Burning Moscow

Chapter 1613

Chapter 1612 Victorious March (Part 1)

In order to facilitate the command of operations against Bulgaria, Zhukov specially added two offices in the building where the headquarters is located, one for the commander-in-chief of the navy, Admiral Kuznetsov, and one for the air force.

On the second day of the establishment of the office, I was ordered by Zhukov to send a document to Kuznetsov. When I walked to the door of his office, I saw that the table at the door was empty, and the officer on duty did not know where to go. Seeing this, I frowned slightly, pushed the door straight and walked in.

As soon as I walked into the room, I found someone inside. A bare-chested man was sitting on a square stool with his back to me, while Kuznetsov was standing behind him applying medicine. I only glanced at it, and could no longer look away. I saw scars of different lengths and different shades everywhere on the man’s back.

Kuznetsov heard someone enter the door and quickly stopped his work. When he turned his head, he happened to see me staring at his shirtless subordinates. He smiled at me and explained: ” Comrade Oshaninna, this is my adjutant Major Sergo. Due to the hot weather, several wounds on his body were infected. I am applying medicine to him.” After that, Kuznetsov continued to use the purple potion. Apply the wound on the back for the adjutant.

I walked to his back and examined the wounds carefully. They were almost shrapnel wounds, and then curiously asked, “Comrade Major, how did you get injured?”

Major Sergo, with his back to me, heard me questioning, and quickly replied, “Comrade General, I used to belong to the Black Sea Fleet. During the battle to defend Sevastopol, the warship I was on was ordered. The sea was blocked by artillery, and the Germans were not allowed to board 6 ships and 6. During the bombardment, the enemy dispatched planes to bombard our fleet indiscriminately. I was injured by enemy bombs during the enemy’s bombing. of.”

Although Sergo spoke an understatement, I knew in my heart that the battle must be extremely tragic. In order to cover the 6th Army fighting on the shore, the navy officers and soldiers braved the enemy’s indiscriminate bombardment and continued to stubbornly shelled the German 6th Army. The casualties were bound to be extremely heavy.

After staring at his wound for a while, I finally suffocated a sentence: “Comrade Major, you are good.”

“Comrade General, you’re overwhelmed.” Sergo said modestly, “I am nothing, there are countless more outstanding naval officers and soldiers. I remember when we were transporting the defenders of Sevastopol to evacuate, The current channel is full of mines arranged by the Germans. At that time, every minute was precious. We did not have so much time to wait for the minesweeper to clear the mines. Regardless of the cold weather, dozens of sailors jumped into the sea without hesitation. Hold the mine with both hands to ensure that our fleet can pass smoothly.”

It was the first time I heard about the sailors jumping into the sea and using their hands to fix the mines, so I asked with concern: “Later, did these sailors escape?”

“Yes, they all managed to escape.” When I heard this, I just breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, but listened to him continue to say: “But because of soaking in the cold sea for too long, many people were It got frostbite, and even two soldiers had their hands and feet removed.”

After Kuznetsov finished applying medicine to Sergo, he smiled and said: “Your kid is lucky. Fortunately, the wounds are all on the back. If it is on the face, it is estimated that it will not be easy to find a wife in the future.”

“Commander-in-chief,” Sergo was unconstrained in front of Kuznetsov. He smiled while wearing military uniforms: “Even if you want to find a wife, you have to wait until the war is over.”

Kuznetsov turned his head to look at me, and asked with concern: “Comrade Oshanina, don’t so many scars scare you?”

“How could this happen?” I smiled and shook my head, and said: “From the outbreak of the war to the present, I have spent most of my time on the front line, and I have a lot of scars.”

After saying this, I suddenly thought of a few words circulating on the Internet, and said casually: “Scars are soldiers’ medals. Sailors have harvested these large and small scars, just like flashing medals. With the strongest sailor spirit.”

The room suddenly became extremely silent, except for the breathing of the three of us, there was no sound. I saw both of them looking at me with incredible gazes, thinking that I didn’t wash my face in the morning and wiped it twice, but the two of them still stared at me intently.

Feeling the heat in my face, I asked embarrassedly, “General Kuznetsov, did I say something wrong?”

“Scar is a soldier’s medal!…” Kuznetsov repeated what I had just felt, and said excitedly: “Lida, please allow me to call you Lida like Zhukov and others. You just The poem that I read is really great, is there any more later?”

“Behind?!” My eyes rolled, I felt as if I had read such a few sentences on the Internet back then. If I were to make up now, I really couldn’t make it out, so I could only shook my head and said with regret. : “No, there are only so many. I also saw the scar on Major Shergo’s back and said it casually.”

“Major, did you hear it?” Kuznetsov said to Sergo, “This is a poem that Lida personally wrote for you and our sailors. Have you written it down?”

Sergo nodded and said affirmatively: “I wrote it down.”

“Now that you have memorized it, take the time to call the two generals Oktyabriski and Gorshkov,” Kuznetsov told his adjutant: “We must wait for this poem. In the navy’s internal publications, I want every officer and soldier of the Black Sea Fleet and the Danube Fleet to recite this poem.”

While Sergo took the pen to record the order, Kuznetsov went on to say: “No, just these two fleets are not enough. I have to call the Baltic Fleet and the Pacific Fleet and ask their publications to publish this poem. .”

Hearing a series of orders issued by Kuznetsov, I couldn’t help falling into a cold sweat. He did this, didn’t he intentionally prevent me from getting off the stage? I quickly waved at him and said, “Comrade General, I just said it casually. Don’t let the magazine publish it, or you will be laughed at by others.”

“Who would laugh at you, Lida. Don’t worry, I will be responsible for this.” After Kuznetsov said this, he found the document in my hand and turned the topic around: “Did you send me the documents?”

