Burning Moscow

Chapter 146

145 Return to Division Headquarters (Par

I looked in the direction of the sound, and two soldiers wearing steel helmets were walking toward this side happily. In a short while, the two came to us. ,

I could see clearly that it was not someone else, but Ramis, the company commander of my guard. I also knew the soldier behind him, who shot and killed the soldier who had escaped the prisoner, although I couldn’t call him. Name, but he should be regarded as General Leviakin’s personal guard or something. Now that he can appear here, it seems that Leviakin is also safe. Thinking of this, the big rock in my heart fell to the ground.

Ramis walked to the crowd and asked the soldier with a serious expression: “Comrade soldier, what are you doing?”

Seeing that it was a commander who was helping me, he was a bit embarrassed by the soldier who was indecent to me just now. He replied in a whisper, “Comrade Commander, nothing happened. I was just playing around with this female soldier. Don’t be too much. really.”

Ramis pushed aside the person in the way, came to the soldier, and said word by word: “We are of the Eighth Guards Division. She is our commander, Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, and your commander. One level!” Then he said in a heavy tone: “She is here to heal the wound. If your wound has been bandaged, go to where you should go.”

After he finished speaking, there was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning around, and then there was a whisper. The soldier blushed and walked in front of me and said, “I’m sorry, Comrade Commander!” After saluting me, he walked through the crowd and got into a tent next to him.

Although the soldier who harassed me left in a desperate manner, I felt very uncomfortable. Although the Soviet army had strict discipline on the battlefield, the usual military discipline was not satisfactory.

“Comrade Commander, let’s go!” Ramis stood beside me in a please gesture.

As the three of us were walking towards the headquarters, I turned my head and asked the soldier, “Comrade soldier, what is your name?”

“Report to comrade commander, my name is Grisa, and I am a soldier in the 1077 regiment guard company.”

“Where is your head now?”

“At present, it is estimated that we have returned to the division headquarters, and we have handed over the defense of the city to the comrades of the 7th Guards Division.”

“Simply talk about the situation from last night to the present.” Listening to his tone, it seems that Leviakin didn’t organize troops to break through the siege last night, but continued to stay in the city. Fortunately, the 7th Guards Division commanded by Chief Lin arrived in time, otherwise the 1077 Regiment would have been lost like the 857th Artillery Regiment directly under the division.

“After the German shelling began last night, Comrade General ordered all the troops to withdraw from the occupied building. After two hundred meters, they would hide on the spot and wait for the enemy to ambush. To be honest, he issued this at that time. When ordering, everyone very much doubted whether his decision was correct. “Although we walked very quickly, Grisa still spoke clearly to me about the situation at the time.

“What happened later?” I asked with concern.

“The shelling stopped after about an hour. The enemy took advantage of the darkness to attack from several directions, attempting to wipe us out in one fell swoop and completely occupy the entire city. Our army, occupying favorable terrain, waited for the enemy to enter the ambush circle and immediately violent. We opened fire. We were caught off guard by the German army, and almost no effective resistance was organized. After more than ten minutes of fighting, nearly a hundred corpses were left behind and retreated.

The enemy’s second offensive was half an hour later, they learned the lesson just now, adopted the tactics of step by step, step by step toward the depth of our army’s defense. First fire flares to expose our line of defense to strong light, then use mortar bombardment and flamethrower fire to confirm that there are no more people on the front before sending infantry forward to occupy it. Because this tactic of the German army was beyond our expectations, we couldn’t find a way to deal with it for a while, and had to be forced to retreat.

Fortunately, General Leviakin sent a small force to the back of the attacking German army, knocking out their mortars and flamethrowers, and eliminating the greatest threat. Losing the cover of strong and advantageous weapons, the German troops who broke into our army’s position suddenly fell into chaos. Comrade generals came to the front and commanded calmly, holding on to favorable terrain, and commanding some troops to divide and encircle the Germans and destroy them one by one.

The enemy’s third attack was launched after dawn. More than 200 German soldiers under the cover of 2 tanks and 10 armored vehicles once again launched an offensive to the area where our army was guarded. General Leviakin had long guessed that after dawn, the enemy might attack again under the cover of their tanks, so anti-tank fighters were ambushed in many places early.

At the beginning of the battle, I was standing next to the general and clearly saw a soldier hiding behind the rubble. When the German tank approached only more than 10 meters away, he suddenly jumped out of the concealment and directed towards the enemy. Throwing 5 grenades disrupted the shape of the German army, causing a tank to break into the minefield and be destroyed. Unfortunately, he was hit by a machine gun bullet on an enemy armored vehicle and died heroically.

