Burning Moscow

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1565 Capture Lviv (middle)

Although we are facing the German army that has already begun to go downhill, they still retain their proficient technical and tactical level and tenacious combat effectiveness. We saw our army’s tanks rushing into the urban-rural junction one after another, and those deployed in the streets and houses. His anti-tank weapon fired.

The first few tanks were destroyed by German anti-tank fire, blocking the path of those following tanks. Seeing that the situation was not good for him, the commander of the tank unit was afraid that many tanks would become targets of German anti-tank fighters if they stayed on the street, and quickly ordered the troops to withdraw from the city.

Seeing that the attack on Lviv was not going well, Konev was anxiously spinning back and forth in the headquarters, while Sokolovsky stood helplessly beside him in a daze. I got up from my seat and said to Konev, who was pacing back and forth: “Comrade Marshal, please allow me to go to the front of Lviv.”

“Go to the front of Lviv?” Konev stopped, glanced at me with a strange look, shook his head and said: “No, this is definitely not possible. Lida, don’t forget, Ukrainian First Front Army The two former commanders and deputy commanders were all accidents during the inspection on the front line. I absolutely cannot let you take this risk.”

“Comrade Oshanina, Marshal Konev is right.” As soon as Konev had finished speaking, Krenyukov agreed: “The front line is too dangerous. If there is something wrong with you, what can we do? The superior explained it.”

As soon as my proposal was put forward, it was opposed by everyone. Although I knew in my heart that they were all thinking about my safety, I still reluctantly said to Konev: “Comrade Marshal, I have been on the front line for the past few years and know how to protect myself. I will go to the front line this time. , There won’t be any problems, so don’t worry.”

After I said this, Konev did not immediately express any opinions, but fell into deep thought. Seeing his reaction, I knew there was room for a turnaround, and quickly said, “The troops attacking Lviv are distributed under the four armies of the army and lack a unified command. It is easy for them to be independent. Therefore, I think I can go to the front to personally command these troops so that I can take Lviv as soon as possible.”

“Comrade Marshal,” as soon as I finished speaking, before Konev could express his opinion, Sokolovsky interrupted and said: “I don’t think Oshanina should be allowed to go to the front. It is too dangerous. We There is no right to let her take this risk.”

After listening to Sokolovsky’s words, Konev fixed his gaze on him for a long time, then said: “Comrade Chief of Staff, you should be very clear that we have been directing the battle based on the information reported on the front. Yes. And some of this information has lost the timeliness in the process of reporting at various levels, so that we sometimes make wrong decisions. In the current situation, the frontline does need a person who can coordinate the various forces. As the commander of joint operations, I am not suitable for this candidate, nor are you suitable, so we can only delegate this burden to Lida to complete.”

Seeing that Konev had agreed to let me go to the front, Sokolovsky did not raise any objections. Konev walked in front of me, put his hands on my shoulders, patted twice lightly, and said: “Lida, you set off overnight and go to the 4th Army of Lelyushenko’s tanks. There he commanded several group armies to attack Lviv.”

I originally planned to take the jeep to go, but Konev said that he was worried about encountering enemy stragglers on the road, so he sent three armored vehicles to **** me to the headquarters of Lelyushenko’s group army overnight.

It is more than two hundred kilometers from Rivne to the south of Lviv. Because the road is not easy to walk, it took us a full eight hours to reach the destination. However, in the command of the group army, I did not see Lelyushenko, only his chief of staff. The Chief of Staff reported to me respectfully that Comrade Commander was in the headquarters of the 10th Guards Tank Corps.

When I arrived at the headquarters of the 10th Guards Tank Corps, Lelyushenko, who was informed, came out with a group of commanders to welcome me. After a brief greeting, he began to introduce me to the commander who followed him: “Comrade Deputy Commander, let me introduce to you, Major General Belov Tank Corps, commander of the 10th Guards Tank.”

