Burning Moscow

Chapter 13

Section 12 Highland Defense War (7)

At night, we finished everything. Except for leaving a few guard posts on duty, the rest returned to the wooden house.

Twenty female soldiers and I were sitting around a large wooden table. The food and tableware were already arranged, and the hot soup was on the plate. From morning till now, I have only eaten a few slices of brown bread, and at this time I feel so hungry that my hands and feet are weak.

Karenina poured a dark red liquid into the enamel tea jar in front of everyone. When it was my turn, I hurriedly covered the mouth of the cup with my hand, waved my hand again and again and said, “No, no, I don’t drink.”

“Comrade Lieutenant, this is not wine, but juice.” I heard that it was juice, so I stopped rejecting it, removed the hand that was blocking the mouth of the glass, and let her pour me a full glass.

“Everyone raise their glasses.” Karenina began to toast: “For us to fight off the German devils today, for Lida to be a lieutenant, let’s have a toast.”

“Cheers!” I picked up the tea mug, yelled loudly and touched everyone one by one, and then took a big sip. The juice tastes sour and slightly sweet, but I also feel a pungent taste at the same time. I secretly screamed badly. I was in vain for so many years in Russia, and I forgot that they all drink alcoholic fruit wine as juice. After a short time, I felt hot and soft on my cheeks, and a drowsy feeling.

“Let’s dance.” Suddenly a female soldier suggested. Everyone immediately became active, and the house suddenly became a magpie nest. I saw Jeanna stabbing Karenina quietly, motioning her to ask me for advice.

“Everyone, be quiet, who is talking about the dance party?” Karenina stood up and said to the female soldiers with a serious expression: “This suggestion will not be adopted without the permission of the commander.”

After hearing what she said, the girls who were chirping just now closed their mouths, looked at each other, and then collectively looked at me. I know that in this era of lack of entertainment life, there are no TVs, computers, etc. that can be used to entertain boring time, and we should adopt a supportive attitude towards such spontaneous entertainment programs by female soldiers. So, I held the table and stood up swayingly, and said to everyone present: “Girls, don’t be stunned, the prom is starting now, let’s jump up soon!”

The female soldiers cheered, folded the large wooden table and moved it to the corner of the wall. A wide area suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. I was weak, sitting on a chair in the corner, watching them busy back and forth.

Lena—the female soldier who helped me move soap last night. I don’t know where I turned into an accordion and played it. With the melodious sound of the piano, there was a beautiful song in the room, which is what I am familiar with. “Berry Blossoms”, the song “Emotion” is a popular song of this era.

After the end of the song, Karenina suddenly suggested to everyone: “Next, please ask our lieutenant comrade to sing a song for me. Do you think it’s okay?”

“Good !” The female soldiers cheered in unison.

I was shocked out of a cold sweat. If it’s Russian songs, I can sing “Red Berry Blossoms”, “Night Outside Moscow”, “Katyusha” and so on. Unfortunately, I can only sing Chinese but not Russian. The only Russian song that I know is the once-popular “Marry a man like Putin”. On this occasion, I didn’t dare to sing it even if I had the courage to sing it. I can only wave my hands and say vaguely: “I’m sorry, girls, I can’t sing when I’m drunk, let’s talk about it another day.”

Still these female soldiers didn’t make me embarrassed, Karenina grabbed Narisa, took the lead and jumped up. The female soldiers who had been itching for a long time entered the simple dance floor one after another, and danced lightly with the music, and the house immediately became a sea of ​​joy.

Jeanna did not go dancing, but sat beside me with me. She suddenly asked me: “Comrade Lieutenant, when I was on a German reconnaissance plane in the morning, I seemed to hear you shout something, but I didn’t understand it.”

“Oh,” After hearing her words, I remembered that I couldn’t help but yelled a sentence in Chinese. I hesitated, and made up a reason to explain to her: “I was shouting a sentence in Chinese.”

“Chinese?!” She went on to ask very curiously: “What does that sentence mean? Where did you learn Chinese?”

