Burning Moscow

Chapter 144

143 Deputy Commander Lin (Part 2)

I sat down at the table first, then President Lin sat opposite me, and the translator Zhe stood behind him. Colonel Griaznov stood on my right side with his hands on the table, glanced at the map lying on the table, then looked at me and said, “Comrade Oshanina, please tell us about Volok. It’s Ramsk’s situation.”

I looked at the map in front of me. It was the map of Volosramsk. It was one of the few maps I could understand. I pointed to the eastern part of the city and said, “The division headquarters of our Eighth Guards Division is here. “I used my finger to draw a dotted line between my headquarters and the city. “I placed the 1073 regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Serebryavko here and set up a new line of defense to block the movement from Volokramsk. The German army coming out of the city; the 1075 regiment led by Colonel Kistyakov, as the division’s reserve team, rests near the division headquarters.” Having said that, I stopped for a while and watched everyone listen carefully. I spoke and continued: “The 1077 regiment led by General Leviakin and I stayed in the city to deal with the Germans, trying to hold back the German march to Moscow. In the daytime battle yesterday, we used a surprise attack. The tactics of fighting against the surrounding spots eliminated a small German unit in the city and captured their commander.”

When talking about the word “encircle the spot and fight aid”, I paid special attention to Mr. Lin’s reaction. You must know that this tactic is his invention! Sure enough, President Lin, who was looking down at the map, heard Shi Zhe’s translation, his eyebrows twitched, and he suddenly raised his head to look at me, his eyes full of questions.

I can guess what he is thinking in his heart. “Fighting around the spot and fighting aid” is clearly his initiative, and this tactic has not yet been fully formed at this time. How can foreigners know it and know how to use it?

“Where is the 1077 regiment now?” When I was struggling how to face his challenge, Colonel Griaznov’s question relieved me.

I shook my head and replied embarrassedly: “I don’t know. Last night I received the retreat order from the commander of the group army, General Rokosovsky. When the retreat of the troops was being deployed, the German army suddenly garrisoned my 1077 regiment. The area underwent fierce shelling. Due to the emergency, General Leviakin asked me to retreat in the dark, and he took the initiative to stay and command the troops, intending to break through the German encirclement from the east and join forces outside the city.”

“What happened afterwards?” It was President Lin who asked this. Although I understood what he said as soon as he said it, I waited for Shi Zhe to translate President Lin’s original words into Russian before answering: ” I took dozens of soldiers and ran around in the dark. I found out that I was near the station near the dawn. I could have jumped out of the enemy’s defensive emptiness, but I saw them hang the body of our sacrifice On the flagpole, I couldn’t control my emotions for a while, so I ordered the German soldiers guarding the flagpole to be knocked out, and the target was exposed. The German troops who were detected chased them all the way into the forest. “Speaking of which, I am grateful. He glanced at President Lin again, and then said softly: “Fortunately, I met your armored unit, otherwise we will not be able to escape the annihilation of the entire army.”

“Ha ha ha,” the colonel said with a smile: “You have to thank Deputy Commander Lin for this. Just last night the Supreme Command Department transferred our group army from the reserve to the Western Front, General Zhukov immediately gave us a combat order. Said that the defense line was retreating under the strong pressure of the German army, and ordered us to enter the designated position as soon as possible at all costs to block the fierce German offensive. After receiving the order, the entire group army immediately took action. Deputy Commander Lin from the group army The headquarters ran directly to our division and directly commanded the battle. He said that we were going to hit the enemy by surprise, so he mobilized all the tanks and motorcycles in the division and formed a pioneer battalion to open the way in front. The infantry followed closely behind and boldly interspersed. To the rear of the German army. In order to prevent being discovered by the German reconnaissance aircraft, we have been marching in the forest.” He spoke and looked at President Lin, “If it were not for the ingenious command of Deputy Commander Lin, I would follow the normal procedures in the past. The army should be still in the process of mobilization, let alone rescue you, it is a question of whether it can reach the current position.”

After listening to the colonel’s blunt flattery, President Lin just said coldly: “The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the fighters are fleeting. Therefore, mobilization and mobilization of troops must be fast, coupled with long-distance infiltration attacks. Attack its unprepared surprise effect.” Then he asked me again: “I heard that your commander Rokosovsky once proposed to Zhukov to let his troops retreat You know where he intends to retreat. Place?”

“I know.” I answered almost without hesitation: “The commander intends to retreat to the vicinity of the Istria River and organize a new line of defense there.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the colonel quickly moved his finger to the location of the Istrian River and whispered, “Here.”

President Lin stared at that position for a long time before slowly saying, “The new deployment position is well chosen. General Rokosovsky’s decision is right. There are no troops behind the 16th Army. If the defending troops are wiped out. , The road to Moscow will be opened. This is what the enemy dreams of. I think that the reservoir itself, the Istria River and its adjacent areas are the best defense areas. After occupying this area, only a small amount of troops will be used. A strong defense can be organized. In this way, some troops can be placed in the second echelon to establish a defense in depth, and most of the troops can be invested in other directions.”

“Yes,” I said in agreement, “I think so too.”

President Lin looked at the map without raising his head and said, “But with my understanding of General Zhukov, he will definitely stop Rokosovsky. He shoulders the responsibility of defending Moscow, even if there is only a glimmer of hope to hold his position. , He will order the troops to continue to be strong, and will never allow them to take a step back without authorization.”

I secretly praised myself, Mr. Lin is really good-for-nothing, although they may not know Zhukov’s sternly worded telegram, but the actual situation is indeed the case. Even the retreat plan that was acquiesced by the Supreme Commander was rejected by Zhukov mercilessly.

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