Burning Moscow

Chapter 109

108 Lida’s Story

“Lida, Lida! Open the door for me!” Before I could speak, Ina’s voice suddenly came from outside the door. Hearing Ina’s shout, I hurriedly broke free of Oshanin’s hand, took two steps back to the door, held the handle and twisted it to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, I immediately saw Ina standing at the door with two teacups in her hands with a smile. She walked inside and said: “I just met Comrade the Chief of Staff. He said that you have reunited with your husband and are reminiscing here. I’m here to bring tea to both of you, and to see how handsome the husband of our female lieutenant colonel is.” After speaking, she put the two cups of tea in her hand on the table with interest. Looking at Oshanin, he asked curiously: “You are Lida’s husband-Captain Oshanin?”

“Yes!” Oshanin stood up nervously, and actually respectfully saluted Ina, who had a lower rank than him.

“Lida,” Ina did not salute him in accordance with the regulations, but pulled me to Oshanin, and said enviously: “Your husband is so handsome!” Then she turned the topic around and teased me: “How about letting him be my lover?”

“Cut!” deliberately said disdainfully: “You can take it if you like it, as long as he agrees, let alone be a lover, be a husband!” Although I know she is teasing me, I still feel a fever on my face. After saying this, I glanced at O’Xianing and found that he was flushed with shame, looking at me with a smile.

“Okay, okay, I have to prepare dinner for the comrades in the headquarters, so that it won’t delay your husband and wife’s renewal.” Seeing our embarrassment, Ina stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, and quickly found a reason to explain After two sentences, he slipped away and took the door to the room when he went out.

I saw Oshanin’s eyes still looking in the direction of the door, and deliberately teased him: “Why, are you fancy a young and beautiful lady? Or you will be wronged and be her lover.”

Oxianen turned his head, smiled awkwardly, then grabbed my hand and said, “No matter how beautiful she is, she is not as beautiful as my dear Lida Chika.”

I struggled carefully, but couldn’t get my hand out, so I could only let him sit down again. As soon as he sat down, he couldn’t wait to say: “Lida, I’ve told you my story, now it’s your turn to tell. Where are our children? When did you join the army and become an officer? ?”

When I was listening to O’Xianing’s story just now, I was always reminiscing about Lida’s plot in the novel. After hearing that he had already asked, I coughed, cleared my throat, and began to tell him Lida’s story: “After you left that morning, the whole city fell into chaos. Apart from the fact that groups of heavily armed soldiers ran past the window from time to time, there were also many residents carrying their luggage and dragging their children to the ground and began to move back.

At noon, the City Defense Command sent a special propaganda vehicle to broadcast along the street, saying that the enemy was hit hard by our army, so that everyone stayed calm and stayed at home, and called on activists to participate in the obligation to build barricades and fortifications. labor. After listening to the broadcast of the propaganda vehicle, the panic temporarily calmed down. Many people who had originally left returned to their homes one after another, and even volunteers went to the streets to help the army maintain order and build fortifications.

Unexpectedly, the situation would take a turn for the worse the next day. The propaganda vehicle that was pacifying everyone yesterday took to the street to broadcast again. This time it is not to keep everyone calm and stay at home, but to say that fierce enemies have approached our city in order to avoid unnecessary To sacrifice, the residents are asked to move to the rear immediately.

The people in the building have all moved, but I still stay at home and haven’t left because I want to stay at home and wait for you to return.

On the morning of the third day, I woke up feeling uneasy. He was walking around the house with his just-talking son, and suddenly heard Sasha’s wailing. At first I thought I had heard it wrong, so I listened carefully: yes, it was Sasha’s whine. So I quickly put the child on the bed and rushed out of the house.

I followed Sasha’s voice along the street to find it. After walking two streets, I finally saw Sasha. His feet were lame, and he was lying in a pool of blood, his body was convulsing constantly, and his mouth was foaming, but he kept screaming hoarsely.

I walked over, squatted down, and held Sasha’s head with both hands. Sasha immediately calmed down and looked at me with his godless eyes. “Speaking of this, I broke free of Oshanin’s hand, took off the copper key hanging around my neck and handed it over: “I saw this shiny copper key at a glance, which was hanging safe and sound on Sasha’s neck. .

