Burning Moscow

Chapter 1635

Chapter 1634 Temporary faculty member of Frunze Milit

Early in the morning of the next day, I took the special car that came to pick me up and came to the entrance of the Kremlin.

Here, I saw Zhukov by accident. Standing at the door with his hands back, he shook his head at me when he saw me getting out of the car, and said, “Lida, walk with me.”

When Zhukov and I came to the King of Bell in the church square, he suddenly stopped, pointed to the churches around the square and said to me: “Lida, look, these four churches around the square are called The Church of the Twelve Apostles, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, the Church of the Annunciation, and the Church of St. Michael. The copper coffins of the tsars and bishops of the past are stored in the churches…”

Zhukov’s words confused me. I thought that he called me here early in the morning to be a guide for me and let me understand the purpose of these churches, right? I have come to the Kremlin so many times. I know that this is just a complex of churches and palace office buildings, but I am really not interested in what purpose the church inside can be used for.

When I waited for Zhukov’s introduction to make a paragraph, I quickly interrupted and asked my question: “Comrade Marshal, you said yesterday that you have important things to do to me. Could it be that you introduced me to the buildings in the Kremlin?”

Zhukov laughed after hearing it, and then said: “I called you here today. Comrade Stalin is going to summon you and is ready to arrange a new job for you.”

“New job?!” I was dumbfounded when I heard Zhukov’s words like this. I said that the Great Patriotic War was nearing its end. I hoped to participate in the Battle of Berlin as the deputy commander of the First Front Army of Belarus to fight for the war. Before the end of the military rank or position can be promoted to another level, if I am really arranged to work locally, everything will start from scratch, then my previous efforts will be completely wiped out, “Comrade Marshal, do you know what job it is?”

“According to Marshal Budjoni’s proposal, he is going to let you be a teacher in his school.” Zhukov finally opened his mouth to tell me the purpose of coming here. “Yesterday he was just to test your abilities.”

“What school?” I asked in a panic.

“Frunze Military Academy!”

“What, Frunze Military Academy?” Zhukov’s words shocked me again. The Frunze Military Academy is as famous as the Saint Cyr Military Academy in France, West Point Military Academy in the United States, and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom. One of the major military academies. As early as during the Defence of Stalingrad, I wanted to find time to study war theory at this military academy. However, due to various reasons, it was a pity that I realized this wish in the end. At this moment Zhukov actually told me that I was about to enter this college as a faculty member, which made me a little flattered.

“After the Frunze Military Academy moved back to Moscow from Tashkent last year, Marshal Budjoni has been the dean, and Marshal Voroshilov served as the political commissar of the school.” Zhukov continued to introduce me: “The two of them were there as early as During the Civil War, I was the old partner of the First Cavalry Army. One was the commander of the army and the other was the political commissar. Both of them had a good impression of you. I believe your work in the academy will be very smooth.”

The Frunze Military Academy trains high-ranking officers, and every order they give determines the life and death of thousands of people. I know my level. I haven’t been educated systematically in the command of army forces at all. If I hadn’t understood some historical processes, I might not even be as good as an ordinary army squad leader. Let me give lectures to these intermediate and high-level commanders. It is not just a mistake.

Therefore, after a short period of thought, I decisively said to Zhukov: “Comrade Marshal, can I refuse this appointment?” Seeing his surprised expression, I quickly explained to him, “I have never accepted the system. I think it’s inappropriate to rush to serve as a faculty member of the academy in terms of military theory education.”

“If you are just teaching military theory to students, you are not needed at all, because there are many people with high theoretical level in the academy. Even if a few of you are tied together, they are not as good as others.” Zhukov finished commenting on my military theory. After leveling, he went on to say, “However, you have made great achievements in the war, which proves that you are a very capable and excellent commander. You should pass on the war skills you have mastered to those commanders who are about to enter the battlefield. We, so that they can skillfully apply these theories to the battlefield, so that our army can achieve even more brilliant victories in the next battle.”

Zhukov’s remarks made me feel a little stunned. But the thought that if he really entered the military academy, he might miss the rank of marshal that he dreamed of, and hesitated again.

Zhukov continued: “Comrade Stalin is in a meeting. To prevent you from being bored, let me take you around the Kremlin to pass the time.”

I heard Zhukov say this, and I realized that Zhukov introduced me to the many buildings in the Kremlin, not on a whim, but received an order to spend time with me. I smiled, and then asked: “Comrade Marshal, I wonder if we have the opportunity to see the changing of the guard ceremony in the Kremlin today?”

“The changing of the guard ceremony?!” Zhukov was stunned for a moment after hearing my words, but quickly said with a smile: “Lida, you are talking about the changing of the guard of the Kremlin during the time of Peter the Great, right?”

I hurriedly nodded my head and replied: “Yes, it is the changing of the guard ceremony.” In later lives, I only heard of this changing of the guard ceremony. Unfortunately, I never saw it. If I saw it here today, It’s a worthwhile trip.

“The changing of the guard ceremony of the Kremlin Guard is indeed worth seeing.” Zhukov said, looking at the empty square: “Every year from April to October at noon on Saturdays, infantry and cavalry in the magnificent uniforms of Tsar Nicholas II. , Under the accompaniment of the military band, perform a quarter-hour performance. Among them are the infantry formation and dazzling spear dancing. The Guards Cavalry Corps will also perform dressage with the accompaniment of waltz music.”

Although today is not Saturday, I still asked curiously: “Comrade Marshal, will there be a changing of the guard ceremony today?”

Zhukov shook his head and replied: “The changing of the guard ceremony of the Kremlin Guard has long been replaced by the changing of the guard ceremony in front of Lenin’s tomb. I guess you won’t see it in your lifetime.”

