Burning Moscow

Chapter 1628

Chapter 1627 Dielewanger Brigade

To avoid worrying Rokosovsky for my safety, I drove back to the headquarters of the 47th Army after I explained the mission, where I was here with General Gusev to command the troops crossing the river.

In view of the unexpected changes in the situation on the battlefield, Galicki adjusted his deployment in time. Instead of leaving a reserve on the east bank, all three regiments across the division crossed the Vistula River to prepare. Concentrate on breaking through the German defenses and join forces with the insurgents fighting in the city.

But what is unexpected is that in front of them is a regiment of German troops. Among them, there is actually a battalion belonging to the “Skeleton Division” Waffen SS 5th Panzergrenadier Regiment, equipped with five Tiger tanks and A large number of half-track armored vehicles. They occupied favorable terrain and used their equipment advantages to block the assault direction of the Polish army with firepower.

Although the landing field established in the Lazienki Palace can block the German attacks, it is impossible for the Polish soldiers to rush out under the intensive firepower of the Germans. After several offensive attempts, they did not achieve any results at all except for leaving corpses in front of the German positions. Seeing that the situation is not good, Galicki can only order the troops to stop the offensive temporarily and stand on the spot for assistance.

Compared with the terrible results achieved by Galicki, General Askarepov’s progress was much smoother. Although they were also confronted by the SS troops head-on, the combat effectiveness of this unit was not even comparable to that of an ordinary national defense army. Under the fierce attack of our army, they resisted for less than ten minutes and then completely collapsed. Hundreds of German soldiers fled back and forth like frightened rabbits.

The enemy was fleeing, and our commanders followed in pursuit. The few mortars constantly adjusted their firing positions. One after another, the shells chased the enemy’s **** and exploded. The shrapnel flying horizontally covered the fleeing soldiers. The shells smashed into the team burst with every loud noise. Can lift a varying number of soldiers.

Now, Askarepov’s theory of street fighting has been thoroughly applied to me. Every time he captures a place, he leaves a certain number of troops, which has consolidated his defense so as not to be frustrated in the offensive and our army cannot resist when the enemy launches a counterattack. . Our army commanders fiercely chased behind the ruined German army’s ass. The ruined soldiers threw away all the things that prevented their escape, including guns and ammunition. They fleeed in a panic and panicked. He rushed into his position, collided with sandbag fortifications, overturned the erected machine gun, stepped on his own body and rushed towards his life with the defending army.

After I received a call from Askarepov, I couldn’t help being shocked, wondering if they had encountered a fake SS, otherwise how could they be so vulnerable? So I asked cautiously: “Comrade commander, are you sure that the unit you are at war with is the German SS?”

“Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander.” Askarepov replied affirmatively, “I saw the dead German corpses with my own eyes. They were wearing SS uniforms. The only difference was the pattern on the right collar. , Are two crossed rifles and a long-handled grenade, and the left collar is the rank collar of the SS.”

It was the first time I heard of such a SS, and I quickly covered the microphone and asked Gusev: “…Comrade General, do you know what this is?”

“It’s definitely not the Skeleton Division,” Gusev replied without hesitation: “Neither the Viking Division nor the Göring Division is in this pattern. It seems that it should be a new SS.”

Seeing that Gusev was unable to ask the answer I wanted to know, I could only release the hand covering the microphone and said to Askarepov: “Comrade Commander, take advantage of the situation that is beneficial to our army, and you try to expand. Occupy the area and work hard to consolidate it. Our follow-up troops will soon cross the river to support you.”

After putting down the phone, I always felt that a SS was defeated by our army so easily, it was too strange, so I dialed the number of the front army headquarters. The one who answered the phone was Malinen. After listening to me, he said: “Lida, I know this force. This is Hitler’s formation in early 1940 based on Himmler’s suggestion with the released poachers. The special SS troops are specially designed to deal with guerrillas or gangsters, and the members of this force have good marksmanship.”

“But, Comrade Chief of Staff,” I asked inexplicably after listening to Malinin’s introduction: “According to General Askarepov’s report, the combat effectiveness of this unit is very poor, and we only fought for more than ten minutes. , It was a fiasco and unstoppable.”

“Lida, don’t worry, listen to me slowly.” Malinen unhurriedly continued to explain to me: “In order to better organize this force, Himmler sent a group of regular SS officers. Enriching this force, SS Captain Oscar Dielewange served as the brigade commander, named Dielewange Brigade, which belongs to the Skeleton Division.”