At that moment, I suddenly felt strongly in my heart: ‘You are still alive! My Oshanin must be alive! ’

I carefully removed the key from Sasha’s neck and held it tightly in my hand. Sasha saw me take off the key and let out a faint groan. His eyes fell quickly, lowered his head, and slowly closed his eyes.

Although some people advise me not to wait any longer, I firmly believe that you are still alive. I hold my son and look forward to it every day among the groups that have been withdrawn, hoping that miracles will happen suddenly.

But by the night of the fifth day, German artillery shells had begun to bombard the city, so the troops forced their troops to evacuate the front line. But in the middle of the road, I sneaked out of the car with my child and walked towards my home.

When I finally returned home exhausted, I found that one wall of the house had been destroyed by artillery fire. Even so, I still choose to stay. With the sound of guns coming from a distance, I held the child and sang a lullaby for him. Cannonballs exploded nearby, making earth-shaking rumblings, and my son was lying in my arms without any fear.

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked open. Several Soviet soldiers rushed in. They could not help but stand up to me, forcibly holding the child and rushing out. Before taking a few steps, I looked back and found that the door of my house was wide open. I desperately broke free from the soldiers’ hands and rushed back like crazy.

When I closed the door, it suddenly occurred to me that you did not bring the key. If you came home, you would not be able to enter the house, so I just closed the door gently without locking it. Then I looked at the distance one last time, and then followed the soldiers to retreat into the distance…”

“What happened later?” O’Xianing twitched his nose vigorously, and held my hands again, eyes full of tears.

“I put the child at Pochinok’s mother’s house, and then went to the recruiting office to sign up for the army.” Having said that, I couldn’t help fighting a cold war. It seems that I told many people before that I was before the war broke out. Join the army for a month, not after the war broke out. If someone checks my details in the future and knows that I will even make a mistake about the date of joining the army, I don’t know what the consequences will be?

“I went to the recruiting office to sign up, but it was rejected. The recruiter said that according to the Women’s Protection Regulations, they cannot perform military service after giving birth for less than three years. I didn’t argue with them, but went straight to their superiors. I’m light Gently pushed open the door of the office of the head of the military committee, and saw many people arguing fiercely around a major. I didn’t say a word, sitting in the corner and waiting patiently. After a while, everyone was gone, and the major found me. . He asked: “What’s the matter with you?”

‘I wanted to join the army, but I was not approved. ’

‘Oh, why? The major asked curiously.

‘They said I can’t perform military service after giving birth to a child less than three years. ’

Major smiled: ‘The comrade in the recruitment office did the right thing. We can’t send the mother of a minor child to the battlefield. ’

‘But I have to join the army! ’

‘Give me a good reason? ’

I thought for a while and replied: ‘My husband is a border guard. He died on the battlefield. ’

Major    suppressed his smile, apparently moved him by this reason: ‘you know, we have thousands of soldiers who have died. He said nothing, bowed his head and wrote something on a piece of paper. Then stand up and hand me the note: ‘Go, to the anti-aircraft machine gun unit and avenge your husband. ’”

“Why?” Oshanin asked.

I looked into O’shanin’s eyes and said softly, “In order to avenge you! At the time I was thinking: Maybe, a German must fall under my gun for my heart to calm down.”

“What happened later?” Oshanin asked with concern.

“After I enlisted in the army, I was incorporated into the newly formed anti-aircraft machine gun independent battalion. You taught me marksmanship and military common sense back then, which allowed me to be in the army like a fish in water. I quickly emerged from the recruits. I was soon promoted to a corporal by exception Became the monitor.

The anti-aircraft machine gun platoon I was in was all female soldiers. Since there was no platoon leader, the deputy platoon leader Sergeant Kirianova was in charge of the command. She was originally from the Transbaikal Division, participated in the Smolensk Defense War and won a medal. After the battle, she was transferred to serve as deputy platoon leader. But she looked down on me who had no qualifications and was promoted too quickly, so she did everything right with me.

Later, our platoon moved to the place of 171 near Pochinok, because I performed outstandingly in the battle, and after shooting down two German devil’s planes, did she change her view of me and the relationship between us. It started to get better.

One day I sneaked to Pochinok during the night to see my son. When I came back in the morning, I saw two German soldiers in the forest. Looking at their outfits, they were supposed to sneak into the rear of our army to engage in sabotage activities. This situation was promptly reported to Warrant Lieutenant Vaskov and Sergeant Kiryanova, the commander of the convoy.