“Hello, General Belov.” After I shook hands with Belov, I fixed my eyes on a tall commander nearby and asked curiously: “I don’t know who this commander is?”

Hearing my question, the tall commander hurriedly stepped forward and straightened his body and reported to me: “Report to the deputy commander of the front army. I am Colonel Yefimov, commander of the 29th Brigade of the Guards Motorized Infantry. ”

When I shook hands with Yefimov, Lelyushenko added: “Comrade Deputy Commander, the troops of Colonel Yefimov successfully rushed into the city last night. Although they ended up in the German army. Under the counterattack, he withdrew from Lviv, but at this moment there are still several combat teams still engaged in fierce fighting in the city.”

“Oh, there are still a few combat teams engaged in fierce battles in the city?” Lelyushenko’s words surprised me a bit. I thought the troops had lost the siege and all the troops were driven out of the city by the Germans. , Who knows that there are still a small number of people left in the city.

“Comrade Colonel, let’s talk about the situation.” I asked Yefimov, who was a head taller than me.

Before Yefimov could speak, Lelyushenko rushed and said, “Lida, this is not a place to talk. Let’s go to the headquarters.”

After we entered the headquarters, I couldn’t wait to ask Yefimov: “Comrade Colonel, please report to me in detail now.”

Yefimov hesitated to cast his gaze to Lelyushenko. After seeing the opponent slightly nodded, he began to report to me: “Comrade Deputy Commander, this is the situation. The 63rd Guards Brigade attacked. After being repelled by the German army, I quickly organized the first and second motorized battalions and attacked the city again. The troops that rushed into the city were counterattacked by the Germans and were driven out, but the second battalion The two platoons were still in the city. Half an hour ago, our observer in front of us called and said that we could vaguely hear gunfire from the city.”

“How many people are left in these two platoons?” I then asked.

“One of the platoons has 15 people left, and the platoon leader is Sergeant Hudyakov.” Yefimov said dryly: “There is another platoon that has temporarily lost contact with us, but according to our understanding, they Still fighting tenaciously.”

“What kind of person is that platoon leader?” I heard that there are only two incomplete platoons in the city, and my heart is cold again. Under the heavy siege of the enemy, the two platoons can play a limited role. But in order to prevent them from seeing the disappointment on my face, I still pretended to ask calmly: “Facing the enemy’s siege, he will not waver, will he?”

After looking at Lelyushenko again, Yefimov replied affirmatively: “Don’t worry, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army, I dare to use my life as a guarantee, no matter how many enemies besieged, Sergeant Hudyakov. They will not show the slightest sway.”

After listening to Yefimov’s reply, I couldn’t help being amused: “Comrade Colonel, do you have such confidence in your subordinates?”

“Yes.” Hearing that I had doubts about his own subordinates, Yefimov’s face showed an unhappy expression, but he still politely said to me: “Comrade Deputy Commander, you may not know In the March battle, Sergeant Hudyakov destroyed four German tanks alone, killing 30 German soldiers, and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.”

Knowing that Hudyakov had won the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, I suddenly felt more at ease. As long as there are such fighters, they will be able to continue fighting in the most difficult environment. I turned to look at Lelyushenko and asked, “General Lelyushenko, what are your plans?”

“Naturally continue to attack.” Lelyushenko quickly replied: “Before you arrive, we are studying the offensive plan.”

“Did you find anything?”

“I plan to order the 62nd and 63rd Guards Tank Brigade to attack from the south of the city again.” Lelyushenko pointed to the map in front of me and introduced to me: “As long as we seize the Liberty Avenue in the south of the city, Enter the entrance and establish an offensive starting position here, our tanks can be pushed directly to the north of the city along the street.”

