Burning Moscow

Chapter 110

109 A New Attack

After the door opened, there was a general with a nice smile standing outside. I fixed my eyes and saw that it was Major General Leviakin.

Seeing me standing in the doorway, the burly general lowered his head and asked me with a smile: “Comrade Oshanina, have you and my captain gone through the old days? If not, please hurry up. The troops are on the fifth floor. You must leave within minutes.”

Before I could speak, Oshanin was already standing behind me, with his hands on my shoulders, and rushed to answer: “Comrade General, I am ready and ready to go.”

General Leviakin nodded at both of us and said, “Then bid farewell to Comrade Lieutenant Colonel. I will wait for you in the truck.” After that, he turned and left the church.

Seeing the general walking away from the back, I was about to speak, Oshanin turned my body hard, and then his lips finally pressed down involuntarily. I cooperated awkwardly, maybe because of lack of oxygen, I felt a little dizzy.

After    my lips were divided, he took me in his arms again. I buried my face on his chest, listened to his clear heartbeat, and sighed in my heart. I didn’t expect that I would kiss a man.

Thinking of the kiss just now, I couldn’t help but shudder, and pushed him away.

“Lida! What are you doing?” He asked somewhat unexpectedly.

“My dear,” I said prevarication: “You should go back to the company, the soldiers are waiting for you.”

“Well, you are right, I should go back to the army.”

“I’ll accompany you.” I wanted to send him away soon, and my heart would feel at ease.

“Okay. You can give me a ride!”

There was a long string of trucks parked outside the church, and the soldiers were lining up to board the trucks one after another. I saw that behind the convoy, there were many soldiers with military dogs standing in line, and pointed in that direction and told Oshanin: “Your company is over there!”

Oxianing looked in the direction I was pointing, nodded and said, “Yes, it’s them.” Then he took me and walked over there. A dozen or so steps from the truck, a military dog ​​rushed out of the queue, ran a few steps before jumping high, and leaped towards us. I couldn’t help but scream out, and at the same time instinctively stepped back a few steps.

Oshanin stopped the army dog, glanced at me, smiled shyly, and explained, “This is my newly trained army dog, also called Sasha!” I saw that the army dog ​​had been lying tamely under the captain. Next to him, he smiled embarrassedly, and then squatted forward to touch the head of the army dog. The army dog ​​shook his head and wagged his tail to show friendship, and at the same time stretched out his long tongue to lick my hand.

“Comrade female soldier, do you still know me?” I saw a pair of feet standing in front of me, and at the same time I heard someone asking me. He looked up and saw that he was a young soldier wearing a steel helmet. He was kind, but he couldn’t remember where he saw him in a hurry.

I stood up and said hesitantly: “It looks familiar, but I just can’t remember where I saw it.”

“Have you forgotten?!” He reminded me: “On your way to Vuitton Khan, who gave you a ride?”

“Oh! It turned out to be you, Victor.” At the mention of Vuitton Khan, I instantly remembered who he was. When he said that he seemed to have heard of O’shanin’s name, I wished it was him. The way of picking up a chat with a girl, I didn’t expect it to be true. If I had asked a few more questions, I might have heard of O’Xianin’s whereabouts long ago. I was a little embarrassed to say: “I’m sorry, I didn’t remember who you are for a while. Thank you for sending me to Wieden Khan that day.”

He smiled, and just wanted to continue talking, he accidentally caught a glimpse of my collar, came to stand at attention, and respectfully saluted me, saying: “I’m sorry, Comrade Commander, I didn’t notice you. Military rank.”

“Okay, it’s all old acquaintances, so you don’t need to be so polite.” I put his hand down, then pointed at Oshanin, and explained to him: “This is Oshanin.” There was a slight pause. , I heard myself saying as if someone was outside: “…my husband.”

“I know that Comrade Captain is my company commander. I remembered it as soon as you got off the car that day. I wanted to stop you, but you have already gone far.”

“Lida, how do you know my subordinates?” Oshanin asked curiously.

Hearing his question, I told him about the situation that day. At the end, I added: “Vega said at the time that it seemed to have heard your name somewhere, but I didn’t expect you to go to Moscow at the time. , So I didn’t go to my heart. If I asked one more question at that time, I might have reunited with you long ago. “Although I thought in my heart that I would never see Oshanin, I still wanted to say I miss him.

“Comrade Captain, we should set off.” Victor poked his head out of the window of the driver’s cab and urged Oshanin to get in the car.

“My dear, we should say goodbye, and see you when the battle is over!” Seeing that the trucks in front were starting one after another, Oshanin hugged Morchanov again, and then gently pushed me away, as if As if he had released me from his arms with great regret, he turned and jumped on the steps, opened the car door and sat in.

Seeing the convoy drive far away, I breathed a sigh of relief. The big rock in my heart finally fell to the ground, sending O’Xianing away and avoiding my fate of wearing a gang. However, after spending so much time with him in the porter, it was time to go to Rokosovsky to find out about tomorrow’s combat deployment.

In Rokosowski’s command room, besides him and the chief of staff, there are also four or five generals I’m not familiar with. Seeing me entering the door, he hurriedly greeted me over and asked Colonel Malinen to explain the deployment for me and ask me for my views on the battle.

