Burning Moscow

Chapter 1565

Chapter 1564 Capture Lviv (Part 1)

In the early morning of the second day, the forces of Rebarko, Lelyushenko and Baranov carried out the final general offensive against the besieged Brod group under the powerful firepower of the air force.

Because the German army was at a disadvantage in terms of military strength and technical equipment, and did not have air supremacy, although they carried out a stubborn defense, they still did not escape the fate of annihilation in the end.

In the evening, Rebalko called Konev. He said excitedly on the phone: “Comrade Marshal, after a day of fierce fighting, the German Broad Group no longer exists. According to rough statistics, our army has annihilated more than 30,000 enemies and captured 17,000 German soldiers. The remaining people, including two division commanders. At the same time, more than 1,100 artillery pieces of various calibers, 1,500 vehicles and many other military materials were seized.”

“Good job, Rebarko.” Konev smiled and said into the microphone: “Please express my gratitude to all the commanders and fighters for me. They succeeded in smashing the German Broad Group.”

“This is what we should do, Comrade Marshal.” Rebarko asked carefully after a moment’s pause, “Is there an official attack on Lviv tomorrow?”

“That’s right,” Konev said, nodding his head: “According to the battle plan we just made, after the battle to attack Lviv starts, your army will be from the northwest and west, Lelyushenko’s tank No. 4 The group army detoured from the south, while Kurochkin’s 60th Army carried out an assault from the east, and Moskalenko’s 38th Army attacked the southern part of Lviv from Peremeshli.”

“Comrade Marshal,” Rebarko assured Konev immediately after hearing Konev’s arrangements, “My troops will be the first to rush into Lviv.”

“Very well, since you have such confidence, then I am here waiting for your good news.” After Konev finished the call with Rebarko, he turned and told Sokolovsky: “Chief of Staff, here The three other commanders of the Army Group besides Rebarko called and asked them to take a day off tomorrow and wait until the morning of the day after tomorrow to officially launch the offensive against Lviv.”


In the early morning of July 24th, our army carried out violent shelling on the outskirts of the German positions on the outskirts of Lviv.

After the shelling began, we received calls from four commanders who participated in the group army. They all said in unison that the German positions were being hit by heavy artillery shelling by our artillery and intensive bombardment by the air force. The positions were everywhere. It is the dazzling fireball and the smoke of gunpowder.

But it was not until after our troops rushed into Lviv to interrogate the captured prisoners that the outlying positions that had been shelled and bombed by us for an hour and a half were empty, and all the German troops had withdrawn to the first place. The second line of defense did not even leave an observation post. After our army’s artillery and bombing ceased, they returned to the forefront from the second line of defense to stop the attack launched by our army.

After the shelling and bombing, the 3rd Army of Rebarko’s Guards Tanks attacked Lviv from the west and northwest at the same time. However, they were stubbornly resisted by the Germans. After the troops suffered heavy casualties, they were forced to Back to the starting position.

In the entire morning of the battle, not only Rebarko’s offensive was frustrated, but even the attacks launched by Lelyushenko, Kurochkin and Moskalenko from the other two directions did not make any progress.

After receiving the report that the progress was not going well, Sokolovsky was a little anxious. He looked at Konev walking around in the headquarters and asked: “Comrade Marshal, it seems that the German defense forces in the city It’s very strong. Do you want the troops to withdraw first, and then shelling and bombing the enemy’s positions again?”

“No, let them continue the offensive.” Konev said angrily as he walked back and forth: “The four armies launched an offensive at the same time. For a whole morning, it was a shame that the Germans did not even touch the sides of the outer positions of the Germans. !”

“Comrade Marshal,” I asked cautiously, “Since our army is currently frustrated in the offensive, do you think it is necessary to make corresponding adjustments in deployment?”

“Well, it makes sense, we need to adjust our deployment.” Konev stopped, looked at Sokolovsky and said: “The Chief of Staff, immediately notify Rebarko to stop the offensive temporarily. After leaving two tank brigades and two motorized infantry battalions in the lot, the main force bypassed the Yanov Forest area and advanced to the Yavorov region, cutting off the German Lviv Group to Yaroslaw and Pele. Meshli’s traffic line.”

“Comrade Marshal, if Rebarko is asked to stop the offensive, then our troops will have to attack Lviv from the east and the south.” Sokolovsky asked a little nervously: “Such an attack. In the coming days, the German army can move the troops from the north and west to these two directions, and the resistance encountered by the other three armies will become more tenacious.”

“Chief of Staff, you are worrying too much.” Konev said confidently: “As long as Rebarko leaves enough troops to serve as a guard to form a deterrent to the Germans, they dare not mobilize the north and west casually. The troops facing each other will reinforce the attacked area. In this way, we can let the two air force groups take charge of one direction and use three-dimensional fortifications to seize the city.”

I considered that if the troops were to retreat to the starting point of the offensive and wait for the artillery preparation and bombing again before launching an offensive, not only would time be wasted, but the results would not be great, so I suggested to Konev: “Comrade Marshal, I think the troops Before the attack, there was no need to conduct special artillery fire preparations and bombings. Instead, artillery fire suppression was adopted, and tanks accompany the infantry to charge to attack the German outer positions.”

Regarding my proposal, Konev considered for a while, and adopted a compromise: the artillery first shelled the outer positions of the German army. Ten minutes later, the artillery fire extended, and our troops launched a charge under the guidance of tanks.

After a few hours of rest, the east and south troops attacked Lviv again in the afternoon. As the Germans did not expect that we would suddenly change our tactics, the forward position that was bombarded was still empty, so the 4th Tank Army to the south of the city was the first to approach Lviv. The 10th Guards Tank Corps, which opened its way in front, quickly surpassed the German first line of defense, and quickly rushed to the German second line of defense with lightning speed.

The enemy in the second line of defense is being hit by our army’s extended artillery fire and is suppressed in the trenches and cannot move. When they found that our tanks were rushing forward like a whirlwind, before they had time to make any response, these tanks had crossed the trenches one after another and rushed directly to the city of Lviv.

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