Burning Moscow

Chapter 1614

Chapter 1613 Victory march (middle)

In the next few days, I have been closely following the situation in Bulgaria, hoping that the Moraviev government can suddenly announce the severance of diplomatic relations with Germany, withdraw from the fascist camp, and disarm all German troops in the territory. Something like that happened. Then until the evening of the 5th, Moraviyev’s cabinet still did not give us any satisfactory answer.

Zhukov called Moscow and was planning to ask his superiors whether he agreed with the attack launched by our ministry on the 10th, but he heard unexpected news. Stalin told him on the phone: “Comrade Zhukov, because we believe that the current Bulgarian policy is an anti-Soviet war on the German side, I asked Comrade Molotov to send a note on the declaration of war at 7 o’clock tonight. To the Bulgarian embassy in Moscow, hoping to forward the note to the country through the minister.”

As the command post was very quiet, all of us sitting around Zhukov could barely hear the conversation between him and Stalin. Hearing that we have officially declared war on Bulgaria, Torbukhin and Zhertov looked at each other, and their faces were relieved.

“Comrade Stalin,” Zhukov waited for Stalin and asked respectfully: “Since our country has declared war on Bulgaria, then you see if the troops should launch an offensive on the 10th of this month.”

“Don’t worry, Comrade Zhukov.” Surprisingly, Stalin said, “Before submitting the note, I notified Comrade Dimitrov of the matter, and he will immediately summon the comrades of the Bulgarian Workers’ Party Central Committee and the headquarters of the Insurgent Army. , An emergency joint meeting was convened to discuss how to take necessary cooperation with our army units that are about to enter Bulgaria.”

As soon as Zhukov put down the phone, the impatient Biryuzov asked: “Comrade Marshal, I don’t know if the Supreme Commander himself has any opinion on our planned attack time?”

“Comrade Chief of Staff, what do you think your superiors can think of?” Zhukov stared at the other side and said: “According to my estimation, the time for the attack on Bulgaria will not be officially set until the joint meeting of the Bulgarian Workers’ Party is over.”

“Comrade Marshal, do you think the attack time will be delayed?” Torbuhin asked tentatively.

“It should not be postponed.” Zhukov shook his head: “If the Workers’ Party can work out a detailed plan for welcoming our troops into Bulgaria at the meeting tonight, I estimate that the attack time will be advanced.”

In the past, the heads of the front army could not wait for the attack to be as late as possible, because in this way more troops and technical equipment can be assembled. But this time everyone seems to be eager to enter Bulgaria early, and Zhertov also stated: “Because our political workers are actively carrying out political and ideological work in the army, the morale of the commanders and fighters is high, and they all want to start the offensive soon. ”

Regarding Zhertov’s method, it seemed that Zhukov had expected it a long time ago. He just nodded, and then asked Tolbushin: “Comrade General, have you figured out the situation of the front enemy’s defense?”

“All figured out.” Torbuhin nodded and replied: “The troops deployed on the border are all Bulgarian divisions, and no Germans are found. Their fortifications are very simple, only a few. The temporarily dug trenches contain a small number of firepower points. There are no minefields or wire fences in front of the positions. Our army’s tanks can carry out rapid assaults in these areas.”

I know some of Torbuhin’s situation, and some are the first time I heard it. According to his account, Bulgaria’s troops deployed on the border are deployed in the same way as an exercise, as long as our army launches a round of offensive. , Can smash the enemy’s defense like fists and legs.

After listening to Tolbhin, Zhukov asked casually: “Where is the enemy’s artillery deployed?”

“Their artillery positions are generally arranged on the open ground on the edge of the town. They are simply good targets for our artillery bombardment or air force bombing.” Torbuhin came here, looked around, smiling and jokingly: “I think the enemy The reason for the deployment of positions in this way is definitely to consider that the artillery can find a place to live when they rest at night.”