In my memory, the Kremlin Guard’s changing of the guard ceremony was proposed by the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2002 and premiered at Putin’s presidential inauguration ceremony in 2004. Unless I can live another sixty years, I really won’t see this long-awaited changing of the guard ceremony.

Zhukov raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said to me: “The meeting is almost over. Let’s go to Stalin’s office now. I believe Budjoni and Voroshilov are already there waiting for you.”

When I followed Zhukov to Stalin’s office, I saw Budjoni and Voroshilov here. Seeing me entering the door, the two looked at each other, and smiles appeared on their faces.

After Stalin waited for my salute, he asked me straightforwardly: “Lida, do you know the Frunze Military Academy?”

“Yes, Comrade Stalin.” Without waiting for Stalin to ask any more, I gave out the information I knew: “The Frunze Military Academy is a higher military school for the Soviet armed forces to train officers of the combined armies of various arms. Scientific research center for arms contract battles and group army battles.

This school was founded on October 7, 1918 under the instructions of Comrade Lenin, as the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army General Staff College, aiming to train command cadres with high military education from the workers and peasants. On August 5, 1921, it was renamed the Red Army Military Academy of Workers and Peasants, and a senior crash course was added to train senior commanders.

The first dean of the academy was Frunze. After his death in 1925, in order to mourn the beloved dean, the whole hospital requested the Soviet Revolutionary Military Committee to be named after him. The committee approved the request and officially changed the name of the academy to Frunze Military Academy. ”

When I finished my recitation of the history of the Frunze Military Academy in one breath, the smiling Stalin turned his head and said to Budjoni and Voroshilov who were standing next to him: “How are you, comrades, two marshals, what did you do to Lida? Is the performance still satisfactory?”

“Satisfied and satisfied,” Voroshilov said, nodding vigorously, “I’m so satisfied.”

After listening to Voroshilov’s statement, Stalin turned his head and asked me: “Lida, I think Zhukov has already told you the purpose of calling you here!”

Hearing what Stalin said, I instinctively turned my head and looked at Zhukov, and said: “Yes, Comrade Stalin, Marshal Zhukov has told me the purpose of calling me here on the road.”

Stalin smiled and asked me: “Would you like to be a teacher at the Frunze Military Academy?”

I hesitated for a moment, and decided to express my true attitude: “I… don’t want to!”

My words made Stalin’s smile froze on his face, and a trace of anger flashed away. He snorted, pointed at me with his fist holding a cigarette, and asked angrily: “Tell me your reasons, why are you not willing to accept this appointment?”

Naturally, I could not tell the people present that I was worried that I would lose the chance to be promoted after I became a faculty member at the academy. Instead, I defended myself in a high-sounding voice: “Comrade Stalin, I have never been trained in systematic military theory. It’s very inappropriate to be a faculty member in such an important military academy.”

The expression on Stalin’s face softened again with my explanation. He said in a relaxed tone: “Lida, you have misunderstood. I asked you to go to the Frunze Military Academy, not to tell the academy. What advanced military theory and common sense in these aspects, every student in the academy knows no less than you. In more than a month, these officers will leave the academy and rush to various battlefields. Before they leave, I I want you to pass on to them the street fighting theory you have explored.”

“If you just teach street fighting theory, there is no problem at all.” I may not be familiar with other military theories; but when it comes to street fighting, I say second. No one really dares to say first. After all, I have mastered it. These theories are summed up with countless blood and lives for decades to come. However, when I readily agreed to Stalin, I also offered my own terms, “Comrade Stalin, I think it’s better to be a temporary teacher. After these students graduate, I can immediately return to the army.”

Stalin did not comment on my request, but turned to ask Budjoni and Voroshilov: “Tell me your opinion, do you agree with Lida as a temporary faculty member of the academy?”

“I agree!” Voroshilov was the first to express his position. After he finished speaking, he turned his face and asked Budjoni next to him: “Old man, how did you think about it?”

Budjoni hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded and said: “I also let Oshanina serve as a temporary faculty member of the academy!” After expressing his attitude, he walked up to me and said in a friendly manner, “You Make some preparations. You will be in the academy at two in the afternoon to explain the theory of street fighting to the students.”

“Lecture at two o’clock in the afternoon?” When Budjoni said this, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and my heart said that you are playing with me. I have just appointed me as a temporary instructor of the Frunze Military Academy. I get used to it in two days. How can anyone go to class only a few hours later? Isn’t this meant to make me embarrassed in public? I cried and asked, “Comrade Marshal, can you give me two days to prepare?”

“No!” Unexpectedly, Budjoni refused my request without hesitation. He raised his hand and wiped his beautiful beard, and said proudly: “This class was arranged a few days ago www . cannot be changed.”

In the end, Zhukov came out to help me out. He patted my shoulder and comforted me and said, “Lida, don’t worry, I will be there to be brave for you, so please feel free to speak boldly.”

“Yes, Lida.” After Zhukov’s words were finished, Voroshilov added: “We are worried that you will have no experience and will be nervous in class, so only 30 students were arranged for the first class. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake.” At this point, he glanced at Budjoni who was smug, “Marshal Buzioni and I will be there to listen to your lecture.”

If Zhukov and Voroshilov didn’t say they were going to help my town, I might not be too nervous to hear that they would also go to the class. What’s wrong, then I will be ashamed and thrown to grandma’s house. But since they have arranged everything, even if I object to it, it is of no use, so I can only bite the bullet and ask, “I don’t know if I can arrange a room for me? I want to hurry up and organize my thoughts. Then I will sort out the outline of the afternoon lecture.”

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