Burning Moscow

Chapter 1629

Chapter 1628 The Lonely Army of the West Bank

The German army discovered our army’s intention to cross the river, and the bombardment of the Vistula became more intense. . The fastest update is not only the artillery in Warsaw, but also the Modlin Fortress to the north. The artillery that took part in the shelling ranged from fortress cannons to ordinary mortars.

Suddenly, the wide Vistula became an insurmountable moat, and countless ships sank or were blown apart by German shelling. Hundreds of commanders and soldiers and many valuable weapons and equipment sank to the bottom of the cold Vistula River.

Gusev, who received the report, flushed anxiously and pointed his finger at his chief of staff and said: “The chief of staff, immediately organize new river crossing equipment. In any case, more troops will be crossed to the other side today. ”

“Comrade General,” I raised my hand to stop Gusev’s impulsive behavior, and said to him: “Order the troops to suspend crossing the river, so that the soldiers cannot be sacrificed in vain.”

“But Comrade Deputy Commander, there are too few troops on the other side and lack of heavy weapons,” Gusev listened to me, reluctantly defending: “If we do not go to reinforce them as soon as possible, I am worried that they will soon be defeated. The Germans drove down the river.”

“We are not going to die, but the current situation is inappropriate.” In order to prevent Gusev from continuing to make unnecessary sacrifices by the troops because of impulse, I patiently said to him: “The enemy’s artillery fire is too intensive and has been The Vistula River is blocked. If we want to cross the river in this situation, our troops will inevitably pay huge casualties. Let’s wait for the enemy’s artillery fire to become sparse, and then try to force the crossing.”

After serving Gusev, I stared at the two red arrows on the map in a daze. This is where the Askarepov and Galitsky troops are located. The former went out to the former residence of Madame Curie, while the latter still stayed at the Lazienki Palace. The distance between the two is seven or eight kilometers, and it is difficult to echo each other.

I pointed to the map and said to Gusev: “Comrade General, look at the two landing fields our army has established on the West Bank. Not only are they small in size, but they are too far apart, so they can’t respond to each other.”

Gusev leaned in front of the map and looked at it for a moment, and nodded: “Yes, they are too far apart. When either party is attacked by the Germans, the other party will not be able to provide timely support.” He turned his head and looked at me and asked. , “Comrade Deputy Commander, is there any way to connect these two landing sites together?”

“There is another way,” I pointed to the place where the Polish Third Division was assembled last night, and said to Gusev: “Another unit will start from Union Square and cross the Vistula River directly westward in Warsaw. Land here and establish a landing field. To the north, you can meet with General Askarepov’s troops; to the south, you can interact with Galitsky in the Lazienki Palace.”

At first, I thought that my idea, even if it was not perfect, was at least feasible. Unexpectedly, when he first came out, he was opposed by the Chief of Staff. The other party said to me with a serious face: “Comrade Deputy Commander, I think it is not a wise move to let our army land near Warsaw.”

“Why?” I stared at the chief of staff dumbfounded and asked in amazement.

The chief of staff smiled bitterly at me: “Comrade Deputy Commander, you don’t know that Warsaw University has become a military camp since the German occupation of Warsaw. Although I don’t know how many troops are stationed inside, we want to be here. Landing is bound to pay a huge sacrifice.”

After I waited for the chief of staff to finish, I asked humbly: “Chief of staff, what do you think is suitable for our troops to land?”

“Comrade Deputy Commander, please look here.” The chief of staff’s finger moved up a bit on the map: “If we want to build a new landing field, I suggest choosing it near the palace. And here is a cross-dimensional The bridge over the Swa River was blasted into two sections by the Germans. I went to the scene to see that the blasted bridge was slanted on the surface of the water, and the distance between the two sides was no more than 100 meters. Even if there were no ships, our soldiers could still get from it. Get on the bridge on the east bank, go down the **** into the water, swim to the opposite side, and then go ashore from the opposite slope.”

The Chief of Staff’s opinion sounds pretty good, and I am a little moved. I turned to look at Gusev and asked, “Comrade General, what do you think?”

“I think the Chief of Staff has a good opinion. We can try to cross the river from the Broken Bridge.” Gusev stared at the map and said: “After all, this is the shortest route to cross the river, and the Germans don’t necessarily notice this location. I It is recommended to send a troop to try after dark.”

Seeing that both of them are inclined to this way of crossing the river, I helped them to perfect the details: “We can hold ropes on both sides of the slope, so that the soldiers on the boat can cross the river by pulling the ropes even without oars. .”

