Burning Moscow

Chapter 1615

Chapter 1614 Victorious March (Part 2)

Seeing General Jagan’s dumbfounded and overwhelmed look, I was a little bit unbearable, so I took the initiative to help him out: “Comrade Marshal, you see that the Bulgarian national flag is very distinctive. In the upper left corner of the long strip, there is actually a small box with a red background, and inside it is a yellow lion.”

Zhukov’s attention was really attracted by me. He raised his binoculars and looked at the flag floating at the border checkpoint for a while, then smiled and said to me: “Lida, let me explain to you what this flag represents. Meaning: white symbolizes everyone’s love for peace and freedom, green symbolizes agriculture and the country’s main wealth, red symbolizes the blood of warriors, red and white are the traditional colors of the ancient kingdom of Bohemia. The crown on the upper left corner The lion is the symbol of the royal family.”

After explaining to me the different meanings of the different colors on the Bulgarian flag, Zhukov was in a much better mood. He looked at Gagan and said: “Okay, Comrade Gagan, send scouts as soon as possible to find out how the opposite party is responding. Matter, understand?”

Hearing Zhukov’s words, Gagan immediately understood that he had passed the test, and quickly gave me a grateful glance, and then replied: “Understood, Comrade Marshal, I will arrange for an investigation on the other side as soon as possible.”

Seeing that the front here was calm and calm, Zhukov was not interested in staying any longer, so he led me to the defense zone of the 37th Army. Sha Luoxin may have received advance notice from Gargan, so after shaking hands with Zhukov outside the door, he carefully asked: “Comrade Marshal, do you want to go to the frontier to see it?”

Sharokhin’s proposal surprised Zhukov. After a moment of silence, he unexpectedly said: “I want to hear how your preparations are doing.”

Sha Luoxin respectfully invited Zhukov and I into the headquarters, and then asked his chief of staff to introduce us to the current situation across the border. The chief of staff stood in front of the map hung on the wall, facing us and said: “Comrade Marshal, please allow me to introduce you to the situation on the opposite side of our military defense zone.”

After finishing the opening remarks, he pointed to the map with the stick in his hand and said: “According to reconnaissance, our army’s offensive front has two lines of defense established by Bulgaria. The enemy has deployed three infantry divisions and one tank division in this area. , And several artillery regiments, except for a few old-fashioned reconnaissance planes, no fighters or bombers were found.”

After Zhukov and the chief of staff had finished speaking, they asked Sharosin with a smile: “Comrade General, I want to know how long it will take for you to break through the Bulgarian army’s line of defense after the battle begins?”

When Sha Luoxin heard this question, he leaned over and talked with the Chief of Staff who had just sat down in a whisper, and then stood up and replied: “Comrade Marshal, if the infantry initiates a charge, I believe it will take up to ten minutes. It will be able to break through the defenses of the Bulgarian army.”

“Ten minutes?!” Zhukov laughed when he heard him say this. “Comrade General, I want to know, why are you so sure?”

“The reason is very simple.” Sha Luoxin replied solemnly: “According to the accurate data I know, there are only 20,000 people in the three infantry divisions of the Bao army, and half of them are recruits; the tank division has less than 50 tanks. Almost all the No. 3 or No. 4 tanks eliminated by the Germans, not to mention our new tanks, even a T-34 tank battalion can defeat them. And the artillery has more than 100 artillery, except for a few 105mm Apart from the howitzers, the rest are 37mm anti-aircraft guns.”

After Sharokhin finished talking about the data he had learned about the Bulgarian army, Zhukov nodded his head in satisfaction and said: “General Sharokhin, it seems that your reconnaissance work is doing very well. I believe in the strength of the Israeli army, It simply can’t stop the attack you launched.”

We stayed at the headquarters of the 37th Army for more than half an hour. After listening to the report from Sha Luoxin and the others, we hurried back to the headquarters of the front army. In the car on the return journey, Zhukov did not speak, but closed his eyes slightly, his back leaning on the back of his seat and thinking.

As soon as the car reached the destination, he immediately opened his eyes, pushed the door to get out of the car, and walked quickly toward the building.

Seeing Zhukov walk into the headquarters, Torbuhin and the others who were chatting stopped talking and instinctively turned their eyes to Zhukov. Torbuhin stood up and smiled and asked, “Comrade Marshal, you are back!”

Zhukov just nodded his head with a facial expression, went straight to the communication room, and shouted at the communicator inside: “Connect me to the Kremlin immediately.”

After the call was connected, Zhukov said into the microphone: “Comrade Stalin, I have just returned from inspection of the 37th and 57th Army. I have a new idea and I want to report it to you immediately.”

“Please speak, Comrade Zhukov.” Stalin said kindly.