“Although they are very stupid to deploy artillery positions in this way, it also brings some inconvenience to our bombardment preparations.” Zhukov knocked on the table with his hands, with a serious expression: “Once we bombard their artillery positions , Then it may affect the residents of the town. If there are too many civilian casualties, it will be very detrimental to our troops entering Bulgaria. Therefore, there will definitely be people who instigate the Bulgarian people to rise against us.”

In response to Zhukov’s law, Biryuzov asked the question he was worried about: “Comrade Marshal, we can’t ignore the enemy’s artillery positions just because we are worried about injuring civilians? If our army is attacking, The enemy’s artillery intercepted us and would inevitably cause serious casualties to our ministry.”

“Comrade Chief of Staff, let me talk about my own views.” Seeing that this issue is about to be debated, I may not be able to discuss a good result for a long time, so I interrupted and said: “I propose to divide our artillery into one large and one small. A cluster. The large artillery group is responsible for the preparation of the artillery before the attack. The target of their shelling will choose the forward position of the Bulgarian army instead of attacking the enemy’s artillery position. As for the small artillery group, it is responsible for monitoring the enemy’s artillery position. If the enemy does not fire, they will be covered by our army’s violent fire.”

Zhukov thought for a moment, and finally nodded, agreeing with my proposal: “I agree with Lida’s proposal. We have never exchanged fire with the Bulgarian army. We do not understand the tactics they use and the combat effectiveness of the troops. , So when we fight with them, we must adopt new tactics.”

At nine o’clock in the evening, Stalin called again from Moscow. He was happily on the phone: “Comrade Zhukov, I’ll tell you two good news. The Bulgarian Provisional Government has already passed our station after receiving a note from our country’s declaration of war. The Embassy in Sofia informed us that Bulgaria had severed relations with Germany and requested an armistice for our country.

Second, the joint meeting of the Bulgarian Workers’ Party and the headquarters of the Insurrection Army has ended. At the meeting, the plan for holding an uprising in order to welcome our troops into Bulgaria was passed. It is expected that on the night of September 8, the armed forces led by the Bulgarian Workers’ Party will launch an uprising in the capital Sofia. ”

After Zhukov heard these two exciting good news, his hands trembled slightly with excitement, and he asked in a low voice: “Comrade Stalin, is the Ukrainian Third Front still launching an offensive against Bulgaria on the 10th? ”

“In order to cooperate with the anti-fascist uprising launched by the Bulgarian people, I think we should advance the time of the attack.” Stalin said righteously on the phone: “The uprising led by the Bulgarian Workers’ Party is bound to plunge the Moraviev government into In the chaos, we must use this favorable opportunity to launch an offensive decisively to cooperate with the just war carried out by the insurgents in Bulgaria.”

After Zhukov finished the call this time, he turned his attention to Gertov who was sitting next to Torbukhin: “Comrade Military Committee, I just talked with Comrade Stalin. Surely you have heard it?”

Although Zhertov did not understand why Zhukov treated him this way, he stood up and politely said, “Yes, Comrade Marshal, I heard two good news from the Supreme Commander himself.”

“Since I have heard it,” Zhukov said with an expression as usual: “Then I have an important task to be entrusted to you to complete. I wonder if you have any confidence?”

Gertov stood there with a solemn expression, silently waiting for Zhukov’s order.

“Comrade Gertov,” Zhukov paused for a moment, and then said, “I want you to establish contact with the Bulgarian National Liberation Insurrection Army and the Bulgarian Workers’ Party Local Committee operating in the border area, so that our troops can enter After Bulgaria, various tasks can be carried out quickly.”

“No problem, Comrade Marshal.” Zhertov nodded, confidently: “Our Political Department has always been in contact with them. I will have a special talk with their person in charge in the past two days to see how the two parties are doing. Make effective cooperation.”