Encouraged by the heroic performance of this soldier, the defending soldiers fired fiercely, cutting off the enemy’s infantry from the tanks and armored vehicles, and fought with them in close combat, reducing their firepower. The famous anti-tank fighter became more and more courageous as he fought. In order to facilitate the bombing, he ignored the freezing weather and dropped his cotton-padded jacket and fleece. He approached and dropped bombs, destroying and wounding three Soviet-German armored vehicles. After half an hour of fierce fighting, the third German offensive was victoriously crushed. …”

Although Grisa recounted the battle last night in an understatement, I knew that the battle must be exceptionally cruel. Through this battle, I have a better understanding of Leviakin’s tactical guidance level. According to the Soviet army’s previous tactics, it would only fight hard against the German army, without any tactics at all, without absolute strength and equipment superiority, it is almost impossible to defeat the German army. However, it was not easy for Leviakin to retreat the German offensive and insist on the arrival of reinforcements without the cover of artillery and aviation.

While speaking, we have arrived outside the headquarters of the Seventh Division. Lieutenant Kabifo is standing outside the command vehicle and looking around, watching him look anxious as if waiting for someone. Seeing our arrival, he quickly greeted him, ran to me and stood up and saluted, and reported: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, hello! Our teacher is waiting for you inside, please come in soon!”

Colonel Griaznov and President Lin sat at the table studying the map. When they saw me coming in, they both stood up and shook hands with me. President Lin asked with concern: “Lida, how is your injury?”

I said gratefully: “Thank you for your concern. I changed the medicine and got a shot. It’s no longer a problem.” Then I couldn’t wait to ask: “How is the fighting in the city?”

“Let me introduce the situation,” the colonel took the initiative to take the conversation, and said self-consciously: “Our pioneer battalion captured the station in the morning and covered the infantry to build new fortifications. When the main force of the division arrived, It quickly spread across the city, and was fortunate to join forces with your division that are still fighting in the city….”

After listening to the colonel’s nagging for nearly half an hour, I finally couldn’t help but weakly asked: “Can I contact my division headquarters here?”

“No problem.” The colonel said with a grin: “We have just laid out the telephone line. Not only can we talk with your division, but also with the front command.” Then he turned around and ordered the communicator sitting in the corner: “Immediately connect me to the division headquarters of the Eighth Guards Division.”

“Yes.” The correspondent agreed and began to dial the number of our division. After a while, he stood up and reported to us: “Comrade Commander, the phone is connected.”

“Beep!…beep!…” The sound from the microphone made me nervous more than the sound of guns. While waiting for the other party to connect, I couldn’t help but sweat on my forehead and my heart beating faster.

“Hey! This is the headquarters of the Eighth Guards Division! Please tell me something!” Political commissar Yegorov’s voice came from the other end of the microphone, calming my mood, at least the division headquarters. It’s safe and sound. I opened my mouth and just wanted to talk. Suddenly, I felt that my nose was sour, and tears rolled in my eyes. I quickly closed my mouth and did not dare to speak. I was afraid that I would cry as soon as I spoke.

“Hey!…Hey!…” The other side gave two feeds, and fell silent when I didn’t speak. Then the other party seemed to have noticed something, and then asked tentatively: “Lida, is that you?”

“Comrade Political Commissar, it’s me! Is everything okay in the teacher?” I pinched my nose and tried to control my emotions.

“Very good! Very good! General Leviakin has led the 1077 regiment to withdraw safely from the city, and is taking a rest with the 1075 regiment.” The political commissar said with excitement, “Although General Leviakin got The news said that you might be in the 7th Guards Division, but since the news has not been confirmed, we are still organizing a search….”

“It’s okay! I’m fine, thank you for your concern.” I quickly comforted the political commissar and said: “I was rescued by soldiers of the Seventh Guards Division when I broke through, and I am currently in their division headquarters.”

“Do you need me to send someone to pick you up?” the political commissar asked with concern.

“No.” I politely rejected his kindness, and asked: “Is General Leviakin here?”

“Yes, yes, wait, I’ll let him answer the phone right away.” Then I heard the political commissar shouting Leviakin over the microphone. After a while, another familiar voice sounded in the microphone: “Hello, comrade teacher! I’m Leviakin, how are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you!” I can hear Leviakin’s voice, and my mood becomes more at ease. “After breaking up last night, I have been worried about you. I don’t know if you can safely lead the troops to highlight the German army. Encirclement. Just now I heard the soldier Grisa talk about the battle last night, knowing that you are safe and sound, I feel at ease.”

“Comrade commander, we are also very worried about your safety. After dawn, when I was commanding troops to fight the enemy, I also sent people to the city to search for your whereabouts, but only the bodies of some soldiers who were responsible for protecting your safety were found. , Made us even more worried that you were in danger. Later, after meeting with the 7th Guards Division, I heard their commanders say that they had seen you before, so I sent Guard Grisa to follow them to find you….”

