Burning Moscow

Chapter 1637

Chapter 1636 Teaching (2)

The second class was arranged by Budjoni and the others in the school’s amphitheater. In order to prevent me from seeing too many people attending the class and causing stage fright, after the class bell rang, the three marshals accompanied me into the church.

As soon as I walked into the classroom, I heard someone shouting the password: “Stand up!”

With the sound of the command, hundreds of people in the entire classroom stood up and saluted us.

Budjoni first walked to the podium, raised his hands and pressed down, commanding loudly: “Sit down!”

After all the students were seated again, Budjoni gave Zhukov a wink, and then the two went to the first row to find a place. Only Voroshilov was still standing next to me.

To be honest, as soon as I walked into the classroom and saw the black and heavy students in my seat, my scalp exploded. It was two hundred students, and I guess that 300 people couldn’t stop it.

Voroshilov stepped onto the podium and blew into the microphone placed on the podium to test whether the effect was good. After the test, he picked up the microphone and faced the students: “Comrades, most of you here will be assigned to various battlefields in half a month. Before you leave the academy, we I specially invited the excellent commander of our army, Comrade Oshaninina, who has rich combat experience, to give lectures to everyone. When the war broke out, she was an ordinary housewife, and later joined the army, and gained a lot because of her martial arts. She has been promoted again and again, and now she has assumed the position of deputy commander of the front army. Okay, now Lida Musdakova Oshanina is giving a lecture for everyone…” After that, he took the lead and applauded.

When there was thunderous applause in the classroom, Voroshilov walked down from the podium and said to me: “Well, Lida, it’s time for you to play!”

I nodded, took a deep breath, and stepped firmly onto the podium. But when I faced a crowd of black and oppressive students, my mind suddenly went blank, and I couldn’t remember what I should order at all.

The students and the marshals sitting below all looked at me with surprise. Maybe they were wondering why I was standing on the podium dumbly.

Right here, I seemed to hear myself talking from the side: “Comrade commanders, when I knew that I was fortunate to be in this world-famous military academy, when I wanted to lecture to you, I secretly asked myself: Who am I, can be qualified to teach you excellent commanders from all fronts.”

After the opening remarks, my heart suddenly became relaxed, and my thinking became clear again. I continued to say: “Last class, I told 30 students how to implement defense in urban warfare, originally this class It’s time to tell them how to carry out the offensive in urban warfare. But since most of the commanders did not hear what I said in the last class, then I will tell you again here.”

Because I have a lot of content today, I only spent a quarter of an hour repeating the content of the last class to all the students. When I was behind, I went on: “Since we have finished the defense in urban warfare, then we will discuss how to carry out the offensive. In order to give everyone a perceptual understanding, I am going to take the conquering Berlin as an example. I will explain in detail how to carry out offensive operations in urban warfare.”

As soon as my voice fell, the students below were suddenly in an uproar. Some people even shouted at me: “Comrade General, our troops are more than 600 kilometers away from Berlin, but you are telling us about the battle to conquer Berlin. Isn’t this a bit too outrageous?”

This student’s words immediately resonated with the nearby students, and they began to booze one after another. I just watched them silently, without a word to stop, because I know there are several marshals below who can help me in the town.

“Quiet, everyone!” Seeing that there was a tendency to lose control of the scene, Budjoni quickly got up from his seat, turned to face the students who were making noise, and shouted: “Do you still have any organizational discipline?”

As soon as Budjoni got out of the horse, the students who had been in trouble suddenly calmed down. I took the opportunity to say: “Although our army is still more than 600 kilometers away from Berlin, the German troops and supplies have been exhausted, and our army has been able to escape from the guerrillas due to the liberation of Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and other regions. The area occupied by the original enemy has been replenished with a lot of manpower. Facing the strong offensive of our army, the Germans will soon be unable to sustain it.

The voice just rang again, probably because he was afraid of being reprimanded by Budjoni, he asked very cautiously: “Then when do you think our army will attack Berlin?”

I finally saw the person who was talking clearly, who turned out to be a major general, probably the commander of which guard division. I laughed at his question without answering it, but instead asked, “Comrade general, can you tell me when and when the Great Patriotic War broke out?”

