at risk…”

Sensing the imminent threat from Xiao Hua’s technique, the berserk Hu Wei roared, as if expelling the instinctual fear gnawing at him, and surged his Qi with a fierce determination. Channeling his Cold Qi into his spear, a moment later, the weapon gleamed with a chilling white light as it sliced through the air, leaving behind an ethereal, icy trail that lingered in the sky.

As Hu Wei exhaled a long, pent-up breath, a domineering white glow began to surge from his body. The pure, cold light emanating from him was as frigid and unyielding as snow on a mountain peak, sending shivers through anyone who dared to gaze upon it. Within that intense glow, a deadly sharp spear tip emerged, the cold air around it thickening, like the breath of a frost dragon.

Though his mind was clouded with rage, Hu Wei’s instincts remained sharp. He understood that Xiao Hua had no intention of killing him but instead sought to draw the attention of certain figures. If that were the case, there was no reason for him to fear this strike. He would meet it head-on with his own Dou Technique, one that had been honed through countless battles. The fact that Xiao Hua required time to prepare his technique suggested that his mastery of it was still in its infancy. Rather than intimidate him, this realization stirred the bloodlust within Hu Wei, fueling his excitement. The desire to clash with Xiao Hua’s technique burned brightly in him, especially since even those ranked within the ‘Strong Ranking’ had never dared to face him in such a manner. How far had this boy risen?

A fierce white glow flashed in Hu Wei’s eyes as the true battle drew near. His aura surged, and his blood began to boil with a familiar heat. This sensation, this exhilarating feeling, was something he hadn’t experienced against the top three in the ‘Strong Ranking.’


With a thunderous roar, the pure white light intensified, and the cold air around him grew denser, eventually enveloping Hu Wei entirely.

The moment the icy energy cocooned Hu Wei’s body, Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed to pinpoints. A small, excited smile crept onto his face. He had never imagined that Hu Wei would dare to confront his strike—a strike that even Lady Azure had deemed comparable to a Tian Class Low-Level Dou Technique.

("Sister Azure, it seems I’ll have to respond in kind, huh...") Xiao Hua murmured to the presence within his body—Lady Azure, who resided within his Spiritual Space.

("Indeed, child, that would be most fitting,") Lady Azure mused, her voice a delicate blend of surprise and amusement. ("I never imagined that my suggestion to stir up a commotion and draw out those old relics from Jia Nan Academy would also pave the way for Hu Wei's growth. Yet, here we are. To think you devised a technique by drawing upon your clan's ancient tattoo to harness the power of the Lightning Beast... If your ancestor knew of this, I daresay he'd rise from his grave just to thrash you.")

("Ha ha. I suppose I'll have to apologize profusely when that time comes,") Xiao Hua remarked with a wry smile. He could already picture Xiao Xuan, resting in the Heavenly Tomb, itching to beat him up once he heard of this. Yet, even knowing that, he would still proceed. ("After all, there are techniques in this world that require the Heavenly Flames to forcibly amplify their power, so I doubt I'm doing anything different...")

("That's true, but the reason I'm shocked lies elsewhere,") Lady Azure sighed softly, her expression tinged with concern. She knew what the will of Heavenly Lightnings doing but chose to withhold the details for now. The next lightning strike he faced would be the most terrifying yet, demanding his full attention to ensure both survival and the successful refinement of its power. ("I’ll tell you the rest at a later time, for now, you must prepare for what’s to come.")

("But, Sister Azure, can they mitigate the damage with their strength?") Xiao Hua’s voice was laced with concern. During his clash with Hu Wei’s 'Frigid Demonic Crunch' earlier, he had felt the bottleneck within him loosen, signaling his imminent breakthrough to the Dou Spirit class.

Yet the sheer destructive power and terror of the Heavenly Lightning that would accompany his advancement worried him deeply. He had intended to break through in the endless mountains, far from civilization, but it seemed fate had other plans for him.

("They are Dou Ancestors, with two of them at the peak of Dou Venerate. Moreover, they have their own formations and secret techniques. They wouldn’t have survived in the Black-Corner Region for so long without the presence of a Dou Venerate,") Lady Azure reassured him. She could clearly sense the formidable strength radiating from the two Guardians of Jia Nan Academy, Bai Lie and Qian Mu. ("Even if they lack the means to fully prevent the Heavenly Lightning, they surely have ways to minimize its impact, child.")

("Regardless, I must deal with this first.") Xiao Hua lowered his gaze, focusing on the two energies swirling in his palms. He released his vast and boundless Spiritual Strength, and as it flowed from his body, he swiftly enveloped the two clusters—one of gold-colored lightning and the other of green-colored flame—that were fiercely colliding, each seeking dominance over the other.

Drawing on Lady Azure's teachings from countless alchemy lessons and practices, Xiao Hua began to control his Spiritual Strength with precision and ease. As his spiritual energy wrapped around the two clusters of destructive power, the once deafening thunderous sounds were muffled, though the rumbling echoes still resonated faintly.


Waves of muted thunder reverberated from Xiao Hua’s palm, each one less intense than the last. A faint, golden-green glow—an ethereal blend of colors—began to spread from his hands, rippling outward like the aftershocks of distant thunder. Moments later, the thunderous sounds abruptly ceased.

Xiao Hua exhaled softly, then moved his arms apart, revealing what now lay between his palms: a smooth, golden-green sphere, no larger than his small palm. As soon as it was formed, the sphere began to dance around his body with an almost childlike exuberance, pulsating with a silent yet overwhelming force before it finally came to rest, hovering silently above his right hand.

Despite its silence, Xiao Xun Er and the other six disciples couldn't help but swallow nervously, their throats dry with fear as they stared at the small sphere in Xiao Hua's palm. Though it made no sound, they could feel its boundless, silent destructive energy, a force so potent it seemed to chill the air around them.

If they could sense it, it was only natural that Elder Su, with his vast experience and power, felt it even more keenly. The seasoned elder's expression grew grave, for he knew that the sphere contained a destructive force capable of obliterating a Dou Emperor and even severely wounding a Dou Ancestor.

'How on earth did this boy manage to create such a terrifying technique?' Elder Su wondered, astonishment flooding his mind. 'Even Old Huo wouldn't believe that his disciple could forge something this insane!' He could hardly fathom how a mere student at the peak of the Dou Grandmaster class—even one whose strength had been temporarily elevated to the peak of the Dou King class—could wield such a fearsome technique, much less a child like Xiao Hua.

He turned his gaze toward Hu Wei, silently hoping that the young warrior might survive or, better yet, evade the incoming strike. With such potential, Hu Wei had a bright future ahead of him. Yet, what Elder Su witnessed brought a wry smile to his face.

In an instant, the intense white glow surrounding Hu Wei became restrained, drawing inward as if gathering all its power. The blinding light coalesced behind him, taking the form of a four-handed demon, each hand gripping a spear with an ominous readiness. The sudden appearance of this icy demon, radiating a terrifying cold energy, sent a shiver through the air. At the tips of the spears, a white, almost transparent mist began to swirl, resembling restless, ethereal spirits eager for battle.

With all four spears raised skyward, Hu Wei’s hand trembled, and in a powerful motion, the white spear in his grasp descended with a fierce, humming rush of wind. As the spear smashed down, a domineering cold force erupted, surging through the ground and freezing everything in its path. The surrounding area, now encased in ice, began to crack under the immense pressure. Smaller pieces of the frozen terrain shattered into glittering white powder, scattering like snowflakes in a deadly storm.

“Demonic Ice: Chilling Death Spear!”

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