When I heard the name Skeleton Master, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, but when I heard Malinen continued to explain, I didn’t interrupt, but listened quietly to what he was going to say next.

“According to our intelligence, this unit was transferred to Poland at the end of 1940, where it took care of a concentration camp. Later, it was transferred many times, and its task was either to act as a guard or to encircle and suppress the guerrillas. But it doesn’t matter what the unit is transferred to. Wherever it goes, there will be details and looting of civilians.

In the battle against the guerrillas, they also showed a very cruel side. As long as they suspect that it is a village that provides help for the guerrillas, the villagers will be executed, all food will be burned, and the village will be razed to the ground. During their clearance operations, if they encounter a minefield arranged by the guerrillas, they will let innocent women and children walk in front of the team and create a channel for them in the minefield…”

From Malinin’s account, I know that this Dielewange brigade is a team of beasts that do no evil. Therefore, as soon as Malinin finished speaking, I nodded and said: “Chief of Staff, I understand. I will give General Askarepov an order later. All the officers and soldiers who capture the Dielewange brigade will be We will never accept their surrender.”

After I finished the conversation with Malinin, I put down the phone and repeated what Malinin said to Gusev, and then said: “Comrade General, please give orders to the troops. All the officers and soldiers who captured the Dielewanger brigade will be the same. Shot on the spot, we absolutely do not accept their surrender to such two-legged beasts.”

“Relax, Comrade Deputy Commander.” Gusev nodded and said affirmatively: “I will convey your order immediately.”

I asked the communicator to connect me to the temporary headquarters of Askarepov. After hearing the other party’s voice, I immediately asked loudly: “Hey, comrade commander, where are you now?”

“Report to Comrade Deputy Commander,” Askarepov reported in a tone of excitement: “We have reached the former residence of Madame Curie and encircled about a hundred SS soldiers here.”

I asked carefully, “Comrade commander, is the SS you mentioned the same unit you just mentioned?”

“Yes,” Although Askarepov didn’t know why I asked, he answered truthfully: “The combat effectiveness of this SS is really terrible. Don’t think they have more than a hundred people, I It only takes one battalion at most to solve them all.”

According to past practice, our army needs at least one regiment to be able to eliminate a company of the SS. Now Askarepov actually said that with one battalion, the besieged SS company could be easily destroyed, which shows how poor their combat effectiveness is.

I am deeply afraid that Askarepov will accept the surrender of the officers and soldiers of the Dielewanger brigade in order to reduce the casualties of the troops, and hastily explained what he has learned to him in detail, and finally exhorted, “Comrade commander, I remind Please pay attention, as long as you are officers and soldiers of this unit, don’t keep alive. We don’t accept their surrender, understand?”

“Understood, Comrade Deputy Commander.” After listening to me, Askarepov gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t worry, I will never let a two-legged beast from the Dielewange brigade be spared. They must be completely wiped out.”

According to the plan, the pontoon bridge battalion sent by Rokosovsky should complete the erection of the bridge on the Vistula in the morning. However, due to the continuous shelling by the Germans, the bridge was just closed, and before the tanks and artillery parked nearby could pass, it was broken by German artillery fire.

I heard that the bridge erected was destroyed by German artillery Gusev suddenly panicked. He looked at me anxiously and said: “Comrade Deputy Commander, what should we do? If tanks and artillery cannot cross the river. If so, the light forces on the West Bank will not last long under the strong German offensive.”

“Although our heavy weapons cannot cross the river for the time being, the situation may not necessarily develop in a direction that is not conducive to our army.” I comforted Gusev and said: “You immediately organize more river crossing equipment and continue to deploy new troops. Crossing to the other side, remember to bring more mortars and 40 rockets. As long as our troops have these weapons, it will not be so easy for the enemy to drive them into the Vistula River.”

“Yes, yes, right,” Gusev heard me say this, nodded vigorously, and said: “I will immediately organize the materials you mentioned and send them to the other side as soon as possible.”

Taking advantage of Gusev’s work in organizing supplies, I quickly called Galicki and told him: “Comrade Colonel, you temporarily stop the offensive, and wait until the 40 rocket launchers equipped for you arrive, and then face the Germans. Launch an offense.”

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