The general stood up and replied without hesitation: “June 22, 1941.” After answering this question of mine, he looked to the left and right and laughed dryly, “I think even three years old The child also knows the answer.”

The students around suddenly burst into laughter, but as Budjoni turned his head to look at them, he immediately calmed down.

“Thank you, Comrade General!” After I waited for the general to reply, I continued to follow my own thoughts: “Don’t look at our army currently blocked in Warsaw, but from all the signs, we need at most another year or even less. We will be able to defeat fascist Germany completely within a certain amount of time. Perhaps by the time of the anniversary of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, we have already celebrated the victory of the Great Patriotic War on Red Square. I have such confidence, do you have it?”

Hearing my question, the general hesitated for a while before he hurriedly replied: “Yes, there is such confidence. I also think we can completely defeat the fascist invaders within a year.” After these words, he After hesitating for a moment, he asked heartily, “Can I sit down?”

“Please sit down, Comrade General.” In order to prevent myself from being interrupted during the lecture, I first reminded the teachers and students present: “Comrades, I have a request. Please don’t bother me. If you have any questions, you can wait for me to finish before discussing it with me. Can you please?”

“Okay!” everyone replied in unison.

After I waited for the classroom to calm down again, I began to talk about the main points of the city offensive warfare: “…As the offensive side, we will face four problems:

First, the Germans are more familiar with the terrain than we are. They can take advantage of the city’s ruins, buildings, pipelines, and the extensive subway system to establish a solid defense, and can flexibly defend or attack according to the specific situation;

The second is fighting in the city. Our tanks and armored vehicles cannot be deployed. They are very easy to be approached and destroyed by enemy anti-tank fighters. As long as the first tank of the long armored column is destroyed, the entire convoy will be completely surrounded and destroyed. A sign of a hard fight;

The third is that in street fighting, it is difficult for our infantry to participate in the offensive to get artillery fire and air support;

Fourth, the communication between the various units must be ensured smoothly, otherwise it will be easily divided and surrounded by the enemy. ”

After talking about the four common difficulties in offensive warfare, I deliberately stopped to observe everyone’s performance. What makes me gratified is that almost everyone is immersed in the book, recording what I said at the fastest speed.

I waited until most of the people had finished recording and looked up at me. Then I continued: “To capture Berlin, our army will inevitably join the Germans on every street, every building, every room, every street. The sewers and even every subway station are fiercely contested. Let me first talk about how the infantry can carry out street fighting without any technical equipment support.

According to previous battles, our army used the method of group charges, with dozens, hundreds or even hundreds of commanders crowded in the narrow streets and charged towards the enemy. “In order for everyone to understand better, I turned around and drew a sketch on the blackboard with chalk: “Everyone, please see this sketch that I drew. For example, there can only be eight people walking side by side on the street. When we use a hundred soldiers to attack the enemy, we must line up at least 12 to 15 rows. To stop an attack like ours, the Germans only need a machine gun and a few rifles.

All of us can imagine in most streets like this: our soldiers rushing to the front were swept to the ground by the enemy’s machine guns, and the soldiers following behind could not be dodged by the enemy. The corpse tripped, making the pile of people and corpses higher and higher. Those who were not tripped were shot by machine guns. After being shot, some of them did not even have space to fall to the ground, and they leaned directly on the back of their companions, which was fatal. Under the action of inertia, the bullets will continue to penetrate the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers, and shoot into the bodies of the soldiers behind, piercing the dead and alive soldiers through the heart. ”

Although I have reminded everyone that if I have any questions, I will ask them after I finished speaking, but I didn’t expect that I had just raised my hand to ask questions. If it’s an ordinary student or even a teacher, I won’t answer it, but the person who raised his hand to ask the question is Budjoni, I can only smile bitterly, and then make a gesture to him: “Comrade Marshal, do you have any questions? You can bring it up.”

“Comrade Oshanina,” Budjoni asked me with a serious expression: “I have heard of what you just said, but it is still very common. This may be related to the lack of street fighting experience of our army officers and soldiers. Can you tell me? Me, is there any way to successfully break through the German line of defense while reducing troop casualties?”·k·s·b·

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