Burning Moscow

Chapter 1630

Chapter 1629 2 Polarization

It didn’t take long for Rokosovsky to know that the traffic between us and the other side was interrupted, and he specifically called to ask: “Lida, I heard that your river crossing equipment was destroyed by German artillery fire. Is there such a thing? ”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal,” I didn’t conceal the truth from Rokosovsky, because even if I didn’t report it, he had a special intelligence channel to understand what was happening on the battlefield, so I answered honestly. Said: “Our existing river crossing equipment has been lost, resulting in a temporary interruption of traffic between us and the West Bank troops. Only when the new river crossing equipment arrives, we can try to land on the opposite bank again.”

“How did you arrange for the two troops to stay in the West Bank?” Rokosovsky did not make any comments, but continued to ask.

“I told them to stop the offensive and consolidate the existing positions.” After I said this, I was afraid that Rokosovsky urged them to attack, and quickly explained: “Because our troops are not familiar with the terrain, Without the support of the insurgents, it is very unwise to continue the deep attack into Warsaw, so I ordered them to temporarily stop the attack and wait until the follow-up troops and equipment arrive before attacking the enemy.”

“Before finding out the terrain, I think it is correct to stop the attack on Warsaw.” Rokosovsky said slowly: “You have to let them send people to scout the terrain overnight so that they can reorganize a new attack. Go to assist the Warsaw Rebels who have fallen into a bitter battle. According to reliable information, the leader of the Rebels, that is, the head of the Krajov Army, is already in talks with the Germans about surrender.”

“What, the head of the Krajov Army is ready to surrender?” The news of Rokosovsky surprised me. If the insurgents really surrender, then the Germans can concentrate their forces on Askar. The forces of Lipov and Galitsky launched a general offensive. Not to mention that our army has only a few thousand men in the West Bank. Even tens of thousands of people will not be able to support it for a few days without heavy weapons and no supplements.

I took two deep breaths, trying to digest the bad news Rokosovsky told me. After my mood calmed down a bit, I then asked: “Then what should we do, withdraw the troops?”

“Withdraw, how to withdraw?” Rokosovsky said grimly: “Lida, don’t forget, all our river crossing equipment was destroyed by German artillery fire. The Vistula River, hundreds of meters wide, You can’t let thousands of soldiers throw away their weapons and swim back, besides, there are so many wounded.”

Rokosovsky’s words made me aware of the seriousness of the problem. If our troops in the West Bank are betrayed by the Krajov Army, then waiting for their fate, either be killed or become a German prisoner. In either case, I don’t want to see it. Thinking of this, I tentatively asked: “Comrade Marshal, do you see if you can order the Eighth Guards Army at the Magnušev landing site to tentatively launch an attack from the south of Warsaw to attract the attention of the Germans.”

“It’s useless, Lida.” Rokosovsky said to me with a wry smile: “The Germans may be afraid that our army will put more troops on the Magnusev landing site, so they used an armored division and an infantry. Division, has launched a fierce attack on the defense area of ​​the Eighth Guards Corps day and night.”

Without the equipment for crossing the river, the troops in Warsaw were again restrained by the Germans. The two troops trapped in the Lazienki Palace and the former residence of Madame Curie fell into an awkward situation. Advance, with their strength, is not enough to break through the German defenses; retreat, the wide river blocked their retreat. In order to survive, they had to fight their last stand.

I put down the phone and thought about it for a long time. I felt that I still need to teach Askarepov some experience in guerrilla warfare and street fighting so that they can support them in the West Bank for a longer time.

When I heard Askarepov’s voice, I could not wait to ask: “Comrade Commander, how is the situation there with you?”

“It’s not so good, Comrade Deputy Commander.” Askarepov complained to me: “The German infantry under the cover of tanks launched an attack on the landing field established by our army. Although our commanders and fighters stubbornly attacked. Retreated the enemy’s attack, but also paid a lot of money.”

“Comrade commander, I thought about it carefully. In order to better hold on to the landing field you have established, it is necessary to adjust the existing tactics.”

“Adjust tactics?!” Askarepov asked puzzledly: “How to adjust?”