Although I know the famous defense of Moscow, I don’t have the slightest idea in my mind about the course of the campaign launched by the 16th Army before December 6th and the growth and decline of the strength of both sides. In fact, even if I have a good knowledge of these battles in history, it does not mean that everything I know will continue to follow the original trajectory. When I appear in this time and space, some history has inevitably been deflected, and no one can tell how this battle will develop and evolve. Originally I didn’t want to make any comments, but since the commander is not ashamed to ask, it’s not appropriate to remain silent, so I thought about it, and then raised my head and asked Rokosovsky: “Comrade Commander, we’ll just use the existing Do your troops start a battle?”

Before the commander could speak, the Chief of Staff had already introduced to me first: “In this battle, in addition to using our existing forces, the command also invested in General Vlasov’s 20th Army and Kuznetseau. The 1st Assault Group of General Huofu came to cover the two wings of our group army and provide us with sufficient artillery support….”

Speaking of this, Deputy Chief of Staff Orel continued: “The artillery of the 20th Army is very powerful. The Command Department not only equipped them with three Katyusha rocket battalions, but also five regiments of heavy artillery units, all equipped with Big guys like the 122 howitzer and the 152 howitzer will be enough for the German devils to drink a pot at that time.”

“But their new deputy commander makes people feel uncomfortable,” a major general who had not spoken sitting next to him suddenly interrupted. “It is the Chinese general named Lin. After he took office, he immediately summoned all of them. Commanders above the regiment level learn and instill their own theory in them.”

“What kind of theory?” Rokosovsky asked with interest.

The general said with some disdain: “I heard an old comrade there say, “One point and two sides” and “Four fast and one slow” and so on. Anyway, they are all inexplicable things. You know, they don’t. The few outstanding commanders all graduated from our military academies. Now these students want to be our teachers in turn. It’s so funny.”

“Can you elaborate?” Rokosovsky did not agree with him, but continued to ask.

The general scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment, “I didn’t ask about it.”

I glared at the self-righteous general, and then said to Rokosovsky: “Comrade Commander, I once went to see this General Lin with General Vlasov and had a relationship with him. Long talk. I personally think that he is a very good military strategist. We have never heard of many military theories. The “one point and two sides” mentioned by the general just now refers to the concentration of superior forces on the main attack points. We are opposed to splitting forces at all points; at least encircle the enemy on two sides to ensure that the enemy is sure to be defeated and wiped out. “Four fast and one slow” means: advance to the enemy quickly to prevent the enemy from escaping; after catching the enemy, prepare quickly , Look at the terrain, choose the breakthrough, build fortifications, mobilize, mobilize troops, arrange firepower, etc. must be fast; after a breakthrough, expand the results quickly; chase the retreating enemy quickly, no matter the three or seven twenty-one, no matter the day or night. 4 Fast is the same as the third situation above. The first is that the timing of the general attack should be slow, and then you should be fully prepared, and once the general attack starts, you should be fast.”

“It’s great, his summary is so brilliant.” Hearing this, Rokosovsky stood up and said excitedly: “I have heard of him. Long before the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, the high command called The military meeting, invited him to participate. Most of the marshals and generals who attended the meeting believed that if a war broke out, Germany would attack the richest Ukraine first. But he thought:’If Hitler attacks the Soviet Union, he will not plunder the wealth of the Soviet Union, but destroy it. The Soviet Union, so he will not fight from Ukraine. He will attack from the Western Caucasus, from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathians, attacking all the way and occupying Moscow. “At that time, the participants all shook their heads and thought he was alarmist. The main force was deployed in Ukraine, but the final result was unfortunately what he said. If there is a chance, I must invite him to our army and let him teach all the commanders. This is for our commanders. The improvement of command level is very helpful.”

“There should be this opportunity soon, Comrade Commander.” Malinen looked at Rokosovsky and said in a calm tone: “The news I have received may not be long before he will be the deputy of the Western Front. Commander position.”

Rokosovsky was about to say something, but the phone on the desk rang untimely. He picked up the microphone and said, “I’m General Rokosovsky, what’s the matter?”

The other party replied: “Report to Comrade Commander that the anti-aircraft machine guns equipped by the command are connected. Where should they be deployed, please indicate!”

He thought for a while and replied: “The air defense force of the group army command is not enough, so let’s deploy them in the village.” After that, he hung up the phone. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. UU read www.uukanshu.com and said to us: “Comrades, commanders, it’s getting late, please return to your own posts.”

I came out of the church and saw a group of people arranging anti-aircraft gun positions in the twilight. I walked towards them and saw my arrival. The soldiers who were building fortifications with sandbags stood up straight and saluted me. I motioned for them to continue working, and then stepped forward to check the anti-aircraft machine guns they were using. Placed on the ground is the 14.5mm quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun that I have used before. Seeing the familiar weapon, I couldn’t help but feel itching for a while. I went directly into the seat of the manipulator and rotated it skillfully. machine gun.

“Comrade Commander, it seems that you are familiar with anti-aircraft machine guns.” A soldier next to him said in surprise.

“Yes,” I replied, looking at the air through the scope, “I was also an anti-aircraft gunner before.”

“No wonder. Have you shot an enemy plane?”

“There have been two fights.” I replied lightly.

“You are so amazing.”

I don’t want to continue talking to him. I got down from my seat and pointed at the machine gun and said, “The air defense of the headquarters will be handed over to you. I hope you can also take down the enemy as soon as possible.”

“I will, Comrade Commander.”

I nodded at him, then turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Early in the morning, the rumble of cannons awakened me from my sleep. I got up from the bed, walked barefoot to the window, and watched the distance with the binoculars. Balls of flames are rising from the enemy’s positions, which seems to be the beginning of our army’s offensive.

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