Burning Moscow

Chapter 108

107 O’Xianing escapes danger

Oxianing stopped here as he recalled, with red eye circles and tears rolling in his eye sockets.

What is he upset for? My heart is very clear. Although the loss of the fortress was as early as I expected, but when I heard the news suddenly, I was still a little sad. After all, I have stayed in this era for a few months. How can people be unsympathetic if they are not plants? I stood up, walked behind him, leaned down and hugged his body from behind, gently rubbing the scar on his right cheek with my cheek, and asked softly, “What happened later?”

Oshanin took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and then continued: “I am the only one left in the building. The rest of the people have sacrificed a lot of sacrifices and have been captured. The Germans found that there was still in the building. Some people were fighting, and instead of sending their infantry to die, they directly bombed the building with artillery. The building was originally devastated and hit by dozens of shells, and finally collapsed, and I was buried alive in the sky. In the smoke and dust…”

Although he was alive in front of me at the moment, I couldn’t help but let out a soft “ah” when he said that he was buried alive in the building.

“I don’t know how long I have been fainted. It was only when I was stimulated by the cold rain that my mind became a little more awake. I looked around and found that above where I was lying, there was a huge cement board obliquely on the pillar. It blocked the falling bricks and left a small safe space in the middle. Because of this, I was not beaten to death by the bricks alive. I climbed out of the ruins with difficulty and climbed to Sasha. Save my place. All of this has almost exhausted my full strength, and the sharp pain in the right cheek and the shrapnel wound on my body made me faint again.”

I stood up straight, stroked the long scar on his right face gently, and asked, “Does it still hurt?”

He grabbed my hand, shook his head, and continued: “It didn’t take long before I felt someone shaking my body and still shouting in Russian:’Comrade, wake up! Comrade, wake up!’ I I opened my eyes and saw a Soviet soldier squatting in front of him with tattered clothes and smoke, his face covered in gunpowder and blood. Seeing that I was awake, he waved to the side and quickly ran past another soldier who was also in tattered clothes. Come, the two of them took me off the ground without saying anything, and helped me to move forward. I asked them suspiciously:’Where are we going?’ Comrade commander,’ the soldier replied with a serious expression. I said: “The fort has been occupied by the Germans, we are going to be prisoners!”…”

“Are you captured?” I asked in surprise.

He nodded and continued to tell his story: “Hearing this, I tried to break free from the support of the two fighters, shouting loudly:’Let go of me, I will never be a prisoner!’ But I After being injured, the body was weak, and after struggling for a few times, he couldn’t get rid of the fighter. “Please keep quiet, comrade commander.” The soldier said to me suddenly and solemnly: “The communication between the fortress and the rear has been completely interrupted. We are now out of ammunition and food and we are absolutely helpless, and we cannot make senseless sacrifices. “I am never a prisoner!” I shouted in a low voice. “No one wants to be a prisoner, Comrade Commander.” The soldier looked around, then wrinkled. Frowning and said: “The surrounding area is blocked by the Germans. We can’t get out at all. If we want to leave here, we can only go as prisoners.” I snorted and said nothing. The soldier explained to me again: “The Germans are here again. Persuaded to surrender, we went to a fake surrender and then looked for a chance to escape. Do you understand, Comrade Commander!” Hearing what he said, I didn’t say anything, and honestly let the two fighters help and join the surrender team. …….”

“Wait a minute,” I couldn’t help but interrupt him, and said the doubt in my heart: “Didn’t you say that you are the only one left? Where did the other people come from?”

“There are many buildings in the fortress, and each building has defensive troops. Although the building I was in was destroyed by the Germans and the commanders and soldiers in it were sacrificed, there are still many defenders in the building who are still fighting bravely. Seeing that the strong attack did not work, the Germans switched to a propaganda offensive, calling on our soldiers to lay down their weapons and surrender.”

“Oh, it turns out that’s the case. Go ahead.” I thought to myself that this German commander is quite capable, knows the principle of “a soldier who is defeated without a fight”, and knows to launch a propaganda offensive against a stubborn defender. .

“We entered the German position, and two German soldiers with submachine guns came up. They simply searched our body and escorted us out of the fortress. After about ten minutes of walking to the west from the fortress, they came to the town. Here, there were four to five hundred Soviet prisoners of war gathered here, most of them were in tattered clothes and looked frustrated. The two German soldiers pushed us hard into the crowd, and then turned straight away. I observed it. In the environment, it was found that there were only more than 30 German soldiers guarding the surroundings, and we were not under strict control….

“How did you escape?” I still wanted to know how he escaped, and couldn’t help but interrupt him again.

“We were detained in the town overnight, and the Germans escorted us to the border early the next morning. Perhaps it was because of the lack of troops. The number of German soldiers escorting us was not large, there were less than 50 men, and they all rode. On the motorcycle.

By noon, we approached the border and walked to the edge of a forest. The German officer leading the group stopped the troops to rest. The prisoners of war walked for a full morning under the scorching sun, and many of them would not be able to hold on half way unless they were forced by the German soldiers with guns. Now that they finally got to the place, the prisoners of war didn’t care about what they were doing. They all sat on the ground and panted. Except for seven or eight guards, the remaining German soldiers hid in the forest for lunch, leaving tired and hungry prisoners of war on the open ground to endure the scorching sun.