“Listen,” I taught him the tactics that had already been drafted: “You immediately select fighters with good marksmanship from the army and form a sniper team. Let them be a team of two and four teams. The first team carried out cold-gun sniper wars in turn. At the same time, each battalion actively carried out small-scale high-intensity harassment warfare, such as sneak attacks and sentries, with squads and platoons as units. The ground harass the enemy, exhausts the enemy’s army, and constantly strikes at the enemy’s viable forces, so that they cannot attack you as planned, and achieve the goal of accumulating small wins into a big victory.”

After listening to my deployment, Askarepov was silent for a while, and finally said: “Understood, Comrade Deputy Commander, I must implement active defense according to your deployment, and I will never let the Germans take us. Drive into the Vistula.”

Of the two forces in the West Bank, although Galicki has more troops than Askarepov, it is him who I am most worried about. When I called him, it was like a primary school teacher told the students: “Comrade Colonel, in order to ensure that your landing field will not be occupied by the Germans, I suggest you pay more attention to some details, such as the construction of anti-cannon holes. , The concealment and camouflage of the temporary ammunition storage points on the forward positions…

In the face of an enemy who may launch an offensive at any time, you need to be more prepared, consider the problem more carefully, and be more flexible in the use of tactics…

When issuing combat orders, remember to be cautious, because every order you issue involves the lives of hundreds of people. Every order you give will become the key to whether you can hold onto the landing field…”

I rapped a lot, and I don’t know if Galicki listened to it. In order to arouse his heightened vigilance, I also specifically mentioned what Rokosovsky said: “Comrade Colonel, I also want to tell you the bad news. The leader of the Krajov Army is now fighting with the Germans. Contact, they may surrender to the Germans in the near future, you have to make contingency measures.”

“Contingency measures, what contingency measures?” Galicki asked me nervously, “Comrade Deputy Commander, what should we do next?”

“Stick to the landing site of the Lazienki Palace and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.” After decisively giving an order to him, I went on to say: “Comrade Colonel, even if the leader of the Krajov Army is ready to surrender to the Germans, it is not all. All of the insurgents are willing to lay down their weapons in front of the fascist invaders. So recently you have to send manpower to quietly pass through the German defense line to the city of Warsaw to find the insurgents who are still fighting, and take them to yours. Position to strengthen your strength.

You can add these fighters to your insurgent army and replenish the damaged main force group, and use the old and new ways to let them merge with each other as soon as possible, so that the troops can form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. ”


After I taught Askarepov and Galicki the combat experience separately, the results began to show up the next day.

In the daytime, as long as the Germans on the opposite side dared to emerge from the fortifications, they would be in danger of being headshot by a few bullets at any time. If it were just a cold shot, Askarepov actually ordered mortars to fire a few shots at the German assembly area from time to time, blowing up the crowded Germans and causing heavy losses.

After finally getting through the day, the German officers and soldiers prepared to take advantage of the darkness to carry out a sneak attack on our defensive positions. As a result, as soon as the team was assembled, the detachment of our army touched it, used machine guns and submachine guns at the enemy’s dense position, hit a shuttle, swept down a piece, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

Our army’s endless harassment of the Germans made them exhausted. The yawning German soldiers reacted much slower than usual when they launched a charge on our army’s position. After being intercepted by our army’s fire, they suddenly dispersed and fled back one after another.

What made the Germans never dreamed was that their experience on the first day was fairly good compared to the days that followed. At best, our commanders and fighters engaged in sneak attacks and shot them coldly. But from the second day onwards, Askarepov, who had tasted the sweetness, asked the commanders and fighters to brainstorm and make various ways to deal with the enemy force out of date, and constantly innovated.

Especially at night, sneak attacks and sentries are commonplace. Askarepov even ordered soldiers to put on German military uniforms, mixed into the camp, killed people and set fires everywhere, causing chaos, and even poisoned the enemy’s drinking water and food, causing the Germans to appear rectified. Classes and entire rows of collective poisoning incidents.

Compared with Askarepov’s situation where the Germans were tossed in pain, Galicki was a bit too conservative. Apart from sending people to pass through the German defense line quietly, and near the Warsaw Institute of Technology, he found dozens of Liudov soldiers who were still fighting stubbornly with the Germans. He had nothing to do. Basically, it belongs to the situation in which the Germans attacked and he defended; if the Germans did not attack, he would hide in the trenches and be grateful to himself. I didn’t know how to conduct active defense at all, and many good opportunities were missed in vain.

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