Zhertov’s work efficiency was unexpectedly high. In less than two days, Zhukov received reports from the grassroots troops. Now on the Bulgarian border, you can hear policemen calling for the people to act and cooperate with the Soviet Union. The Red Army eliminated the powerful voice of Hitler’s gang. There are indications that the time for the Bulgarian people’s uprising and our army to enter Bulgaria is ripe. The troops that are already ready to go on the border can cross the border and enter Bulgarian territory at any time.

Seeing that the situation was going well, Zhukov was in a particularly happy mood, so he said to me: “Lida, we have nothing to do now anyway, so why don’t you think about it?”

Although Zhukov and I are representatives of the base camp, in the end, it is Torbukhin who is in charge of the front army. We stay here every day and have some influence on the troops under his command. In order to avoid embarrassment, I had thought of the troops below to walk around. Since Zhukov took the initiative to raise this matter, I went along: “Okay, Comrade Marshal, I will follow your instructions!”

Tolbhin heard that we were going to the troops below to check the preparations for the battle, and quickly asked Zhukov: “Comrade Marshal, I don’t know which army group you plan to visit?”

Zhukov thought for a while, and then said: “If a war breaks out, the first to attack the Bulgarian border is the 57th Army of Lieutenant General Gargan. Let’s visit him first.”

“Understood, Comrade Marshal.” Torbusin said with a relaxed expression: “I will make arrangements for you.”

An hour later, Zhukov and I arrived at the headquarters of the 57th Army in Kochmar. General Gargan and a group of commanders stood outside to greet us.

Zhukov stepped forward and shook hands with Gagan, and without entering his command, he directly ordered: “General Gagan, I won’t go in your command, you take me to the frontier to have a look!”

Hearing Zhukov’s request, Gagan hesitated for a moment, and then said: “Comrade Marshal, the frontier is too dangerous. You should stay in the headquarters and listen to the report?”

“Will your frontier be attacked by the enemy’s cold guns and guns?” Zhukov just asked indifferently after listening.

“No,” Gargan shook his head. “From the time our army entered the position until now, the Bulgarian army on the opposite side has never fired a shot at us.”

“Since you are in the forward position and will not be attacked by the enemy’s cold guns, there is no danger.” Zhukov said: “Your report contains some content that makes us happy, and it cannot be true. It reflects the situation on the front line, so I have to go there in person.” At this point, he paused, seeing that Gargan was still hesitating, he urged: “If you don’t want to go, just send a staff officer. Just show us the way.”

“How can I only send a staff to lead you?!” Jiagan couldn’t help being anxious when he heard Zhukov’s way. He quickly called his chief of staff to give a few words, and then respectfully said to Zhukov: “Comrade Marshal , I will personally take you to the Frontier Observatory.”

Under the guidance of Gagan, we came to the Frontier Observatory. Zhukov and I were both standing in front of the viewing port, observing the situation on the opposite side through the telescope or the artillery mirror.

I saw that on the outskirts of a small town is a circular line of defense for Bulgarian military repairs. It is a line of defense, with only a long trench and a small number of reinforced concrete firepower points. As we have received in the report, the enemy has no minefields in front of the position, and no wire tank columns can be rushed into the opposite town.

“Lida, do you see the enemy?” I was carefully observing the enemy’s defense line, and I suddenly remembered Zhukov’s voice: “Look, the chimney in the town is smoking, it should be the residents doing it. Lunch; there are also farmers in the farmland outside the town, and there are farmers busy. What kind of battlefield is here, it’s a life in a peaceful age.”

“Comrade Marshal,” Gargan was a little embarrassed when he heard Zhukov say this. “Perhaps this is an illusion. On the surface, the residents are living a normal and peaceful life, but the enemy is hiding in the fortifications in an attempt to let our army relax. .”

Zhukov did not comment on what Gargan said, but said to himself: “I only saw the outpost on the Bulgarian border. There were a few Bulgarian soldiers on duty. Other than that, I didn’t see a single enemy. “R

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