Burning Moscow

Chapter 1636

Chapter 1635 Teaching (1)

When the class bell rang at two o’clock, I stepped into the lecture classroom.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard a majestic voice shouting: “Stand up!”

I turned my head and looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw that the officers sitting in the classroom had all stood up, standing on their seats like telephone poles.

I walked to the podium and put the folder in my hand on the podium. Then, facing the officer below, he said loudly: “Comrades, please sit down!”

“Sit down!” Another command was issued from the crowd.

Following the command, the officers who stood upright swiped and sat down.

I didn’t start the lecture right away, but looked around the environment. The trainee’s table is divided into five rows, each with six people, exactly 30 people. Looking at their epaulettes, either a colonel or a lieutenant colonel, the lowest rank is also a major. After coming to the army, he will soon grow into the backbone of the army.

Looking to the back of the classroom, not only the three marshals Zhukov, Budjoni, and Voroshilov were there, but also several officers carrying the epaulettes of the star, sitting in the back.

Seeing so many people come to observe my lecture, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated. In order to strengthen my confidence and attract the attention of the students, I turned around and walked to the blackboard after a light cough, and wrote the content of today’s lecture on it. At the same time, I said loudly: “The content of our lecture today, It’s how to defend and attack in the city.”

After the title I was about to talk about was written on the blackboard, my mood suddenly calmed down a lot. I faced the students in the audience, instead of looking at their eyes, I cast my gaze on the wall behind and officially started to lecture: “Comrades, commanders, as the battlefield situation develops in favor of our military, now We have long gone from being an initial defender to an attacker.

In the next battle, in addition to fighting the enemy in sparsely populated open areas and uninhabited areas, we will also fight in the most economically developed and densely populated cities, such as Berlin.

Before introducing urban offensive and defensive warfare, let’s discuss the issue of urban defense…”

“Comrade General,” before I finished my words, a general suddenly stood up beside Budjoni. He raised a hand high above his head and asked: “Since we are now attackers on the battlefield, Is it necessary for the students to learn the defensive tactics of the city?”

Although I don’t know each other, but according to my judgment, the other party should be a faculty member of the academy, so I answered him politely: “This general, boxer has this sentence: To learn to beat people, you must Learn to be beaten first! The same is true on the battlefield. We can’t just think about how to beat the enemy, we should also consider that when the enemy is stronger than us, we have to temporarily switch to defense.

For example, our army has repeatedly rushed into the city during the offensive, but under the crazy counterattack of the German army, due to the unfavorable defense, the troops suffered heavy casualties in the end, and they were forced to withdraw from the city. If our commanders can master more defensive skills, I guess the chance of being driven out of the city by the enemy will be much smaller. ”

After I said this, I deliberately paused, watching the teacher sit down again, and then continued to say: “Urban warfare can also be called street fighting. The biggest difference between street fighting and field warfare is that the battlefield has been counted according to a certain number. The regularly arranged buildings are divided, and any tactical unit is in a relatively closed and narrow scene, which limits the observation of the enemy and the enemy and the use of firepower.

Think about it, everyone. In street fighting, the intricate streets, the enemies who don’t know where they will come from, the bullets flying out of the ruins or buildings, etc., all these make the mayor full of uncertainties. In this environment, the two sides who use street fighting tactics flexibly can gain the initiative on the battlefield…”

When I said this, I stopped again, calmly observing the expressions of everyone in the classroom, and saw that the students were burying their heads in their books, and Zhukov in the back row frowned and was thinking about something, Budjoni and Voroshiro. The husband got together and whispered, and several other teachers, like the students, were recording what I said in the notebook.

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, my mood became more cheerful, and I continued: “…Let’s first talk about the defense of Stalingrad. This is a battle I once personally participated in…

In Stalingrad, the main tactics of the German army were joint operations of various arms. They attached great importance to the coordination of ground bombing by infantry, engineering troops, artillery, and air force. In order to counter this tactic, our army commanders adopted a close-knit strategy, trying their best to keep their front lines close to the Germans, so that the lines of defense on both sides became intertwined, which made the German artillery units unable to take advantage of the advantages of long-range attacks.

The enemy and ours fought fiercely for every street, every building, every room, and every sewer. By the beginning of 1943, because there was no complete building in Stalingrad, our commanders and soldiers had to use the ruins of the bombed building to cover themselves in the street fighting with the Germans. ”

“General Oshanina,” a teacher in the back row asked when I paused, “I heard that you invented an effective fortification during the defense of Stalingrad. Can you tell everyone about it? ?”

The words of the instructor made me feel it necessary to introduce to the commanders present this kind of fortifications designed by Engineer Mikhayev. “Comrades, the new fortifications mentioned by the instructor are Designed by an engineer company commander under me, the place he chose to build the fortification was a three-story building.

In the basement of the building, in the direction facing the street, a 45mm anti-tank gun was erected to bombard German tanks or armored vehicles entering the range; the windows on the first floor were equipped with machine gun sandbag bunkers, and sand was laid on the floor to prevent the enemy The second floor is guarded by ordinary soldiers. They can not only shoot at the enemy from the window, but also throw grenades down; the third floor is the position of the commander and the sniper, which can observe the enemy’s movements and Sniper the enemy’s commander. As for the attic, it was also used. Our artillery set up 82mm mortars here, and through the blasted roof, shelled the enemy’s dense infantry formation.

This defensive fortress is not isolated. The entry and exit of the commanders is accomplished through a trench with a roof. In order to make it easier for the clinging commanders to move at any time, holes in the walls for people to enter and exit are also excavated in the walls of the building. Another point is that for those windows and entrances that are not used, sandbags are used to prevent Germans from rushing in from these places. ”

Immediately after I introduced this new type of fortification, a student raised his hand and signaled to me that he had a question to ask. I nodded at him and asked politely: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, do you have any questions?”

