Burning Moscow

Chapter 1617

Chapter 1616 Honor and dignity of the German Navy

That night, a decisive armed uprising led by the Bulgarian Workers’ Party broke out as scheduled in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria and some major cities where our troops have not yet arrived.

For this uprising, the Bulgarian Workers’ Party set up a special military bureau, whose director was Todov Zhimikov, a well-known activist of the Workers’ Party. An hour before the outbreak of the uprising, Ivan Banev, a member of the military bureau, came to the front army headquarters and brought a radio station so that he could get in touch with the domestic insurgents at any time.

The uprising took the lead in Sofia. Because the Bulgarian Workers’ Party had done a lot of preparatory work in advance, the uprising went very smoothly. The insurgent soldiers took the radio station, the police station, the post and telecommunications office, and some important facilities without bloodshed. Only when they attacked the barracks, sporadic exchanges of fire occurred, causing negligible casualties. The army in the barracks soon stopped resisting and declared surrender to the insurgents.

Because of the existence of Baunev, we can keep abreast of what is happening in Bulgaria in a timely manner. After the success of the Sofia uprising, Sofia’s radio station announced to the outside world that the Bulgarian monarchy and pro-German fascist government had been overthrown and replaced by the new government of the National Committee of the Fatherland Front led by Kymon Georgiev.

On the early morning of the 9th, Baunev hurriedly walked into the conference room and said loudly to us: “Comrades, commanders, according to the latest news just received, Georgiev will give an important speech on the radio.”

After Tolbhin waited for Banev to finish speaking, he turned his inquiring eyes to Zhukov. Seeing Zhukov nodded slightly, he quickly ordered the staff officer standing aside: “Go and find a radio here.”

The staff officer agreed and ran out quickly. After a few minutes, he took the two soldiers into the conference room with a half-height radio, and placed it in the position designated by Torbuhin.

Baonev turned on the radio, and as soon as the band was adjusted, I heard a low voice from the radio: “Citizens of Bulgaria, I am the new Prime Minister Georgiev, and I am addressing you now… …”

Georgiev first announced the list of members of the new cabinet and read a letter to the Bulgarian people. It was announced that the government was about to send a delegation to sign an armistice agreement with the Soviet Union; at the same time, political freedom was restored in the country, and those members of the previous government who pursued anti-popular policies were arrested.

Zhukov listened happily, but I was frowning and thinking: why the last time I participated in the negotiations with Timoshenko, I could hardly understand the language of the representatives sent by the pro-German government, and today Georg What Kiyev said, but I almost understand it?

“Lida, what are you thinking about?” Zhukov might have noticed that I was worried, so he asked casually. When he figured out the question I was thinking about, he explained with a smile: “Both Bulgarian and Russian belong to the Slavic language family. There are many similarities between the two languages. The 30 Cyrillic letters they use are only better than Russian. There are 33 special letters less.

Bulgarian has two dialects, east and west. The western dialect can be divided into the northwest and southwest sub-dialects, and the east can be divided into three sub-dialects of north, central and south. The standard Bulgarian language is based on the eastern central sub-dialect, which is the language used by Georgiev. As for the representatives on that day, they may use other dialects, so you won’t understand them. ”

After Zhukov’s explanation, I realized that the Bulgarian language is also divided into Mandarin and dialects. The negotiators who came last time spoke in dialects. It’s not surprising that I didn’t understand it.

Since Bulgaria’s pro-German government has been overthrown, and the newly established government is a pro-Soviet motherland front, in the evening, Stalin also gave Zhukov, Kuznetsov, Tolbhin and Oktyabski A telegram was sent to inform them: “Since the Bulgarian government has severed relations with Germany and declared war on Germany, and also requested the Soviet government to start armistice negotiations, the Supreme Command, in accordance with the instructions of the National Defense Council, ordered you: at 21 o’clock on September 9 The previous operation to end the occupation of residential areas, from 22:00 on September 9th, stop military operations in Bulgaria…”

Soon after receiving Stalin’s telegram, Antonov called Zhukov himself again. He said on the phone: “Georgy Konstantinovich, I just received a call from Comrade Dimitrov. He said that the delegation of the new Bulgarian government is ready to fly to Torbuhin’s front immediately. The headquarters, including the Central Committee Member of the Workers’ Party Dimitr Ganev, his mission is to introduce the nature of the new government and the situation in Bulgaria to the Military Committee of the Front Army. I hope you can do a good job in receiving it.”