“Comrade Stalin, if the Ukrainian Third Front does not move forward after reaching Ruschuk, Razgrad, Shumen, and Varna, then the front of Torbukhin must extend along the Danube to Turnu-Severin, so that Malinowski’s troops can be relieved of the defense mission of the Turnu-Severin area over time.”

Zhukov said that, he paused for a moment, wanting to hear if Stalin had any different opinions. Stalin just gave an “um” and did not make any comments, so Zhukov went on to say: “After Torbukhin’s troops go out to the Turnu-Severin and Karafat areas, they can use a group army to ferry. The Danube, to cut off the railway line from Belgrade to Sharonica, and occupy the Belgrade, Palachin, Knyázhevac, and Lom lines.”

“Comrade Zhukov,” Stalin heard this and finally couldn’t help but raise his own question: “Can you tell me, what is our purpose for doing this?”

Zhukov replied confidently: “Comrade Stalin, the reason why I suggest that the Ukrainian Third Front Army implement this deployment is to ensure the smooth implementation of the Second Front Army’s comrades in the offensive against Hungary. It can also assist the Yugoslav People’s Liberation Army and force the Germans to abandon Greece. ”

After Stalin waited for Zhukov to finish speaking, he was silent for a while, and then said: “Comrade Zhukov, your opinion coincides with some of the future visions of the General Staff Headquarters. So, I will immediately forward these suggestions to Antono. Comrades, let them seriously refer to these suggestions when formulating the plan for the liberation of Yugoslavia.”

Perhaps it was Zhukov’s advice to Stalin that made the Supreme Commander’s final determination. Antonov personally informed Zhukov the next morning that the time to attack Bulgaria was set at 11 am on September 8.


In the early morning of the 9th, Zhukov took me to the 57th Army again, and together with Gargan at the forward observation post, preparing to watch our troops cross the Bulgarian border.

According to the plan, our army will carry out artillery bombardment on the enemy’s position at 9 a.m. After the two-hour artillery preparation is over, the 53rd Infantry Division of the 37th Army will take the lead in the army’s position on the other side of the border. Initiate a rush.

Half an hour before the shelling began, Zhukov, who was sitting at the table drinking tea, put down the tea cup, picked up the telescope on the table, stood up and smiled and said to us: “I will take a look at this quiet border one last time. How long will our artillery fire break this silence.”

“Comrade Marshal,” Gargen looked up at Zhukov and said with a smile: “As long as the enemy does not lay down his weapons and surrender to us, our army’s artillery will break the silence sooner or later.”

Zhukov walked to the viewing port and raised his binoculars to look into the distance. After watching for a while, he suddenly exclaimed: “Damn, what is going on? What is going on here?”

Hearing Zhukov’s gaffe, I thought something serious had happened, and I quickly grabbed the telescope placed in front of me and rushed over. I carefully checked the enemy’s position through the binoculars, only to see that everything was quiet, and everyone in the trench could see it. There were only a dozen soldiers on duty at the border checkpoint, but instead of walking back and forth on the road as before, they were placed on both sides of the road. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be preparing for review.

“Comrade Marshal, what has happened?” I think something must have happened to make Zhukov such a gaffe, but after watching for a long time, I didn’t seem to see anything other than the enemy on the ground. , He asked curiously: “Did you find anything?”

“Our shelling is about to begin.” Zhukov put down the binoculars in his hand and pointed to the distance and said: “But we can’t see any targets that should be shot. What I saw was the same as that day. Live in peace, the chimneys in the city are smoking, and there are farmers in the farmland in the distance who are busy, and we haven’t found the troops we want to attack.

“Comrade Marshal,” Gargan interrupted when Zhukov said so, “Maybe the enemy was afraid of being hit by us and hid them…”

“Okay, Comrade General, stop talking about such ridiculous reasons.” Before Gagan could finish speaking, Zhukov unceremoniously interrupted the words behind him, and pulled him to the lookout mouth, pointing away. The border guard at the Guardian Army said: “Look, those soldiers are standing on both sides of the road, as if they are preparing for war? I think they are more ready to be inspected. Also, those soldiers are on the border. Obstacles on the line have also been cleared aside.”

I heard that the obstacles on the border line were cleared. I quickly raised my telescope towards the road connecting Bulgaria and Romania and found that the tripods and wooden fences that were originally placed in the middle of the road were all pushed to the road. On both sides. At this moment, even an ordinary civilian car can pass the road smoothly and enter Bulgaria directly from Romania.

“Damn it, what the **** is going on?” Gagan was dumbfounded when he saw this situation.

“Call the artillery immediately and order them to temporarily stop the shelling.” Zhukov told Gargan: “Before the attack, we must first find out what happened.”

Taking advantage of Gargan’s efforts to call the artillery, Zhukov dialed the number of the front army headquarters. Tolbhin, who answered the phone, said: “I said, Comrade Commander of the front army, something unexpected happened in the front of the 57th Army. thing.”