“Comrade General,” the lieutenant colonel asked me, standing upright in his seat, “I want to ask, why is there not a lot of promotion in Stalingrad for this defensive fortress? Is there any disadvantage?”

“Comrade lieutenant colonel, please sit down!” I raised my hand and pressed down, signalling the lieutenant colonel to sit down, and then introduced to everyone: “Any fortifications have their own advantages and disadvantages, and this new type of defensive fortress also has its own advantages and disadvantages. No exception.

First of all, to build such a fortress, you must choose a building with more than three floors. At that time, after months of fighting, the buildings in the city were basically destroyed by German artillery or air force. In other words, we could hardly find a suitable place to build this new type of defensive fortress. Resist the enemy’s attack.

Secondly, everyone just listened to me. In the fortress, it is necessary to be equipped with anti-tank artillery, machine gunner, sniper, mortar, and many other types of arms. Everyone should know that in the later stages of the campaign, the reduction of our army was very serious. In many defensive areas, let alone artillery and snipers, even the number of ordinary infantry was very limited…”

“Comrade Oshanina,” Budjoni said this time, he asked curiously: “If the city cannot build this new type of defensive fortress, how can we defend it?”

“Comrade Marshal, I feel that in addition to establishing defensive operations in the main areas, combat teams should also be deployed on the roads the enemy must pass.” After I said this, Budjoni’s face was confused. Knowing that he had been away from the battlefield for too long and was a bit out of touch with the times, he introduced the combat team I mentioned in detail: “The combat team I mentioned is generally composed of three to five people, each of which is a sniper. , Machine gunners and anti-tank fighters.

Such a configuration can be flexible and flexible in battle. For distant targets, machine guns can be used to shoot; for enemy tanks or armored vehicles, bazookas can be used to destroy them; as for snipers, they are dedicated to sniping and killing valuable targets. During the Battle of Warsaw, General Askarepov’s combat team caused heavy casualties to the German Waffen SS. ”

My remarks aroused new questions from the students: “Comrade General, I want to ask, what do you mean by targets that are valuable to snipers?”

“Comrade students, there are many valuable targets to be killed, such as enemy officers, machine gunners, mortarers, etc.” I looked at the student who asked the question, and said slowly: “There is also the enemy. Fang’s communications soldier will do everything possible to kill him as soon as he finds it.”

I’m afraid that you don’t understand what I mean, and I specifically explained: “You should know that in most street fighting, it is extremely difficult to obtain intelligence, because the two sides often have me in you and you in me. , The canine teeth are staggered, and the timeliness of intelligence is demanding.

Coupled with the limitations of communication technology, the installation rate of communication equipment is not high, and a small number of telephone lines may be cut off at any time. Therefore, regardless of the enemy or our army, when company platoon-level commanders report combat situations to the battalion-level command post, most of them can only rely on the communicator to transmit intelligence. Once these communications soldiers become the prey of snipers, it will cause the delay or even interruption of battlefield intelligence. ”

After seeing everyone listening, they all seemed to have realized it, and I continued to talk about the most critical part of street fighting: “…the logistics of street fighting is also the key to the battle between the two sides. Street fighting is originally the battle after the enemy broke the city. At this most difficult time, logistical supplies are like a lifeline, maintaining the combat effectiveness and morale of the frontline troops.

Think about it, if in the street battle of Stalingrad, our army did not desperately defend the Volga ferry, preserve the water transportation line with the east bank, and continuously supply vitality and ammunition to the city. Can we win the final victory? ”

Before everyone could answer, the bell rang after class. I simply cleaned up the things on the table and announced loudly: “I will stop here for the time being on the topic of how to defend in urban warfare. In the next lesson, I will introduce to you how to attack in urban warfare. . get out of class is over!”

The star student hurriedly shouted loudly: “Stand up!” Following his command, thirty students stood up in a row.

I clipped the materials under my armpit and walked out of the classroom quickly.

Since I am a temporary teacher, neither Budjoni nor Voroshilov has arranged a special office for me. After class, I can only go to the dean’s office.

I just sat down on the bench in the dean’s room when Zhukov and Voroshilov came together. I looked behind the two of them, but I didn’t find Budjoni, and couldn’t help but curiously asked, “Where is Marshal Budjoni?”

Voroshilov said in an interface, “He has gone to prepare the classroom for you.”

After hearing this, I asked in a puzzled way: “Isn’t the next class not going on in the classroom just now?”

“That’s natural,” Voroshilov said with a shrug. “As you can see, that classroom can only accommodate thirty or forty people at most. If there are two hundred people, you can’t sit down.”

“Two hundred people What two hundred people?” Voroshilov’s words puzzled me: “It’s not just 30 students, how come you have become 200 people?”

“Lida, the city defense war you just talked about is really wonderful.” Voroshilov explained to me: “I discussed with Marshal Budjoni and felt that more students should be allowed to attend the class. Classes will be changed to a lecture theatre, which can accommodate two hundred people.”

Before I raised my objection, Zhukov said, “Yes, Lida, you just spoke very wonderfully in class. I really didn’t expect that you could sum up the characteristics of urban warfare so well. It’s an eye-opener for me. Next class, I’m still waiting for you to summarize how to attack in the city. I hope you don’t let me down.”

Zhukov and Voroshilov are unanimously optimistic about me and make me feel pessimistic about my future destiny. If I were to stay here as a teacher, my marshal dream would be completely shattered.

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