“Speaking in Russian, it means’clothes is Umi’.” The reason I wanted to explain to her was because in later generations there was a buddy who shared a room with me. He loved to talk in sleep at night. When he talked in sleep, he was usually Chinese and Russian. The text is used interchangeably. I’m afraid that this kind of mixed use of Chinese and Russian will happen when I talk in my dreams someday. Rather than arouse others’ suspicion, it is better to find a reason to conceal the truth as soon as possible. “In the school I used to study, there was an old school cleaner who was a Chinese who had participated in the October Revolution. I knew him well, so I learned a few words of Chinese from him.”

“Oh.” Jeanna made a sudden realization.

My head is getting dizzy and dizzy, the characters in front of me are starting to blur, and the voice that makes Na talk around seems to be coming from a far away place, and I finally fell asleep without knowing it.

When I woke up, it was already bright. As soon as I walked out of the wooden house, the sentry in charge of duty ran over to report to me last night: “Comrade Lieutenant, come and see, there is a mobilization of troops under the cliff.”

“Is it the German army?” I couldn’t help being shocked, thinking that it was the German army who quietly went around behind in the dark.

“No.” There was a joyful expression on the sentry’s face: “It’s our army.”

This road under the cliff is carrying a large group of people. The road and the roadside are filled with soldiers in queues or single lines, as well as military trucks, artillery vehicles and even tanks. I calmly watched everything happening below with my binoculars. These troops were following the fork roads and scattered to the front lines on both sides of the highway. In any case, it makes people happy to see this huge team, artillery and tanks.

“It’s so exciting!” Karenina’s voice suddenly sounded around me, and I turned my head to see that she didn’t know when she also stood by my side, looking excitedly at the passing team.

Following the habit I have developed recently, I raised my eyes and looked at the sky, thinking: Would such a large-scale mobilization of troops in broad daylight be attacked by the Luftwaffe? But today’s sky is gloomy, thick clouds are in the low altitude, and the raindrops have fallen sharply. I guess it was probably because of this that Zhukov dared to take the risk of continuing to mobilize the team in broad daylight.

What team is this? As I watched it, I guessed whether they were transferred from other places on the front line, or were they transferred from the reserve team from the command department? But there is one fact beyond doubt. On the Pulkovo line of defense, the Soviet army has concentrated a strong force. Based on the known outcome, I clearly know that the German attack on the high ground will eventually end in failure. They will encounter a devastating counterattack, be repelled by the Soviets, and be defeated.

“Look, Lieutenant UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, that’s a sailor!” Karenina said to me excitedly, pointing down.

I looked in the direction of her fingers, and I saw several groups of soldiers wearing blue and white striped shirts and a black uniform, marching proudly. This should be the Marines drawn from the warship.

I thought about it, although today’s weather is not suitable for the plane to take off, I still can’t take it lightly. He put down the binoculars and said to Karenina beside him: “A combat alert is issued to notify all soldiers to enter the artillery position. We must be prepared for air defense to prevent the Luftwaffe from launching a sudden attack on the troops behind.”

Karenina agreed and was about to walk away when a man’s voice suddenly appeared behind her: “Girls, where is your commander?”

I turned my head and saw a second lieutenant wearing a brand-new military uniform and shiny leather boots approaching us. When he came to us, he looked at the ranks of Karenina and me, and saw that we were all ranks of sergeant, and blew a frivolous whistle: “Hey, beauty, where is your commander?”

I glanced at him contemptuously, and then asked indifferently: “I am Lieutenant Oshanina, commander of the anti-aircraft machine gun company, who are you?”

Hearing my self-report, he hurriedly saluted me, and hurriedly replied: “I’m sorry, Comrade Lieutenant, you are still wearing the uniform of a sergeant, so I didn’t expect you to be the commander.” After a pause, he stabilized his emotions and continued: “I am Second Lieutenant Savchenko from the Air Defense Command, and I have been ordered to serve as your deputy. The two platoons of anti-aircraft artillery are also in place, ready to enter. position.”

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