Seeing the remaining German soldiers whispered in dissatisfaction, Ivanov, the soldier who saved me, had a smile on his mouth. He approached my ear and whispered:’Comrade Commander, look, these German devils started to complain, as long as they relax their vigilance, we can find a chance to escape. ’‘Run away? ! “I asked him puzzled: “Where to run?” He pointed to the side of the forest where there were no German soldiers and said: ‘Run into the forest, as long as you run into the forest, the German devils will not be able to catch us.’

I observed the surrounding environment and quickly rejected his proposal. I shook my head slightly and said: ‘We are at least fifty meters away from the edge of the forest. How much hope do you think you have to run there without being discovered by the German devils? Hearing that I rejected his proposal, he was a little anxious: ‘From here, you can rush into the forest in fifteen seconds at most. If you don’t act, you won’t be able to run after crossing the border. ’

‘If it’s night, our chances of successfully escaping from here would be greater, but now it’s dying to escape…’ At this time. It seems to prove my words. A soldier not far from us suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the forest tens of meters away.

The man only ran more than ten meters away, and the German soldiers in charge of the guard had already spotted him. There was no warning at all, and several submachine guns had already fired at the same time. Although the soil around the man was splashed by bullets, he was determined to escape the grasp of the German soldiers, so he ran forward all the way without any intention of stopping. However, human luck is limited. Although the man managed to approach the edge of the forest, he was eventually hit by a bullet. I only saw a few blood flowers popping up on his body, and then stretched out his hands in the air as if trying to catch something, but in the end he still fell to the ground.

After hearing the gunfire, the German officer and a group of people rushed out of the forest to see what happened. After knowing that a prisoner of war was killed while trying to escape, he didn’t show much surprise. Obviously, he had thought beforehand that someone would try to escape. And I’m pretty sure that no one will be able to run away.

He stood in front of the queue blankly, and said lightly: ‘Gentlemen, please remember your identities, you are prisoners of war! When you arrive at the prisoner-of-war camp, we will give you the treatment you deserve. If anyone tried to escape, he would end up just like this person. ’Then his gaze scanned the team again, and then he said: ‘Now I need a few volunteers to come out and bury this guy. ’

After hearing the words of the German military officer, all the prisoners of war remained silent, and no one took the initiative to stand up as the volunteer. The main reason is that everyone is tired and hungry, and no one does the physical work of burying the corpse.

‘Is nobody really willing to be a volunteer? Seeing that no one responded to his proposal, the officer’s face began to darken, and his hand couldn’t help touching the pistol at his waist.

Seeing that no one was speaking around, I pulled Ivanov next to me, then stood up and said, ‘I’m coming. ”And I. Ivanov also stood up immediately.

‘Guards, give them two shovels, hurry up and bury the body, so we can hurry. Seeing that someone finally stood up, the officer asked two soldiers to **** us to bury the corpse, and then he took the people back to the forest to eat.

Ivanov and I carried the crater-filled corpse into the forest. After walking a distance of about 20 meters, the German soldiers stopped us and handed over two engineer shovel to let us dig the pit on the spot.

While digging the pit, I whispered to Ivanov: ‘When I will fill up the soil, I will use this engineer to shovel them down while the German soldiers are not paying attention. Ivanov gave a soft promise, and then digged his head.

It took half an hour to dug slowly before barely digging out a shallow pit that could hold the dead body. After dragging the body into the pit, we began to slowly fill the pit with soil. At the beginning, the two German soldiers watched us with enthusiasm. After a long time, they relaxed their vigilance, standing by the pit and chatting. Seeing that the time was right, I made a look from Ivanov, and then shoveled a shovel of soil towards the German soldiers. Taking advantage of the chance that they were fascinated by the dust, we rushed over in a flash, and slashed with the engineer shovel in our hands. The two German soldiers didn’t even say a word, so they fell straight to the ground. The two of us picked up the submachine guns on the ground and ran towards the depths of the forest. ”

“You are so lucky.” I couldn’t help saying with emotion: “Fortunately, the German officer had a whim and asked you to bury the killed prisoners of war so that you have a chance to escape. If he ignores the dead body on the side of the road, Rather, you will be taken directly to the prisoner of war camp. It is estimated that you are already ill-fated now.”

“We walked in the forest for a week. During this period, we all depended on wild fruits to fill our hunger. If we weren’t saved by the scouts of the Transbaikal Division by chance, maybe we would have died in the forest. In the defense of Lensk, the company he was in was transferred to the outskirts of Moscow for rest and recuperation. In September, someone came to the army to recruit dog trainers. Because I had experience in this area, I took the initiative to sign up for this mysterious army. It didn’t take long for us to be transferred to the north of Moscow for closed training. Yesterday we received a notice from our superiors that the Western Front currently lacks sufficient anti-tank forces, so we assigned my company to the Front.” Oshanin tightly Grabbing my hand, looking up at me, excitedly said: “I didn’t expect to meet you here, this kind of unexpected reunion is really so happy.”

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