Burning Moscow

Chapter 14

Section 13 Highland Defense War (8)

In the next few days, the Soviet army’s defensive deployment was greatly adjusted: first, the 42nd Army to defend the south of Leningrad, built a large number of buildings in the Kirov factory area behind the Pulkovo Heights. Fortifications; the 23rd Army, which was then stationed on the Karelia Isthmus to defend the Finnish Army’s offensive, also drew a number of troops to enrich the 42nd Army; the former commander of the Army General Ivanov, because of the command Zhukov was dismissed by Zhukov, Zhukov’s right-hand man, Major General Fejuninsky, took over his position and brought my 21st internal affairs division under his direct command.

After Fejuninski took office, in order to ensure the stability of the Uritsk-Pulkovo line of defense, he invested a large amount of troops to counterattack the Dudelkov Heights, located in the northwest of Pulkovo Heights, in an effort to recover as soon as possible. The lost position kept the Germans firmly in the periphery of Leningrad. In order to occupy the Uritsk area, the troops of the 23rd Army, which had been replenished, started a protracted tug of war with the Germans.

Due to the active attack of the Soviet army, the deployment of the German army was disrupted, and there was silence in front of Pulkovo Heights. The engineer troops defending the high ground used this brief period of calm to bury a large number of mines, pull barbed wire, and dig anti-tank trenches in front of their positions.

The soldiers in my organization company, in addition to strengthening the original air defense positions, cleverly arranged several new defensive gun positions on the favorable positions on the top of the mountain. Apart from the bombing of this position by German aircraft, the artillery on the ground poses no threat to us. In this way, while ensuring air defense, it can also be condescending to attack the enemy attacking the high ground.

I was wearing a big brimmed hat and a new military uniform with a lieutenant’s collar. I stood alone on the newly constructed gun position and raised the telescope to my eyes. Looking down from here, not only our position, but also the enemy’s position can be seen clearly. The large tracts of land that stretched to the horizon were cut apart by cobweb-like trenches and traffic trenches. The barbed wire was stretched away along a strangely curved zigzag. In front of the pitted and bruised positions bombarded by bombs and artillery shells, many German tanks and armored transport vehicles that had been destroyed and burnt black were placed all over the place.

“Boom!” A roaring shell landed on the southern **** of the unnamed highland, interrupting my view of Yaxing. It seemed that the enemy had been silent for a few days and the attack was about to begin again. I immediately put down my binoculars and turned around. Run back. When the rumble of cannons rang out, I was already on the air defense position, where the soldiers of the company had already been waiting.

“Second Lieutenant Savchenko! Sergeant Karenina” I called out my deputy company commander and deputy platoon commander.

“Here.” Lieutenant Savchenko and Sergeant Karenina heard my shouts and jogged all the way to my face, stopping to stand and salute me.

“Second Lieutenant Savchenko, you bring five anti-aircraft guns and one anti-aircraft machine gun to the newly established defensive position.” I took the helmet from Karenina’s hand and issued instructions to the two of them while wearing them: “Karenina Na, the remaining one anti-aircraft gun and two anti-aircraft machine guns stay here under your command. You must ensure air defense on the high ground.”

“Yes.” The two agreed, and turned around to direct their personnel to carry out my orders.

After the anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns entered the new position, the ensign and I stood in the bunker and used binoculars to observe the battle under the hillside. The minefields in front of the Highland Line of Defense were also hit by violent shelling. The buried mines were detonated one after another. The continuous explosions of mines made the damaged tanks and armored vehicles burn again, and then the overwhelming mud was immediately blown up. Extinguished.

The cannonball smashed on the high ground like raindrops. Although the nearest impact point was about fifty meters away from me, I still felt a violent explosion as if it was exploding next to me. The ground trembled violently, making my ears buzzing. Rattle.

The shelling stopped abruptly after forty-five minutes, just as abruptly at the beginning. First, one red and one white flare flew over the German position. A dozen tanks lined up in a wedge-shaped queue and crossed the trenches and drove over. Then, the German soldiers in gray-green uniforms lying in the trenches immediately jumped up. , Followed the tank and launched a charge towards the high ground.