Fortunately, I learned something about Lviv from Konev and Krenyukov before coming here. Otherwise, the plan proposed by Lelyushenko at this moment will definitely make me confused. After Lelyushenko finished speaking, I nodded and said, “It makes sense. The north and south lines of Liberty Avenue run through the north and south of Lviv. As long as we can establish an offensive position here, we can only move forward smoothly to the north. . But what you have to pay attention to is, “I pointed my hand in the middle of Lviv, and emphasized: “In the center of the city, there are the Opera House and the Shevchenko Memorial. Try not to destroy it during the battle.”

“Understood, Comrade Deputy Commander.” Belov said in an interface, “We will pay attention to it during the battle.”

“General Belov, time is almost up.” Lelyushenko looked at his watch and urged Belov: “You can let the troops attack Lviv.”

While Belov was arranging the offensive issues with several of his brigade commanders, I pulled Lelyushenko aside and asked: “Comrade General, I would like to ask, the 38th Army of General Moskalenko is in What position?”

“It’s still in the Nikolaev area, 30 kilometers away from Lviv.” Lelyushenko smiled bitterly and replied: “The Germans set up defenses in depth on their way forward, and they resisted very stubbornly. Their advancing speed is slow.”

Although Moskalenko’s 38th Army could not count on it anymore, it still needed the help of the 60th Army in the east to successfully capture Lviv. So I asked: “Comrade General, here can be a match for the 60th Army. Contact?”

“Yes.” Lelyushenko finished speaking, walked to the table, grabbed the crank of a telephone, shook it vigorously, then grabbed the earphone to his ear and said to the microphone: “Hey, Communication soldier, I am General Lelyushenko, and I will receive the headquarters of the 38th Army.”

After the phone call, Lelyushenko handed me the phone and said, “Lida, the phone is connected. General Kurochkin is waiting for your order.”

“Hello, General Kurochkin.” I greeted the opponent politely, and then directly issued the combat order: “In a while, General Lelyushenko’s troops will be from Lviv. Attack from that side. Now I order you to assemble your troops immediately and attack from the east of the city.”

“Understood, Comrade Deputy Commander.” Kurochkin didn’t say anything after hearing my order, but simply replied, “I will give the troops an offensive order immediately.”

After I introduced the call, I placed the microphone in my hand on the base of the phone. When I was about to talk, I suddenly saw Lelyushenko grabbing the crank of the phone and shaking it vigorously. Seeing me looking at him with strange eyes, he explained with a smile: “This is an old-fashioned phone. No matter if you need to shake the handle before making a call, you must shake the handle a few times after the call, otherwise the phone will remain connected. ”

When I listened to Lelyushenko’s introduction , my face turned red, because I used this old-fashioned telephone in the offices of Lelyushenko and Rokosovsky before. After hanging up, I never cranked, and I don’t know if I missed important things.

The 10th Guards Tank Army’s attack on Lviv had just begun, and Konev’s call came in. He asked straightforwardly, “Lida, how is the situation? Has the attack on Lviv begun?”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal.” I listened to the rumbling outside, and quickly replied: “General Lelyushenko’s 10th Guards Tank Corps has launched an attack from the south of Lviv. And Kuroch General Jin’s 38th Army will also launch an offensive from the east later.”

“Where is Moskalenko?” Konev listened to my report and asked, “Where are his troops?”

“General Moskalenko’s troops are now being blocked by German forces in the Nikolaev area, 30 kilometers away from Lviv.” I repeated what Lelyushenko said just now: “They are Can’t participate in the offensive launched this morning.”

“I see. If there is any progress, call me in time to report.” Konev muttered a few words and hung up the phone.

I put down the phone and thought for a while, and then said to Lelyushenko: “Comrade General, Lviv is a big city. It is only close to the two tank brigades of the 10th Guards Tank Corps to launch an attack. The strength is a bit too weak. You We must transfer other troops here as soon as possible to strengthen our army’s attacking strength.”

Lelyushenko nodded vigorously, and said, “Okay, I will give the order to let other troops gather here immediately and try to occupy Lviv as soon as possible.”

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