Burning Moscow

Chapter 1638

Chapter 1637 Teaching (3)

Seeing Budjoni, the old marshal ask me with such a low posture, I naturally can’t hide my personalities. After asking him to sit down, I turned around and used chalk to add a few strokes to the sketch on the blackboard, and said to everyone:” Comrades, in order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, when the streets are narrow and the buildings on both sides are relatively intact, the crowded tactics must not be used.

The platoon should be used as a unit, with a sparse formation, sticking to the sides of the building, relying on door openings, ruined walls, and everything used as a shelter, approaching the enemy’s defensive position. At the same time, some troops should also be sent into the building, by blasting through the walls, approaching from the building and destroying the enemy’s firepower…”

After I explained in detail how to use simple troops to capture the German fortifications in street fighting, I began to move out my most proud “bayonet on a cannon” tactic: “…I finished introducing simple infantry operations in street fighting. Later, we continue to discuss how to use tanks and artillery in street fighting.

In order to eliminate the rebellious German forces in the city, we can put heavy tanks and self-propelled howitzers in street battles, deploy these big guys at a distance of 200 to 300 meters from the enemy’s target, and carry out direct-point shooting; if long-range artillery support is needed, self-propelled The howitzer can also raise the barrel for curved fire.

Theoretically speaking, no matter how strong the fortification is, the Germans will be reimbursed for one or two shots. However, we should not take it lightly, because the mountain of rubble produced by the collapsed buildings will make it difficult for our technical equipment to move. The enemy’s anti-tank fighters hiding in the ruins will also use Molotov cocktails and iron fists to attack our tanks.

In this case, what should we do? ”

After I asked this question, I intentionally paused to see how the staff reacted. All the people below stopped their pens and looked up at me, waiting for my final answer.

“In urban warfare, whether it is simply the use of infantry or technical equipment, it may cause the offensive to fail. Therefore, we must adopt mixed formation tactics and equip the infantry with heavy tanks and self-propelled artillery, so that the infantry and technical equipment can interact with each other. Cover.” I said loudly into the microphone: “You can imagine that in the face of such a mixed military unit, the German anti-tank fighter just raised the iron fist bazooka, and before he pulled the trigger, he would be caught. Our infantry is killed; and once our infantry is intercepted by German fire, the tank or self-propelled artillery following them can be destroyed with artillery fire in the shortest time…

Okay, I’m done. If you have any questions, you can ask me. ”

As soon as my voice fell, hundreds of arms were raised up in a row. I pointed at the nearest colonel and said, “The colonel sitting in the seventh from the left in the first row, please ask your questions!”

The colonel I ordered hurriedly stood up and asked respectfully: “Comrade General, I would like to ask, if the German army converts several adjacent buildings into a new type of defensive fortress of your kind, we How to deal with him?”

“Comrade Colonel, your question is very interesting. If the enemy has built several adjacent defensive forts, then our tanks or self-propelled artillery may be hit by their anti-tank fire when they approach these targets.” Tunnel: “If I command the offensive force, I will not let tanks or self-propelled artillery attack the hidden gun positions of the enemy, but will let them bombard the upper part of the building, so that the collapsed bricks and rubble will block the anti-tank gun. The firing boundary made the enemy’s anti-tank guns deployed in the basement useless.”

The colonel looked like a commander with rich combat experience. Although I only had to deal with German anti-tank guns, his face was already relieved. He nodded slightly at me: “I understand. Thank you for your advice, Comrade General.”

The second lieutenant colonel who asked the question, before asking the question, he first introduced himself. He was a commander of the tank army, and then asked me: “Comrade General, as far as I know, the Germans are fighting in the streets. In defense, the usual method is to hide firepower in high-rise buildings or ruins, and blast the buildings on the road that our army must pass. The piles of rubble make it difficult for our tanks and infantry to move. When trying to overcome these obstacles, Will expose ourselves to the German machine gun shooting range, what method should we use to deal with it?”

The question raised by the tank lieutenant colonel really stumped me, because no matter what you do to pass such a lot, you will pay huge casualties. After being silent for a long time, I opened the mouth and said: “Comrade lieutenant colonel, in this case, we must use self-propelled artillery to bombard the German-occupied buildings, and our soldiers take advantage of the enemy’s artillery suppression while using squads as units. Pass the obstacle area quickly. But doing so may cause many soldiers to be accidentally injured by our artillery fire.”

“In order to win, the necessary sacrifices are worth it.” Fortunately, Voroshilov stepped up at this time and helped me with a fair statement: “Well, if you have any questions, please continue to ask Comrade Oshaninna. Right.”

“General Oshanina, I would like to ask.” A lieutenant general sitting behind Voroshilov stood up, and he asked sincerely: “Can you tell us that you are competing with the Germans.” What should I do when building?”

“…When entering the building , a soldier leaned against the wall and threw a grenade into the house, and guarded at the door. After the explosion, the rest quickly rushed in to wipe out the remaining enemy forces. When searching through the stairs, our soldiers used the stairs as a cover to drop bombs to the corner. After the explosion, they used the smoke cover to attack upwards. After occupying the building, they quickly deployed troops and repaired the fortifications as the next wave of offense and defense Rely on.

Of course, if our army has a flamethrower, it will be more useful in the battle to seize buildings. Just use a flamethrower to spray flames at the room where the German army is hiding, and it won’t take long for them to escape from the inside full of fire and become live targets for the soldiers to shoot. …”

It only took me one and a half hours to give lectures, but it took no less than two hours to answer various questions. In the end, Zhukov couldn’t stand it anymore, and stood up and said to the back: “Okay, that’s all for today’s class. General Oshanina will stay in the courtyard for a while. If you have any questions, you can find another time. Ask her for advice. Class is over now!.)

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