Burning Moscow

Chapter 1562

Chapter 1561 Liberation of Chelm

In the next few days, the troops belonging to the front army were progressing smoothly, and they quickly advanced to the border of the Soviet Union. Among them, the most dazzling performance was Katukov’s 1st Guards Army.

At noon on July 20, General Katukov called the headquarters, and he reported to Konev excitedly: “Comrade Marshal, I am honored to report to you that my vanguard has gone well. The land has crossed the border of the Soviet Union and is advancing into Poland.”

“What, Comrade Katukov, what did you say?” When he heard Katukov’s report, Konev couldn’t believe his ears. He shouted into the microphone: “You repeat what you just said. Again.”

In fact, no matter it was me, even Sokolovsky and Krenyukov who stood on the side heard Katukov’s report clearly. We walked a few steps towards Konev in unison, wanting to be careful. Listen to Katukov’s report.

Just listen to Katukov on the other end of the phone, repeating his words aloud: “Comrade Marshal, I am hungry. The vanguard has successfully crossed the border of the Soviet Union and is advancing into Poland.”

“Comrade Katukov, I congratulate you.” Konev said excitedly after listening to Katukov’s report: “Please express my gratitude to your subordinates for me because of their tenacious fighting. , We can break through the German defense line so smoothly and advance to the border of Poland.”

“Comrade Marshal, ask which Polish city is the nearest to them?” Just as Konev was overjoyed, Krenyukov reminded him from the side: “If possible, you can concentrate your forces to take that city first.”

Regarding Kreinyukov’s proposal, Konev nodded, and then asked into the microphone: “Comrade Katukov, which city is the nearest city to your troops at the moment?”

“Chelm.” Katukov replied clearly: “It’s Chelm, a city in the Lublin province in southeastern Poland.”

“I know.” Konev decisively ordered: “General Katukov, the task I give you now is to concentrate all your troops and take Chehum down for me. Understand?”

“Understood, Comrade Marshal.” Katukov vowedly promised: “I will surely take down Chelm in the shortest time. Don’t worry.”

Konev put down the phone and looked at us around him, without speaking for a long time. In the end, Sokolovsky was the first to break the silence. He asked dubiously: “Comrade Marshal, our troops have reached the border of the Soviet Union and successfully entered the territory of Poland.”

Konev closed his eyes and nodded vigorously, and said in an excited voice that changed a little bit: “It’s been three years, and our troops have finally returned to the Su-Poland border.”

Military Commissioner Krenyukov suggested to Konev: “Comrade Marshal, this incident should be reported to Moscow immediately. I believe Comrade Stalin must be happy to hear such news.”

“Yes, that’s right, Comrade Military Commissioner, you are right, you should tell Comrade Stalin the good news immediately.” After speaking, Konev grabbed the high-frequency phone on the table again, dialed a number and said: “I’m Konev, get me Moscow.”

After the call was connected, the first thing that came out of the receiver was Poskrebeshev’s voice: “Hello, Marshal Konev! I’m Poskrebeshev, what can I do for you?”

“Hello, Poskrebeshev.” Konev asked in a friendly tone: “I have something important and need to report to Comrade Stalin immediately. Can you transfer the call for me?”

I thought Poskrebeshev would transfer the call immediately, but he did not expect that he said embarrassingly: “Stalin is talking with comrades from Poland. I don’t think it is appropriate to transfer the call at this time.”

“Comrade Poskrebeshev, please be sure to turn the phone in.” Although Konev touched a soft nail, he still resolutely said: “I have important news, and I must report it to Comrade Stalin immediately. .”

Poskrebeshev hesitated for a moment, and finally replied: “Well, Marshal Konev, I will help you transfer the call.”

After a while, Stalin heard a voice of dissatisfaction from the earpiece: “Comrade Konev, I am talking with comrades from Poland. Do you have any important things?”

Konev waited for Stalin to finish, and immediately said with a smile on his face: “Comrade Stalin, I have good news to report to you: Not long ago, the 1st Guards Tank Army of General Katukov, It has successfully broken through the German defenses, crossed our borders, and entered Poland.”

“What, our troops have entered Poland?” Stalin was also stunned by the sudden good news. He asked with suspicion: “Comrade Konev, has this news been confirmed?”

Regarding Stalin’s prudence, Konev replied earnestly: “This was reported to me by General Katukov himself. I think it should be true. His troops are currently advancing towards Chełm.”

“This is really exciting and good news, Comrade Konev.” After Comrade Stalin said this, there was no sound in the receiver. According to my experience, Stalin should have covered the microphone with his hand. The Polish representatives who talked report this good news.

After a while, Stalin’s voice came out of the receiver again: “Comrade Konev, please tell General Katukov that Chełm must be liberated today anyway. Are there any difficulties?”

Although Katukov’s tank army has entered Poland, when it will be able to capture Chełm is still unknown. But now that Stalin had issued such an order, Konev could only bite the bullet and replied: “Don’t worry, Comrade Stalin, I believe that He will be taken down before dark.”

“Well, since you are so confident, then I am waiting for your good news.”

As soon as Konev put down the phone, he immediately told Sokolovsky: “The chief of staff, call Krasovsky, the commander of the 2nd Army of the Air Force, and order him to prepare to dispatch the air force to carry out the bombing of Chełm www. At the same time, the other troops who were ordered to go to the Polish border quickly moved closer to Katukov’s troops.”

Chełm is just a small city. I use Katukov’s 1st Guard Tank Army to attack. I feel a bit like slaughtering chickens with a sledgehammer. If you really transfer a few more divisions, let’s not talk about it. Tens of thousands of troops trampled on them, all the Germans here were trampled to death.

But before we could take these preparatory measures, Katukov called again and reported to Konev emotionally: “Comrade Marshal, when my vanguard arrived in Chełm, there was no enemy outside the city. After fighting with us, we abandoned the city and fled. Now we have successfully occupied the city.”

“Great, Comrade Katukov, this is really great.” Hearing the good news, Konev smiled. A few minutes ago, he was worried that Stalin’s task would not be completed, and he was still making arrangements. Dispatch matters. A few minutes later, I got the good news that the city had been liberated. Therefore, he said boldly: “I want to honor the first troops to rush into Chełm, and give them the honorary title of’Khalm Troops’.”

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