BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 41: Heavenly Astral Lightning and Heavenly Mortal Lightning

A thunderous cry shattered the silence, reverberating through the skies. A fierce, terrifying light ignited in the demon's eyes as it aimed its four spears at the small figure suspended in the heavens. In that instant, a blinding white glow surged from the tip of Hu Wei's spear, converging with the demon's four spears.

The five beams of white light merged, forming a torrent of unimaginable power, slicing through the air with a sharp, ear-piercing roar, like a streak of lightning hurtling toward Xiao Hua, who hovered serenely in the sky.

Elder Su, watching intently, wore a solemn expression. He was well aware of Hu Wei's strength and the fearsome Dou Technique he had mastered through relentless practice. This was no ordinary skill—it was a Di Class Technique, one so formidable that even the top three of the Strong Ranking would tread cautiously before it. The 'Demonic Ice: Chilling Death Spear' was not to be taken lightly.

"Alas, against that boy, it will amount to nothing..." Elder Su murmured softly, a sigh of pity escaping his lips. He knew all too well that Hu Wei's technique, however powerful, would be utterly futile against the mysterious and terrifying technique that Xiao Hua is using.

Xiao Hua did not hear Elder Su's murmured words, and even if he had, they would not have troubled him. His golden-azure eyes were fixed on the intense white glow hurtling toward him at incredible speed. As the focal point of this deadly attack, Xiao Hua could clearly sense the razor-sharp intent contained within that blinding light!

Yet, his confidence remained unshaken, unwavering in his belief that any assault Hu Wei unleashed would dissolve into nothingness when faced with his technique.

He exhaled softly, and under the intense scrutiny of all present, Xiao Hua took a deep breath and fell silent for a moment. Then, with a swift flick of his hand, he released a golden-green sphere, murmuring softly, "First Strike: Heaven Breaking Sphere!"

The golden-green sphere spun rapidly, slicing through the empty sky like a falling star. All eyes were riveted on it as it left a beautiful golden-green trail in its wake, silently rippling with a terrifying force of destruction as it shot explosively toward the incoming white glow.

Under the tense gaze of the eight figures on the rocky platform, the two rays of light flashed through the air, closing the distance between them in an instant. Finally, they collided, like two meteorites crashing together.

But just as everyone braced for the deafening explosion they expected, something astonishing happened. Hu Wei's strike was immediately swallowed and disintegrated by Xiao Hua's sphere. It was silent. It was anticlimactic. It was utterly disappointing in its lack of spectacle. And yet, none were surprised. For in that small sphere lay an unfathomable, destructive force that defied comprehension.

However, the sphere was far from finished; it continued its relentless path toward Hu Wei. Suddenly, a figure flashed before him, whisking him away to the safety of the rocky platform in the blink of an eye.

When the people on the platform recognized the figure that appeared with Hu Wei, Xiao Xun Er and the others immediately cupped their hands in respect and greeted, "First Elder."

The one who saved Hu Wei was an elderly man dressed in a large black robe, his white beard flowing down to his chest. Like every elder, he wore a grand hat on his head, but his was noticeably larger. While his appearance didn’t shock Zhou Tao, Xiao Xun Er was taken aback. After all, none of them had expected to see this person again.

The new students—Xiao Xun Er, Li Mei, Ming Cheng, Xin Yu, Mei Ling, and Wei Jie—were unfamiliar with the old man standing before them. The only time they had seen him was during the Qualifying Competition. Yet, from the way Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan had treated him with utmost respect, it was clear that this old man held a higher status.

Moreover, they could sense that his strength surpassed even that of Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan and the other elders. With these observations, they quickly pieced together the identity of the old man.

For Zhou Tao and Elder Su, his identity was unmistakable. As members of the Inner Academy, they were well aware that this man was none other than Su Qian, the First Elder of the Inner Academy.


Before Su Qian could respond, a deafening explosion erupted, causing his expression to turn grave as he shifted his focus toward the crevice. What he saw was astonishing—the sphere was rapidly expanding, not at a breakneck pace but with a relentless, methodical advance. As it grew, it unleashed a terrifying, destructive force that obliterated everything in its path. Even more alarming was that the sphere showed no signs of stopping, slowly but steadily moving in their direction.

Su Qian could feel the overwhelming destructive might emanating from the sphere, a power far beyond his own abilities. He was shocked that Xiao Hua could wield such an unfathomable force. The boy’s potential was clearly far greater than anything found in the Central Plains.

"All Elders, hurry to the entrance of the Inner Academy immediately! All students must retreat at least a hundred meters from this forest!"

