Burning Moscow

Chapter 1618

Chapter 1617 Return to Lublin

I returned to the front army headquarters, and with regret, I told Zhukov and Tolbushin about it again.

After listening, everyone reacted differently.

Chief of Staff Biruzov gritted his teeth and said: “This **** German navy actually surrendered. When our naval soldiers relaxed their vigilance, they secretly sank the submarine.”

“The enemy is the enemy,” Gertov continued: “They are not reconciled to their failures, and they will definitely struggle to death.”

Tolbhin’s words appear relatively objective: “You can’t say that. Although the German Navy is our enemy, I think their actions to defend the honor and dignity of the Navy are very admirable. If it were Germany, The army’s army is as stubborn as the navy. If we want to gain such an advantage on the battlefield, we will inevitably pay a greater price.

Regarding the speeches of several people, Zhukov said disapprovingly: “If the captured battleship is a battleship, it can provide strong artillery support when our army is fighting at the sea. Submarines can only be used to block sea traffic. If the enemy’s supplies are all It is done by land transportation, so it won’t be used for any purpose at all, and Shen just sank. There is nothing to be a pity.”

“Comrade Marshal,” Tolbushin said with a smile after Zhukov finished speaking: “Based on the analysis of the current situation, the Germans will be completely defeated by us if they support at most one to two years. Most of the ships of the German Navy will fall into the hands of the United Kingdom and the United States. Do you think we need to remind them?”

“It’s not necessary.” Zhukov waved his hand and said with a grin: “Even if we remind them, maybe others don’t appreciate it, let everything go with the flow.”

After saying this, he turned his gaze to me again and said to me: “Lida, come to my office, I have important things to tell you.”

Although Zhukov has his own office here, since he spends most of his time in Torbuhin’s headquarters, the frequency of use of this office is very low. If he didn’t take the initiative to mention it today, I would almost have forgotten the existence of this office.

After arriving at the office, Zhukov said to me with some embarrassment: “Lida, I want to tell you one thing, I hope you can be mentally prepared.”

When I heard Zhukov say that, Xin suddenly mentioned her throat, and Xin said something. Could it be that my treasure hunt in the Moscow residence was discovered by the relevant parties? Or is it because when I was negotiating with the Bulgarian representative, I acted too aggressively, which caused the resignation of other people’s cabinets, and the superior was going to ask me to settle the account?

While I was thinking about it, I only heard Zhukov continue to say: “Lida, Comrade Stalin has just issued an order to let one of us return to Poland to assist Rokosovsky in the rescue of the Warsaw Rebels. I think about it. I can’t walk away for the time being, so I’m going to let you go back. After all, you are still the deputy commander of the Belarusian First Front.”

After Zhukov finished speaking, I realized that what he was about to say was not what I was worried about. I thought I had made a mistake, so I deliberately asked: “You called me over because of this?”

“Yes,” Zhukov looked at me confusedly, and asked in amazement: “Otherwise, what else can I do?”

“I thought you were going to inform me to work there again.” After a casual comment, I quickly changed the subject: “Comrade Marshal, I am going back to Poland this time, what can you teach me?”

Zhukov stood up, walked to the map hung on the wall, and then shook his head at me and said, “Come here!” He waited until I reached the map and began to explain to me, “Because our army is in Belarus. During the battle, they unexpectedly attacked the enemy and broke through their strong defense line in a short time, and advanced to eastern Poland in one fell swoop. The Germans did not have a defense line and did not have enough troops. The tactics adopted by the Germans were continuous Use short assaults to delay our army’s offensive, and use the time gained by this short assault to transfer other troops from Germany and other locations, and deploy them in defensive formations in the rear area.

If soon after the Warsaw Uprising broke out, the insurgents in the city asked our army to cross the river for cooperation, we might have already moved into Warsaw. However, due to their continuous internal conflicts, it was only a few days ago that they barely reached a consensus, requesting our army to launch an offensive from the east and cooperate with them to defend Warsaw.

The difficulty we are facing now is that the German army has assembled a large number of troops near Warsaw, and all the bridges on the river have been blown up, and our army’s heavy weapons such as tanks and artillery cannot be transported across the river. You can imagine how difficult it is for our troops with only light weapons to defeat an enemy armed to the teeth. ”

I listened carefully to every sentence Zhukov said, thinking about the chances of winning the battle across the river this time. As soon as he finished speaking, I quickly asked: “Comrade Marshal, I want to ask, how many troops are we here to cross the river?”

“In addition to the Polish 3rd Division under the command of Colonel Stanislaw Galicki, the troops involved in the battle across the river also have six battalions of the 47th Army.”

“What, there are only six battalions?” I couldn’t help but sink when I heard this. This point of force is too small. To capture a city as big as Warsaw is just a drop in the bucket: “You didn’t say at least two Is the strength of the division?”

“Yes, Lida, there have been some changes in the situation now, and there are only six battalions that can be handed over to you.” Zhukov said solemnly: “Although the number is small, they are all selected from the 47th Army. It should be enough for street fighting.”

I listened to Zhukov’s words. The reason why the Soviet army suffered heavy casualties in every siege was that there were too many people. There were often hundreds of commanders crowded in a street, facing the strong firepower of the German army. The charge was indeed very heroic, but the casualties were astonishing. If the strength of these six battalions is really carefully selected, then how much can they be used in street fighting.

Thinking that I am now playing the role of soy sauce, I couldn’t wait to leave, so I quickly asked, “When will I leave?”

“Tomorrow,” Zhukov said, “you will fly back to Poland early tomorrow morning.”

The next morning, when I appeared at the front headquarters in Lublin, Rokosovsky was taken aback, then greeted him, shook my hand and said, “Lida, why don’t you come back and fight in advance? A hello? Otherwise I will send someone to the airport to pick you up.”