When Zhukov was discussing how to receive a delegation from the new Bulgarian government with Tolbushin, Zhertov and others, I saw that I couldn’t speak up, so I said hello and went to Kuznetsov alone. Office.

Entering Kuznetsov’s office, I saw him and his adjutant Major Sergo sitting at the desk at a glance, looking down at some documents with a serious expression. Hearing my footsteps, Kuznetsov raised his head and greeted me with a smile: “Lida, you are here, what’s the matter today?”

I shook my head and said, “I’m just walking around in my spare time. If it disturbs you, I will leave immediately.”

“It’s okay,” Kuznetsov said generously: “The Supreme Command has ordered us to stop all military operations in Bulgaria, and there is nothing important next. The major and I are studying how to dispose of the captured German submarines. .”

I just sat down in the chair next to Kuznetsov’s desk, and when he heard that the German submarine had been captured, I immediately jumped up from the seat, shocking the two of them. Regardless of the surprised expressions on the two of them, I asked anxiously: “Comrade General, I want to ask, where is the captured submarine?”

After Kuznetsov figured out the reason for my surprise, he smiled and said: “Of course it was in the port. Since the Black Sea Fleet’s ships have blocked the port, our Marine Corps has also landed near the port. German submarines. There is no way to go back, so I can only raise the white flag and surrender to us.”

“Did our sailors occupy the German submarine?” I asked him anxiously as soon as he finished speaking.

“No,” Kuznetsov said, shaking his head, “Anyway, they have surrendered, and the port is also blocked by our Black Sea Fleet. Even if they want to escape, there is no way to go back. What’s the matter if you board the ship earlier or later? the difference.”

“Comrade General,” I said anxiously when I heard him say this in a disapproving tone: “Please immediately order people to occupy the submarine in the harbor overnight and drive all the German sailors off the submarine, and Keep it under strict control.”

Unexpectedly, after listening to my words, Kuznetsov had an unpleasant expression on his face, as if he thought I was a little nosy. The adjutant Sergo who is good at observing words and colors quickly continued: “General Oshanina, it is already so late, and the comrades of the fleet are very tired after a long battle. Let them rest well and board the ship. let’s talk tomorrow.”

“It will be late until tomorrow.” Seeing that the two of them paid no attention to what I said, my tears almost came down. “Have you forgotten the Rainbow Operation carried out by the German Navy at the end of World War I?”

If I say “Operation Rainbow” to the commander of the army, the other party may be at a loss, but for the commander of the navy, they will know what this code means. Whether it was Kuznetsov or Sergo, after hearing these words of mine, their faces suddenly turned pale.

Although I understand in my heart that talking about “Operation Rainbow” in front of the two people is suspected of being an axe, but in order to arouse their knowledge enough, I still strike while the iron is hot and say: “June 21, 1919, the Germans were detained in Scarpa Bay. The High Seas Fleet, while the British fleet was going to sea for training, the flagship Emden cruiser issued a pre-designated signal to all ships-the rainbow. The navy officers immediately ordered the raising of the prohibited fleet flag, battle flag and z signal Flag, open the sea valve and watertight hatch to prepare for self-sinking. The battleship Frederick the Great sank first, and the remaining warships were also submerged one after another. The battlecruiser Hindenburg was the last one that sank. The British fleet hurriedly got out of training. Returning to the voyage, I tried every means to try to remedy it, but it was impossible to prevent such a large-scale collective sinking operation.

