Burning Moscow

Chapter 143

Section 142 Deputy Commander Lin (middle

Looking at the T-34 tanks that fired while they were driving, I was very puzzled: Where did these tanks come from? Looking left and right, not only me, but the soldiers around are also full of doubts. I don’t know what’s going on. But it doesn’t matter to him, as long as he is here to help. If he does not come, it is estimated that if we wait a few more minutes, we will be wiped out.

was thinking that the tank had passed me at high speed and rushed into the German formation on the opposite side. The German soldiers who had been lying on the ground got up one after another and ran wildly along the way with their guns. But where did they run tanks, let alone a dozen motorcycles behind them. When the tank stopped and fired, the soldiers on the motorcycle jumped off and shot at the Germans using the car as a cover. As soon as the gun was fired, in the woods in front of us, apart from the corpses everywhere, there were only a few wounded German soldiers who were shot but were tumbling and wailing.

Anyway, we have won. When the soldiers got back on their motorcycles and rushed forward with the tanks, all of us were relieved. Everyone stood up, gathered around me, and asked curiously: “Comrade Commander, how is this? What’s the matter? Where did this force emerge from?”

I shook my head and answered honestly: “I don’t know.” After speaking, I stood up and tried to find someone to ask what was going on.

An infantry unit is driving towards us in the distance. In front of the group is a motorcycle with a sidecar. Perhaps seeing us standing here, the motorcycle immediately increased the speed and drove over, stopped in front of us, and jumped off an officer from the car. As soon as he landed on his feet, he asked loudly, “Who among you is the commander?”

I pushed aside the soldiers on the left and right, stepped forward to him, glanced at his second lieutenant’s collar, and then replied solemnly: “I am Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, commander of the Eighth Guards Division, where are you? The army?”

“The Eighth Guards Division?” He looked at me with some confusion and said, “I have never heard of this unit!”

“We were originally the 316th Infantry Division. We were highly praised by the Supreme Soviet for our outstanding service in the defense of Moscow. We were awarded the Red Flag Medal, and we were awarded the title of Guards, and we were renamed the Eighth Guards Division.” I didn’t know much about the origin of the new design. After listening to my explanation, all of them were very excited, and their waists became straighter and stiffer.

I personally think that changing the military meritorious unit into a guard division is really a genius move for the Soviets who are keen on honor. The award of honors one by one made the Soviet army’s fighting spirit and team spirit more consolidated, and its combat effectiveness also increased exponentially, making great contributions to the victory of the Great Patriotic War.

The second lieutenant listened to my identity and hurriedly stood up and saluted. He reported, “Comrade Commander, I am the Liaison Officer of the Seventh Guards Division. I just received a report saying that several of our own fighters were found here, Commander Commander. Colonel Griaznov ordered me to come and check.”

“The Seventh Guards Division?” Although the numbers of the two units are close, I can’t tell which unit they were originally. I looked around and was about to ask Ramis if he knew it. I didn’t expect the second lieutenant to take the lead. He replied: “We were originally the 64th Infantry Division. On September 26, the Supreme Soviet was awarded the title of 7th Guards Division.”

I nodded, and then continued to ask the questions I was concerned about: “Which army group do you command?”

“The 20th Army.”

“The 20th Army?” Hearing this number, I couldn’t help but brighten my eyes, knowing that President Lin is the deputy commander of this unit. So I asked tentatively: “Is it the army commanded by General Lin of China?”

“Yes.” The second lieutenant answered my question without hesitation, and explained: “We were originally the reserve team of the group army and did not have any combat missions. But yesterday I heard that the third and fourth armored groups of the German army broke through from the north. The defense line of our army was ready to further occupy Volokramsk, so the front army mobilized our division to block the breakthrough of the German army.”

Seeing that I wanted to break the casserole and ask the question to the end, he promptly changed the subject and said, “Comrade commander, I am just a low-level commander, and I don’t know much about it. You should follow me and go where you are. My division commander Colonel Griaznov or the commander of the group army understand.”

“Okay.” I looked back at Ramis beside me, and told him: “If the troops regain the station later, remember to condense the body of Comrade Felstorf, understand?”

“Yes!” He agreed very simply.

I got into the sidecar of the motorcycle and followed the ensign to the headquarters of the 7th Guards Division. Along the way, I saw large groups of people rushing towards each other. The road and the roadside were full of soldiers lined up or in single lines, as well as military trucks and tanks. Seeing so many troops, my mood gradually improved. With the Soviet army retreating steadily, it is really nice to see such a large unit in the hinterland of the German army.

It didn’t take long before we arrived at the headquarters. After getting out of the car, I looked around and found that the headquarters of the 7th Guards Division was originally located in an armored command vehicle. The second lieutenant led me straight ahead, and when I reached the car, I was stopped by a sentry. The second lieutenant said displeased: “I brought the commander of the Eighth Guards Division to see Comrade Colonel.”

The sentry glanced at me, raised his hand to salute, and stepped back to make way for us. The second lieutenant took me up the steps. He knocked on the door first, then twisted the handle, opened the door of the car, then saluted the door, and said loudly: “Report to Comrade Colonel. , I invited the commander of the Eighth Guards Division.”

Hearing his report, a surprised voice came out: “The commander of the Eighth Guards Division? Is this Comrade Oshaninna?”

“Yes, it’s me.” I agreed, passing the ensign and into the car.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a young upper correction officer standing facing the door. Behind him was a table with a map on it. I took a step forward, stretched out my hand to shake his hand, and said, “Hello, comrade Colonel! I am Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, the acting commander of the Eighth Guards Division. I am glad to see you here. you.”

As soon as he took my hand, he shook it vigorously, and said with a hehe smile: “I have been known to you for a long time, and I finally have a chance to see you today.”

“Comrade Oshanina, we meet again.” A voice suddenly sounded next to him, speaking in Chinese, and someone quickly translated the sentence into Russian. I turned my head and saw that there were two people standing on the right side of the door. The general in front of me in a military coat was smiling at me. I fixed my eyes and saw that it was not someone else who was speaking, it was President Lin.

I quickly let go of the colonel’s hand, took a step forward, tightly grasped his extended right hand, and said excitedly: “Hello, Deputy Commander Lin, I didn’t expect we would meet again here.”

These words of mine were all spoken in Russian, and Shi Zhe next to them immediately translated them to President Lin in time.

“You have worked so hard, please sit down.” President Lin pointed to the position of the table and said, “Let’s sit down and discuss the next course of action.”

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