Vaskov heard that there were only two German soldiers. After a little preparation, he took five female soldiers, including me, Genia, Sonia, Risa, and Jalka, to search in the forest. Vaskov was very familiar with the surrounding terrain. He took us to ambush on the only way for the German army to take our paths, intending to take advantage of the terrain and the number of people to eliminate or capture the two German soldiers alive.

How did we know that things were counterproductive, when the German soldiers reappeared in front of us, we unexpectedly discovered that the German soldiers were not two people, but sixteen. In this way, we are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of equipment and numbers. . With just one pistol and five rifles in the hands of the six of us, not only could we not stop the enemy, but there was even a danger of being wiped out by the enemy.

Fortunately, Warrant Lieutenant Vaskov has a wealth of combat experience. While sending Lisa back to report the letter, he took the four of us and a dozen German soldiers in circles in the forest.

It’s a pity that Lisa died while crossing the swamp. Our people didn’t get the information, so we didn’t send reinforcements. Only a few of us German soldiers who were in the forest and standing superiorly were left to deal with. In the battle, Genia, Sonia, and Jalka died one after another. I was also hit by shrapnel from a grenade and was seriously injured. ”

“Ah?!” Hearing this, Oshanin gave a startled cry, then stretched out his hand to touch me and asked anxiously: “Let me see, where is the injury?”

“It’s on the abdomen, but it’s healed a long time ago.” I grabbed his hand, and then continued, “Listen to me.”

“Hmm.” He nodded, twisted my palm lightly, then looked at me intently, waiting for me to continue telling the story behind.

“I was seriously injured and the blood flow continued. It was not good to see people. I couldn’t bear to die slowly in pain, so I begged Vaskov to give me a shot so that I could sever. But he couldn’t lay his hand. In the end, I did it myself, raised the pistol and fired a shot at my temple….”

“Ah!” Oshanin couldn’t help but yelled again, interrupting my narration again. Seeing me looking at him displeased, he smiled embarrassedly and motioned for me to continue.

“After the gunshot, I passed out in a coma. I don’t know how long it took, and the cold rain dripped on my face, making me sober. Strange to say, the constant blood flow stopped miraculously. And the wound did not hurt. I struggled to lift the branches that covered my body, sat up and looked around, looking for the trail of Warrant Lieutenant Vaskov.

It was raining in the sky, and it was quiet all around, and there was no one. At this moment, the thought of the bell of the monastery came from a distance. I stood up and followed the prestige, and I could see the spire of the monastery in the distance. This is an abandoned monastery. It stands to reason that there will be no people in it. Why would the bell ring inexplicably? Could it be that the Germans were there?

So I checked the direction of the monastery and strode forward. Along the way, I saw explosive boxes, helmets, water bottles, and even a submachine gun discarded by the German soldiers . I picked up the submachine gun and drew the bolt skillfully, and found that there was no bullet inside, so I threw the gun to the side of the road. To me, this bullet-free weapon is no different from a fire stick.

But these items have become important guideposts for me to search for Vaskov Warrant Officer and German Devils.

I saw the dead German army lying on the ground outside the gate of the monastery, and heard the warrant officer’s angry roar from the room. I was afraid that he would be outnumbered, so I hurriedly picked up a submachine gun and rushed in.

There were six German soldiers in the room, but the warrant officer had only one bullet in his pistol. When I entered, just in time for a German soldier to grab a gun and try to resist. The warrant officer fired a shot and missed the target. I quickly made up two shots and knocked down the German soldiers. The remaining German soldiers faced our guns and had to surrender their hands obediently and became prisoners.

Then I was taken to the military hospital in Leningrad, where I recuperated. Before long, Marshal Voroshilov, commander of the front army, personally went to the hospital and awarded me the medal. After I was discharged from the hospital, I was promoted to sergeant and appointed as the platoon leader of the women’s anti-aircraft machine gun platoon in Pulkovo’s Unknown Highlands. …”

I have told O’shanin all my experiences since I arrived in this time and space. Of course, the first half is the story of the real Lida, while the second half is my experience as a counterfeit. He was amazed and moved a lot when he heard about the use of anti-aircraft machine guns to hit infantrymen, speeches on the Kremlin podium, and so on.

After telling the story of Lida and me, I only felt dry and dry. I picked up the tea on the table and drank fiercely. Oshanin opened his mouth, and when he was about to ask something, there was a knock on the door.

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