“Yes, Comrade General.” Seeing that he took the initiative to take the matter over, I was secretly relieved, and quickly handed over the papers in my hand, and said at the same time: “Marshal Zhukov asked me to ask you about Bulgaria. Do you have any views on the performance of the Provisional Government in the past two days?”

Kuznetsov quickly browsed the contents of the file, threw it on his desk, and said angrily: “Lida, you go back and tell the marshal, just like the statement of the Moraviyev government. It’s just a lie. According to the information we just received, German warships are still moored in Bulgaria’s ports. The enemy’s submarines moored in the ports continue to threaten our ships’ navigation in the Black Sea as before. Security, and the security of our military’s coastal flanks.”

“Comrade General, I agree with your opinion.” After Kuznetsov finished speaking, I also took the initiative to talk about my views: “According to the reconnaissance of the Sixth Army, there are thousands of people hiding in Bulgaria from Romania. The retreating German officers and soldiers. Together with the intelligence obtained by your navy, all of this compels us to do a good job in the preparatory work for the troops to fight in Bulgaria.”

I left Kuznetsov’s office and returned to Zhukov’s headquarters. I saw that he was studying the current situation with Torbukhin. Even far away, I heard his loud voice saying: “…Tor Comrade Buchin, please be forgiving that you have not done enough research on the enemy situation in front of you. For some unknown reason, Bulgaria did not actively participate in the war against our country. Strictly speaking, it is not ours in form. The enemy, therefore, our understanding of the Bulgarian army is far less clear than that of fascist Germany.

According to the intelligence feedback in the past two days, most of the Bulgarian army is deployed in the central and western parts of their country, and a considerable number of troops are in Greece and Yugoslavia. As for how many troops there are in the northern part of Bulgaria, you haven’t figured out until now…”

After being criticized by Zhukov, Torbuhin replied, “Comrade Marshal, please rest assured that I will immediately send more scouts to the troops in northern Bulgaria. Reconnaissance is carried out on the distribution situation to correct the error conditions that existed in our previous work.”

“Comrade Tolbhin, I remind you once again that the preparations for the battle are not allowed to be delayed.” Zhukov waited for Tolbhin to finish, and specifically emphasized: “We must ensure the troops before September 4th. All the preparations are in place.” He turned to see me standing aside, and asked casually, “What did you and Kuznetsov talk about?”

I passed the information that Kuznetsov had handed over to Zhukov and said: “This is the latest naval reconnaissance information. According to reliable sources, there are still a large number of German ships in Bulgaria’s ports.”

After reading the information provided by Kuznetsov, Zhukov threw it on the table, “Comrade Tolbhin, the situation in Bulgaria is getting more and more complicated. The retreat in Bulgaria was not hindered by the authorities. In addition, according to the information provided by General Kuznetsov, dozens of German ships were still parked in Bulgarian ports.”

He placed several heavy spots on the map with his hand, and said in a stern tone: “In addition, the Germans are also gathering in areas such as Sofia, Slivnica and Breznik. The German Ambassador declared to the Provisional Government, The German army is not going to leave Bulgaria in the near future.

According to the information provided by the General Staff Headquarters, the fascist Germany may not be reconciled to its failure recently, and will have a coup in Bulgaria, tie Bulgaria to their chariot, and forcefully drag it into the anti-Soviet war. ”

After Zhukov had finished speaking, Torbuhin said with a serious expression: “Comrade Zhukov, originally I wanted to tell you that it is almost impossible to complete the battle deployment before September 4th. But listened. With what you just said, I realize that if we delay any further, we will spend a lot of time in Bulgaria and the Germans. Therefore, I agree with you that we must complete all campaign deployments in the shortest possible time.”

After Torbukhin finished speaking, he ordered the Chief of Staff Biryuzov, who was still silent: “Comrade Chief of Staff, immediately call the three commanders of the army and ask them to do everything possible. They must also be here today. Before 12 o’clock in the evening, complete all battle deployments.”

Seeing Biruzov turning around to leave, he added another sentence later: “Remind them that this order cannot be changed.”

When Biryuzov contacted the three commanders of the Army, Zhukov finally showed a smile on his face. He nodded to Tolbushin and said with satisfaction: “Comrade Tolbhin, see you can use this. With a positive attitude, I am very satisfied with the upcoming Bulgarian campaign.”

“Do we need to immediately report our adjusted combat plan to the Supreme Command and the General Staff Headquarters?” Torbuhin asked impatiently.

“Not for the time being.” Zhukov shook his head and said: “After all your deployments are complete, you can report upwards. I believe that by then, both the General Staff Headquarters and the Supreme Command will be satisfied with our new combat plan.”

“Comrade Marshal,” After Zhukov finished speaking, Tolbushin asked carefully: “Do you think the most appropriate day for the attack?”

Zhukov thought for a while, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com then replied: “In order to find out the true attitude of the Bulgarian Provisional Government, we have to wait a few more days. So, I think we will set the attack time on September 1o.”

“Do we need to immediately report our adjusted combat plan to the Supreme Command and the General Staff Headquarters?” Torbuhin asked impatiently.

“Not for the time being.” Zhukov shook his head and said: “After all your deployments are complete, you can report upwards. I believe that by then, both the General Staff Headquarters and the Supreme Command will be satisfied with our new combat plan.”

“Comrade Marshal,” After Zhukov finished speaking, Tolbushin asked carefully: “Do you think the most appropriate day for the attack?”

Zhukov thought for a while, and then replied: “In order to find out the true attitude of the Bulgarian Provisional Government, we have to wait a few more days. So, I think we will set the attack time on September 1o.”

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