Su Qian's thunderous command echoed across the skies, plunging the entire Inner Academy into a stunned silence. Fortunately, the elders within the Inner Academy had already sensed the fierce storm of destructive energy emanating from the forest. In a matter of mere breaths, they swiftly gathered at the designated spot.

Meanwhile, the elders from the Outer Academy received the urgent message and vanished from their posts, racing toward the Inner Academy with incredible speed.

As the elders assembled, Su Qian kept his gaze fixed on the ever-expanding sphere. His expression grew more severe, his brows furrowing deeply. After a brief moment of contemplation, he let out a commanding shout, “All Elders, listen up! Form the 'Thousand Layer Seal Formation'!”

In response to Su Qian's powerful cry, the eighteen Elders suspended in the sky immediately echoed his command in unison. Instantly, eighteen powerful Dou Qis surged forth, intertwining with each other at lightning speed. As these energies intertwined, they began to reflect countless tiny lights, forming a vast, colorful energy web in the sky.

This intricate web of energy shimmered and reflected, layering upon itself repeatedly. The layers seemed endless, as though thousands of them were stacked atop one another, each one contributing to an immensely powerful defensive barrier. The 'Thousand Layer Seal Formation' was now in place, its formidable strength ready to face the impending threat.

Xiao Hua’s expression grew solemn as he observed the colorful energy web that had formed in the sky. He recognized this formidable formation and understood its power, knowing that it had once been strong enough to contain the Fallen Heart Flame during its escape from the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower—a significant event yet to unfold.

"Child, it is fine now," Lady Azure’s voice resonated gently in his mind, pulling him from his deep thoughts. "Fortunately, your 'Heaven Breaking Sphere' was incomplete and needed my assistance. Because of that, its power remains weak, allowing the formation to contain the destruction from spreading further."

Her tone softened and advised him. "For now, return to the depths of the forest and focus on your breakthrough."

Xiao Hua nodded in agreement and swiftly made his way back into the heart of the dense forest. He couldn’t help but feel a twinge of amazement at his current speed, which had surged with the enhancement from the Thunder Mark. However, he set aside his astonishment, knowing that he needed to concentrate on the task at hand.


"Xun Er, why did Xiao Hua rush back to the forest?" Li Mei asked, her voice tinged with confusion as she watched Xiao Hua vanish into the dense woods at an astonishing speed.

Xiao Xun Er narrowed her eyes in contemplation. A moment later, a flicker of realization crossed her gaze, causing her eyes to tremble slightly. "He must be on the verge of breaking through to the Dou Spirit class."

Xin Yu, who had been quietly observing, turned her gaze toward the forest. "If he's breaking through to Dou Spirit, that should be good news," she murmured softly, closing her eyes briefly before glancing at Xiao Xun Er, whose expression was filled with worry and concern. "But it seems you think otherwise..."

Xiao Xun Er's lips curled slightly in a frown, her brows furrowing deeper. She couldn't understand why an inexplicable sense of unease gripped her heart as she watched Xiao Hua disappear into the forest. It was the first time she had felt such restlessness. After a brief moment of contemplation, she shook her head, trying to dispel the troubling thoughts.

Turning to Xin Yu and the others, her expression grew solemn. "While I don't fully understand the nature of the lightning he wields, I do know this: each time Brother Xiao Hua breaks through to a major realm, he is struck by a special lightning that forges his body and nourishes his soul."

"I see... So that's why his body is so incredibly tough and resilient," Li Mei mused, her eyes narrowing as she finally grasped the truth behind Xiao Hua's abnormal physical strength. But with this understanding came the realization that such resilience came at a great cost—he must have endured unimaginable agony each time he faced the lightning.

The others fell silent, each coming to the same conclusion. Now that they truly understood what Xiao Hua had to endure with each breakthrough, the bright expressions they once wore had dimmed considerably.



Once he reached the center of the forest, Xiao Hua released the Thunder Mark, feeling his strength diminish as he reverted from the peak of Dou King back to the peak of Dou Grandmaster. He gazed up at the sky, noticing that it had darkened, with occasional flashes of blue lightning streaking across the heavens. If not for the mysterious aura he could sense within the lightning, he might have mistaken it for ordinary storm clouds.

But he knew better. This was no ordinary lightning. It carried a profound, ancient energy—one that held the key to his next breakthrough.

A woman with azure hair and clad in green clothing appeared beside Xiao Hua, and he didn’t need to turn to know who it was—Lady Azure, who had long resided within his mental space.

"Well now... To think your next Heavenly Lightning would be Heavenly Astral Lightning. It's truly unfortunate for it to appear at this moment..." Lady Azure muttered softly, her voice carrying to Xiao Hua.