The most tragic sinking operation in naval history lasted about 6 hours. Of the 74 German warships detained, 52 sank to the bottom of the sea, including 10 of the 11 battleships and all 5 battlecruisers. The tonnage of the sunken warship was 95 of the total tonnage of the seized fleet. ”

Kuznetsov could no longer sit still, he got up from his seat abruptly, and walked anxiously around the room with his hands on his back. But Sergo didn’t wait for him to give any orders, so he picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number, and said into the microphone: “Pick me up with the Black Sea Fleet, and find General Oktyabski, a hundred thousand in a hurry! ”

After about two or three minutes, the call of the Black Sea Fleet was connected. Kuznetsov took the microphone in Sergo’s hand and asked loudly, “Where is Oktyabryski?”

The person who answered the call was startled by his loud voice, and he hesitated for a while before repliing: “Comrade Commander is resting. Who are you?”

Kuznetsov said grimly: “This is Kuznetsov. Let him answer the call immediately.”

“Okay, Comrade Commander-in-Chief, please wait a moment, I’ll call for the commander immediately.

Knowing that it was Kuznetsov’s phone call himself, Oktyabrski had rushed over as quickly as possible. He might have thought that he was looking for him at this time because of Stalin’s telegram, so he quickly said: “General Comrade Commander, after receiving a telegram from the Supreme Commander himself, I have already followed the order to stop the operation.”

“Comrade Oktyabriski,” Kuznetsov said solemnly: “I now give you an urgent order to immediately order our sailors or marines to occupy the German submarines and drive down all the German sailors. , And keep it under strict control.”

“But, Comrade Commander-in-Chief.” Hearing the order issued by Kuznetsov, Oktyabbrski asked inexplicably: “Why is this? You must know that the sky is already dark. At this time, the troops will be deployed to occupy the German submarine. I am worried about what will happen. You see, the operation will be postponed until tomorrow morning, okay?

“No, it’s too late to wait until tomorrow morning.” Kuznetsov was afraid that his men would not realize the seriousness of the problem, and quickly added: “Don’t forget the Rainbow Operation carried out by the German Navy after the end of World War I. !”

The sentence “Operation Rainbow” is more effective in the Navy than interpreting the order a hundred times. Oktyabrski immediately replied without hesitation: “Comrade Commander-in-Chief, I will immediately dispatch a battalion of the Marine Corps. To perform the submarine occupation mission.”

“Very well, I am here waiting for your further news.” Kuznetsov put down the phone after speaking, and said to me anxiously: “Leda, I have not considered this matter well. I hope it is too late to take action now. .”

In order to prevent him from blaming himself too much, I deliberately turned the topic off and asked Sergo: “Comrade Major, I wonder how many submarines the Germans have?”

“The German Navy originally had six submarines in the Black Sea, but among them, the U-9 submarine was sunk by a depth bomb thrown by our navy aircraft during the naval battle on August 20 .” Gorgeously introduced to me: “The submarines captured by our army in the port were U-18, U-19, U-20, U-23 and U-24. U-24 is said to have been on August 25th. During the battle, it was sunk by a destroyer of our navy, but when our army occupied the port, we accidentally found this submarine. I guess it was only injured and not sunk.”

Although we have taken action in time, when the Marine Corps dispatched by Oktyabriski rushed to the designated position and prepared to forcibly board the captured German submarine, the submarine had begun to sink slowly. Since our marines could not save the sinking submarine, they could only stand on the shore like the German sailors and watched the five submarines sink to the bottom of the sea.

After receiving Oktyabriski’s report, Kuznetsov sighed, and then said to me: “Lida, although the German Navy is our enemy, the sailors of the submarine force are honored by the German Navy. I still express my immense admiration for the tragic and heroic act of disregarding the orders not to destroy weapons and sinking warships, and once again secretly spread the code-named rainbow to let all the submarines captured by our army sink to the bottom of the sea. ”

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