There was a violent explosion, and the German tank in the lead stopped abruptly, and then an explosion of flame came out through the tank. Then there was a second explosion, and then a third—this is the two other tanks that followed and exploded.

At this time, there was a intensive gunfire. First, the machine guns roared, and then the whole camp opened fire. Those tankers who jumped out of the tank cockpit, even scrambling to the ground, fled backwards, and did not run very far, without exception, they were defeated by Soviet firepower.

In the beginning, only the intensive gunfire and machine gun shooting on the Soviet army’s position could be heard, but after a few minutes, the sound was overwhelmed by the sound of the bomb explosion. After being attacked by the artillery fire just now, there were very few mines that did not explode. The following tanks had passed through the minefield smoothly, stopped near the trenches, and fired fiercely with cannon and machine guns.

The shells landed directly on the defensive position, and the most threatening machine gun firepower was destroyed one by one by the German artillery fire. The soldiers behind in gray-green uniforms, holding their submachine guns flat, made short jumps and gradually approached the trenches.

“It’s time for us.” I finished talking to myself, and turned to the ensign next to me: “Use anti-aircraft guns to attack the tanks, and anti-aircraft machine guns to attack the infantry. Go ahead and execute them.”

The German attack speed was very fast. As the infantrymen approached the trench, the tank that had stopped began to move forward again. The soldiers who lacked anti-tank weapons were helpless with such a behemoth. Some people jumped out of the trenches and ran backwards, but were knocked down before they ran far. Two tanks passed the first trench and drove towards us quickly. Some German soldiers rushed into the trenches and engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the soldiers inside.

At this moment, I heard the sound of guns sounding behind me, and a puddle of mud was thrown up next to the two tanks that were approaching, and there was an explosion. “This is the anti-aircraft gun firing.” This thought flashed through my mind.

For these well-trained anti-aircraft artillery, it is much easier to hit a tank that moves on the ground than a plane that moves at a high speed in the air. There were a few more explosions, this time something exploded inside a tank. Smoke came out of the observation hole of the tank, and the body shook fiercely and stopped moving.

The second tank drove forward as usual, and several shells fell on the side and exploded, which did not affect its moving speed at all. The tank was only ten meters away from the second bunker. Suddenly, I saw someone jump out of the bunker and threw a Molotov cocktail at the tank. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com may be that the soldier was too nervous and missed the target. The Molotov cocktail that was thrown fell on the ground and rolled. Before he could make any remedial actions, he was knocked down by the machine gun on the tank. . At this moment, another person jumped out of the trench, rushed over, grabbed the Molotov cocktail on the ground, and slammed into the tank. A burst of flame immediately appeared on the surface of the tank that was hit. It seemed that the fire seemed to be stuck to the armored steel plate, tightly trapping the tank and engulfing the entire tank. Several tankers covered in flames screamed and jumped out, tumbling frantically on the ground, their shouts actually covered the roar of the tank engine.

The man who threw the Molotov cocktail at the tank has turned around and rushed towards the hidden trenches quickly. I saw him clearly through the telescope. He was Captain Klopov, a first-level political instructor. Seeing that he rushed into the trench just one or two steps away, he suddenly stopped and fell to the ground with convulsions.

“Klopov”, watching the captain sacrifice in front of my eyes suddenly made me red eyes, I rushed to the anti-aircraft machine gun, threw the shooter off, and sat on the seat of the machine gun, at the same time furious. The lieutenant screamed: “Keep firing at the German army, don’t be stingy with ammunition.” Then he stepped on the firing button violently.

Four-barreled anti-aircraft machine guns fired intensive firepower at the German infantry in front of the position. While I was crying, I stepped heavily on the button of the gun. The machine gun was trembling, bullets spurted out of the muzzle frantically, and the shells jumped and fell to the ground.

Watching the German army fall under my gun, my mood started to calm down. Death, it turned out to be that simple. On the battlefield full of flames, it only takes a moment to dedicate a lot of fresh lives to the **** of death. This is war!

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