Burning Moscow

Chapter 1561

Chapter 1560 Zhukov’s accusation

Stalin and Zhukov shook hands and said politely: “Comrade Zhukov, you are welcome to come back from the front!” The meeting can begin.”

After Antonov was seated, Stalin, who presided over the meeting, glanced at Poskerbeshev, who was sitting next to him in charge of recording, and then slowly said: “Since everyone is here, then we shall have a meeting now. Comrade Zhukov. “He first turned his gaze to Zhukov, “It’s up to you to talk about your views on the Ukraine campaign.”

Zhukov heard Stalin’s order, nodded, stood up, looked at Konev sitting across from him, and said: “Our offensive campaign in Ukraine, especially the progress in the direction of Lviv, is not As expected by the front commander and the Supreme Command.

Here, I want to talk about reconnaissance, an extremely important factor for war. As we all know, reconnaissance intelligence and correct analysis of reconnaissance intelligence are the basis for judging the situation, making determination, and formulating a campaign plan. If our reconnaissance fails to provide correct intelligence, or we make mistakes in analyzing intelligence, then the determination made by the leaders and headquarters at all levels will not be correct. The consequence is that the course of the battle will not be as it was at the beginning. It went as smoothly as expected.

As far as I know, when preparing for the battle in the direction of Lviv, the reconnaissance department of the Ukrainian First Front Army failed to find out all the enemy’s defensive systems, and did not find the battle reserve of the German command, especially its Armored tank troops. Therefore, the leaders of the front army did not anticipate that they might encounter the enemy’s counter assault in the process of breaking through the enemy’s defense.

Due to insufficient research on the enemy’s firepower allocation, the artillery fire preparation and aviation preparation plans formulated have major shortcomings. As we all know, artillery and aviation can only ensure good results if they precisely aim at the target, instead of shooting and dropping bombs on the area or the conceived target. Area shooting and area bombing cannot destroy the enemy’s defense system.

The situation in the direction of Lviv is exactly like this: a lot of shells were fired, but the results were not obtained. In order to recognize the mistakes made in preparing for this battle, an important issue must also be involved. This is the issue of tanks guiding infantry to launch an attack and attack. As we all know, infantry is susceptible to damage by enemy defensive fire during offensive. The enemy’s machine guns and artillery that have not been eliminated in our army’s artillery preparations, the tanks and permanent launch points concealed in the fortifications, are enough to suppress our attacking infantry, but they cannot advance forward. In this case, the tank that accompanies the infantry can play a major role. It can use its own firepower to suppress enemy fire weapons that have been preserved after artillery fire preparation. At that time, all of this was not fully considered. …”

Zhukov’s words are harsh, but they accurately support the problems exposed by our front army in the offensive campaign. For example, errors in battle preparations, that is, poor reconnaissance, misjudgment, flaws in firepower preparation, and lack of coordination between tanks and tanks. It is the existence of these problems that led to our defeat in Lviv at the beginning of the campaign. I wrote down all these things Zhukov said in detail in my notebook to prevent similar mistakes from being made in future offensive campaigns.

When Zhukov was criticized and accused, Konev’s face was red and white. Have the intention to defend yourself, but because you didn’t get Stalin’s permission, you can only keep silent. I secretly looked at Konev, who looked unnaturally, and thought: “If Stalin is not here, maybe he and Zhukov blushed and argued roughly.”

After Stalin waited for Zhukov to finish talking, he nodded and said in agreement: “Comrade Zhukov made a very reasonable analysis.” Then he asked Konev sideways, “Comrade Konev, do you have anything to add?”

“Yes, Comrade Stalin,” Konev heard Stalin’s question and asked politely, “Can I talk about my opinion?”

After obtaining Stalin’s permission, he stood up, first explained Zhukov’s same view on how to use tanks, and used his own action to put the 3rd Guards Tank Army into the breakthrough and break through the German defense to prove his support for the use of tanks. Correct understanding of infantry.

While Zhukov believed that his front army command department had made a wrong accusation, he defended it. He looked at Zhukov and said: “Comrade Zhukov, I disagree with what you just said. For example, the enemy’s counter-assault on the 38th Army’s breakthrough was the result of miscalculations by the head of the front army, the head of the army, or one of the campaign plans error.

You must know that the German fascist command adopted the usual method of mobile reserve forces, and carried out counter-assaults against the offensive troops of our front army in an attempt to disrupt our offensive. They had no other way but to do so. There are countless examples of this in the First World War The logic of war is like this. ”

I thought Konev would openly admit his shortcomings in the early stages of the battle, but I did not expect that he was making sophistry, and what he said was so pale and weak, it made me, the deputy commander of the army, also feel embarrassed. , I can’t wait to find a hole in it.

Stalin raised his right hand and pressed it down, motioned Konev to sit down, then looked at me and said unhurriedly: “Lida, according to the information I have, the first to attack the German 1st and 8th Armored Divisions The counterattack was the 18th Guards Infantry Corps.”

“Yes, Comrade Stalin, you are right.” Seeing Stalin talking to me, I quickly got up from my seat and replied: “The main attacker is the new division of the army. They took the lead in launching a counter-assault. , Successfully defeated the two armored regiments of the German army. After dawn, Marshal Konev dispatched the 2nd Army of the Air Force, and the 3rd Army of Guards Tanks of General Rebarko launched a comprehensive counterattack, which severely damaged the Germans. These two armored divisions saved the crisis.”

After hearing my answer, Stalin nodded slightly and turned his gaze to Konev again. He smiled and said to him: “Comrade Konev, our troops originally deployed in the Carpathian Mountains have accepted the task. Hold on to the occupied area and prepare to turn to the offensive in the direction of Stanislav. Now that we have an advantage in the direction of Lviv, do you think we should consider letting the troops in this area also enter the battle?”

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