Burning Moscow

Chapter 147

146 Returning to the City to Heal

As soon as the car stopped, Ramis opened the door and jumped down, heading straight for the headquarters.

I looked at Ramis’s impatience, and couldn’t help feeling secretly funny, turned my head and said to Grisa who was driving: “I’ll get off here, you go find a place to park the car.”

“Then this car is not returned to the 7th Guards Division?” Grisa didn’t hear what I said, and was still asking foolishly.

I patted his shoulder with my right hand, smiled and said, “Do you know why I would refuse Colonel Griaznov to send us a driver?”

He looked at me suspiciously, frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly realized: “Oh, I understand. If they send us a driver, the car will be driven back by their driver. If we drive back by ourselves. , You don’t need to send them back.”

I followed Leviakin’s way, slapped him on the back of the head, and said with a smile: “You fool, I just want to understand now. Don’t hurry up and find a place to park the car, remember to change the window glass. Oh.” After speaking, he opened the door and jumped out.

“Understood, comrade commander.” Grisa promised, and the car rushed forward as soon as he stepped on the accelerator.

I walked to the division headquarters, a sentry suddenly emerged from behind the tree, took me a closer look, and immediately shouted excitedly: “Are you a comrade division commander?”

“Yes, I am Oshanina, the commander of the Eighth Guards Division, your immediate superior.” When I returned to my turf, I felt very happy, so I couldn’t help but joked with the sentry.

The sentry took a step forward, stood at attention and saluted me, and reported: “Report to Comrade Commander, the soldier Gerlia is standing guard and is responsible for the security of the division headquarters. Please give instructions!”

“Continue on duty!” After I paid the salute, I continued to walk towards the division headquarters.

Ten meters away from the headquarters, I saw political commissar Yegorov stepping out of the shelter, followed by General Leviakin and Ramis who had just reported to him. Seeing them going out to greet me, I quickly speeded up and greeted me.

We stopped at a distance of two or three steps. Regardless of my status, I stood up and saluted the political commissar. Although my nose was sour, I tried to squeeze out a smile and said, “Comrade Political Commissar, hello! I’m back.”

The political commissar also refused to pay back the gift. He hugged me tightly when he came up, patted me on the back lightly with his hand, and said in a choked voice, “Just come back, just come back. In the few hours you have disappeared. , But it worries us badly. We have lost a respected teacher two days ago, and I don’t want to lose another one so quickly.”

As soon as the political commissar released me, General Leviakin stepped forward and hugged me again, using so much force that in addition to making me feel a little breathless, I also vaguely felt that the wound on my shoulder had opened again. At this time, I hate Lao Maozi’s etiquette. When they meet, hugging is as common as our handshake, and the harder they use, the more affection they are.

I finally returned to the command post. As soon as I sat down at the table and ignored the greetings, I opened the door and asked Leviakin: “Comrade General, how many people did the 1077 regiment withdraw from the city?”

Leviakin happily told me that at least 1,500 people followed him out of the city.

I felt very sad when I heard this. I remember that when I went to the city yesterday, Leviakin told me that there were nearly 3,000 people in his regiment, but now only half of them have been withdrawn. I sighed and said flatly: “So, in yesterday’s battle, we had the same number of soldiers sacrificed.”

“That’s it,” Leviakin did not evade the question, and honestly admitted this reality, “but we persisted in the city for another day, and eliminated a large number of enemies, which hindered their advance to Moscow. ”

Listening to the faint sound of guns coming from outside, I grumbled: “But the price is too great!”

“This is war,” the political commissar said, “In order to defend our country and our great capital, no matter how big the sacrifice is, it is worth it.”

“How is the situation with the other two regiments?” I then asked.

“The situation is not bad. The 1075 regiment is resting in the forest. After the 1073 regiment built a new line of defense outside the city, it has repeatedly repelled the German offensive.” It was Leviakin who introduced the situation, although he only helped me as an agent. I have been a teacher for a few hours, but he knows everything in the teacher well.

A thought came to my mind. The defense in the city has been taken over by the 7th Guards Division. The pressure on our division has been greatly reduced. After repeated attacks by the Germans, the officers and soldiers have become very tired. I can lead the rested 1075 regiment to launch an offensive against the Germans. I don’t know what the outcome will be.

But I quickly dispelled this unrealistic idea. You must know that without the cover of aviation and artillery, these thousands of people rashly launched an offensive against the well-equipped and well-trained German army, even if it can get a certain amount in the early stage. The result of the battle, but it will soon fall into the encirclement of the German army, maybe it will end in annihilation.

While I was thinking about it, the phone on the desk rang. The political commissar picked it up and listened, then handed me the microphone, and whispered: “It’s a call from the commander of the group army, General Rokosovsky.”

I picked up the microphone and said nervously, “Hello, Comrade Commander! I’m Oshanina.” I beat the drums in my heart. I don’t know what will happen if the commander calls me at this time. To know that I left the troops last night and broke through. If Leviakin’s luck was not for the help of the 7th Guards Division, they might have been wiped out. I don’t know if the commander knew about the fact that I had left the troops to escape, and specifically called Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

“Lida,” Rokosovsky’s voice was very steady, and it didn’t seem to have the slightest taste of post-autumn settling. “I’m glad you can return to your own headquarters alive. How is the injury?”

I smiled bitterly and said, “It’s still the same, the wound hasn’t healed for a long time, and the left hand can’t move freely.”

The opponent was silent for a while before a voice came over: “I asked Comrade Zhukov for instructions. He is going to let you go back to the city to heal, and wait until the injury is healed before meeting the Eighth Guards Division. Do you have any comments?”

“I obey the arrangement of my superiors.” Although he was asking for my opinion, I knew very well in my heart that it is estimated that this matter is already a solid matter, and I cannot change the established facts whether I agree or not, but it is better to show obedience can also leave a good impression on superiors.

“Okay, then!” Rokosovsky didn’t agree with me either, and continued to ask: “Who do you think should give the command of the division to you during the time you are away?”

After hearing what he said, I felt a lot of balance in my heart. It turned out that I was not removed from my job, but I was really asked to heal my wounds. I replied almost without thinking: “I think General Leviakin is suitable for this position.”

“That’s it. You take a rest first, and you will leave for Moscow early tomorrow morning. Be safe on the road. Good luck!” After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for me to express my opinion.

Putting aside the phone, the political commissar asked with concern: “What did the commander say?”

“Let me go back to Moscow tomorrow to treat my injuries.” After I said this, I turned my face to Leviakin, and said solemnly: “General Leviakin, the commander of the division during this period of my absence The right is handed over to you, and I hope you will not let me down.”

Leviakin stood up abruptly, gave me a military salute, and said loudly, “Comrade commander, please rest assured! As long as there is one person in the Eighth Guards Division, we will never let even a German army come from us. The line of defense was swaggered through.”

Seeing his attitude, I nodded in satisfaction, sat down again, and after greeting him to sit down, I started chatting with him: “Comrade General, can you tell me about the fighting in the city last night? Risa said it once, but it was not very detailed. I want to hear you say it again.”

“No problem, as long as you are interested, I will tell you.” Leviakin agreed to my request very readily.

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