“Okay, don’t say it!” I couldn’t wait to interrupt him, “I will rush back to the division as soon as possible. I will talk about other things when I go back. Also, during my absence, you are up to you. Acting as a teacher.”

“Yes!” Leviakin agreed very simply.

Putting down the phone, I looked at Colonel Lin and said, “The current situation is not optimistic. I want to go back to my division immediately. I wonder if the two can arrange a car for me?”

“No problem, I’ll make arrangements right away!” The colonel said as he walked to the door, he shouted outside: “Second Lieutenant Kapifo, you should find a car right away, and Comrade Lieutenant Colonel should leave immediately.” Then he walked again. Come to me and say: “Wait a moment, the car will arrive soon.”

Lin always sat at the table, staring at the map without speaking. I looked at him and wanted to ask him what he thought of the future situation. Seeing his expression, I hesitated for a while and didn’t speak any more.

However, the silence in the room was quickly broken, and Mr. Lin said: “Lida, I think you should be prepared for the deployment of troops when you go back and organize defenses, so as not to be caught off guard.”

“Transfer?!” I asked a little puzzled: “Where to move?”

“It’s here!” President Lin slapped his hand on the map, and said confidently: “Istria!” He looked up at me: “Although General Rokosovsky’s retreat plan was Zhukov vetoed it, but judging from the current situation, it will be sooner or later for the 16th Army to retreat to the Istrian region. If you are not ready now, when you suddenly receive an order, the troops may also fall into chaos, so You have to plan ahead and prepare early. Understand?”

“Understood! I know it in my heart!” I have no doubts about Lin’s words. There is still half a month before the big counterattack. During this period, anything can happen. Make preparations for retreat in advance, so as not to receive them temporarily. After the order, the troops fell into chaos, turning the retreat into a rout was not worth the gain.

At this time, Lieutenant Kabifo’s voice came from outside: “Comrade Commander, the car is ready.”

We walked out of the command car together and saw another brand new jeep parked outside. The colonel thought I had never seen this kind of vehicle, and he specifically introduced me: “This is a jeep, a new type of vehicle aided by American allies. It has strong off-road performance and is suitable for driving on bad terrain.”

Grisa was driving. He used to be a bus driver before joining the army. He has a wealth of driving experience, so I declined the colonel to arrange a driver for us. In fact, I don’t need a driver arranged by the colonel, and I have my own little abacus in my heart. If the driver of the Seventh Division is asked to take us off, he will have to drive the car back when he arrives at the destination. And if we use our own people as drivers, we can justify the car as our own in the end.

I sat in the passenger seat, and Ramis had to sit in the back seat. Before driving, I was going to ask Grisa: “Gritha, do you know the road?”

“No problem, comrade teacher.” Grisa replied confidently: “I have been a bus driver, the best thing is to remember the route, as long as I walked once, I can find it.”

Chief Lin, Shi Zhe, and the colonel outside the car I waved goodbye, then turned around and said to Grisa: “Okay, let’s drive!”

Although the off-road performance of the jeep is good, it is still very bumpy even when driving on a road that is bumped by bombs and shells. I leaned my head on the back of my chair and closed my eyes to rest.

“Comrade Master,” Ramis’s puzzled voice suddenly came from his ear: “I think something is wrong, there seems to be someone in the woods ahead!”

I opened my eyes and looked around and found nothing unusual. I felt a little dissatisfied with Ramis who disturbed my rest but it was not easy to attack, so I said in a nonchalant tone: “I didn’t see it. Who, are you dazzled?”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” Before my words fell, a series of explosions sounded around the car, and the smoke that rose instantly blocked our sight.

“It’s the enemy!” Ramis suddenly yelled, and quickly put the submachine gun in his hand on the car window.

“Get off the road and drive into the forest.” I shouted into Grisa’s ear. Grisa slammed the steering wheel almost as I yelled, and drove the car aside.

I didn’t drive far away from the main road. There were still artillery shells falling on both sides of the road. The air wave rolled up by the explosion turned the car forward and backward and closed. The windshield was shattered by scattered shrapnel and stone fragments, giving a warmth. The choking smell of gunpowder rushed into the car.

“Hurry! Hurry! Drive the car into the forest!” Ramis yelled and shot blindly into the smoke.

rushed forward for several tens of meters. The jeep that had rushed into the forest got rid of the smoke that obstructed the line of sight, and continued to rush toward the forest with full power. Ramis changed the magazine and said loudly: “It must be a small German army. They are attacking us with mortars.” After changing the magazine, he freed his right hand and patted Grisa’s shoulder, saying: “Continue to the direction of the division headquarters, as long as we enter our own area, these German devils are not a concern.”

The car drove forward in the forest for another five or six minutes, and then it came to a large forest with relatively few trees. There are a dozen green tents scattered in the woods, and there are sporadic military activities among them. I recognized at a glance, this is the location of my division headquarters Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at

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