"Heavenly Astral Lightning? Unfortunate?" Xiao Hua turned his head, his gaze locking onto Lady Azure. While curiosity about this so-called Heavenly Astral Lightning stirred within him, it was her reaction that unsettled him the most. She seemed uncertain, as if even she didn’t know which Heavenly Lightning would strike him next.

Sensing his thoughts, Lady Azure began to explain the nature of Heavenly Lightning and the significance of the Heavenly Astral Lightning.

"The type of Heavenly Lightning that strikes during your breakthrough is random," she began. "And this randomness is due to the Heavenly Astral Lightning. Unlike other forms, this lightning doesn’t target your body but your soul. If you manage to refine the Heavenly Astral Lightning, your soul will be extremely nourished, allowing your Mortal State Spiritual Strength to break through into Soul State Spiritual Strength."

"Soul State? So, this is the Heavenly Lightning that you mentioned before?!" Xiao Hua exclaimed loudly as he was genuinely stunned by this revelation. Even knowing it already, the idea of advancing his Spiritual Strength was beyond anything he had anticipated.

Unlike Dou Qi, Spiritual Strength was incredibly difficult to nurture. It was a mysterious energy, pervasive yet elusive, seemed to be mixed in everything and almost impossible to sense. Though it lacked the raw power of Dou Qi, it served as a powerful nourishment for one’s soul.

In ancient times, alchemists possessed the ability to sense and absorb Spiritual Strength through special Soul Skills. However, in the current era, those enigmatic Soul Skills had all but vanished, and only a handful of alchemists knew how to even perceive, let alone harness, Spiritual Strength. The chance to elevate one's Spiritual Strength to the Soul State was an opportunity that could alter one's destiny.

Furthermore, just like Dou Qi, there are four distinct realms that categorize Spiritual Strength, based on the soul's power. Alchemists refer to these as the Spiritual States. The four states are: Mortal State, Soul State, Heavenly State, and Di State.

However, soul cultivation techniques have long since vanished from the world, lost to the passage of countless years. As a result, the only way to enhance the soul’s spirituality is through rare external items or fortuitous encounters that allow one to enter a mysterious state of growth. Beyond the initial Mortal State, advancing in the Spiritual States becomes increasingly difficult.

Reaching the Di State Spiritual Strength, the highest and most elusive realm, is considered easier in this era compared to the past due to the depletion of Origin Qi, the mysterious energy once necessary to reach the pinnacle of Dou Di. Without Origin Qi, reaching Dou Di is impossible, but spiritual advancement, while still incredibly challenging, is less hindered.

Xiao Hua smirked lightly as he considered the state of the world. The depletion of Origin Qi had shaped the very course of history on the Dou Qi Continent. However, he quickly shook off these thoughts, focusing on the matter at hand. He turned to Lady Azure, his expression serious.

"So, Sister Azure, I doubt there's only benefits, right?" he asked, his tone laced with caution.

"That's correct, child," Lady Azure nodded, her expression grave. She shifted her gaze from Xiao Hua to the dark, ominous sky. "First of all, the Heavenly Astral Lightning is always followed by another Heavenly Lightning—Heavenly Mortal Lightning."

She continued, her voice tinged with seriousness, "While the Heavenly Astral Lightning nourishes and strengthens your soul, the Heavenly Mortal Lightning refines and forges your body. It enhances your durability, increases your resistance to poisons and weakening effects, and even amplifies your stamina and Dou Qi reserves tremendously."

"That is, if I’m able to refine it, right?" Xiao Hua interjected, his expression turning wary. He understood better than anyone the terrifying, destructive power of Heavenly Lightning. The prospect of enduring not one but two strikes, each with its own unique and devastating effects, filled him with a natural apprehension.

"Glad you understand," Lady Azure responded with a slight smile, amused by his reaction. But her smile quickly faded, replaced by concern. "However, that’s not the real issue. The true challenge lies with the first lightning—the Heavenly Astral Lightning."

Lady Azure’s expression grew solemn as she continued. "The Heavenly Astral Lightning will create a test for you before you can proceed," she explained, her tone filled with worry for Xiao Hua. "It will force you to confront your inner heart demon."

"Heart Demon? I have a heart demon, Sister Azure...?" Xiao Hua was taken aback. He couldn’t recall any moment in his life that might have given birth to a heart demon, and the thought troubled him deeply.

"Even if you don’t have one, the Heavenly Astral Lightning can create an artificial heart demon based on the unresolved issues clouding your heart," Lady Azure explained, her words sending a shock through Xiao Hua. The idea that something could artificially manifest a heart demon was beyond anything he had ever imagined.