But the plan has not kept up with the changes. We just worked out a plan to cross the river through the broken bridge, and immediately received a report from the city of Warsaw. We deployed an observation post on the east bank of the Vistula River and found that the German forces were mobilizing on the Vistula Street along the river. Signs of the city, and new fortifications are being built on the opposite side of the four broken bridges.

Hearing this report, I couldn’t help sighing, and said to the two of them: “It seems that the Germans are still one step ahead of us. This plan of crossing the river can only be abandoned.”

Gusev also reluctantly said: “Well, let’s wait for the German shelling to stop before taking the risk of carrying out a forced crossing and transporting the weapons, ammunition and soldiers needed to the other shore.”

In the afternoon, the German army finally stopped shelling the Vistula River. Just as our troops were gathering by the river and preparing to cross the Vistula River, they were suddenly hit by heavy shelling. Later, after understanding, it became clear that the Germans deployed an artillery observation post on the opposite bank. As soon as they found that our army had crossed the river, they immediately called for artillery fire and carried out violent shelling on the location of our army’s assembly and mooring ships, which led to our army. The casualties were heavy, and the river crossing equipment was lost.

After receiving this unfortunate news, I smiled bitterly and asked Gusev: “Comrade General, can I still find river crossing equipment?”

“No,” Gusev shook his head and replied: “All were lost in the enemy’s artillery fire. Even if we temporarily recruit from the rear, it will take at least three to five days before the new equipment can be shipped to Warsaw. Come. And up to now, the two railway stations on the east bank are still in the hands of the Germans. If we can’t occupy this place, the river crossing equipment can only unload the truck far away from the river, and then Transported to the river by a special person.”

“Without river crossing equipment, the weapons, ammunition and materials urgently needed by the West Bank troops cannot be transported, and the wounded cannot be transported.” The chief of staff worriedly: “I am worried that they will not be able to support it for long.”

“Chief of Staff, don’t worry, if General Askarepov’s troops can’t support them, they can retreat north along the Vistula River. There is a dense forest, and they should be able to escape the German pursuit.” Although Gu Scheff was full of confidence in Askarepov’s troops, but he lacked confidence in the Polish troops commanded by Colonel Galicki: “But when the soldiers of the Polish Third Division faced the German offensive, I am worried that they will not be able to withstand it.”

“Comrade General, I think the soldiers of the Polish Third Division did a good job in crossing the river. At least they did not collapse like the last time.” I thought of the commanders in the Galitzki Division, almost all commanders of the Soviet Army. Player, even if the combat effectiveness cannot be greatly improved in a short period of time, at least it will not be vulnerable. “I believe they can still do it if they want to block the enemy rushing towards the Vistula River.”

“They have become a lone army.” After confirming that we could not reinforce the other side for a short time, Gusev was a little frustrated: “I hope they can block the enemy’s attack.”

In order to let the two commanders on the other side know their situation, I called Askarepov again and told him straightforwardly: “Comrade commander, due to the heavy bombardment of the German army, all of our army’s river crossing equipment has been completed. Loss, so in the short term, you are a lone army who can’t get any assistance, and everything can only be on your own.”

After listening to my words, Askarepov was silent for a long time before he said: “Comrade Deputy Commander, don’t worry, my troops will firmly stick to the existing ones before receiving the retreat order. On the ground, I will never take a step back.”

“Comrade commander, the enemy has more troops than you, and you have an advantage in equipment. You can’t fight with them.” I’m afraid that Askarepov would be hot-headed for a while, and what he would do to “coexist and die with the position.” I quickly reminded him: “As a division-level commander, when commanding troops, you must not fight against the superior enemy. You must use your brain and use reasonable tactics to deal with the enemy.”

My words may have reminded Askarepov After he waited for me to finish, he immediately said: “I understand, Comrade Deputy Commander, I will stick to the existing landing field with my main force and dispatch operations at the same time. The group went deep behind the enemy to harass them, preventing them from attacking us with all their strength.”

Seeing that Askarepov has understood my intentions, I am full of confidence that they will stick to their current positions. After finishing the conversation with this side, I called Galicki again to find out how he was going.

It was obviously the first time that Galicki encountered this situation. He couldn’t help being a little flustered. After hearing my voice, he immediately asked nervously: “Comrade Deputy Commander, has there been no reinforcements in a short time?”

“Yes, Comrade Colonel.” I didn’t intend to hide anything from him, so I told him truthfully: “Because all the river crossing equipment is damaged, we can no longer provide any assistance to you in a short time, everything can only rely on you. . You should dispatch personnel as soon as possible to find the fighting insurgents in the city and obtain their cooperation to reverse the current unfavorable situation. Understand?”

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