“Marshal Zhukov didn’t notify you?” Rokosovsky’s words surprised me, “I thought you knew I was going back here.”

“The Supreme Command notified us that it would send someone to support the Warsaw Rebels.” Rokosovsky turned to look at the rest of the commanders, then shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: “I thought I would send Marshal Zhukov came, but I didn’t expect the superiors to send my deputy commander back.

Rokosovsky’s words aroused everyone’s laughter. When Malinin shook hands with me, he also said jokingly: “Lida, you have been really busy for two months. It was not Kiev or Moscow, or Lviv and Fejt. Back to Lublin.”

After Ma Lining reminded me, I found out that this is really the case. In the past few months, there have been a lot of places to run. It has become a panacea, wipe it wherever you need it. However, this is not a good thing. I don’t think I run in a lot of places, but the time I stay is very short, and I can’t establish my own personal connections at all. This will have a great impact on my future promotion.

After I greeted all familiar commanders, I asked Rokosovsky straightforwardly: “Comrade Marshal, I don’t know when we will launch the cross-river operation?”

“According to the plan, the battle will start on the 15th of this month.” Malinen pointed to the map and introduced me: “We plan to attack from the east bank of Warsaw. After we have a firm foothold, we will cross the Vistula River to the west of the city. Direction development.”

“Comrade Chief of Staff,” I could not help interrupting when I saw Ma Lining talking in general terms, and asked curiously: “I want to ask how the supplies are stored in the city? I want to know so many insurgents and citizens. , The daily consumption of materials is an astronomical number.”

“Lida, we have considered the problem you mentioned.” Ma Linin nodded and said: “Therefore, we organized more than ten airdrops. In order to accurately drop the materials in the areas occupied by the insurgents, our air force took the risk. In view of the danger of being shot down by German anti-aircraft fire, two thousand tons of materials were dropped into the city by means of ultra-low-altitude airdrops.”

Malinin’s words surprised me because in my memory, after the Warsaw Uprising broke out, only the U.S. army has carried out airdrops to the city, and the Soviet army has been watching the fire from the shore, and even the airport is unwilling to provide it to the U.S. army. Thinking of this, I hesitated for a while, and then asked my own question: “I seem to have heard that the US military also airdropped supplies to Warsaw.”

Hearing what I said, Rokosovsky snorted heavily, and then said unhappily: “Yes, they did airdrop to Warsaw, but because their pilots were afraid of German ground artillery fire, they were all In the airdrop of tens of thousands of meters, most of the supplies fell into the hands of the Germans.”

I have no doubts about what Rokosovsky said. After all, I am the deputy commander of the front army. He did not say anything to me to cover up. It seems that later generations who said that the Soviets were dead against the Warsaw Uprising The argument that it is not saved is totally unreliable.

Just when I was about to propose to Rokosovsky that I should go to the 47th Army immediately, he said first: “Lida, you just came back. You must be tired. Take a good rest. What’s the matter? , Wait until tomorrow.”

I understand Rokosovsky’s character. Now that he has already said so, I will say nothing more in vain. Rather than hit a wall, I’ll just follow the boat. So he nodded and said, “Well, Comrade Marshal, since you arranged this, then I resolutely obey your orders. Allow me to leave?”

From the headquarters, under the guidance of an officer, I came to the apartment that Malinin arranged for me.

The apartment is fully furnished, the curtains and bedding are newly changed, and there are even a few sets of women’s clothing in the closet. I think I have nothing to do at home anyway, so I might as well go outside and see what the city liberated by our army is like. After a simple wash, I changed into a simple set of women’s clothing, carrying a pistol bag and went out.

I was standing outside the building, thinking about where to go, when I suddenly heard someone calling my orders loudly. I was very curious at the time. I could meet people I know on the streets of Lublin. I quickly turned my head and looked in the direction of the sound. I saw two familiar figures standing at the door of a shop across the road. .

“Nina, Ulanova.” I first glanced left and right to see if there were any vehicles on the road, then yelled the names of the two and ran over quickly.

Nina looked at me in an ordinary dress, and couldn’t help asking curiously: “Lida, how do you wear casual clothes?”

“I want to walk around, it is not convenient to wear military uniforms.” After I finished explaining, I asked back: “Why do you two have time to hang out today? Is there nothing in the company?”

“Women’s health company is disbanded,” Ulanova said with a pouting mouth: “What can we do?”

“Disband?” I asked in a puzzled way: “What happened? Why disband the Women’s Health Company?”

“The female hygienists are all assigned to the troops, and the sanitation company naturally disbanded.” Nina smiled and asked me: “Lida, Ulanova and I are going to buy some food. Where are you going?”

Nina’s words reminded me that although the house is well equipped, the kitchen is empty and there is nothing to eat. Anyway, the two of them are going to buy food, and I happened to go with them. Thinking of this, I hurriedly replied: “It just so happens that I don’t have anything to eat in my apartment, so it’s a good time for you to buy something together.”

The three of us walked two streets and came to a food store. I looked at the long line outside without a glance, and I felt a little furry in my heart. I asked Nina with some confidence, “Nina, with so many people, when are we going to line up?”

Nina smiled slightly, and then said, “Don’t worry, Lida, we won’t buy it here. I will take you to a place where not only the goods are complete, but the price is super cheap.”

“Is there such a place?” Nina’s words aroused my great interest.

Under Nina’s guidance, we walked one more street forward. Nina walked to the two closed glass doors, stopped and turned to me and said, “Here, Lida, this is it.”

I looked at the sign on the door and saw that it was marked “Military Officer Shopping Specialty Store.”

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