Lady Azure’s voice grew more serious as she continued, "Child, I must leave your mental space before the lightning strikes. Since it targets your soul, it would also strike me if I remained within. If I’m caught in it, the trial would become exponentially more difficult."

Xiao Hua felt a surge of concern at the thought of facing the trial alone, but he understood the necessity. The path ahead was fraught with danger, not just to his body but to his very soul. Yet, he knew he had no choice but to face it head-on.

Seeing Xiao Hua's tense expression, Lady Azure's voice softened, wrapping him in a comforting tone that seemed to ease the tension in his heart. "I've left a fragment of my flame to aid you during the trial, but remember this single piece of advice: 'You aren't alone.'"

With those parting words, Lady Azure disappeared, leaving Xiao Hua to ponder the meaning behind her cryptic advice. A wry smile tugged at his lips as he thought, 'Am I some kind of manga protagonist, Sister Azure...?'

He exhaled deeply, gathering his resolve, and then sat down in the Lotus Form. With a calm mind, he began cultivating, preparing himself for the breakthrough to 1-Star Dou Spirit and the inevitable trial that the Heavenly Lightning would unleash upon him.

Entering his mental world, Xiao Hua observed the nine silent Lightning Beasts. Eight of them were transparent, their forms unclear and shrouded in mystery. However, one stood out—a majestic golden-colored lightning beast, its regal eyes locking onto his. As the thunderous sounds of the impending storm reached their peak, one of the eight transparent beasts stirred, letting out a piercing screech before it suddenly left his mental world.

"It seems my breakthrough this time won’t be as easy..." Xiao Hua sighed, a slight frown creasing his brow. He exited his mental world, channeling his Dou Qi through his meridians, preparing to refine it according to the profound principles of the Chaos Mantra.

As he focused on his cultivation, the sounds of the storm outside intensified. The cry of a bird mixed with the furious clash of Heavenly Lightning, each strike producing ear-deafening thunder and soul-shaking force. The sheer ferocity of the storm was terrifying to those observing from the rocky platform.

Even some of the elders, seasoned and powerful as they were, had gone pale as they witnessed the world-ending clash. The destructive force contained within each lightning strike was unimaginable, searing the very air with its intensity. Yet, here was Xiao Hua, not even eighteen, standing at the center of it all. He would have to endure the full brunt of this cataclysmic phenomenon, bearing the pain of each strike without a single layer of protection on his body. The sight left many speechless, their hearts heavy with a mixture of awe and dread for the young cultivator.

The First Elder, Su Qian, watched Xiao Hua with deep admiration welling up in his heart. If before he had merely been curious about the boy's potential, now he was genuinely determined to protect him and witness the heights he might one day reach. This young cultivator, who faced such terrifying trials with unwavering resolve, had earned the respect of the entire Inner Academy.

Turning to the group of elders standing behind him, Su Qian's voice was filled with resolute authority. "Once the boy completes his breakthrough, ensure that he is protected at all costs from the Black-Corner Region!"

"Yes!" The elders responded in unison, their expressions solemn and resolute. They fully grasped the magnitude of Xiao Hua's talent and the strength of his character. To them, he was more than just a promising student—he was someone worthy of their unwavering support and protection.

As they watched Xiao Hua face the impending storm, each elder understood that they were not just safeguarding a powerful cultivator but nurturing a rare genius whose future could shape the very destiny of the Dou Qi Continent.


It came without warning. The serene blue-colored lightning, brimming with terrifying soul power, descended upon Xiao Hua, bypassing his physical body entirely and striking directly at his soul. The agony was incomparable, far surpassing the pain he had endured when the golden-colored Heavenly Tribulation Lightning struck him during his breakthrough to Dou Grandmaster.

The sheer intensity of the pain robbed him of the ability to scream or even attempt to refine the Heavenly Lightning. It was an unbearable torment that overwhelmed his senses, and his consciousness swiftly plunged into darkness as he fell unconscious.

In the black void of his mind, voices began to emerge, their whispers dark and insidious:

"It’s enough."

"Why do you keep trying?"

"What's the point of living pathetically?"

"Isn't it better to just end it, rather than live in such a wretched state?"

"We've already lived twice. What more do you want?"

"Just give up. Let it go. Nothing in this world should matter to you."

As Xiao Hua's consciousness sank deeper into the abyss, these voices, drenched in despair, echoed endlessly. They sapped his will, weakening his strength and preventing him from regaining his balance or awareness. The darkness seemed to close in around him, as if trying to smother the very light of his soul, threatening to extinguish the flame of his resolve.

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