“Unexpected thing?” Tolbhin might be intimidated by Zhukov’s tone of speech. He hesitated and asked: “Comrade Marshal, I don’t know what you are referring to?”

“Our shelling is about to begin, but on the other side of the national border, we can’t find a target to strike.” Zhukov said dumbly: “Moreover, the enemy also cleared the obstacles on the border, which seemed to open the border to us. ”

“What, the enemy opened the border to us?” Tolbushin was taken aback by what Zhukov said. After a while, he asked carefully, “Is there any conspiracy?”

“Where will there be any conspiracy.” Zhukov said in a strong tone: “Comrade Tolbhin, you immediately call the other two commanders of the army to find out what is going on with them. If it is the same situation, then cancel the shelling. , Directly sent a small force to enter Bulgaria first to find out what happened.” After Zhukov finished the call, he asked General Gagan, who was standing in front of him, “Did you order the artillery to stop shelling?”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal.” Gargan nodded, and then added: “I have given the 5th Brigade of Independent Motorized Infantry an order to send a motorized battalion into Dobrid to find out. What happened there.”

Ten minutes later, we were in the observation post and saw dozens of three-wheeled motorcycles full of commanders and soldiers driving along the highway towards Bulgaria. The soldiers of the Bao army in the outpost saw our motorcycle squad passing by. Two soldiers immediately stepped forward and quickly raised the railing next to the outpost so that the motorcycles could pass smoothly.

Our motorcycle team deliberately slowed down when passing through the post. The commanders and fighters sitting in the vehicle maintained a high degree of vigilance and pointed their guns at the soldiers standing on both sides of the road. But the soldiers turned a blind eye to the gun, but raised their hands with a smile to salute our soldiers.

“You can see it.” Zhukov pointed to the motorcycle team that was slicing through the border post, and looked at us and said: “The security forces don’t want to fight us at all. Their borders have been completely opened to us.”

Zhukov waited until the motorcycle team passed the outpost and drove along the road towards Dobrid in the distance. He turned and walked to the table. He picked up the phone and connected to the headquarters of the front army. He asked Tolbhin: “Comrade General, besides How is the situation with the two armies, have they found the enemy?”

“Comrade Marshal,” Torbukhin reported to Zhukov excitedly: “According to the report of Sharoshin and Shiremin, the Bulgarian army has opened the border to us, and their vanguard troops are crossing the border and advancing into Bulgaria. .”

After another half an hour, the battalion commander of the motorized battalion who led the troops into the city reported to Gargan on a walkie-talkie: “Comrade Commander, when we entered Dobrich, we encountered a Bulgarian infantry division. All the officers and soldiers lined up on both sides of the road. As soon as we saw our motorcycle team appear, the military band began to play music to welcome our army.”

“How is the situation of the residents?” Zhukov couldn’t help but interjected when he heard this: “Did they behave in a panic?”

Gargan immediately relayed Zhukov’s words to the battalion commander: “Major, Comrade Marshal asks you, do the residents of the city show panic when they see you entering the city?”

“No, no,” the battalion commander reported excitedly: “Seeing our army enter the city, the residents spontaneously took to the streets and welcomed our army with bread and salt in accordance with the Slavic tradition.”

“Major, have you figured out what happened in the city,” Gargan asked, “Why did they allow our troops to enter Bulgaria?”

“I have asked, Comrade Commander.” The major quickly replied, “It was the commander of the Bulgarian Army who told me that he had received an order from his superior today that he was not allowed to conduct combat operations against the Red Army.”

After figuring out what was going on, Gagan put down the phone, looked at Zhukov and asked, “Comrade Marshal, what should we do next?”

“Comrade General, are you confused?” Seeing Zhukov’s smiling and silent expression, I quickly said to Gargan: “Next, of course, order the main force to continue to advance to Bulgaria!”

“That’s right this should be the case.” Gagan hurriedly replied, “I’ll give the troops an order.”

After Zhukov and I returned to the front army headquarters, he immediately reported the incident to Stalin, and finally asked: “Comrade Stalin, since the Bulgarian army has not opened fire on us and has taken the initiative to open the border, how should we deal with this? What about the army?”

Stalin thought for a while, and then commanded: “Tell the troops that the Bulgarian army is our friendly army. We must fully trust them, so don’t hand over their weapons or reorganize them. Let them stay where they are. maintain security.”

After ending the conversation with Stalin, Zhukov issued two new orders in succession: “First, from 6 pm, the mechanized 4th and 7th armies began operations. Their task was to surpass the infantry entering Bulgaria during the day. The troops continue to advance in depth. Second, the Black Sea Fleet approaches the port of Varna, where it sends the infantry divisions ashore and finds a way to capture the German submarines docked here.” r Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience. .

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